REDWOODS COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT Meeting of the Associate Faculty Committee Eureka: 7351 Tompkins Hill Road, RBC –B 110 (Forum 110) Thursday, September 17, 2015 3:00 p.m. MINUTES 1. Call to Order - 3:00 p.m. 2. Introductions and Public Comment: Participants are invited to make comments regarding any subject appropriate to the Associate Faculty Committee. Sandra Rowan (BUS) and Stuart Altschuler (ADCT) welcomed everyone, the group introduced themselves. Opened the floor to comments – none. 3. Approve Thursday, April 16, 2015 Meeting Minutes – BEAUPRE/ALTSCHULER move to approve the minutes. APPROVED 4. Reports 4.1 Associate Faculty Information/Reminders – Connie Carlson – Welcome Back! Flex goals are due this Friday, September 18. Thirty Associate Faculty attended the Associate Faculty Development Day last Saturday, an informative event even though the CR website was down. Make a note for the CCC Registry job fairs – Saturday, January 23 at the Hilton San Francisco Bay Front and Saturday, January 30 at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport. 4.2 CRFO Update/Negotiations Council – Sandra Rowan – Jacqui Cain is one of our representatives to CRFO, she is unable to attend as she teaches but she submitted a written report that Sandra reviewed (see attached.) Question about the agency fee vs. dues member - any person who teaches at CR will pay the agency fee unless they choose to be a dues paying member (gives you voting rights.) Stuart indicated that the assessment participation fee should be per course (instead of a flat $20) and would like that reviewed in the contract. In addition Stuart would like to see Article 10 (Transfer & Reassignment) of the contract reviewed - deals with lateral transfers for Permanent Faculty, he would like to have the same opportunity for Associate Faculty (i.e. Associate Faculty with 5 years in the position could transfer to a permanent position.) Kyle Falbo brought up IBB (interest based bargaining) discussion on how to bring topics to the consultation council. The district and CRFO utilize IBB when negotiations occur. 4.3 Academic Senate Update – Sandra Rowan – Covered at the meeting Friday, September 4th (there is also a meeting tomorrow.) Discussed the search procedure for full time teaching positions (questions about what happens when there is a failed search – does it maintain its priority on the list, does it need to be re-advertised?) The senate felt it should continue to be on the list and not thrown back into the pool. Sheila Hall spoke about Counselor’s Day. Middle school visits will be in February/March. Let your dean know if you are interested in participating. The new Academy of the Redwoods principal was introduced to the senate. Mark Winter spoke about acceleration (placement tests determine what level of class the student would enroll in.) Starting in low level classes can lead to students not completing their education. Safe workplace – core values (trust, transparency, collaboration) – currently we are all working to make our campus act this way. Looking for recognition for the Associate Faculty – possible service recognition. Working on a sexual assault handbook (policy and procedures.) Creative Arts and the Cafeteria have a gender neutral restroom and the campus is looking for a clean, safe place for breast-feeding mothers. Check out the Academic Senate website, you can attend meetings or provide topics for the agenda. Jay Scrivner is looking for written direction about handling mental health issues with students. He was referred to the Behavior Intervention Team. The group expressed interest in having more training on FERPA, Sexual Harassment, Mandated Reporting, Fire procedures, CPR. 5. Discussion Items 5.1 Associate Faculty Website – Colette recommended that the Associate Faculty have a Canvas site, used to communicate, have trainings on there – the question was who would maintain the site. Talked with Reno – it is possible to set up a Canvas site, but do we want a canvas site or a separate site? Marla pointed out that Curriculum moved from MyCR to Inside. Redwoods, this might be better as there is no deadline as there is in Canvas. Dave Bazard brought up Evoke – web page building - this way a faculty member could maintain their own, it would be accessible – another possibility. Kyle volunteered to look into this for the Associate Faculty. 5.2 Year of the Associate Faculty – Stuart passed out a list of possible ways to recognize the Associate Faculty – wants the school to declare 2016 – year of the Associate Faculty. The group reviewed the list. Looking for volunteers or additional ideas – email Sandra or Stuart. Vinnie liked the idea, but it seems like a lot of work, maybe this should be a SARTCO consideration, might also want to push it back to fall in order to make all the connections. 