PLANNING DATA The Strategic Plan and Educational Master Plan for College of the Redwoods (CR or the District) serve as the foundation for the development of this Facilities Master Plan. Overall, the planning data provides evidence that CR controls excess facility capacity. Utilities, maintenance, repair, custodial and other costs required to service this excess space increases operating expenditures and effectively siphons away funds that might otherwise be used for activities aimed at improving student learning outcomes. As a result, the planning data points to a critical need for the District to reduce leased/rented space costs and to maintain excess capacity in large contiguous vacant spaces to facilitiate leasing out this space to partners to offset these unaviodable operating costs. Full-Time Equivalent Students (FTES) and Headcounts Forecasts The FTES and headcounts charts below shows the District's recent student enrollment history. The forecast is primarily based on the assumption that no additional state enrollment growth funding will be available, or only limited funds will be available on a sustained basis. The District's conservative forecast is to maintain a sustainable level of student enrollments and to consider accepting state enrollment growth funding only in small annual increments. The CO's 2013-14 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan five-year enrollment growth forecast projects a 16% through 201718, which is higher than the District's more conservative forecast. Enrollment History and Forecast: This chart shows the Total FTES from the District's Apportionment Attendance Reports. YEAR FTES Change Percent Change 2007-08 4,755 2008-09 5,273 517 10.9% 2009-10 5,542 269 5.1% 2010-11 5,221 (321) -5.8% 2011-12 4,744 (477) -9.1% 2012-13 4,465 (279) -5.9% (Assumes November 2012 tax initiatives fail) 2016-17 4,600 135 3.0% Student Headcounts by Location YEAR 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2016-17 8/22/2012 3:26 PM Eureka & 101 Cooridor 7,646 8,289 9,022 8,321 6,993 6,581 6,800 Del Norte & Klamath 1,177 1,401 1,521 1,364 1,199 1,128 1,200 Mendocino & Southern Humboldt 918 1,085 977 875 788 742 800 Online Total 1,425 2,186 2,164 1,936 2,296 2,161 2,200 11,166 12,961 13,684 12,496 11,276 10,612 11,000 1 Change 1,795 723 -1,188 -1,220 -664 388 Percent Change 16.1% 5.6% -8.7% -9.8% -5.9% 3.7% Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data Space inventory The Controlled Space Inventory chart reports our inventory of facilities space by category. Most of the categories appear to be self-explanatory, except that AV/TV is basically distance learning, and Other space is comprised of both instructional (physical education, performing arts, and child development) and non- instructional support space that is essential to fulfilling the educational mission at each campus. The report includes only that space which is 100% controlled by the District, such as owned and leased facilities. As a result, certain facilities where students may engage in learning activities, such as a local hospital, are not included in these figures. The District's 381,000 assignable square footage represents about 0.77% of the entire California Community College system's 49,448,000 total square footage. Systemwide, there is a forecasted shortage of 18,945,000 square feet of assignable space, so the District's excess capacity is not reflective of the system's shortage. Space Inventory (Assignable Square Footage): Location Lecture Lab Eureka 36,908 83,397 Del Norte 4,939 6,341 Mendocino 3,067 15,434 Total 44,914 105,172 Office 36,639 3,400 2,672 42,711 Library 28,692 3,185 2,785 34,662 AV/TV 2,506 0 307 2,813 Other 144,284 4,347 1,761 150,392 Total 332,426 22,212 26,026 380,664 Facility Load Ratios Title 5 of the California Administrative Code prescribes a set of benchmark standards for the utilization and planning of most educational facilities in public community colleges using Weekly Student Contact Hour (WSCH) projections. The CO's 2013-14 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan notes, As defined in title 5, California Code of Regulations, WSCH means “the product of the number of students and the scheduled class periods in which they are enrolled, in graded and ungraded community college classes convened prior to 10 o’clock pm during a census week. A class period is not less than 50 minutes and not more than 60 minutes.” (tit. 5, CCR, §57001(e).) WSCH increase and decrease in roughly the same proportions as FTES. The facility capacity-toload ratios (the percentages) are noted in the chart below. The ratios are compared across the State to determine eligibility for state funded building space. Basically, a lower capacity-to-load ratio equates to a greater need for additional space, according to this calculation. A 100% ratio would be considered in-balance, while a lower percentage indicates a need for additional space and a higher percentage indicates excess space. The chart below indicates that the District has more facilities than are needed for its level of student enrollments. Facility Load Ratios Item Projected Student Load Projected Facility Capacity Capacity-to-Load Ratio Lecture 55,283 105,814 191% Lab 17,285 39,780 Office 118 279 Library 32,642 35,350 AV/TV 17,161 2,599 230% 236% 108% 15% Total 122,489 183,822 150% (Higher percentage equates to excess capacity) Chancellor's Office Capital Outlay Projects The CO's 2013-14 Five-Year Capital Outlay Plan identifies projects across the state. The CO prioritizes projects into three major categories as shown in the chart below. Due to the level of nonstate funding required, the District will not be able to move forward with most of the projects on the CO's list. 8/22/2012 3:26 PM 2 Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data Chancellor's Office Capital Outlay Project Priorities - Includes state funded & non-state funded dollars A Critical Infrastructure Deficiencies 2013-14 All other years CO Total A-1 To provide safe facilities and activate existing space: life/safety projects CR - All other Districts - 147,322,000 - 147,322,000 - A-1 Subtotal - 147,322,000 147,322,000 A-3 To provide safe facilities and activate existing space: seismic deficiency projects CR Art building (renovate/replace. requires $1.3 million non-state funding) 7,185,000 7,185,000 CR Utility infrastructure replacement/seismic strengthening (all state funding) 3,498,000 - 35,434,000 38,932,000 All other Districts 2,111,000 117,229,000 119,340,000 A-3 Subtotal 5,609,000 159,848,000 165,457,000 A-4 To provide safe facilities and activate existing space: immediate infrastrucure failure projects CR - - - All other Districts 9,802,000 90,759,000 100,561,000 A-4 Subtotal 9,802,000 90,759,000 100,561,000 15,411,000 397,929,000 413,340,000 A TOTAL B/D/E Enrollment/Caseload/Population B To provide adequate and usable instructional space: projects to increase instructional capacity CR Health Services/Student Services - Del Norte (requires $2.9 million non-state funding) - 8,244,000 8,244,000 CR Construction Fine Woodworking building - Mendocino (requires $361 thousand non-state funding) - 5,492,000 5,492,000 All other Districts 890,352,000 10,698,143,000 11,588,495,000 B Subtotal 890,352,000 10,711,879,000 11,602,231,000 D-1 To promote a complete campus concept: projects to provide PE, arts, child care CR 8/22/2012 3:26 PM - - - All other Districts 58,754,000 1,249,620,000 1,308,374,000 D-1 Subtotal 58,754,000 1,249,620,000 1,308,374,000 3 Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data Chancellor's Office Capital Outlay Project Priorities - Includes state funded & non-state funded dollars D-2 To promote a complete campus concept: projects to provide cafeterias, shops/warehouses CR 2013-14 All other years - - CO Total - All other Districts 79,400,000 255,017,000 334,417,000 D-2 Subtotal 79,400,000 255,017,000 334,417,000 E To provide instructional support services facilities: projects to increase instructional support services capacity CR - - - All other Districts 131,052,000 434,236,000 565,288,000 E Subtotal 131,052,000 434,236,000 565,288,000 1,159,558,000 12,650,752,000 13,810,310,000 B/D/E TOTAL C/F Facility/Infrastructure Modernizattion C To provide adequate and usable instructional space: projects to modernize instructional space CR Renovation/modernization Health Occupations/Applied Technology building (requires all non-state funding) CR modernization & additions to the Del Norte Center (requires all non-state funding) CR modernization & additions to the Mendocino Coast Center (requires all non-state funding) 6,538,000 435,000 2,979,000 4,834,000 - 6,538,000 5,269,000 2,979,000 All other Districts 528,090,000 9,977,652,000 10,505,742,000 C Subtotal 538,042,000 9,982,486,000 10,520,528,000 F To provide instructional support services facilities: projects to modernize instructional support services capacity CR - - All other Districts 71,665,000 246,106,000 317,771,000 FSubtotal 71,665,000 246,106,000 317,771,000 609,707,000 10,228,592,000 10,838,299,000 1,784,676,000 23,277,273,000 25,061,949,000 C/F TOTAL GRAND TOTAL CALIFORNIA COMMUNITY COLLEGE CAPITAL OUTLAY 8/22/2012 3:26 PM - 4 Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data CR Facilities Planning Committee Proposed Five Year Capital Outlay Plan Rankings Due to the level of non-state funding required, the District will not be able to move forward with most of the projects on the list. Facilities Planning Committee (FPC) provided rankings as listed below. The two projects prioritized by the CO as Critical Infrastructure Deficiencies were both placed as FPC ranking 1 due to health and safety concerns. Should state funding be delayed for the Critical Infrastructure projects, then the backup plan would be to delay the projects. If immediate health and safety concerns arose during the interim, then a smaller project of scope necesary to mitiagte the immediate health adn safety concern would be implemented. CO Priority Project A-3 CR Art building (renovate/replace) A-3 CR Utility infrastructure replacement/seismic strengthening B CR Health Services/Student Services - Del Norte B CR Construction Fine Woodworking building - Mendocino C CR Renovation/modernization Health Occupations/Applied Technology building C CR modernization & additions to the Del Norte Center C CR modernization & additions to the Mendocino Coast Center Subtotal projects already on the CO's priority list FPC Rank 1 1 Non-state 1,300,000 2,900,000 361,000 6,538,000 5,269,000 2,979,000 19,347,000 State 5,885,000 38,932,000 5,344,000 5,131,000 55,292,000 Total 7,185,000 38,932,000 8,244,000 5,492,000 6,538,000 5,269,000 2,979,000 74,639,000 CO Priority Project Additional Projects for CR Five Year Capital Outlay Plan: CR Sewer main to replace on-site waste treatment plant $1,200,000 will need to be identified with help from partners. $500,000 might possibly come from utility infrastructure project above. Modernize auxiliaries (Housing, Bookstore, Dining, Parking) funded by the respective auxiliary Districtwide deferred maintenance plan Tim to provide project cost estimate? Projects listed on CR's most recent 5-year construction plan, but not on the CO's list: Student Union conversion to Culinary Arts - Remove Computer Center - Del Norte Tim to provide project cost estimate? FPC Rank Non-state State Total 1,200,000 1,000,000 Measure Q projects previously ranked for funding, but not yet funded: Stadium scoreboard, roof, stands, walkways, field Roof replacement (see "modernize auxiliaries" above) HVAC, boiler equipment Energy conservation Carpet replacement Maint & Dining equipment, mini-bookstore, portable bldgs 8/22/2012 3:26 PM 500,000 1,000,000 ??? ??? - ??? ??? - 800,000 3,300,000 360,000 140,000 80,000 5 1,700,000 800,000 3,300,000 360,000 140,000 80,000 Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data Subtotal Changes 6,880,000 Project management on changes @ 3% Contingency on changes @ 10% Total Changes less $500,000 already included in utility infrastructure above 6,880,000 8/22/2012 3:26 PM 6 500,000 - 7,380,000 221,400 738,000 7,839,400 Facilities Master Plan Evaluation2.xlsx Planning Data