Office of Instruction and Student Development Update-Week 11-November 6, 2015 w

Office of Instruction and Student Development Update-Week 11-November 6, 2015
Syllabus Template
The new syllabus template is now available for spring semester. Among the changes was the
“old” paragraph entitled Academic Misconduct – with its attention-grabbing introductory
sentence “Cheating, plagiarism, collusion, abuse of resource materials, computer misuse,
fabrication or falsification, multiple submissions, complicity in academic misconduct, and/or
bearing false witness will not be tolerated” now modified to a “new,” more affirming title
Academic Honesty – with its introductory sentence “In the academic community, the high value
placed on truth implies a corresponding intolerance of scholastic dishonesty.” Additionally,
statements for Academic Support, Disruptive Classroom Behavior, and Emergency Procedures
have been added. This new information should prove helpful to both students and instructors.
Thanks goes to the Academic Senate Co-Presidents and members of the following committees
for their helpful suggestions – Academic Senate Co-Presidents, Instructional Council, Student
Development Leadership Group, and the Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee.
Pelican Bay State Prison (PBSP)
Mark the time and date – at 6:34 pm on Thursday Nov 4, the first day of noncredit classes at
PBSP were declared a success. After a long and nonlinear journey this important milestone was
passed. Building on this initial success with additional noncredit courses followed by credit
courses is the next objective. Thanks go to Julia Peterson, Joe Hash, and members of the PB
Task Force.
Cindy’s Artwork
Cindy Hooper, a longtime member of the Art Department Faculty, will be in New York on
November 16 at a program sponsored by NYU Infrastructure Aesthetics Presents: The films of
Cynthia Hooper. Cindy’s films include locations in Baja California and Humboldt Bay.
Instructional Council and Accreditation Evidence
This week, Angelina Hill (Director of Institutional Effectiveness) presented to the Instructional
Council (instructional deans, associate deans, and instructional directors) information on
accreditation Standard II: Student Learning Programs and Support Services reminding the
instructional administrators of the standard’s criteria and the sources of evidence examples.
Angelina will give a similar presentation to the Student Leadership Development Group next
Student Equity Plan (SEP)
The 2014-17 Student Equity Plan was discussed today at the Academic Senate. Integrating
evidence-based target populations with activities/actions, timelines, and funds, the SEP is a
major step toward ultimately addressing gaps in student access and success among
underrepresented groups. The addition of a fulltime Student Equity Coordinator is central to
managing the SEP and its $572,000 budget. Angelina Hill, in consultation with student
development leadership, Dean Dave Bazard, and Deanna Herrera-Thomas of the Multicultural
and Diversity Committee, deserves the credit for creating this exceptional plan.
Looking Ahead
With only four days, next week is scheduled with staffing prioritization discussions (based on
requests from program reviews) and standing meetings of the Institutional Effectiveness
Committee, Education Master Planning Steering Committee, Multiple Measures Committee, and
Academic Standards and Policies Committee. The next Update will include information from
these meetings.
Spotlight on Associate Faculty
Alexa Alexandre teaches AG-44, Agriculture Leadership. Originally from Lakeside, Alexa
graduated from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, receiving an undergraduate degree in Agriculture
Sciences and Agriculture Teaching Credential. Recently completing a Masters Degree in
Agriculture Education, Alexa got married a few months ago and relocated to Humboldt County.
Professional/work experience includes teaching at Kingsburg High School and Ferndale High
School in their Agriculture Department.
Spotlight on Staff
Morgan Thompson’s journey with CR began in May of 2014 with the Upward Bound program.
As the AOA for that program, she had to opportunity to coordinate and plan many events for the
Upward Bound participants including an information flyer, a college tour to the Bay area, and
creating a Clue-like interactive game for the UB summer program. While her tenure in this
position was short-lived, it was none the less meaningful and educational. I has since worked in
the financial aid and enrollment services department. With the support and encouragement of her
managers, she has created a Financial Aid newsletter and help lab. She also worked closely with
HCOE and HSU to develop a short and meaningful Financial Aid presentation for parents and
students, to be given every year during the Financial Aid Night outreach efforts. Morgan’s main
priority is to support and nourish the student life on campus, as well as CR’s connections with
the community, by increasing CR’s presence through outreach. Starting in July, she became one
of the main members of the Student Services Outreach team.
Enjoy Your Three-Day Weekend!