Overview Enrollment Management Making A Difference Enrollment management is a concept and process that enables the fulfillment of institutional mission and students’ educational goals Making A Difference Enrollment Management Conceptual Framework Sustainable Optimal Enrollment Outcomes Tactics Strategies Infrastructure Enrollment Goals Analysis Enrollment Data Indicators Institutional Strategic Plan Making A Difference EMC Membership • • • • • • • • • Making A Difference • • VPISD: Co-Chair: Keith Snow-Flamer Faculty: Co-Chair: Bruce Wagner 1 Student: Neisha Strnad 1 Classified staff selected by the CSEA President: Barry Tucker Associate Deans: Erin Wall, Tracey Thomas, Joe Hash IR Director: Angelina Hill 3 Student Development Staff: Kathy Goodlive, Sheila Hall and Lynn Thiesen Director of Marketing: Paul DeMark 5 Faculty-appointed by the Academic Senate: David Gonsalves (Mendocino representative) , Pam Kessler, Barbara Jaffari, Harry Pyke, and Danny Walker KT Representative: Jolene Gates Del Norte Representative: Anita Janis Goals of Enrollment Management include: • To stabilize optimal enrollments keeping in mind the fiscal and physical capacity of the institution • To evaluate enrollment management strategies (track what works and change what doesn’t work) Creating a data-rich environment to inform decisions and evaluate strategies • To strengthen communications and marketing with internal and external stakeholders Making A Difference Goals of Enrollment Management include: • To increase collaboration among departments across campus to support the enrollment program. • To develop a capacity to anticipate immediate and long term student interests and methods for improving the ability of the college to provide for these interests, in a way consistent with our mission. Making A Difference Five Year Enrollment Update Slope = -47 – Trend predicts a loss of 47 FTES each year. Making A Difference Five Year Enrollment Update Location Eureka 2008 2009 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 3879.3 4187.4 3739.8 3379.6 3116.2 -233.4 Del Norte 569.8 561.2 484.2 490.6 412.4 -38.5 KT 103.5 117.6 117.2 117.7 94.8 -1.7 Mendocino 350.7 365.6 340.0 299.0 251.9 -26.4 3.1 8.0 7.2 3.8 394.7 382.9 350.1 384.2 368.5 -5.1 5298.0 5617.8 5039.3 4678.2 4247.5 -304.1 SH VC Grand Total Making A Difference 2009 2010 Trend (average change) FTES by Fall Term by Student Location Location Non-Resident Resident Total Fall 2013 Eureka Del Norte Mendocino 101 Corridor Klamath-Trinity Online Southern Humboldt 64 3 6 1 0 0 1 1,453 228 105 86 55 30 5 1,517 231 111 87 55 30 6 Eureka Del Norte Mendocino 101 Corridor Klamath-Trinity Online Southern Humboldt 49 1 3 4 0 0 1 1,518 237 158 113 57 26 9 1,567 238 161 117 57 26 10 Fall 2012 Making A Difference FTES for Spring 2014 by location Making A Difference 2014-15 FTES goal • Resident FTES • Non resident • Noncredit Making A Difference Best Case 4,519 226 32 Realistic Case 4,200 226 32 Challenges Establishing and meeting our optimal enrollment goals is both a challenge and an incredible balancing act – Weigh short-term vs. long term goals – Let the data drive the decision Making A Difference Challenges Changing the infrastructure to meet demand Allocating resources to where they’re needed Reviewing how students are placed into courses Adjusting to new “directive approach”—less choice Making A Difference Developing a new way of seeing degrees and certificates—ADTs vs. Associate degrees Challenges Sink or “swim” is gone: • The public expects us to help students succeed for the price they are paying for tuition and fees. • Accountability in higher education is shifting from access to retention and goal attainment. Student Success Initiative Making A Difference Enrollment will turn around: We are doing what we should be doing • We have counselling and academic advising • We have orientations and a College 101 program • We have some learning communities • We have academic support centers Making A Difference We are doing what we should be doing • We have instructional support targeted at courses in which many students evidenced poor levels of academic performance—basic skills • We have student-faculty interactions • We have a math summer bridge program Making A Difference We have an effective and efficient scheduling process to optimize enrollment and meet student needs: Making A Difference • We continue to prioritize transfer, vocational and basic skills course scheduling that aligns with student needs. • We use the course cancellation framework to strategically cancel low enrolled classes (cost vs projected revenue) without sacrificing student access. • We reallocate TLUs from low efficient courses/areas to areas that can generate FTES/FTEF. • We set a goal of less than 10 percent cancellation rate for credit courses programming • The deans/directors and course scheduler review trend data by section basis during the planning process. Examining the historical trends ensure that the same sections are not scheduled and cancelled for multiple semesters in a row. Enrollment will turn around: What else could we be doing? Reinforce academic quality • The role of academic program quality and availability is vital in student choice. Making A Difference • The issues that drive them to attend college almost all revolve around the pursuit of an academic major or specific goal. Enrollment will turn around: What else could we be doing? • Increase dual enrollment • Focus on developing online courses • Increase noncredit & contract education • Improve relationships with high schools Making A Difference Enrollment will turn around: What else could we be doing? • Focus on reverse transfers: Allow students to earn an associate’s degree along the way if they transfer to the four-year partner before earning it at the community college. • Offer classes in 101 corridor • Focus on retention--SEPs will allow for better scheduling—react to student needs • Clearer and simpler matriculation and educational pathways Making A Difference • Reallocate faculty to FTES generating areas Enrollment will turn around: What else could we be doing? • Mandatory counseling/ advising and orientation • Review and simplify the matriculation process • Provide clearer degree and certificate pathways Making A Difference • Bring the initiatives we’re doing on a small scale up to scale a that affects a wider number of students Enrollment will turn around: What else could we be doing? Accreditation Build confidence! Making A Difference Conclusion: • Committed to creating the best possible educational experience at the CR • Establishing strong connections with principals, superintendents and high school counselors • Increasing our enrollment management efforts for the long term economic benefit of the college • Increasing retention and graduation rates • Creating an infrastructure to support our goals Making A Difference • Review our intake process Math Placement Making A Difference Math Placement • 86 lands them in MATH-120 • 76 to 86 lands in an advising zone between Math 120 and 380 • 46 to 75 lands them in MATH 380 This would put us in the top quartile of 2 and 4-year institutions. Making A Difference Math Placement CR/Butte Making A Difference • The cutoff score to get into Pre-Algebra at Butte is slightly lower than the top of the range of scores at CR for Arithmetic. • A student with a score at the very bottom of the "PreAlgebra" placement at Butte would be placed in Arithmetic at CR, but students not quite at the bottom, but still in the lower range of PreAlgebra at Butte would be placed into the "Advising Zone" between Arithmetic and PreAlgebra at CR. • The cutoff for Elementary Algebra at Butte is at about the upper third of CR's PreAlgebra placement range. • For Intermediate Algebra, CR's cutoff is lower than Butte's. It isn't clear exactly how the Butte cutoff compares to CR's Math Placement It is important to note that we use "multiple measures" at CR and have been working on improving the intake process. Math placement at CR involves more than just Accuplacer scores. So any analysis of how well our placement is working would need to include more than just Accuplacer score information. Making A Difference Making A Difference