College of the Redwoods Expanded Cabinet May 9, 2016

College of the Redwoods
Expanded Cabinet
May 9, 2016
3:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Board Room
1. Darrick Smith Keynote Follow Up – Snow-Flamer
Crystal Morse summarized the Darrick Smith presentation as a discussion on
retention, persistence, equity and diversity.
Interim President/Superintendent Snow-Flamer commented that this was a good
beginning conversation about diversity and asked how the conversation could move
Discussion ensued regarding the desire to participate in more professional
development opportunities related to Diversity and Equity. One member of
Expanded Cabinet expressed the need for Diversity conversations and trainings
specific to the different employee groups.
Crystal Morse commented that the Professional Development Committee found a
follow up keynote speaker to continue this discussion in the Fall.
2. “Gender Identity” Protections (Bathroom Bills) – Snow-Flamer
Interim President/Superintendent Snow-Flamer stated that some states have
prohibited their state employees from traveling to states that have “bathroom bills”
on State Business. Snow-Flamer stated that California has not made this regulation
but he asked Expanded Cabinet if they would be in favor of making that decision as a
Discussion ensued and Cabinet decided that it would be more meaningful to make
changes on our campus. One change that would make a difference would be
improving the signage for the gender neutral bathrooms on campus. Another
change that will be taking effect soon is making the “preferred name” a permanent
record for students.
3. Employee Political Activity – Mark Winter
Interim Vice President of Student Services and Instruction Dr. Mark Winter
commented that the District has one Board Policy that states that all employees
have the right of free speech at all times and another that states that there shall be
no political activity during working hours.
Discussion ensued regarding how to have meaningful healthy dialogue regarding
politics. One Cabinet member commented that for many of the students on our
campus it is their first political election and it is our responsibility to show them how
to have thoughtfully driven political conversations and not emotionally driven. It was
decided that political discussions are appropriate as long as they are not disruptive
and/or disrespectful.
4. Smoking on Campus – Snow-Flamer
Interim President/Superintendent Snow-Flamer reviewed that at the last Bard
Meeting the Board of Trustees expressed an interest in the campus moving towards
being 100% smoke free. The laws in CA regarding smoking are changing and they
are in favor of compliance with the upcoming laws before they come into effect.
Several members of Cabinet were concerned with how the new policy would be
enforced. Discussion ensued regarding the challenges of enforcement.
Interim President/Superintendent Snow-Flamer stated that the new BP regarding
smoking on campus would go to the May College Council meeting.
5. Section 125 Administration Services – Lee Lindsey
6. Consideration, and Potential Redefinition, of Permissible End-User Computer
Updates and Configuration Changes – Mark Renner
Mark Renner commented that the fact that programs such as Java and Adobe need
IT approval for routine updates is creating an issue for staff and faculty. Renner
requested that district computers allow automatic updates from programs such as
Dr. Angelina Hill commented that it may not be easy for the IT staff to set computers
to where some updates are allowed and others are not.
Dr. Snow-Flamer stated that he would bring this topic to Executive Cabinet.
7. Residence Hall Parking – Lee Lindsey
8. Summer Meetings – Day and Time
9. Next Meeting – June 13th at 10:00 am.