College of the Redwoods Expanded Cabinet February 8, 2016 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

College of the Redwoods
Expanded Cabinet
February 8, 2016
9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
Board Room
Annotated Agenda
1. Accreditation Oversight Committee Version 2 – Winter, Renner, and Wolfsen
A meeting was held to discuss the construction of an Accreditation Oversight
Committee. The attendees at the preliminary meeting stated that they want to
talk to those who have done this before to find out what worked and what
didn’t work.
There was a brainstorming session where attendees listened to feedback from
employees who were involved with accreditation in the past. The next step is to
have a meeting with academic senate and the administration to work out a
process moving forward and to discuss what the accreditation oversight
committee would look like and how it would function.
A member of Expanded Cabinet stated that starting early and getting everyone
involved is key. It’s good to have information go in and out of the committee.
Starting the writing early is also a good plan. Communication – there is reporting
out from the committee.
One suggestion was to have an oversight group to review all the input – would
improve consistency.
It was stated that discussions are happening to lay the groundwork for planning
for the accreditation self-study.
Interim President/Superintendent Snow-Flamer stated that the take away is
that we as an institution write a self-study that is honest. The folks at the
commission will watch us closely. The College is not just building the AOC for
the self-study – it is going to be a committee that is sustained moving forward.
2. Dean of Students Re-Org – Winter
Dr. Mark Winter, Vice President of Student Development and Instruction shared
a draft re-org. Dr. Winter gave the proposed changes as well as the rationale
behind the change.
Some of the reasons for the re-org proposal are:
AP 5500 Student Code of Conduct is being revamped (again). Our code of
conduct needs to be changing as the state regulations change.
BIT – led by Trish Blair – is busy. The issues that this group is dealing with are
more significant than they have been in the past. The conflicts range from
stalking and violence to harassment. Public safety is working diligently on the
aforementioned conflicts as well. One goal is to provide trainings for staff and
Many colleges address these issues in a more holistic manner by having a dean
of students who ties in student services, bit, and public safety efforts. Currently
we have a four dean model with one dean (joe hash) being a dean of many
things – athletics, pe, administration of justice, addiction studies, early childhood
education, health occupations, etc. This has been working but it can be
improved. After brief conversations with the deans administration and student
leadership and academic student co presidents the proposed re org is to shift
Joe’s role from instruction to Student development. BIT and the residence halls
would then report to him. He would continue with role as director of athletics.
Two CTE areas would be shed – addiction studies and ECE – these would be
transferred to CTE. In addition – Administration of justice would be pulled out as
well as health oc – and having them report directly to the VP.
Challenges include – how is academic senate going to organize its
representation. How will the new direct reports operate. One of the take aways
is that the institution regularly goes through re organizations – unless there are
clear advantages we shouldn’t re-org. Mark asked for input – what do you see as
the advantages and disadvantages.
Would the dean of students’ position still handle athletics? There would be some
instruction involved still. KINIS PE and HEALTH would still be scheduled under Joe
as director of Athletics.
Keith – during FLEX activity Rich Wilson identified holes in what we are doing
with BIT and Student Conduct – this reorg would fit the critical change we need
to do. Keith was looking for a way to re org so that when Dr Hill takes over VPISD
she can focus on accreditation as well as her new VP roles because some of the
Student Conduct work will be taken off of her plate.
3. Communication/Social Media – Choelho
Some issues are bubbling up – every time a satiation happens I see it as an
opportunity. One opportunity is how Social Media is used on campus. There are
a lot of facebook pages – so any time a staff or faculty goes online and posts
something it is seen as factual. There are some campuses who have policies and
guidelines around social media – there should at the minimum be an
understanding of appropriate usage. We will be doing on boarding training –
would like something on marketing communications and social media. This
creates an interesting situation. How do we guide people at this point when we
don’t have a set procedure. There is no doubt that an issue will come up – it’s
just a matter of when.
Angelina – I know that a policy is not all that is needed but we have identified
policies and procedures from other schools and identified parts of them that they
really like.
