CR Committee Digest

CR Committee Digest
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Academic Senate
The Academic Senate has been continuing the Convocation 2015 discussions on Healthy Workplaces. Senators
discussed the language and information that they would like to see included on the new Noncredit Certificates that
are being approved by Curriculum Committee. There have been conversations regarding Campus Safety, and the
Senate encourages all faculty to participate in future training and informational opportunities.
Academic Standards and Procedures Committee: ASPC has forwarded revised policies and procedures to the Senate
for review and approval; AP 4231 Grade Changes and AP 7217 Faculty Prioritization have been sent to College
Council. Currently, the committee is working on BP/AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and
General Education and also BP/AP 4100 Graduation Requirements for Degrees and Certificates; they are reviewing
AP 7123 Recruitment and Hiring of Contract Faculty, which was revised by Human Resources.
Associate Faculty Committee: The Associate Faculty have had two meetings and are developing strategies to
promote activities and actions to spotlight both the Associate Faculty and the District as a whole. These strategies
will be shared over the coming weeks with the Academic Senate.
Executive: The Academic Senate Executive Committee is prioritizing the work of ASPC, discussing revisions to the
Academic Senate Constitution and Bylaws, and continuing the conversations regarding campus safety and training.
Curriculum: The Curriculum Committee is constantly learning of and incorporating new standards set forth by the
Chancellors Office. The first noncredit certificates have been approved by the committee and are being forwarded to
the Academic Senate and the Board of Trustees. The work of the Curriculum Committee may be reviewed online via
Assessment Committee
The Assessment Committee will be meeting at 2:45 pm on the 4th Monday of each month. The first committee
meeting was on Monday Sept 28. The membership and scope of the committee was discussed, with respect to the
new committee handbook.
The committee then reviewed last year`s initiatives and discussed the implementation of what was approved during
the previous academic year. Specifically, the new assessment deadlines (a week after grades are due each of the fall
and spring semesters), the new 4-year cycle of assessment, and the new General Education outcomes.
The data for the 4-year cycle indicated the 4-year cycle has already been achieved for about 76% of the courses, and
about 67% of the programs. There was a discussion about how to distribute this information to the Deans and
faculty, and it was decided that the Assessment Coordinator would distribute this information to the Deans and
Associate Deans.
The committee discussed the mapping of the new GE outcomes and is working on a mapping tool that will likely be
implemented during the January flex days.
Items in consideration for this year are:
- Providing assessment by demographic group (an ACCJC requirement)
- Updating the reporting template and "loop" process.
- The use of Canvas for assessment
The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Basic Skills Committee
After review by the Academic Senate, the Basic Skills Annual Expenditure Report and Planning report was
submitted to the Chancellor’s Office through the new online reporting tool. You can review the report, which
includes the 2015-16 action plan on the Basic Skills Committee’s Resource page at Two activities in this year’s plan we’d like to bring to your
attention are the college’s participation in the RP Group’s Multiple Measures Assessment Pilot, to continue to
improve our placement processes in English, ESL, and Mathematics. The other is the revival of Supplemental
Instruction in basic skills courses. This is where trained, paid student tutors will be embedded in classes and lead
group study sessions outside of class focusing on group study strategies and collaborative study techniques specific
to the course. We are very excited about this partnership between Instruction and Student Development. The hope
is to expand this program beyond basic skills course, targeting other gatekeeper courses, where student success
and/or retention are below the District average or there are disproportionate impacts among equity groups. The
Basic Skills Committee has also reviewed data regarding the transition of students from noncredit basic skills
courses to credit, suggesting next steps to improve the pathway from noncredit to credit in the spirit of continual,
quality improvement.
College Council
At the September College Council Meeting the committee reviewed 11 board policies and administrative procedures.
The following board policies and administrative procedures were sent out for constituent review and will return to
College Council on October 19th:
BP and AP 1200 District Mission
BP and AP 4021 Program Curriculum and Course Development and Program Revitalization, Suspension, or
AP 4231 Grade Changes
AP 7217 Faculty Prioritization Process
The following board policies and administrative procedures will be sent to the Board for a first read:
BP and AP 5015 Residence Determination
The following board policies and administrative procedures were tabled for further amendment:
BP and AP 4300 Field Trips and Excursions
BP and AP 7384 Pre Retirement Reduction of Workload
BP 7387 Reduced Workload Program
Distance Education Planning Committee
The first-ever DE Program Review has been completed with input from the DEPC. Outcomes for the DE program
have been developed and approved, and additional resources are being requested to help faculty developing online
courses. The Online Class Orientation Letter Template has been updated and revised, and a new form has been
approved to accompany it so that faculty teaching online can provide direction to Admissions and Records on how
to handle adding students from waitlists. A demo of software for student evaluation of faculty teaching online was
held and a trial will be held in Spring with a few select instructors. The DEPC is also looking at ways of integrating
OEI-developed materials into CR resources for faculty and/or students.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
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The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee
College of the Redwoods Safety Committee has reviewed and updated emergency plans/ procedures in order to
insure a quick and effective response in the event of emergency or crisis. This review included input provided from
the Humboldt County Sheriff’s office as well as other entities that would possibly contribute to an emergency
response. The committee has also submitted a list of recommendations to cabinet that prioritize our greatest need in
terms of overall campus and district safety. Recommendations included improvements to infrastructure as well as
diverse training opportunities for faculty and staff.
