2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q1 Please select the workshop topic(s) that you are likely to attend: Answered: 24 Skipped: 0 Classroom management Classroom Pedagogy Distance Education... Participatory Governance Accreditation/I nstitutional... Planning (e.g. strategic,... Assessment (student... Health, Safety, and... Computers and Technology... Policies and Procedures... Addressing Diversity in... Student Resources (e... Veterans on Campus 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Classroom management 29.17% 7 Classroom Pedagogy 45.83% 11 Distance Education Pedagogy 41.67% 10 Participatory Governance 8.33% 2 Accreditation/Institutional Effectiveness 12.50% 3 1 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Planning (e.g. strategic, education master plan, facilities, financial, technology, program reivew) 16.67% 4 Assessment (student learning outcomes) 16.67% 4 Health, Safety, and Emergency Preparedness 29.17% 7 Computers and Technology (e.g. Microsoft Office Applications, myCR, Datatel/Webadvisor) 50.00% 12 Policies and Procedures (e.g. student handbook, faculty handbook) 12.50% 3 Addressing Diversity in the Classroom 25.00% 6 Student Resources (e.g. mental health) 20.83% 5 Veterans on Campus 8.33% 2 Total Respondents: 24 2 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q2 Is there a specific topic of interest you would like to see offered for faculty? This might be a specific topic within one of the categories noted above, or it may be a different topic: Answered: 16 Skipped: 8 # Responses Date 1 Acceptable classroom behavior. 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 One plan that faculty do not recognize as a part of planning is the Student Equity Plan. Soon there will be changes to how data is reported and faculty need to know that how well their underrepresented students are doing matters. Faculty don't always think that trainings on diversity are important, but they are also not doing very well in helping our diverse students persist. I believe these two factors are related. The second has more to do with basic EEO training that assures faculty understand the laws. Additional trainings could be provided as to how biased speech can develop into hostile working environments and at worse can lead to discrimination when no interventions are made. Since faculty are on hiring committees they need to know how bias can impact judgments-and how they can be revealed in ways that are indirect. A PowerPoint for hiring committees is good, but it isn't enough. The MDC facilitated a training on supporting underrepresented students and faculty asked for a part II, but I can't confirm this without feedback forms, because I never received those. But if these are confirmed then the MDC could offer this, but we would need some lead time. 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 3 Training for online faculty who want to make video lectures. How to make videos and add to Canvas online classes. 4/21/2015 11:24 AM 4 no 4/20/2015 8:13 PM 5 Distance Ed related training such as Quality Matters training or certification, how to create effective video lectures, how to use Canvas for assessment, and applying Universal Design across modalities. I would like to see training provided to new faculty in a number of areas, for example becoming a peer or administrative designee evaluator. 4/20/2015 1:37 PM 6 Yes, lateral and peer bullying + resources available to students with emotional or mental health issues 4/20/2015 1:13 PM 7 A "how to" workshop on creating video lectures. Another workshop on using TelePresence. 4/20/2015 12:43 PM 8 Canvas 4/20/2015 12:42 PM 9 Acceleration, mindsets, hope 4/15/2015 12:15 PM 10 Open house or tour of different instructors in their classrooms to see and learn what they do and where they do it. 4/15/2015 6:56 AM 11 More Canvas training for all faculty (even the face to face classes should use the grade book and assign through Canvas). 4/14/2015 11:07 PM 12 correct "chain of command" and correct routing procedures for problems/requests, in light of changing organizational structure resulting from the several recent rounds of reorganization in the district 4/14/2015 4:54 PM 13 excel active learning strategies developing rubrics 4/14/2015 3:39 PM 14 Please something on how to confront workplace bullying. Workshops on how to not be a bully won't likely dissuade bullies from bullying, but we all need to learn how to confront those who bully others. 4/14/2015 3:07 PM 15 Concept Curriculum 4/14/2015 2:25 PM 16 How to meet DSPS guidelines for DE and traditional classes with virtually no resources being provided by CR. 4/14/2015 12:04 PM 3 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q3 Is there an outstanding speaker/presenter that you would like to see invited to College of the Redwoods to speak/present to the faculty? If yes, please provide their name and area of expertise: Answered: 3 Skipped: 21 # Responses Date 1 Can't think of any. 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 I would like an EEO expert to come to the college and educate all managers, all administrators, all staff and all faculty, to assure that not only are we engaging in legal practices but that we are increasing the diversity of faculty by creating more opportunities. Check out, http://www.eeoc.gov/eeoc/outreach/index.cfm for EEO outreach opportunities. Attending these trainings should be highly reinforced. What we don't need are trainings on "microaggressions". 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 3 I don't know that these speakers are charismatic, but I think they have important things to say; Dr. Ken Bain author of "What the best college teachers do" and Grant Wiggins or Jay McTighe co-authors of "Understanding by design." I also heard a presentation by L. Dee Fink, the author of "Creating Significant learning Experiences" that I thought was worth hearing. 