CR Committee Digest

CR Committee Digest
Thursday, December 03, 2015
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Academic Senate
Academic Senate – The Senate has approved the first round of Faculty Development Committee funding requests for
eight faculty members. There will be a second round announced soon. Senators have also approved Co-President
signatory authority on three of the District’s plans: The Basic Skills 2015 Expenditure Plan and Report, the Credit and
Noncredit Student Success and Support Programs, and most recently for the Student Equity Plan. Senators have
heard ideas for processes to establish healthy online course development guidelines, and will have the opportunity
to hear more in future.
Senate Executive Committee – Committee members are committed to re-evaluating their Bylaws. In the meantime,
they continue to work with the Co-Presidents on Senate-related issues of interest to all faculty and associate faculty.
Academic Standards and Policies – The committee has several policies and procedures on their schedule, including
BP/AP 4100 Graduation Requirements and AP 7123 Recruitments and Hiring of Contract Faculty, and BP/AP 4300
Field Trips and Excursions. The committee is given assignments prioritized by the Senate Executive Committee;
policies for review are generally in the 4000s (Academic Affairs), but can include other areas which involve faculty.
Assessment Committee
The Assessment Committee met on Monday November 23rd and discussed the following topics.
1. The 4-year schedule of assessing the new GE outcomes as well as the institutional, program- and course-level
outcomes. The committee discussed a new planning tool that will provide guidance for this process. The planning
tool will be made available in time for Fall 2016 Convocation.
2. Assessment-related sessions to be held as part of the Spring 2016 Flex days. The committee agreed to organize a
session around GE outcomes mapping and then to reserve a time slot for program-level assessment dialogue and
reporting. The Assessment Committee reviewed the new GE mapping tool that will be described and implemented
during the Spring 2016 flex days.
3. The Assessment Committee met with Reno Giovannetti to discuss the use of Canvas for collecting assessment data
by demographic group. The process will allow anonymous entries from multiple courses to be used to compare the
achievement of outcomes by different demographic groups (a ACCJC requirement). The proposed process may be
useful as a pilot for extending the same process to other aspects of assessment.
Basic Skills Committee
The Basic Skills Committee funded travel for Dr. Matt McCann and Professor David Holper to visit the University of
Texas at Austin to observe their interdisciplinary student success initiative and learn about and gather the essential
aspects of the program to bring back to our campus. They will be reporting out on their findings at our meeting this
Friday December 4th 9-10am in SS104. The Basic Skills Committee also funded travel for Professor Todd Olsen and
Professor Mike Haley along with several associate faculty in Math to attend an Acceleration Workshop. We also
have reviewed data on high school graduates and students who have received ESL assistance in high school to help
us better understand this segment of our ESL population so we cab explore ways we can better meet their needs.
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
College Council
At the October & November College Council Meeting the committee reviewed 29 board policies and
administrative procedures.
October’s Meeting outcomes
The following board policies and administrative procedures were sent out to ASPC for revisions:
BP and AP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions
BP and AP 3260 Participatory Governance
The following board policies and administrative procedures will be sent to the Board for a first read:
BP and AP 4020 Program, Curriculum and Course Development
AP 4021 Program Revitalization Suspension, or Discontinuation
The following board policies and administrative procedures were sent for constituent review:
BP 1200 District Mission
AP 3440 Service Animals
BP and AP 7387-P and 7387-S Pre Retirement Reduction of Workload
The following was sent back to Public Safety for a re-write:
AP 3530 Weapons on Campus
November’s Meeting outcomes
The following board policies and administrative procedures were tabled, refer to minutes for reason:
BP 1200 District Mission
BP and AP 7387-P and 7387-S Pre Retirement Reduction of Workload
AP 7400 Travel Reimbursement
The following board policies and administrative procedures will be sent to the Board for a first read:
AP 4231 Grade Changes
The following board policies and administrative procedures will be sent for constituent review:
AP 3440 Service Animals
AP 3530 Weapons on Campus
AP 5500 Standards of Student Conduct
BP and AP 6800 Safety
AP 6850 Hazardous Materials
Thursday, December 03, 2015
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The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Data Owner's Group
At the last DOG meeting (10/27)
1. we discussed the submission of the SG file (special groups) to MIS and the lack of data being reported in it. A call
went out to the responsible areas to be aware of the need to submit this data every semester.
2. STRK (Student Remarks) screen in Datatel will now be used for release of information notes in order to meet
FERPA requirements. This was made a more important issue with the new Dual Enrollment and Pelican Bay
3. Deadline for Service Area outcome assessment was announced for July 1. This is a change from the old Sept. 15
4. Discussion was had on counting transcript equivalencies as placement services. Since these are tracked differently
than multiple measures, Datatel subroutines will be changed to reflect entries made as external transcripts.
5. New guidelines for BOG payments, require us to withhold/disburse on a term by term basis rather than
annually. Programming and procedural changes are being implemented to accommodate.
6. 3CDUG is at Diablo Valley College on 1/13 - 1/14. All are encouraged to attend.
Next DOG meeting is scheduled for 12/15 and will focus on establishing a timeline and procedures for the priority
reg, registration, and DREG processes. Who is responsible for doing what when.