How do facebook pages get created – does that go through a formal process –
at this point some do and others do not. You are supposed to have brian van pelt
be an administrator on any page so that if you let it die he can formally remove
it. Athletics is heavily involved in social media – we are the most active because
they are on it every day. Would favor some guidelines so that the people in
athletics would know that when you are posting there are things that you need
to be aware of.
There is a cleanup process that needs to happen because some have gone
through a process and others have not – we need to shut down those that
haven’t been used and we should create a consistent look.
What about twitter, snap chat, Instagram, etc… Marty – we are in the process of
doing research.
Connie – thinks this is great.
Keith – whatever policy or procedure we think about we need to pass it by the
unions because we don’t want to have a working condition issue.
4. Campus Newsletter – Choelho
Several people have stopped by and asked for a campus newsletter. It’s a good
idea. The model that people keep recommending is HSU. They have a separate
newsletter for students and faculty/staff. Faculty page, staff page, and student
page on the website – the newsletter includes highlights and then a link to the
page where the full articles can be found.
This would also potentially reduce the amount of “all” emails sent out to the
Asked for feedback on a structure for communication so that we can put
something in place that works.
Angelina – mark winter does a nice email out each week to instruction and
student development. Is it worth it to have separate faculty and staff newsletters
when our campus community is so small. It may be beneficial for there to be
ONE newsletter to faculty AND staff so that we can be well informed and
knowledgeable about what is going on around the campus.
Would be great to have a MONDAY newsletter that states what meetings are
happening – when census is due, etc. Flex contracts are due, etc.
Erin – Inside Redwoods Calendar – Trying to put the meetings on there.
Might be nice to have the opportunity to send out a link to all students with
various articles and press releases.
Weekly newsletter – we get so much information that we could do it weekly –
some weeks may be lighter than others, but consistency is key and getting
information out in a timely manner is also crucial.
Angelina would like to see a standing accreditation section in there.
Will increase the transparency. People have access to information they just don’t
know where to go to get it.
5. Student Success Summit – Hill
Crystal Kerry Mayer and Angelina were talking about putting on the student
success summit this year with a focus on diversity equity and achievement.
Crystal identified a speaker he is just in the process of looking for dates. Paul
Dorskey - ed change – developed the undergrad program for social justice at a
college. How are we really doing the work necessary to improve things.
Date – looking at the month of April.
Basic Skills Committee had in annual plan to bring in a speaker about reading
and processing information – were still looking at someone to bring in that kind
of training. – erin
Dave – obsedrvation from last year – breakout sessions – weren’t many faculty.
10-20%. We can set up a day for staff to go and do that but it’s more difficult for
faculty. There was a lot of great material but faculty couldn’t attend for one
reason or another.
Summit week in stead of summit day?
Would this be just internal or are there any key people outside of CR that we
would like to invite? High school partners.
6. Safety Drill Feedback – McBride
Huge success. We learned a lot – it went smoothly.
Let the firing range continue during the drill – people heard gunshots while they
were evacuating and that shook some people up. Next time we will ask them to
pause while drill is in session.
Going to create go bags that have vests, flashlights, first aid, etc in each
building. Whoever is in charge in that area will be in charge of that bag.
In the real world it will be chaos so the more we can plan to make it less chaotic
the better – grab bag will help with that.
Radio chatter was a little bit too much. We gave every building monitor and
maintenance radios. There was a bit too much unnecessary chatter. Should be
left to important information.
A lot of people didn’t get the rave notice – that was human error – put it out to
certain lists and not staff. Faculty admin and students got the notification. Staff
were accidentally excluded.
First building clearing was done in 3 minutes.
Sirens that were installed didn’t go off – our sirens were all a bad batch and
they are sending us new ones.
Communication after the evacuation – maybe put a bull horn in the evacuation
bags so that the person in charge can communicate with the evacuated persons.
We need to work on a consistent message to faculty on what to do when we
have a drill. Do you take your things or leave your things? Lock the door or leave
it open?
Moving forward are we going to have a designated person in each building – in
this drill we had maintenance in every building set up to be the monitor. You
need to have enough people trained in each building that are able to be a
building monitor that multiple people could be called upon at any given time.
