College of the Redwoods
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA – Board Room – SS 202
883 W Washington Blvd, Crescent City, CA – Room E8
Friday, November 6, 2015
Members Present: Mark Renner, Stuart Altschuler, Tim Baker, Kristy Carlsen, Mike Dennis, Kady
Dunleavy, Ed Macan, Jon Pedicino, Ruth Moon, Mike Richards, Wendy Riggs, Sandra Rowan,
Kerry Mayer (for Lisa Sayles), Sally Urban, Quang-Minh Pham, and Mark Winter
Members Absent: Connie Wolfsen, Phil Freneau, Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Lisa Sayles
Guest Presenters: Angelina Hill (by phone), Michelle Haggerty (by phone)
Call to Order: Co-President Renner called the meeting to order at 1:06 pm.
Introductions and Public Comments: Co-President Renner welcomed members and public to the
meeting and asked for comments from the public on subjects of interest to the Academic
Senate. Public Safety Director Burk McBride reported to the Senate that issues regarding Safety
Training are being researched and officials are being invited to participate. There will be several
classes of one hour each at different dates/times before Christmas, hopefully. There will also be
a five-minute video made available, and students will be included in all messages.
Approve October 16, 2015 Academic Senate Minutes: On a motion by Mike Richards, seconded
by Tim Baker, the minutes were presented and unanimously approved as written.
Action Items
Approve October 23 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion by Kerry
Mayer, seconded by Ed Macan, the recommendations were presented by Michelle
Haggerty, and with no concerns, the recommendations were unanimously approved by
roll call vote: Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Carlsen – y; Dennis – y; Macan – y; Moon – y;
Pedicino – y; Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Mayer – y; Urban – y.
Approve Faculty Qualifications Committee Recommended Dual Enrollment Minimum
Qualifications Form: On a motion by Sandra Rowan, seconded by Mike Richards, the
form was presented by Michelle Haggerty. The Dual Enrollment personnel that are
teaching are not officially employed, so those notations were removed from the original
form. With no other concerns, the form was unanimously approved by roll call vote:
Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Carlsen – y; Dennis – y; Macan – y; Moon – y; Pedicino – y;
Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Mayer – y; Urban – y.
Approve Faculty Development Committee Funding Recommendations/Round One: On a
motion by Mike Richards, seconded by Sandra Rowan, the funding recommendations
were presented by Kerry Mayer, who explained the Committees’ recommendations and
answered questions; the recommendations were unanimously approved by roll call
vote: Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Carlsen – y; Dennis – y; Macan – y; Moon – y; Pedicino –
y; Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Mayer – y; Urban – y.
Approve Revised BP/AP 4025 Philosophy and Criteria for Associate Degree and General
Education: On a motion by Mike Richards, seconded by Ed Macan, the Board Policy and
Administrative Procedure were presented by Sally Urban. She reported that all
constituent feedback was used for this version. Questions concerned transferability of
GE courses, but these are only requirements for CR, and our AP cannot dictate what the
UC/CSU requirements would be. The BP/AP was unanimously approved by roll call vote,
and will now be presented to College Council: Altschuler – y; Baker – y; Carlsen – y;
Dennis – y; Macan – y; Moon – y; Pedicino – y; Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Mayer
– y; Urban – y.
Student Equity Plan Presentation: Angelina Hill presented the SEP for discussion by
Senate members. A due date extension was given to all colleges because the
Chancellor’s office brought on a new template; the idea of combining SEP, SSSP and Ed
Master Plan has been delayed due to funding allocation concerns. The funding initiatives
are still being worked out. With all service areas involved, the SEP committee drafted
the document presented today, and the committee will use any suggested edits in the
document they bring back to the next meeting. A director-type person is in the budget
to organize all the activities necessary to coordinate everything. Without a budget last
year, it was hard to make all the changes. This new person will be managing the money
for all plans. The job description will start with Angelina, and then be presented to
Executive Cabinet, constituents, and so on. How would funds be allocated to specific
diversity events, for instance? Page 53 has one example of how SEP funds will be
allocated, and a definite process will be determined.
Academic Senate Constitution & Bylaws Revisions: Co-President Renner presented the
revisions to these two documents. The Co-Presidents have made appeals to all Senate
Committees to review/revise their pertinent sections. The Constitution was revised by
the Senate Executive Committee and is presented for discussion. Regarding the changes
to the Bylaws for Senate Executive Committee:
• It is already very hard to find committee members, so trying to increase the number of
Executive Committee members from 3 to 6 (5 to 8 counting Co-Presidents) seems
• This may hamper the Co-Presidents’ ability to forward actions, as there would be more
time needed to get through processes.
• It will complicate the Executive Senate process, becoming a “mini-Senate”.
• It would give the Executive Committee more experience. Using the Senators as a whole
would help the process.
• Historically, when the earliest Bylaws were researched, there were three divisions, and
three Exec. Members (plus the Co-Presidents); now there are four divisions, and it
makes sense to have all included
• It creates more of a transparent process, if all divisions are represented. Equal
representation could be better.
• We are already a very functional Senate, and attempts to change that are unnecessary.
ASCCC Letter of Support for Chancellor’s Office Task Force on Accreditation Report: CoPresident Renner reviewed the letter of support of the Task Force from David Morse,
President of Academic Senate of California Community Colleges and brought up the
linked report for review. CR is still following processes to improve our ACCJC standing.
Board of Trustees Meeting Update: Co-President Renner was present at the November 3
Board meeting and reported on subjects pertinent to Senators and faculty. The
prevailing item was that the Board decided NOT to write a letter of support for current
ACCJC procedures.
College Council Update Regarding BP/AP 4300 Field Trips & Excursions: Co-President
Renner reminded everyone to review and offer suggestions for the continued revision of
the Policy/Procedure. It will also be sent to ASPC for review and possible revisions.
College Update: Mark Winter told Senators that instructors are now teaching noncredit
courses at Pelican Bay; two courses began yesterday, and they are now looking at credit
courses. The syllabi have been revised (one edition for Eureka and another for Del
Norte) and are available and he thanked everyone for stakeholder revisions. Safety
training: college-wide evacuation drill will occur in spring and he’ll send out more
information. He anticipates earthquake/active shooter training for FACULTY. Veterans’
sculptures will be displayed in the lobby of Admin/Student Services. The spring courses
have been loaded. The new math faculty candidates are set for interviews, and the
chosen candidate is intended to start Spring semester.
Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) Update: Quang-Minh Pham
ASCR Senate of CR and DN expanded with students who want to be Senators. Piles of
clothing items have accumulated. Fall General Assembly; seven people will represent
students. Later in month there will be multiple clothing exchanges, November 19 to 24.
Clothing may be dropped off at the ASCR office.
Future Agenda Items: Senators are encouraged to request to place an item on a future agenda
Announcements and Open Forum
CTE Liaison to ASCCC – Mike Dennis has agreed to be the representative to ASCCC.
Chancellor’s office future initiatives for CTE. Thank you Mike Dennis!
Upcoming CR Events – (
Ruth Moon is starting to buy textbooks for the LRC, please send your suggestions to the
LRC and they will use a prioritization process for buying books.
Adjournment: On a motion by Mike Richards, seconded by Sandra Rowan, the meeting was
adjourned at 2:48 pm.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its
programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon
request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351 Tompkins
Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259: Office Hours, M-Th - 8 am to 3 pm; F - 10 am to 5 pm (hours vary due to meeting schedules).