Academic Senate Meeting
December 4, 2015
3.0 MINUTES Nov. 20
College of the Redwoods
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA – Board Room – SS 202
883 W Washington Blvd, Crescent City, CA – Room E8
Friday, November 20, 2015
Members Present: Mark Renner, Connie Wolfsen, Stuart Altschuler, Tim Baker, Sean HerreraThomas (for Kristy Carlsen), Mike Dennis, Kady Dunleavy, Phil Freneau (by phone), Deanna
Herrera-Thomas, Ed Macan, Jon Pedicino, Mike Richards, Wendy Riggs, Sandra Rowan, Lisa
Sayles, Sally Urban, Quang-Minh Pham, and Mark Winter
Members Absent: Kristy Carlsen, Ruth Moon
Guest Speakers: Michelle Haggerty, Angelina Hill, and Brady Reed
Call to Order: Co-President Mark Renner called the meeting to order at 1:07.
Introductions and Public Comments: Co-President Renner welcomed members and public to the
meeting and asked for comments from the public on subjects of interest to the Academic
Senate. None forwarded.
Approve November 6, 2015 Academic Senate Minutes: On a motion by Mike Richards, seconded
by Sandra Rowan, the minutes were approved as written.
Action Items
Approve November 13 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion by Mike
Richards, seconded by Sandra Rowan, the recommendations were presented by
Michelle Haggerty. The appearance of the certificates was questioned, again. The
divisions are still looking at the two certificates that remain (of the three tabled at the
September 18 meeting). The recommendations were approved unanimously by roll call
votes: Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Herrera-Thomas (Sean) – y; Dennis – y; Dunleavy – y;
Freneau – y; Herrera-Thomas (Deanna) – y; Macan – y; Pedicino – y; Richards – y; Riggs –
y; Rowan – y; Sayles – y; Urban – y.
Approve November 13 Faculty Qualifications Committee Recommendations: On a
motion by Kady Dunleavy, seconded by Jon Pedicino, the recommendations were
presented by Michelle Haggerty. The SME developed a new process for the equivalency
argument which should smooth the entire process. The equivalency was unanimously
approved by roll call vote: Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Herrera-Thomas (Sean) – y; Dennis –
y; Dunleavy – y; Freneau – y; Herrera-Thomas (Deanna) – y; Macan – y; Pedicino – y;
Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Sayles – y; Urban – y.
Affirm Copresidents’ Signatory Authorization on Student Equity Plan: On a motion by
Deanna Herrera-Thomas, seconded by Mike Richards, the recommendations were
presented for comment by Angelina Hill (Link for review). There were few modifications
Academic Senate Meeting
December 4, 2015
3.0 MINUTES Nov. 20
made, and few will be made before it is sent to the Chancellor’s office. The Plan was
approved for Co-President’s signatures by unanimous roll call vote: Altschuler – y; Baker
– y; Herrera-Thomas (Sean) – y; Dennis – y; Dunleavy – y; Freneau – y; Herrera-Thomas
(Deanna) – y; Macan – y; Pedicino – y; Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Sayles – y;
Urban – y.
Distance Education Online Course Development: Mike Butler and Cathy Cox presented
drafts of proposed documentation that would help to enable viable online course
development procedures. AP 4105 Distance Education needs revisions to clarify new
employment options for online education. They are asking for a less restrictive requisite
requirement. The outcomes look at growing the program, so new courses that are being
developed may not have confirmed instructors due to our restrictive guidelines. They
would like to find ways to develop effective online courses, and online courses would
always go through the usual process (Curriculum, Senate, etc.). Technical expertise is
already covered, but the time needed for instructors to develop the course is not
defined. It is important to have processes in place for intellectual property guidelines.
The SARTCO document is comprised of two parts: the first part is regarding a course
that doesn’t exist (new); the second part is for instructors to modify existing online
courses. The Curriculum Committee timelines need to be considered during
development of online course guidelines. Mike and Cathy presented a very rough draft;
with input from Senators they will keep working on the presentations for
approval/recommendation. Associate Faculty inclusion for part two of SARTCO should
be considered/equal. A Pilot program exists. None of our courses are in the exchange at
this time. Transfer courses are top priority. Online sections are prospectively meant to
gain students from outside the District. CAPS still apply for online courses. Use of the
phrase “reassigned time” should be used instead of the extinct phrase “release time”.
Best practices should be looked at. “Exchange” is in flux, getting more solid but still in
Review Academic Standards & Policies Revisions to BP/AP 4100 Graduation
Requirements: Sally Urban presented the documents for discussion in Chair Karen
Reiss’s absence (due to class schedule). There were concerns about the CR GE language,
and it turns out that the committee was given faulty information, and will review and
revise with more current and accurate information. Evaluation Specialist Joanna Tindle
was prepared to voice other concerns; as there were so many concerns, the BP/AP will
be returned to the ASPC, who will invite Ms. Tindle to inform the committee; all
concerns will be brought to ASPC for consideration. The documents and suggested
revisions will be looked over by ASPC on December 11, and will be brought back for
Senate action (or discussion, if substantive changes are made) on February 5.