5.3 Flex Activities – Sandra was unclear as to why this was on the agenda 5.4 Future Scheduled Associate Faculty Committee Meetings – would like to send out a survey monkey to find out when would be the best time for the committee to meet. Possibly alternate between morning and afternoon meetings. Kyle would like to see more meeting times (twice per month) if we alternate times of the meetings. 5.5 Best Practices for Online Teaching – postponed until the next meeting. 5.6 Printing Orders – this was brought to Sandra’s attention that printing orders were not coming to the new Associate Faculty office. Connie pointed out that Jesse does bring orders to the Associate Faculty office. 5.7 Office Assistant – Colette thought that making a recommendation to the Senate to request additional support for the Associate Faculty office. Recommended looking at other schools for examples of how they function. 5.8 SARTCO – If you feel like you have been asked by your dean to do something outside of your regular assignment, speak with your dean for SARTCO determination. (i.e. write curriculum for a program) Need to ask for SARTCO before you do the work 5.9 Dual Enrollment/Pelican Bay –Marla spoke for Joe Hash – Non-credit classes are scheduled to start on September 21st; Credit courses are scheduled to start spring semester; the task force (Mark Renner, Bob Brown, Michael Dennis, Eli Naffah, Matt McCann, Ahn Fielding, Julia Peterson, Rory Johnson and Joe Hash) will be visiting the prison on September 25th; teaching assignments at Pelican Bay are on a volunteer basis – let your dean or Joe Hash know if you are interested; there is a 10 hour mandatory safety training conducted by the prison that must be done before teaching/working with the inmates – there is an additional 40 hours of safety training that will be provided; an MOU is in place with CRFO which compensates for the safety training and travel. 6. Announcements and Open Forum – please be sure to sign in for the meeting. 7. Adjournment – JOHNSON/ALTSCHULER move to adjourn – APPROVED – the meeting was adjourned 4:07 p.m. Attachment - CRFO Report for the Associate Faculty Committee 1. There is an opening for Associate Faculty Representative on the Executive Committee. Elections will be conducted as soon as CRFO has an updated list of members. The election is held using Survey Monkey - look for an announcement with the link to be sent out via email. 2. Our contract with the District will expire in June. There are several procedures that need to be followed, but we anticipate entering into negotiations later on in the semester. We will be scheduling meetings of the Negotiation Council to help identify and prioritize faculty and associate faculty interests to bring to the Negotiation Team. Changes to the contract must be framed as a shared interest. For example, we would not tell the district we want higher wages. Instead, we would state that we have a shared interest with the District in recruiting and retaining quality instructors and we don’t want to lose Associate faculty to HSU, and that a salary increase would be one way to meet this interest. 3. An ad-hoc committee met over the summer to propose changes to our Constitution. These changes were necessary to include the new Agency Fee, as well as clean up expired language. Removing references to the Mendocino campus, for example. The Executive Committee will meet and schedule a General Meeting to review this issue and will schedule a vote to confirm or reject the proposed changes. 4. Peter Blakemore is on sabbatical this semester; Todd Olsen is the interim Grievance Officer. If you have any issue that you think may be a violation of the contract or a working conditions issue, you may direct your questions to either your Associate Faculty Representative, Jacqui Cain, or to Todd Olsen. 5. It is important that all associate faculty understand that they should not perform any work outside of their contract. Any activity that counts towards Flex is in the contract and you are already being compensated for your participation. If you are asked to do additional work, such as curriculum redesign, you should either contact your representative or ask your Dean about entering into a SARTCO agreement to compensate you for your work. 6. In order to increase participation and communication within CRFO, we are going to be distributing a newsletter four times annually. The first newsletter was printed and available at Convocation. All faculty should have received a copy in their mailboxes. Additional copies can be found in FM108. The next newsletter should be distributed in early November.