4/20/2015 1:37 PM 4 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q4 Would you be willing to present a FLEX workshop? If yes, include the topics you would be interested in presenting in the topics box, and be sure you include your name and email. If there is not enough room for your topic choices, please include in the General comments at the end. Answered: 7 Skipped: 17 Answer Choices Responses Topics 100.00% 7 Name and email address 85.71% 6 # Topics Date 1 Supporting Underrepresented students Part II and the SEP 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 2 A Cognitive Approach to Learning Order of Operation:: Lessons from Language Processing 4/21/2015 8:03 AM 3 no 4/20/2015 8:13 PM 4 Using groups and teams in the classroom 4/20/2015 1:37 PM 5 Teaching Online 4/20/2015 12:43 PM 6 Mindsets 4/15/2015 12:15 PM 7 Recording video lectures, The Flipped class, Open Educational Resources 4/14/2015 1:26 PM # Name and email address Date 1 Deanna-Herrerathomas@redwoods.edu 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 2 Richard Ries Richard-Ries@redwoods.edu 4/21/2015 8:03 AM 3 Lisa Sayles, lisa-sayles@redwoods.edu 4/20/2015 1:37 PM 4 Mark Winter at mark-winter@redwoods.edu 4/20/2015 12:43 PM 5 David Holper david-holper@redwoods.edu 4/15/2015 12:15 PM 6 Wendy Riggs wendy-riggs@redwoods.edu 4/14/2015 1:26 PM 5 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q5 More ONLINE professional development training opportunities may be offered in the future. What training topics would you like to see offered online? Answered: 5 Skipped: 19 # Responses Date 1 More Canvas ideas 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 The selection provided this year was great. Any of these or all of them would be wonderful. 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 3 Same as above. Training for online faculty who want to make video lectures. How to make videos and add to Canvas online classes. 4/21/2015 11:24 AM 4 Taking full advantage of Canvas features for both F2F and online teaching. 4/20/2015 1:52 PM 5 accessibility requirements learning more about social media 4/14/2015 3:39 PM 6 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q6 If faculty-led round-tables were offered, what topics/techniques would you like to see addressed? Answered: 8 Skipped: 16 # Responses Date 1 Acceptable classroom behavior. 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 Changing landscape in eduction - rigor and student success. 4/21/2015 11:24 AM 3 Student engagement 4/20/2015 12:43 PM 4 Pedagogy/teaching techniques 4/15/2015 6:56 AM 5 Basic skills training, study skills, note taking for students, 4/14/2015 11:07 PM 6 all the policy/governance stuff just putting folks from a variety of disciplines to discuss how each of us does things might be fun and helpful organizational strategies for using Canvas 4/14/2015 3:39 PM 7 Learning activities to use in the classroom 4/14/2015 2:25 PM 8 Writing across the curriculum...using Canvas for discussions...using Canvas for assessment of LO's 4/14/2015 1:26 PM 7 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q7 Are you a full-time or part-time faculty member? Answered: 24 Skipped: 0 Full-time Part-time 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Full-time 95.83% 23 Part-time 4.17% 1 Total 24 8 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q8 What campus or site are you mainly associated with (please mark only one)? Answered: 24 Skipped: 0 Del Norte Eureka Main Campus Mendocino Klamath-Trinity Virtual Campus 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% Answer Choices 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Responses Del Norte 4.17% 1 Eureka Main Campus 95.83% 23 Mendocino 0.00% 0 Klamath-Trinity 0.00% 0 Virtual Campus 0.00% 0 Total 24 9 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q9 Please select the top three day/time slots that work for you: Answered: 24 Skipped: 0 10 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 0% 10% Morning 20% Afternoon 30% 40% Evening 11 / 14 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Morning Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Afternoon Evening Total Respondents 38.46% 5 69.23% 9 30.77% 4 13 27.27% 3 63.64% 7 27.27% 3 11 25.00% 4 68.75% 11 25.00% 4 16 43.75% 7 62.50% 10 18.75% 3 16 75.00% 12 37.50% 6 12.50% 2 16 50.00% 2 25.00% 1 25.00% 1 4 12 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q10 General comments: Answered: 3 Skipped: 21 # Responses Date 1 Thanks. 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 Providing too many trainings at once is not helpful. Providing trainers with feedback is important too. I never received feedback forms I had requested after conducting trainings. I asked several times. Not sure how to access these, but these are important to have since they increase quality improvement. An idea: Tracey Thomas and I (and possibly someone else) will be attending an SEP training and can provide information based on what we learn there. 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 3 was the previous question asking about Monday through Saturday on any particular dates? 4/14/2015 4:54 PM 13 / 14 2015 Full-time Faculty Flex Survey Q11 May we contact you to follow-up on your suggestion(s)? If so, please provide name and contact information: Answered: 6 Skipped: 18 # Responses Date 1 Vinnie Peloso 4/24/2015 11:50 AM 2 Of course! Deanna Herrera-Thomas 4/23/2015 9:48 AM 3 Lisa Sayles lisa-sayles@redwoods.edu 4313 4/20/2015 1:37 PM 4 Paul Kinsey 4/15/2015 6:56 AM 5 Connie Wolfsen 4/14/2015 3:39 PM 6 Fo sho. wendy-riggs@redwoods.edu 4/14/2015 1:26 PM 14 / 14