CR Committee Digest Friday, March 04, 2016 The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for detailed information about the committee: Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings Technology Planning Committee The Tech Planning Committee is working to finalize a new long-term technology plan. Objectives include: 1.1 Go live with a Student Planning Module that is effective for Counseling & Advising and MIS reporting 1.2 Implement CCC Common Assessment Tool 2.1 Implement a Portal (hub to access registration, finance, planning, LMS, etc.) 2.2 Implement Shibboleth for Canvas authentication 2.3 Develop single sign on for students accessing student services (e.g., Email, Canvas) 2.4 Update SARS for web integration 3.1 Develop policies to promote availability of wireless for academic use 3.2 Improve bandwidth availability 3.3 Deploy additional access points to increase coverage by 10 percent a year 3.4 Enhance cellular network infrastructure campus-wide 4.1 Build a data center architecture to support traffic and storage space for all CR systems. 4.2 Build in internal redundancies for all network traffic. 4.3 Centralize all server farms. 5.1 Support identified lecture capture software and hardware 5.2 Support instructional media storage needs 5.3 Expand the capacity of the Telepresence system Program Review Committee The Program Review Committee has completed their reviews of Administrative Services, Student Development and President`s areas program reviews. They have also completed reviewing all of the Instructional annual program reviews. Deans and authors of completed reviews have been provided with feedback regarding their documents. The PRC will be reviewing comprehensive program reviews in the month. The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for detailed information about the committee: Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings Multicultural and Diversity Committee The MDC has been busy working to support various planning activities designed to enhance the persistence of underrepresented students. In particular, the MDC was directed by the ASPC to draft the Area E Multicultural Understanding requirement after many years (13!) of lobbying for the GE area. The new requirement passed by the Academic Senate reflects substantive research that demonstrates a strong link between multicultural curriculum development and student success outcomes. Moreover, this requirement will allow CR students to complete degrees/certificates with a transfer package that articulates well with HSU’s transfer requirements. The passage of this requirement demonstrates transparent and effective communication between various committees of the Academic Senate and is a wonderful example of how faculty leadership effectively communicates to enhance the experience of underrepresented students. The MDC has worked to update the multicultural heritage calendar and has just completed a poster that can be made available online or in public areas. This poster provides up-to-date referral information for all students, with an emphasis on diversity. A number of activities have been engaged and are proposed to fulfill the goals of the SEP by supporting underrepresented student groups. These include, but are not limited to, activities for Women’s History Month in conjunction with the Humanities division and HR (two film screenings with discussions; Tough Guys and The Hunting Ground). Dates and rooms are pending for this event. A screening of a film with panel discussion for Mental Health Awareness Month and a screening of a film called, “Arab American.” Two members will be panel speakers during at the Latino Film Festival (March, 1st and 2nd). As a member of the SEPOC, the MDC chair has supported discussions to develop a multicultural Center in order to fulfill an important SEP goal along with other activities that support the plan. The MDC chair will be providing training on Stereotype Threat with another Psych/Sociology faculty to support greater student success,as requested by the Professional Development Committee to engage a Program Review initiative outlined by the Science disciplines. The MDC will be discussing ways by which the DE area can update teaching methods and training that specifically address discrepancies in persistence numbers in designated equity groups. Institutional Effectiveness The Institutional Effectiveness Committee (IEC) is holding the annual IE Summit this year on April 16th. All faculty and staff are invited. Details will come out soon. Current work of the IEC: For accreditation purposes, and to promote program analysis for improvement, the IEC explored ways in which each degree and certificate program will set program standards in terms of number of completers. These are similar to the institution-set standards already set by the college as a floor. The IEC brought to the program review committee a recommendation for each program to determine its own standard via the program review template. That standard will automatically roll forward each year for review/reflection. The IEC also worked on a revised integrated planning model. This will replace what some know as the "blue or purple box model." The revised model is nearly complete and it is our goal for it to become highly visible to all. Emergency Preparedness & Safety Committee Our campus wide fire drill evacuation on Eureka Campus was a success on Feb. 4th. We conducted a fire drill in Garberville on Feb 23, and a fire drill at Del Norte Campus was done last fall. March 1st we will be conducting a drill at Mendocino and then in the next few weeks finish up at the Klamath-Trinity and the Community Education downtown Eureka. Safety Items still being worked on such a phones, sirens, cell boosters