College of the Redwoods
7351 Tompkins Hill Road, Eureka, CA – Board Room – SS 202
883 W Washington Blvd, Crescent City, CA – Room E8
Friday, October 2, 2015
Members Present: Mark Renner, Connie Wolfsen, Stuart Altschuler, Mike Dennis, Phil Freneau (by
phone), Deanna Herrera-Thomas, Ed Macan, Jon Pedicino, Quang-Minh Pham, Mike Richards, Wendy
Riggs, Sandra Rowan, Lisa Sayles, Sally Urban, and Mark Winter.
Member Absent: Tim Baker, Kristy Carlsen, Kady Dunleavy.
Guest Presenters: Burk McBride, Michelle Haggerty, Joe Hash, Julia Peterson, Tiffany Schmitcke, Shereen
Cockrum, Joanna Tindle, Rianne Connor, and Liz Carlyle.
Call to Order: Copresident Renner called the meeting to order at 1:03 pm
Introductions and Public Comments: Burke McBride offered up information regarding
yesterday’s school shooting in Roseburg, OR and explained we are doing everything we can to
make all campuses as safe as possible; there’s a lot we need and can do. Lock downs, sirens on
buildings, Ca shakeout broadcast system; need money and time to keep the campus safe. Doors
and locks need work, and county sheriff will help with active shooter drills, training for all and
familiarity with our campus; bringing on extra security; fear of copycats…He appreciates the
emails and sentiments he has received.
Approve September 18, 2015 Academic Senate Minutes: On a motion by Mike Richards,
seconded by Sandra Rowan, the minutes were approved as written.
Action Items
Approve September 25 Curriculum Committee Recommendations: On a motion by
Deanna Herrera-Thomas, seconded by Sandra Rowan, Michelle Haggerty explained the
large amount of inactivated courses is due to new courses being developed that replace
the inactivated courses. The recommendations were approved by roll call vote:
Altschuler – y; Dennis – y; Freneau – y; Herrera-Thomas – y; Macan – y; Pedicino – y;
Richards – y; Riggs – y; Rowan – y; Sayles – y; Urban – y.
Pelican Bay Task Force: Joe Hash explained that the task force had meetings through
summer and on into fall and CR will start noncredit classes this semester and credit
classes in spring. Recommendations are incoming for courses, ADTs and certificates to
be offered in future. The committee took a trip to Pelican Bay to see classes in action
(high school/GED) and speak to teachers at the jail; they were able to see things like the
security buzzer they all wear; saw the mess-hall, which is being renovated to a
classroom; saw another arts and recreation room which may be designated for CR use,
classes. Julia Peterson has also visited the prison and has hired 4 noncredit instructors.
Things are progressing. Deanna asked about special training: All staff/faculty will
receive ten hour mandatory safety training exclusive for PB and 30 hours received
during work at PB; 40 total hours of safety training provided by prison. GS 6 is the
suggested class to begin in spring, perhaps more.
Language Distinguishing Credit from Noncredit Certification: Michelle Haggerty, Joanna
Tindle, Rianne Connor, Shereen Cockrum, Liz Carlyle and Julia Peterson were all
presenting. They worked with Erin Jones to develop a noncredit certificate (four
possibilities were presented), and also looked at best practices from other schools. They
felt a similar format for certs would be good. A title change was discussed at Curriculum.
Senators felt that having the number of credits, courses and goals on the certificate
would be helpful, even if on the back of the certificate. Mike Dennis spoke to Clif
Clendenen/small business owner’s concerns, that hirings are resume-driven usually, and
the certificate is not seen. Transcripts include everything. Do employers look at
transcripts? A lot do, maybe not a large percentage. It would be nice if the certificate
could be as specific as possible without overloading the document and employers can
take away what they want. Noncredit coursework does not appear on credit transcripts;
there are two separate documents. Outcomes are used for assessment of noncredit as
we cannot “grade” noncredit; noncredit is by hours. The version shown (#3 of four
noncredit examples) plus more info on the back seems to have the most positive
feedback. The Senate seems to be narrowing the opinion for the noncredit wording on
example #3.
Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) Plan Documents (for signature by
Copresidents): Mark Winter explained that the Plan will go to the BOT next Tuesday. He
had three things he wanted to explain; #1 - page 18 shows four bullet points for what
colleges are to do; more prescribed; #2 – comes with a lot of money and we are
required to keep track of spending and assuring it conforms to regulations categorical to
student success and support that the college matches with specifics in the plan; #3
highlight money is spent on support/people, some receive more from funding and also
regular pays. We used to have fewer counselors, but now we get to have more that are
funded by this and other funding. An issue brought up was how the accountability is
built into specific aspects. There are four or five Administrative Procedures (APs)
relevant to this plan and must be revised; a few are on the list for ASPC, are there
specific things needed, Sheila would be the person to speak with about where the
effects will be. Typos can be sent to Mark Winter and Kim Sweet, please; the more eyes
the better.