Late Start (1:30 pm) for February 5 and March 4 Academic Senate Meetings Due to
Faculty Participation at Middle School Events on Eureka Campus: Co-President Renner
explained historical past practice of starting Senate meetings late on the two days of
events in which Senators are often involved. There were positive comments about
Academic Senate Meeting
December 4, 2015
3.0 MINUTES Nov. 20
delaying, even though it delays the MDC meeting which convenes right after Senate in
the Board Room. The Chair of MDC, Deanna Herrera-Thomas offered that the half hour
delay would not be a problem for MDC. As there were no other reasons not to delay the
meetings, the Senators agreed to the time delays.
Upcoming Safety Class Date Options Regarding Active Shooter & Safety Scenario: Three
more specific dates and times have been forwarded for consideration for one and/or
two-hour training sessions for faculty, staff, and administrators. Dec. 9 at 10 am, Dec. 11
at 2 pm. Another session will be Jan. 14, but no time had yet been determined.
Student Support Services/TRiO Grant: Brady Reed, Director of Student Support
Services/TRiO, described the program and processes of TRiO. Counseling will be
included; there are only enough funds for part-time and Brady will be talking with DSPS
to ensure that troubled students be counseled as well. The program needs 140
students, minimum. Once a student is approved, they will be TRiO until they are no
longer at school; there will be some criteria for when to drop a student, but they will not
be strident- the intention is to keep students. This is academic only-there is no money
for helping with books, etc. EOPS applicants must be full-time students; TRiO can be
part-time students as well as out-of-state students. Taxable income is used as basis for
financial need. Del Norte has a TRiO program that has been ongoing since the 80’s; it is
separately funded, and no students can be part of both Del Norte AND Eureka TRiO
programs. Please contact Brady Reed if you have more questions.
Proposed Changes to Academic Senate Executive Committee Bylaws: Co-President
Renner explained that the Executive Committee heard the suggestions, and continue to
work diligently while also continuing the revision to its Bylaws. The revisions will be
presented at a future Senate meeting.
College Council Update: Co-President Connie Wolfsen reported that committee dates
will change to 4th Mondays in spring. Several BP/APs went out for constituent review; AP
5500 Standards of Student Conduct will be legally looked into, especially in regards to
Pelican Bay; AP 4231 Grade Changes will be going to the Board of Trustees (BOT) for
approval; BP 1200 District Mission delayed due to awareness of service area, might need
to revise regarding online education/distance education, awaiting ACCJC response; AP
3530 Weapons on Campus went out for constituent review; BP 7387 Pre-Retirement
Reduction of Workload and its procedural documents will go back to HR to clarify some
confusing language; AP 3440 Service Animals is still getting work; BP/AP Safety shows
inconsistencies and both documents are going back to authors.
Fall ASCCC Plenary Update: Co-President Wolfsen presented a PowerPoint list of plenary
activities that occurred. She spoke to the ACCJC concerns, BOG reports, the CTE, etc.
The PowerPoint presentation is available here; scroll down to November 20 and find
“Fall Plenary 2015” under Summary Notes (the PowerPoint presentation for “Faculty
PowerPoint.TRIO” may also be found there). In review: Distance Education will be
scrutinized as well as baccalaureate degrees; Institutional Effectiveness initiatives were
reviewed; BS, SSSP, SEP Task forces are being formed; accessibility; part-time faculty
Academic Senate Meeting
December 4, 2015
3.0 MINUTES Nov. 20
empowerment was one of the breakouts that Connie attended, and she shared many
ideas from that session (listed in PP); Napa College has been using the “new standards”;
a new page limit on Self Study - Quality Essay of 5000 words, to identify progress (see
Reedly example for what NOT to write).
6.6 College Update: CIO/CSSO Mark Winter reported that the Faculty Prioritization
Committee looked over 18 or so possible needs and sent a list on to the President for
review; the President must explain any discrepancies for any decisions not following the
committee recommendations; January budget update will inform how many get chosen;
SARTCO telepresence training for two hours encouraged, at $40/hr.; An evacuation drill
will be scheduled in early spring for earthquakes on third or fourth week of spring term.
PB prison currently has 4 or 5 sections of noncredit, and will have GS 6 (credit course)
hopefully by spring with more info to come. In answer to a question regarding last year’s
ADCT studies instructor, that position came back this year and was #13 (low) on the
prioritization. The president has the authority to choose more or less than the
recommendations, provided there is an explanation for differences in ranking.
Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) Update: Quang-Minh Pham
reported that they sent a contingent to the State-wide Student Senate Assembly, which
was very enlightening as they now know we aren’t the only college with problems, and
in fact are in better shape than many! They have hired a Student Services Specialist I
who begins work on December 4. They have two more meetings this semester, one in
Del Norte and one in Eureka.
Future Agenda Items: None requested.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming CR Events – (
Adjournment: On a motion by Sandra Rowan, seconded by Kady Dunleavy, the meeting was
adjourned at 3 PM.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its
programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon
request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351 Tompkins
Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259: Office Hours, M-Th - 8 am to 3 pm; F - 10 am to 5 pm (hours vary due to meeting schedules).