Introduction to Game Theory: Basics, Dominance, Nash Equilibrium Economics 302 - Microeconomic Theory II: Strategic Behavior Shih En Lu Simon Fraser University (with thanks to Anke Kessler) ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 1 / 31 Topics 1 Game theory: basic de…nitions 2 (Strict) Dominance 3 Pure-strategy Nash equilibrium 4 Mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium 5 Best response graphs in 2x2 games 6 Mixed strategies and Dominance ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 2 / 31 Most Important Things to Learn 1 De…nitions: strategy, strategy pro…le, dominant/dominated strategy, iterated strict dominance (ISD), best response, Nash equilibrium (NE) 2 Determine the set of strategies that survive ISD 3 Find a game’s pure-strategy NE 4 Finding mixed-strategy NE in 2x2 games (or games that become so after ISD) 5 Graphing best response functions in 2x2 games ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 3 / 31 Why Games? We want to model strategic behaviour - i.e. how people act when they realize that their own behaviour a¤ects others’choices and that the outcome depends on others’actions as well as their own. This …ts many economic situations where the "large number" assumption of competitive markets fail: oligopoly, auctions, bargaining, public goods, etc. Also useful in other …elds: biology, political science, sports, etc. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 4 / 31 What is a Game? A game has players that each chooses from actions available to him/her. Example: Bob can either go to class or skip class, and the professor can either give a pop quiz or not. This week, we study simultaneous-move games. Simultaneous-move means that each player acts once, and does so without knowing others’actions/strategies. Example: The game would not be simultaneous-move if the professor decides whether to give a quiz after seeing if Bob is in class. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 5 / 31 What is a Strategy (in a Simultaneous-Move Game)? Each player plays a strategy, which is, in a simultaneous-move game, a probability distribution over her actions. Example: "Go to class" is one of Bob’s strategies. "Go to class with probability 0.3 and Skip class with probability 0.7" is another. A pure strategy is a strategy that puts probability 1 on a single action. A mixed strategy is just any strategy. "Mixed" is used to emphasize that the strategy may not be pure. A collection of each player’s strategy is called a strategy pro…le. Example: ((Go to class), (0.4 Give quiz, 0.6 No quiz)) is a strategy pro…le. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 6 / 31 Outcomes, Payo¤s and Complete Information An outcome (or action pro…le) is a collection of actions taken by each player. Example: (Go to class, Give quiz) is an outcome. Each outcome generates a utility, or payo¤, for each player. These utilities are obtained from expected utility theory, so that a player cares about her expected payo¤/utility. Complete information means that each player knows every player’s payo¤ from each outcome. Example: If lazy students’payo¤s di¤er from hard-working ones’, and the professor does not know whether Bob is lazy, then the game would not feature complete information. We will assume complete information roughly until the midterm. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 7 / 31 The Normal Form A convenient way to represent a two-player simultaneous move game of complete information is through the normal form (also known as strategic form). Prof. Give Quiz No Quiz Bob Go to class 0,0 2,6 Skip class -5,-1 5,4 By convention, player 1 (Bob) picks the row, and player 2 (professor) picks the column. Each cell gives the payo¤s of player 1 and player 2, in that order. What do you expect the professor to do? What about Bob? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 8 / 31 Dominance For now, let’s only consider pure strategies. A player’s strategy is (strictly) dominant if, for any combination of actions by other players, it gives that player a strictly higher payo¤ than all her other strategies. ("The unique best choice no matter what others do") Examples: professor not giving a quiz. A player’s strategy is (strictly) dominated if there exists another strategy giving that player a strictly higher payo¤ for all combinations of actions by other players. ("There’s something else that’s always strictly better") Examples: professor giving a quiz. If a strategy is dominant, what can you say about that player’s other strategies? Is the converse true? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 9 / 31 Dominance Solvability (I) It makes sense to predict that a player will play her dominant strategy if she has one, and will never play a dominated strategy. But in our example, while we can predict what the professor does, Bob doesn’t have dominant or dominated strategies. Idea: take it a step further, and assume Bob can also deduce what the professor does. Now we can predict what Bob will do. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 10 / 31 Dominance Solvability (II) Iterated deletion of strictly dominated strategies, or iterated strict dominance (ISD): after deleting dominated strategies, look at whether other strategies became dominated with respect to the remaining strategies. If so, delete these newly dominated strategies, and repeat the process until no strategy is dominated. Example: "Going to class" is initially not dominated, but after "Give quiz" is eliminated, it becomes dominated. A game is dominance solvable if ISD leads to a unique predicted outcome, i.e. only one strategy for each player survives. The Bob/Professor game is dominance solvable. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 11 / 31 Another Example Cooperate Defect Cooperate -1,-1 -10,0 Defect 0,-10 -8,-8 This is an example of the famous Prisoner’s Dilemma. "Cooperate" = keeping quiet; "Defect" = rat out the other prisoner Is this game dominance solvable? Is your predicted outcome Pareto e¢ cient? Defecting gives both players a higher payo¤ no matter what the other one does, but (Defect, Defect) is worse for both than (Cooperate, Cooperate). ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 12 / 31 The Prisoner’s Dilemma In general, a PD is a 2x2 game where: 1 2 Both players have a dominant strategy. The outcome where both players play their dominated pure strategy is strictly better for both players than the outcome where they play their dominant strategy. Lesson: In some games, the outcome that you expect to occur is ine¢ cient. Can you think of other situations that can be modeled as a PD? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 13 / 31 Exercise Find the set of strategies that survive ISD. Left Center Right Top 1,7 1,1 7,0 Middle 5,3 6,4 5,1 Bottom 3,0 6,5 6,0 ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 14 / 31 Remarks on Dominance Solvability A solution through ISD is not as convincing as a solution in dominant strategies: it assumes that players correctly anticipate what others will do. However, ISD allows us to solve some games that don’t have a dominant strategy for all players. Moreover, the type of reasoning carried out in ISD seems feasible and realistic, especially when the number of steps is small. So it’s still a pretty appealing concept. Fact: the order in which ISD is carried out (which can vary since there can be more than one dominated strategy at a time) does not in‡uence which strategies survive. (Brainteaser for math jocks: prove this.) ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 15 / 31 Many Games Are Not Dominance Solvable It’s easy to come up with a game where ISD doesn’t help at all. Colin Pond Timmie’s Rowena Pond 1,1 0,0 Timmie’s 0,0 1,1 (This is a coordination game.) Are we completely stuck? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 16 / 31 Nash Equilibrium (Motivation) If Rowena and Colin haven’t set a meeting place, are meeting each other for the …rst time and are new at SFU, then it’d be hard to predict their behaviour. But if they have communicated, have done this before or if there’s a social norm, it seems likely that they will coordinate successfully. Idea: We expect situations where everybody is playing her best strategy, given others’strategies. This way, nobody is making a mistake or has an incentive to switch. Note: Just like for ISD, we are assuming that each player has correct beliefs about what others are doing. But it’s a stronger assumption here, because logic alone doesn’t allow us (or the players) to predict behaviour. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 17 / 31 Nash Equilibrium (De…nition) A player i’s strategy si is a best response to other players’strategies if, taking as …xed these other players’strategies, si gives player i her highest possible expected payo¤. In other words, si is a best response if, given what others are doing, no other strategy yields a strictly higher expected payo¤ for player i. A Nash equilibrium (NE) is a strategy pro…le where every player’s strategy is a best response to other players’strategies. Again, this means that nobody has a reason to switch, giving what everyone else is doing. An NE in pure strategies or a pure-strategy NE is an NE where every player’s strategy is pure. Examples: (Skip Class, No Quiz) in …rst example; (Confess, Confess) in PD; (Middle, Center) and (Bottom, Center) in exercise; (Pond, Pond) and (Timmie’s, Timmie’s) in last example. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 18 / 31 Finding Pure-Strategy Nash Equilibria Let’s …nd all the pure-strategy NEs in the following game: Left Center Right Palin Top 0,1 0,0 5,2 -10,-10 Middle 1,1 4,3 4,0 -10,-10 Bottom 2,3 6,2 3,3 -10,-10 ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 19 / 31 Exercise Find all the pure-strategy NEs in the following game: Left Center Right Top 3,7 9,6 1,6 Middle 0,0 4,0 2,0 Bottom 4,0 1,5 0,1 ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 20 / 31 Relating Dominance Solvability and Nash Equilibrium Does a combination of strategies surviving ISD have to be a NE? Can a player’s strategy in a NE involve an action eliminated by ISD? Based on the above, which concept yields sharper predictions? Does your answer depend on the game? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 21 / 31 Some Games Have No Pure-Strategy NE (I) Rock Paper Scissors Rock 0,0 -1,1 1,-1 Paper 1,-1 0,0 -1,1 Scissors -1,1 1,-1 0,0 But there might still be a mixed-strategy NE. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 22 / 31 Some Games Have No Pure-Strategy NE (II) We saw that Rock-Paper-Scissors has no pure-strategy NE. Here’s another example: Kicker Left Right Goalie Left 1,-1 -1,1 Right -1,1 1,-1 (This game is sometimes called "matching pennies".) What do soccer players actually do? These are games where it’s important to keep the other(s) guessing. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 23 / 31 Optimality of Mixed Strategies Kicker Left Goalie Left 1,-1 Right -1,1 What would the goalie do Right? Right -1,1 1,-1 if the kicker is more likely to play Left? When will the goalie play both Left and Right with positive probability? In a NE, every action played with positive probability must be a best response. So if a player plays multiple actions with positive probability, he must be indi¤erent between them, i.e. they must yield the same expected utility. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 24 / 31 Finding Mixed-Strategy NE Unfortunately, it is generally hard to …nd all mixed-strategy NE. But in 2x2 games (2 players and 2 actions for each player), it’s not too bad. Kicker Left Right Goalie Left 1,-1 -1,1 Right -1,1 1,-1 Suppose the goalie plays Left with probability p. To …nd the NE, we need to …nd the value of p that makes the kicker indi¤erent between Left and Right. Similarly, we need to …nd the mix of the kicker’s actions that makes the goalie indi¤erent between Left and Right. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 25 / 31 (Politically Incorrect) Example: Battle of the Sexes Find all NE in the following game: Girl Ballet Hockey Guy Ballet 3,1 0,0 Hockey 0,0 1,4 We can also …nd the expected payo¤s of each NE. Note: for games with a …nite number of players and where each player has a …nite number of actions, a NE always exists! ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 26 / 31 Bigger Games Remember that NEs cannot involve strategies that are eliminated by ISD (this is true of all NEs, not just pure-strategy ones). So …nding all mixed-strategy NE is also feasible in games that reduce down to 2x2 through ISD. In games that don’t reduce that far, sometimes payo¤s are nice and symmetric like in Rock-Paper-Scissors. But even then, it’s more work than for 2x2 games. Exercise (to do at home): Find all NE in RPS. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 27 / 31 Visualizing NE in 2x2 Games We can graphically represent players’best responses (BR). Guy Ballet Hockey Girl Ballet 3,1 0,0 Hockey 0,0 1,4 Let p be the probability of "Ballet" for the girl, and q be the probability of "Ballet" for the guy. What is the guy’s BR if p < 0.8? If p > 0.8? If p = 0.8? What is the girl’s BR if q < 0.25? If q > 0.25? If q = 0.25? The NE correspond to the intersection of the BR curves. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 28 / 31 Mixed Strategies and ISD (I) Remember how we de…ned ISD: after deleting dominated strategies, look at whether other strategies became dominated with respect to the remaining strategies. If so, delete these newly dominated strategies, and repeat the process until no strategy is dominated. No mention that the strategies must be pure! Here are some potential issues: 1 2 3 We’ve been deleting pure strategies. But there are mixed strategies that place positive probability on those pure strategies. So can we really ignore the strategies that have been deleted? We’ve been deleting a strategy si if there’s another strategy si0 that beats si for any pure strategy by the other player. But we’re only supposed to delete si if we can …nd an si0 that beats si for any strategy, pure or not, by the other player. Are we "overdeleting"? We’ve been only deleting a strategy if it’s dominated by another pure strategy. But we’re supposed to delete strategies that are dominated by any strategy, pure or not. Are we "underdeleting"? ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 29 / 31 Mixed Strategies and ISD (II) 1 2 3 If pure strategy si is dominated by pure strategy si0 , then any strategy that uses si with positive probability is dominated by a strategy that shifts that probability to si0 . Therefore, when we delete a pure strategy si , we are also automatically deleting any mixed strategy that places positive probability on that pure strategy si , so we can really safely ignore si . If si0 gives a higher payo¤ than si for any pure strategy by the other player, then it also gives a higher expected payo¤ for any potentially mixed strategy by the other player: a weighted average is higher if all the numbers that you’re averaging are higher (and the probability distribution - i.e. the other player’s mixed strategy - stays the same). Therefore, si really is dominated, and we are not overdeleting. Yes, we are underdeleting if we only consider pure strategies: see problem set. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 30 / 31 Mixed Strategies and ISD (III) Note: The observations on the previous slide all carry through with more than two players, if instead of talking about "the other player’s strategies," we talk about "the other players’strategy combinations" (i.e. partial strategy pro…les that only include the others’strategies). Note: We’re also "underdeleting" in another way: sometimes, a mixed strategy can be dominated even if the pure strategies on which it places positive probability are not dominated. But this is less worrisome because it doesn’t make us underdelete pure strategies, which means that it doesn’t "block" later steps of the ISD procedure. ECON 302 (SFU) Introduction to Game Theory 31 / 31