Spring 2015 Employee Survey Update: Angelina Hill presented the online Noel-Levitz
survey; N-L sent raw data and summarized results and results of a comparison group.
The comparison group includes 35 public, two-year colleges. The ratings scale involves
averages. It’s 2010 results compared to 2015 results. Communication seems to be the
main complaint; also training was a big concern with the result of the new mentoring
program and new staff orientation. The Committee Digest will begin again, there is now
a President’s blog, and a weekly update by the CIO/CSSO. But there may still be some
communication breakdowns… Here are comments made by Senators:
Communication/email is always unmanageable and needs to be more effective. One
hears “If people would just read their email”, but there’s so many emails to read! Some
solutions were brought up but issues came up that made them unpalatable.
Subscription list or outlook training; funnel things into folders; Subject lines are clear;
clarity in subject lines should be part of training
Rollout of new servers, perhaps use new client outlook 13 filtering systems, the new
client is still in the planning phases
Access issues and interaction; the biggest group is Associate Faculty (AF) who feel they
are not in the loop;
Healthy workplace and Accreditation work shows evidence that we are improving
We have implemented training and professional development committee is in process
of revising their plan/goals
AF has lower ratings for communication than other groups
Operational procedures and services is low across the board
Procedures may not be followed
Transparency; not understanding processes
Salary cuts were a big concern
Staffing concerns/resource concerns
Emails/the devil of too many emails, but not enough information
VPI reports are important
Budget process questions, training on budget doings, or unsatisfied with lack of
No one can ever inform everyone of everything
Recruitment of AF/F faculty
What’s happening with this information? Expanded cab, executive cab, senate,
manager’s council, CSEA-feedback will go to cabinet and IEC. PDC will get some of the
info; suggest other venues?
Thank you for the committee digest - Brilliant!
What should be included in the digest?
Digest link? It can be found here.
So much data, where do we send feedback? Angelina Hill!
College Update: Mark Winter reported five things; 1)student development is undergoing
Program review which is due at end of October; 2)three faculty positions (DN math end
of October, counseling/articulation in December, auto mechanic is out in December); 3)
the curriculum stoplight for distance education - three modalities are not clearly
reflected as we update to the new language and improve COR and DE will be fixed; 4)
the Education Master Plan steering committee met today and is now on an 18 month
timeline to complete the Plan to include active roles by faculty; 5) The Professional
Development Committee is in development and he is heartened to see faculty taking
major leadership roles, and the “new and improved” PDC may be up and running in
November, sunsetting the “old” PDC at end of Oct.
Associated Students of College of the Redwoods (ASCR) Update: Quang-Minh Pham I’m
happy to report that ASCR Senate is growing and they are approving two new senators
from DN; in coming weeks events could include bringing CalFresh to CR; ASCR has begun
the process of re-chartering clubs.
Future Agenda Items: Senators are encouraged to request to place an item on a future agenda:
Census data numbers to be brought to Senate;
AFC discussed help for Connie Carlson who is overwhelmed and can’t get everything
AFC discussed the Year of the Associate Faculty, brainstorming what to do; AFC needs to
know what is the next step for costs/time/ and going forward;
Healthy work environment update;
An update on different committees.
Announcements and Open Forum
Attend the Marketing Focus Group (see Sept. 29 email from Angelina Hill-RSVP for
Thursday, October 15 at 3 pm – 4 pm in the Boardroom, Eureka campus)
Attend the Marketing Focus Group (see Sept. 29 email from Angelina Hill-RSVP for
Wednesday, October 14 at 11:30 – 12:30 pm in DM-34, Del Norte campus) ALL ARE
ENCOURAGED TO ATTEND. 10 faculty have RSVPd, so another 10 may sign up.
Senate Constitution and Bylaws Revisions by October 6 will be a discussion on Oct. 16
Save the Dates for Future Faculty Meetings:
8.3.1 October 30 - 10:00 to 11:15 am in LRC 105
8.3.2 December 4 - 10:00 to 11:15 am in LRC 105
SCIENCE NIGHT! October 23!
ADDED: Kristy Carlsen is holding a screening of “The Harvest” on Wednesday, October 15 at 5:30
in Humanities room 129 with discussion after. They need panelists!
Other upcoming CR Events – (
Adjournment: On a motion by Sandra Rowan, seconded by Sally Urban, the meeting was
adjourned 2:55 pm.
Public Notice—Nondiscrimination
College of the Redwoods does not discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, color or disability in any of its
programs or activities. College of the Redwoods is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. Upon
request this publication will be made available in alternate formats. Please contact Debbie Williams, Academic Senate Support, 7351 Tompkins
Hill Road, Eureka, CA 95501, (707) 476-4259: Office Hours, M-Th - 8 am to 3 pm; F - 10 am to 5 pm (hours vary due to meeting schedules).