District Action Items Update:
Twelve cell phone boosters that will extend cell phone coverage in areas on the Eureka campus have been ordered
and are scheduled for installation.
8 emergency sirens that will function as both tsunami warning sirens and notification of any potential disaster that
the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) would broadcast have been purchased and are
scheduled for installation.
All classrooms are in the process of being inventoried and appropriate locks will be replaced to insure the ability to
lock from the inside or via remote key fob.
A special thank you to everyone who volunteered to participate in the annual California ShakeOut Drill and who
used it as an opportunity to learn what to do during and after an earthquake.
We look forward to a district-wide drill to take place during the second week of Spring semester. Stay tuned for
Enrollment Management Committee
The EMC met for the first time October 5, 2015. At that time, we reviewed the Mission, Scope, and Membership. In
addition, we reviewed the 2015-17 Enrollment Management Plan. The 2015 plan will be modified by Nov 2 to be
more consistent and clear. Goals will be broad and designed to facilitate discussion. The modified plan will be
submitted to Executive Cabinet for approval. Enrollment information was reported. Current FTES numbers are
lower than last year by an estimated 5%, with fewer students and smaller classes especially at the Del Norte site.
Possible explanations were discussed.
Expanded Cabinet
At the October 12, 2015 Expanded Cabinet meeting members discussed three topics, trouble ticket system
procedures, transfer of territory update, and campus safety and security. The majority of the conversation was
centered around safety.
The updated discussed include the following:
Installing a new emergency phone in the Del Norte administration office.
Purchasing12 cell boosters, 8 sirens, 108 phones and several two way speakers with text capability.
Purchasing phones programmed for panic buttons once we get a final quote.
New marquees for both Eureka and Del Norte are at the architect’s office.
The District is in the process of inventorying all the classroom door locks district-wide.
The District has made safety/emergency orientations mandatory for students and new employees.
The Director of Public Safety is working with the Humboldt and Del Norte County Sherriff Offices to set up training
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
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The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for
detailed information about the committee:
Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings
Institutional Effectiveness
> The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) has started work on a draft of the 2016-2017 Annual Plan for next
year. The IEC will look at all of the plans that programs include in their program reviews. The IEC hopes to include
planning actions in the annual plan that support the work of the programs in terms of emerging themes.
The IEC will hold a FLEX session to receive feedback about a draft annual plan. This draft will include planning
actions from the Academic Senate.
> Finally, an ad hoc Education Master Planning Committee (EMPC) has been established to work on a new
Education Master Plan. The Education Master Plan will be the sole plan for CR (we will no longer have an additional
strategic plan). The EMP Steering Committee has convened, and meetings are being scheduled for themed
subcommittees of the EMPC. Open forums will be held where you can contribute to the planning effort.
Instructional Council
This committee meets every two weeks. Meeting agenda and minutes are available at the Committees websites
inside Redwoods. Since July, we`ve met six times with each dean and director "reporting out" followed
by discussions. Standard items include Enrollment Initiatives: Dual and Concurrent Enrollment (Marla Gleave),
Distance Education (Cathy Cox), Pelican Bay State Prison (Joe Hash), and Non-Credit Courses (Julia Peterson). Other
points of discussion included: Convocation planning, scheduling for Spring 2016, and two-year scheduling.
Multicultural and Diversity Committee
The MDC has been busy this semester! Some recent activities include updating the MDC Bylaws and completing the
new Area E description for the ASPC to complete and send on to the Senate for approval. We will be voting on the
new Bylaws on Friday the 16th of Oct. In addition, we are supporting upcoming diversity related educational events
including a month long sequence of programs for Women`s History Month with a film screening of the "Hunting
Ground" with panel speakers. The chair of the committee continues membership on the Student Equity Plan
Committee and the MDC has made a recommendation to that committee to promote an easily accessible transparent
funding process that allows for MDC supported events to be engaged. This is critical since many activities support
existing plans and the SEP is in revision to meet a new template structured by the Chancellor`s office. The MDC will
be making recommendations to the EEOC via the representative to that committee. The committee recently invited
Mark Winter to discuss committee ideas related to funding events. The committee will be reaching out to the
Professional Development Committee to encourage that committee to utilize existing plans to direct training
Program Review Committee
The PRC has met and set the calendar for reviewing of submitted Program Reviews starting with Student
Development on November 13, 2015. Rubrics have been developed for the three majors areas: Student
Development, Administrative Services and Instruction. A link to the rubrics was sent to all district employees so
those contributing to reviews would have access. The deadline for submission of reviews, as well as faculty and
staff requests, has been set as October 31.
Technology Planning Committee
The Technology Planning Committee (TPC) has been working on a new technology plan. They are using the results
of the technology survey that went to students and staff last year, and re-administering a survey for additional
feedback this year. A major piece of the plan will include a technology replacement plan. Although a large amount
of equipment has been replaced in recent years, we do not have a systematic way of determining all equipment in
most need of replacing, and costs associated with doing so. IT is currently developing an inventory of servers,
computers, printers, etc. and determining minimum specifications before which they will need replaced.
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