and locks. Active Shooter training has been on going and Del Norte continues to get ready for their drill on April 13, 2016. Full time Deputy Sheriff will be on campus starting March 7, 2016. Friday, March 04, 2016 Page 2 of 4 The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for detailed information about the committee: Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings Data Owner's Group The Data Owner`s Group has completed a lengthy review and outline of the Process Timeline for Registration. This outline involves target dates for processes related to student registration for multiple departments across campus including the Business Office, IT/IR, Counseling and Admissions. The timeline has been adjusted to accommodate the One-year Registration initiative. DOG also reviewed MIS file ownership and created a plan to address the SG, or Special Populations, file that spans multiple departments and owners. MailChimp users were encouraged to delete their student lists after use to reduce the number of lists in the system as well eliminate multiple templates and use the officially branded CR templates. There was discussion regarding the involvement of different departments for BP/AP revisions. It was suggested that possible BP/AP “owners” be identified and that editors or involved parties of relevant BP/APs attend College Council meetings to ensure awareness of policies and procedures that are moved forward. The Group also welcomed a few new members including CR`s new Retention Manager, Kelly Carbone, CalWORKS Program Manager, Laurel Watson, and our new Academic Affairs Analyst, Courtney Loder. Additionally, the new 9:00am meeting time resulted in record attendance! College Council Representatives on College Council have been extremely busy reviewing board policies and administrative procedures. Twenty seven BPs and APs were sent out for constituent review on January 25th. The council will take up discussion and review of 98 BPs and APs at its meeting on February 29th. Basic Skills Committee The Basic Skills Committee is excited about launching modified supplemental instruction in two basic skills courses, English 350 and Math 380, this semester. Tina Vaughan and Su Harrington are overseeing the managing and administration of the program, which has been named EPIC (Embedded Peer Instructional Cohort). EPIC is closely modeled after Skyline’s program. Tina and Su are working closely with Tami Matsumoto, Sean Herrera-Thomas, Levi Gill, and Nicole Bryant Lescher this semester who all have a paid, trained, student facilitators embedded in their basic skills classes. These students assist in their classes during in-class activities, as well as, lead study sessions in the ASC outside of class. Research indicates supplemental instruction programs increase student success rates in the courses they are attached to, increase student persistence to the next level course in the next term, and assist in closing the achievement gaps of underrepresented groups. With the assistance of Equity funds expansion is planned for fall 2016 to include accelerated courses in Math and English. Further expansion will be considered as capacity to administer and manage the program grows and additional funding is identified. If you are interested in learning more about the program and/or participating in the program please contact Tina Vaughan and Su Harrington. The Basic Skills Committee is also developing a proposal for a Chancellor’s Office Basic Skills Student Outcomes and Transformation grant to support, expand, and further develop our multiple measures process in placement, our acceleration initiatives in both English and Math, and the integration of student support services in instruction. For more information on the grant go to: Friday, March 04, 2016 Page 3 of 4 The CR Committee Digest provides important updates from the Planning and Senate Committees. Visit here for detailed information about the committee: Visit the committee calendar to see the next time each committee meets: CR's calendar of committee meetings Assessment Committee The Assessment Committee has been working on the following items: 1. Course Outcome to General Education Outcome Mapping. A FLEX session was held prior to the Spring semester to begin the process of mapping GE course outcomes to the new GE outcomes. The Assessment Committee is tracking this process and will be providing additional support as needed. 2. Status of 4-year cycle. The Assessment Committee is evaluating the completion of the 2012 to 2016 4-year cycle of assessment. The data obtained by the Assessment Committee has been forwarded to Deans and Associate Deans to ensure compliance. 3. The Assessment Committee is tracking our progress on Institutional Outcomes Assessment. The committee will be scheduling "summary session" to evaluate the assessment data and associated dialogue obtained from assessing all three institutional outcomes. The date and time of this summary session should be announced soon. 4. The Assessment Committee is working on two new initiatives: a. use Canvas to collect assessment data that can be disaggregated by demographic group. Canvas will allow collection of this data without revealing individual students (which can occur when a small number of a certain population make up an individual course assessment). Faculty participants will be contacted about this method of assessment. This type of assessment analysis is a requirement of our accreditation standards. b. modification of the "loop" process. The goal is to remove the separate "loop" reports and to have all of the information contained within the assessment reports. The Assessment Committee will be working on this throughout the spring semester. Friday, March 04, 2016 Page 4 of 4