Simon Fraser University Spring 2016 ECON 804 S. Lu

Simon Fraser University
ECON 804
Spring 2016
S. Lu
Problem Set 1
Due on January 27, in class
1. (FT Exercise 5.4) Consider a finite symmetric repeated game. Assume there is a symmetric
mutual minmax profile in pure strategies in the stage game, i.e. a pure-strategy profile π‘š
such that max 𝑔(π‘Žπ‘– , π‘š−𝑖 ) ≤ 𝑣. Assume that public randomizations are available.
Show that for sufficiently large discount factors, there exists a symmetric pure-strategy
mutual minmax profile of the stage game π‘š∗ such that the worst strongly symmetric1
equilibrium payoff in the repeated game can be attained with strategies that have two phases:
- In phase A, players play π‘š∗ . If players conform in phase A, play switches to phase B
with a probability 𝑝 specified by the equilibrium strategies; if there are any deviations,
play remains in phase A with probability 1.
- In phase B, play follows strategies that yield the highest equilibrium payoff 𝑐 > 𝑣.
2. (FT Exercise 5.8)
a) In a repeated game, show that if for each player, there is a SPE where that player’s payoff
is his minmax value, then any payoff of a NE is also the payoff of a SPE.
b) Suppose that, for each player 𝑖 and each 𝑗 ≠ 𝑖, 𝑔𝑗 (π‘šπ‘– ) > 𝑣𝑗 , where π‘šπ‘– is a pure strategy
profile where player 𝑖 obtains her minmax payoff 𝑣𝑖 and is best-responding. Show that
the sets of NE and SPE payoffs are identical for sufficiently large discount factors.
c) Show that the sets from part b can differ for small discount factors.
d) Suppose that for each 𝑖, there is a minmax profile π‘šπ‘– in pure strategies, that the vector of
minmax values is in the interior of the feasible payoff set, and that for each player 𝑖, ∃π‘ŽΜ‚π‘–
such that 𝑔𝑖 (π‘ŽΜ‚π‘– , π‘š−𝑖
) < 𝑣𝑖 . Show that the sets of NE and SPE payoffs are identical for
sufficiently large discount factors. Why is the existence of π‘ŽΜ‚π‘– necessary for your proof?
3. Consider the extraction of a common resource problem we studied in class. We argued that
solving the Bellman equation for a differentiable Markov perfect equilibrium gives:
𝑔𝑖′ (𝑠𝑖 (π‘˜)) = 𝛿𝑔𝑖′ (𝑠𝑖 (𝑓(πœ“(π‘˜)))) 𝑓 ′ (πœ“(π‘˜))[1 − 𝑠𝑗′ (𝑓(πœ“(π‘˜)))],
where π‘˜ 𝑑+1 = 𝑓(πœ“(π‘˜ 𝑑 )) = 𝑓(π‘˜π‘‘ − 𝑠1 (π‘˜π‘‘ ) − 𝑠2 (π‘˜π‘‘ )).
Set up the Bellman equation and use the envelope theorem to derive the above condition.
A strategy profile is strongly symmetric if players play the same strategy after every history. For example, tit-fortat in the prisoner’s dilemma is not strongly symmetric because after histories where only one player has deviated, it
prescribes different actions for the players.
[Hint: To apply the envelope theorem and find 𝑉′(π‘˜π‘‘ ), you should keep the resource stock
fixed in all future periods; because player 𝑗 will absorb part of the variation in π‘˜ 𝑑 , this means
that player 𝑖 will not take all of it. Equivalently, you can explicitly take into account the
constraint for π‘˜ 𝑑+1 and the associated Lagrange multiplier, but this is more complicated.]
4. (FT Exercise 13.3) Two firms play the Cournot game repeatedly. Let π‘Žπ‘–π‘‘ denote firm 𝑖’s output
at date 𝑑, and let π‘Žπ‘‘ ≡ π‘Ž1𝑑 + π‘Ž2𝑑 . A fraction πœ€ > 0 of the good sold at date 𝑑 is recycled once.
The consumers do not receive income when the good they consumed is recycled (a recycling
industry purchases the old units at price 0 – this ensures that consumers are myopic). The
inverse demand curve at date 𝑑 is 𝑝𝑑 = 1 − π‘Žπ‘‘ − πœ€π‘Žπ‘‘−1 . Production by the duopolists is
costless. Assume that πœ€ is “small.”
a) What is the payoff-relevant variable in this game?
b) Write the first-order condition for an MPE. [Hint: Use value functions 𝑉𝑖 (π‘Žπ‘‘−1 ).]
c) Find a symmetric equilibrium with quadratic valuation function, so π‘‘π‘Žπ‘‘−1 = −𝛼 + π›½π‘Žπ‘‘−1 .
Show that 𝛽(3 − 2𝛿𝛽)2 = 2πœ€ 2 and π›Όπœ€ = 𝛽(1 + 𝛿 2 𝛼𝛽 − 2 𝛿𝛼); 𝛿 is the discount factor.
[Note: FT asks you to show that 𝛽(3 − 2𝛿𝛽) = πœ€ 2 and π›Όπœ€ = 𝛽(1 − 𝛿𝛼), but I’m pretty
sure that’s wrong – I got the above expressions in two different ways: the envelope
theorem (recommended, but again remember to change the stock in the relevant period
only) and directly solving for 𝑉 (very messy). See if your answer matches mine or theirs.]