Distance Education Planning Committee
The DEPC chairs met with the Academic Senate to discuss possible ways in which the college might provide better
support to faculty developing online courses and how to both provide accountability and ensure the high quality
expected of CR courses. Suggestions were folded in to recommendations that will be discussed at the December
DEPC meeting. In addition, DEPC is recommending a revision to the MOU on faculty certification for teaching
online to clarify language relating to certification of new faculty. A trial of EvaluationKIT, an online package that
could be used for student surveys of online instructors for faculty evaluation, is being set up for Spring 2016 with
several faculty from DEPC volunteering to participate so that we can make a recommendation to CRFO and to the
District. DEPC is also looking at preparations for CR participation in the OEI online course exchange program,
which will go “live” statewide in Fall 2017. Finally, the OTLT is being updated and the DE functional plan is being
prepared for 2015 – 2017.
Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee
Discussion in committee meeting Nov. 4, 2015.
1. Looking into more emergency radios or satellite radios and/or phones.
2. ASCR was represented at the meeting and will pursue implementation of the Federal See Something, Say
Something campaign.
3. Lighting concerns:
A. Del Norte working to replace parking lot lights. Dan will count all lights so that they can be replaced with LED.
B. Residence Halls
C. Tompkins Hill Rd- North entrance (Already planned) and North of north entrance along county road
4. Immediate temporary signage needed to direct people to Eureka campus security office.
5. Active shooter training scheduled 12/9 and 12/10 for faculty/staff
6. Class syllabi template should be updated to include RAVE information.
7. Campus siren and public address system being installed.
8. Door locks and panic buttons.
9. Plans and Training for large scale active shooter drill next summer.
10.In talks with Humboldt County Sheriff`s Office for armed deputy on campus.
Thursday, December 03, 2015
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The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Expanded Cabinet
Expanded Cabinet did not meet in the month of November.
Institutional Effectiveness
After program reviews were submitted, the IEC went through everyone`s forward-looking action plans for for
themes. The most common types of plans involved:
Obtaining new or upgraded equipment for instruction
Course curriculum refinement/development
Upgrading non-instructional equipment
Plans related to distance education (e.g., online course development, expanding telepresence)
Degree/certificate development/refinement
Efforts to improve retention
Professional development
These categories influenced draft actions in the 2016-17 Annual Plan. Look for a FLEX session where you can review
and provide feedback about the draft plan.
The IEC kicked off the ad hoc Education Master Planning Committee at the start of the semester. The Ed Master
Steering Committee and Subcommittees have reviewed scanning data and completed a SWOT analysis, from which
a set of themes are emerging. These will also be presented at FLEX for feedback, and additional feedback sessions
will take place in spring for additional input.
Instructional Council
Instructional Council met twice in November. At both meetings, Angelina Hill presented information on
Accreditation evidence relevant to instruction. In addition, the new class syllabus template was reviewed and
revisions suggested. The new template is now available to all faculty. Deans Hash and Gleave gave their standing
enrollment initiative updates for Pelican Bay State Prison (we now offer noncredit sections) and Duel Enrollment
(we are engaged with curriculum alignment), while Director Cox reported on Telepresence (we currently have four
sections). Finally, we had a discussion regarding Associate Deans, a role added to this year`s instructional
Program Review Committee
The PRC has completed its analysis of the program review documents submitted for all of the Student Development
areas. Feedback has been provided to the authors of each program review. At its next meeting, the PRC will be
reviewing documents from the Administrative Services areas and President’s areas.
Thursday, December 03, 2015
Page 4 of 5
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Student Equity Planning
A draft of the 2014-2017 Student Equity Plan was discussed at the Senate. The Chancellor`s Office released a new
template for the plan, and so all colleges needed to make significant changes to better align actions to data and
evaluation plans, and to establish additional actions to account for increased equity funds. The new plan is going to
the December 8, 2015 Board of Trustees meeting for approval and is due to the Chancellor`s Office on December
15th. Here are some action items that appear in the plan. See the Dec 8th Board Packet for all action items.
--Support cultural awareness and recognition activities with an emphasis at Del Norte (e.g., cultural film screenings,
art collection displays) for the campus and off-campus community.
--Develop an EOPS application for students in Spanish.
--Improve on the Veteran Mentor program. This program will offer mentoring services to Veterans, and will provide
academic and transitional support through weekly meetings and by attending activates together. Work-study
students will be paid as mentors.
--Offer supplemental instruction and tutoring for basic skills and accelerated courses.
--Provide increased marketing of transfer degrees to underrepresented students with an emphasis on female and
DSPS students.
Student Success Leadership Group
The Student Development Leadership Group met twice in November. Each meeting dedicated half its time to
discuss accreditation evidence with Angelina Hill. The remaining time was used to discuss and report on topics
including a possible reorganization to include a Dean of Students, offering GS 6 sections in Pelican Bay, area reports,
faculty prioritization (including counseling), and a spring semester earthquake evacuation drill.
Technology Planning Committee
In addition to continuing work on a new Technology Plan, the TPC discussed the following important items:
1) Given the progress on the new e-mail server, we are almost prepared to put in place the new e-mail retention
policy. Be prepared to receive and e-mail reminder this month that all of your e-mails stored on the District Server
older than two years will be deleted. Instructions for how to archive e-mails older than two years will be provided so
that you can continue to access them.
2) The IT Department will no longer set up e-mail forwards to non-CR accounts. Instructions will be given as to how
employees can set up this type of forwarding themselves is they would like to do so.
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