1 2014-15 SSSP Review Form College Name: ___College of the Redwoods____ Section I: Signature Page: (Reviewed by CO) Section II: SSSP Services: (a): Core Services i. Orientation 1 2 X 3 Comments Plan appears to meet standards. District is working toward the provision of orientation services for all new students. Compliance Issue/Page # N/A It’s not clear how online/phone orientation services equate with in-person processes and how this format is provided for students at extended sites. Target population defined clearly X Budget plan should include costs associated with orientation. Positions explained. Connect to Budget Plan. X More detail needed regarding specific orientation checklist information. Describe the college’s academic expectations, for example. X X Page 8 Budget missing. Need to include specific costs related to core service, not just reference to final budget document. 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act) 2 (a): Core Services ii. Assessment 1 2 X 3 Comments Compliance Issue/Page # If students need an ID number to gain computer access, students will need to have applied prior to assessment. (See p. 9) N/A Not clear how staff members are particularly involved in providing student assessments. Not clear how multiple measures – which may be included – are integrated into the AccuPlacer assessment. X In addition, what is reliability of OPTIMATH? X In addition to best practices, will research to determine effectiveness of current practices be done? X Budget missing. Need to include specific costs related to core service, not just reference to final budget document. 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act) 3 (a): Core Services iii. Counseling, Advising, and Other Education Planning Services 1 2 3 X Comments Compliance Issue/Page # Should include additional description of at what point(s) in the student’s academic pathway, these services are provided. N/A The implementation of the Ellucian Student Planning Module is included in the plan, but is unclear about how this product will allow students to develop education plans with less technical support. X Budget missing. Need to include specific costs related to core service, not just reference to final budget document. Missing negotiated student contact hours. (a): Core Services iv. Follow-up for At-Risk Students 1 2 3 X X Page 14 Comments Compliance Issue/Page # Not clear how particular follow-up services are provided and how staff are particularly involved in this work. N/A Clear description of target population. X Budget missing. Need to include specific costs related to core service, not just reference to final budget document. 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act) 4 (b): Related Direct Program Services i. Institutional Research 1 2 3 X 1 2 x X Compliance Issue/Page # This section should expand upon the details of IR involvement as described in previous sections of the plan. N/A What will happen if there is disproportionate impact of services? X (b): Related Direct Program Services ii. Technology Comments 3 Comments Compliance Issue/Page # While not called for in the prompt, there may be room to discuss the capacity to support additional technology with existing resources. N/A Not clear about “less technical support from counseling” for Ellucian use. Is less support good? How does Ellucian provide less need for support? 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act) 5 (c): Transitional Services for Match 1 2 3 X Comments Compliance Issue/Page # Not clear what types of services are provided during this transition. Section 3: Policies & Professional Development: Policies & Prof. Development 1 2 3 Comments Compliance Issue/Page # x N/A Policies look clear and complete. X 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act) 6 Section 4: Attachments: Attachments 1 2 X 3 Comments Compliance Issue/Page # Need to clearly identify SSSP Coordinator. General Observations and/or Summary of Reviewer: Please see comments above. 1 - Complete description; Describes sound practice; Appears to meet standards; 2 - Needs improvement; Inadequate description; Missing key elements; 3- Compliance concerns; Incomplete, non-responsive (T5; Guidelines, Budget Act)