Assign who will grab the go bag.
Out of the schools who have nursing programs do they use the students in the
program in case of emergency. Some schools have clinics set up and they provide
services – the nursing labs are not necessarily sterile – the nurses who are
licensed can help but it is not black and white.
Marty – we are in a unique situation – we have the academy here and we have
nurses here. In a worst case scenario situation we need to be able to say why the
nurses or cadets on campus did not respond in an emergency situation. We need
to identify a response ahead of time so that we can be prepared to nip the
questions in the bud.
7. 2014-15 Resource Requests – Lindsey
Resource requests from 2014-15 with an update on what has been done so far.
Fall of 2014 program review request and where they stand now.
Some of them were worked on over winter break by deans and they are funded
but the list states them as not funded.
Angelina – another issue is that there are no resource requests that Angelina put
on her program review for last year. It is confusing when your items are lumped
in to other areas.
Doug- it is difficult to improve resource ranking process. Something that we are
working on this year is to communicate with requestors at each step of the
Divisional budgets for fall 15 will be reviewed at 1100 today.
Deans need to have a place where they can go to see if the various requests
were approved the prior year.
It APPEARS that some requests are missing – they could be lumped together with
something else – the status update said to check back in January for the mid
year budget.
Doug – could be that the item is listed under instructional equipment.
November 15 update is somewhat confusing. January we get the governors
tentative budget – gives us an idea of what we will have to spend and what
flexibility we may have for spending.
Marla – These are the fall 14 requests that are still being air marked for the 16
governors budget – where are all the fall 15 requests? Mark – at 1100 at deans
council we are going to review everything that came from program review last
year. We are going review and discuss what is going to be forwarded to the
facilities planning committee and we will prioritize the requests. At what point
will some of these be dead in the water that we can re ask as far as this years
program review? Do we have that type of date? State on the request that you
are resubmitting a request.
Dave – seems like it would be possible to break these out by division and send
these back to us. Then we get them back and we can communicate them to
faculty. Would give everyone a really solid bit of information to create the next
program review.
Requests go to facilities and technology and get ranked and then they are
passed on to BPC then it goes to LEE to ask how we fund the items on the list.
Communicate back at this point which items are approved and what the funding
source is.
8. Update on Del Norte Science Lab – Lindsey
The bids came in higher than planned. It is going to be discussed in detail at BPC
and we have a plan to fund the extra costs. What we will get is a lab facility that
is capable of supporting every science class that CR offers. There will be an
outside generator to backup the cadaver room. BPC will make a
recommendation to the president.
Do we have a timeline? Keith is hoping to have recommendation in march to
award the bid. It will be very tight as far as a timeline goes for offering classes.
Plan B will probably be the new plan A – room won’t be ready until a couple
weeks after class.
There is a board member requesting a conversation regarding why we are
spending the money on the del norte science lab.
Health oc faculty member at del norte – keith – my understanding is that the
faculty will rescend her request to transfer. The nursing position would go
forward in Eureka for internal transfer.
9. Update on PE Fields Project – Lindsey
The department of the state architect is backed up – it will take siz months or
more to get projects reviewed. We will miss the window to upgrade the fields
this summer – purchasing new equipment and are going to move forward with
removing the stadium and installing new bleachers and a press box.
Marla – AT Complex upgrade? Delayed because of permitting process? Pru – no
updates but heard the same thing as well.
10. Future Agenda Items
11. Next Meeting – Tuesday, March 14, 2016 – 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.
HR Director Search closes on the 12th. We will see what happens – keith has a
plan b in case this search fails. Hopefully it won’t.
Equity position closes on the 12th as well.
Faculty Searches – Auto Tech – second time it has gone out and there are four
Three Counselors, one in del norte, committees are not yet complete but they
are close.
Forestry Natural Resource – committee almost complete
Chemistry – committee is almost complete.
Full time Temp for Math and Earth Science
Ron – after action report will be completed and published regarding the drill.
Angelina – doing the Knoll Levitz student satisfaction inventory soon