West Midlands Centre for Excellence in Teacher Training Management Meeting Tuesday, 28 January 2014, University House, University of Warwick Attendees: 1. Ellen Buttler Julie Chamberlain Vron Leslie Fergus McKay Barbara Parkinson Mike Smith Apologies None. 2. Minutes of Management Meeting, 19 September 2013 These were accepted as a true record. 3 Matters arising Issues would be covered in the rest of the agenda. 4 Chair’s update A. Paula Jones, the ACETT chair, had successfully lobbied government, resulting in the CETTs rolling out the NCETM’s GCSE Maths Enhancement Programme to people charged with delivering maths to people who had not gained an A*-C grade at GCSE. It would be followed by the English Enhancement Programme, which is currently out to tender. FM said principals across the West Midlands were generally very receptive to it. WMCETT’s strategic maths lead Steve Pardoe had accepted a national role to oversee the co-ordination of the programme B. A review of the Professional Standards for teachers and trainers was under way. Pye Tait won the contract and asked the CETTs to do the work. FM said it was the uncoupling of the links between teacher training and the IfL. JC said 50 people were coming to the Midlands consultation event organised by WMCETT. EB said there was a debate about what the standards were for. Ofsted were going to use them as a tool in inspections. C. SUNCETT were offering a free action research training programme, which involved three workshops. EMCETT were also offering a programme with support and mentoring. The idea was to empower people to undertake research on something relevant to their organisation. Action point: JC to send details to the committee. 5. Project manager’s update JC reported that so far WMCETT had 173 people registered on the Maths Enhancement Programme, and 76 of them had started on the course. Five courses had started and another seven were arranged. Part of the contract also included running a MESH, or Mathematics Education Strategic Hub, and the first meeting of this was scheduled to take place on Thursday. 1 WMCETT had also been commissioned by ACETT, along with CETTs around the country, to do some research for the Education and Training Foundation on good practice in maths, English and SEN teaching, and three good practice network events had been organised to take place in the first week of March. 6. Current activities VL had produced the new WMCOP bulletin. She was concerned about quality control in training and national qualifications. BP informed the committee that a lot of Clever Elephant’s work with third sector organisations was about them trying to find new business models. FM asked what co-production was, and BP explained it meant putting users at the heart of things and looking with them at how scarce resources could be better used. They had to express their uniqueness. It was not just about cost effectiveness, but about adding value for money and what was provided. Clever Elephant were writing a co-production strategy for infrastructure bodies in Herefordshire. MS said HWSTPA had just come to the end of their three-year strategic plan. CPD was at the top of the agenda. They have been awarded some money by the ETF to run some workshops. None of the workshops were accredited, but people were still looking for accredited programmes. EB said private training providers had approached her wanting an accredited programme. EB talked about the impact of funding changes on recruitment to courses. She was working with nine partner colleges and said there had been a slight dip in recruitment, but a slight rise in people wanting to take English programmes, which might be linked to the increased emphasis on maths and English in the 16-19 programme of study. At the last count 18 people had accessed the bursaries available to pre-service trainees doing the Diploma course in teaching disabled learners. Since the course started there had been more people interested and a new cohort would run from September, but they would have missed out on the bursary opportunity, and she did not know there would be more funding available. EB said there were other accredited CPD courses starting soon, including a coaching and mentoring course VL was involved in. A new programme about teaching college-based higher education was due to start in March. A contextualised CET started in January. She added that with Ofsted now looking at teacher development holistically there may be opportunities for CLL there. FM talked about a new Community Leaders workshop which aimed at empowering individuals who worked in their neighbourhoods. It helped with widening participation and public engagement, as well as getting more people into the system. It might lead to an accredited course if there was a demand for it. 7 Any other business There was none. 8 Next meeting The date for the next meeting was set for Tuesday, 1 July, at 10.30am, at University House, University of Warwick, room number to be confirmed. 2