Student Success and Support Program (SSSP) Advisory Committee Agenda and Notes September 17, 2015, 10:00-11:00 a.m. in SS-104 or WebX The purpose of the CR SSSP Advisory Committee is to review and recommend policies, procedures, and activities to enhance the district-wide understanding of the philosophy and process of matriculation and to increase student success for all students. Present: Dave Arnold, Dave Bazard, Rianne Connor, Paul Chown, Lindsey Dunham, Doug Edgmon, Lyn Geck-Moeller, Marla Gleave, Sheila Hall, Kintay Johnson, Chrystal Morse, Angela Stewart, and Erin Wall. Julia Peterson participated by conference phone. Sheila emailed a draft of the SSSP plan to the committee members for review. Information about SSSP is now available at I. Review committee scope and membership—Sheila reviewed the changes to the SSSP committee membership. It was suggested that we have additional faculty participation on the committee. Erin will contact an English faculty member to see if they are available to participate on the committee. Steve Jackson, Cathy Cox, or Mike Butler was suggested as possible committee members. Student representation on the committee is required. At this time we do not have student representation, but Sheila will ask the student workers in the Counseling Office for their input on the SSSP plan. Angela Stewart could be a faculty appointee, but she is representing the Transfer Center and Counseling Office. II. Review progress of 2014-15 SSSP Annual Plan—Last year we were required to provide details about the four core services (orientation, assessment, counseling/advising, and follow-up for at-risk students. A annual plan with specific SSSP action items was written last year to track what we have accomplished. Progress on the plan was reviewed. Improvements have been made to the inperson and online orientations. Learning outcomes are built into the orientation, and we are tracking the students who are completing the orientation. Sheila is waiting for information from the ASC staff about assessment services. We are making progress in multiple measures. Regarding Communication Management, Financial Aid is using this Datatel module, but we are not ready to use it with other services. Communication Management is built-in to a lot of the core services. Retention alert will use Communication Management. It is a work in progress, and we will work on it this year. Counseling and advising—we have purchased the Student Planning module for counseling and advising. We have installed and tested Student Planning, but the system is not meeting our needs. Sheila explained Student Planning. We are working on having Student Planning available for students, counselors, and advisors. Currently, we are using Degree Audit (program evaluation in Web Advisor). Degree Audit is up-to-date and accurate. We use SARS to track abbreviated and comprehensive student education plans. We need to improve the processes for completing comprehensive student education plans. GUID 215 should help increase our numbers of comprehensive SEPs. It was reported that some instructors have questions about the education plan process. We need to provide our services to all students at all locations, including online. It was recommended that we use the same terminology to promote student understanding. Telepresence action item—hopefully we will be able to have our orientations and meetings at other sites via telepresence. Sheila will discuss telepresence with Steven Roper. Sheila asked Paul about course scheduling software, but he said we haven’t made any progress. Services for at-risk students—we have purchased and implemented the Retention Alert system. We planned to pilot the system in the spring, but we might not be able to because there have been some delays. We still need to hire the Manager of Student Retention position. Erin said we are trying to set up a supplemental instruction pilot project that will be implemented in the spring. It will involve having trained student tutors in basic skills courses. Hopefully, this will be expanded to other classes where the student success rate is low. Sheila said we continually provide career and transfer information to students. Nanette Barker has developed workshops to help students who are on probation or dismissal. This summer we revised the AP4250 policy on probation, dismissal, and readmission. Students, who have been dismissed, are now required to meet with a counselor if they want to reenroll at CR. These students will be tracked in the Retention Alert system. Student Equity Plan action item—Dave Bazard reported the Student Equity Committee is meeting next week to discuss committee membership. A plan needs to be put together by mid-December. The groups have been identified and strategies have been written, but a final report hasn’t been put together yet. Sheila said we received feedback from the Chancellors’ Office on our SSSP report from last year. III. Review draft of 2015-16 credit and noncredit SSSP Plan and Budget Sheila reviewed the draft of the credit section of the SSSP report. In the report we need to state what we have accomplished regarding planning for this year. Sheila asked everyone to review the draft of the SSSP report and identify anything that she might have missed. She still needs information from the ASC regarding assessment, IR data, and budget for the report. Draft documents will be sent by Sept. 21 for the Board of Trustees meeting in October. This will be an informational report to the Board. The Academic Senate needs to approve the SSSP report, so Sheila will submit it by the end of September for review at the first Academic Senate meeting in October. The Senate will need to sign the report at the second Senate meeting in October. The report is due October 30. Sheila explained the SSSP budget. Last year we received $619,491 in SSSP funds. Sheila said we should receive more SSSP funding this year, but we are awaiting the Chancellors’ Office to release the final allocations which are calculated after all colleges have submitted MIS data. Sheila would like the committee’s feedback on the question that asks what steps we are taking to reduce any unmet need to ensure student participation. We are providing information districtwide and are notifying the students by email if they are missing services. Marla suggested sending the students an email notifying them of the requirements for priority registration, so they have time to complete the requirements by the deadline of October 23. Kintay said Special Programs sends notifications to students if they are missing requirements for priority registration. It was suggested that we continue to have SEP/priority registration outreach tables set up around campus to publicize the services. Marla suggested asking the instructors to announce to their classes the importance of developing a student education plan. Sheila said we are now required to write an SSSP plan and budget for noncredit students. This plan is similar to the plan we wrote for credit last year. The budget for noncredit is approximately $13,000. All of the services we provide for credit students must also be provided to noncredit students. We are required to develop a separate noncredit student education plan. There was a discussion about the type of student education plans that would be created for noncredit students. Some of the noncredit students are not interested in credit courses. We will have to offer services off-site. At this point, all noncredit and credit students participate in the same services. We will need to verify that if a student is enrolled in six or more credit units, we don’t need a noncredit student education plan. Sheila has written the noncredit plan to reflect a lot of the services that we are offering credit students. There is some concern as to how we are going to offer these services off-campus to the community classes. Kintay is providing some orientation services for noncredit students through noncredit classes. The noncredit report also asks how we are providing information about the awareness and prevention about violence against women. This information will now be included in the orientation for all students (credit and noncredit). Next meeting TBD—the next SSSP committee meeting will be held in mid to late October on a Thursday morning. Sheila wants the committee to meet when the plan is finalized. The committee will meet once or twice a semester. The meeting adjourned at 11:00 a.m.