Disability Coordinators Ian Fielding Julia Gretton Rachel Moseley Maria Heredia-Fernandez Sharon Murray Andrea Klaus Sharon Murray Jayne Brown Classics & Ancient History English & Comparative Studies Film & Television Studies Language Centre Ext - 50407 I.D.Fielding@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23667; J.Gretton@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 73000; Rachel.Moseley@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23418 M.L.HerediaFernandez@warwick.ac.uk French Studies Ext - 50418; Sharon.Murray@warwick.ac.uk German Studies Ext - 24480; A.G.Klaus@warwick.ac.uk Italian Studies Centre for the Study of Renaissance Ext - 50418; Sharon.Murray@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 73096; J.E.Burns@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 24587 J.Brown.5@warwick.ac.uk History Ext - 23453; R.S.Horton@warwick.ac.uk Claire Nicholls History of Art Ext - 50390 Claire.Nicholls@warwick.ac.uk Claire Nicholls Theatre, Performance & Cultural Ext - 50390 Policy Studies Claire.Nicholls@warwick.ac.uk Robert Horton Fal Patel Andrew Marsh Rod Moore Amy Hamson Life Sciences Chemistry Ext - 23564; Fal.Patel@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 24565; A.Marsh@warwick.ac.uk Computer Science Ext - 23024 Rod.Moore@dcs.warwick.ac.uk School of Engineering Ext - 23131 A.Hamson@warwick.ac.uk Wendy Hill Nav Patel Ayesha Rahman Steve McGladrigan Paula Matthews Warwick Manufacturing Group Ext - 74572; Wendy.Hill@warwick.ac.uk Mathematics EXT - 23083 Nav.Patel@warwick.ac.uk Physics Ext - 51380; A.Rahman@warwick.ac.uk Psychology S.McGladrigan@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23189 Statistics Ext - 24553 Paula.Matthews@warwick.ac.uk Scientific Computing Vida Glanville Anne Maynard Centre for Systems Biology Ext - 74111 V.Glanville@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 28231 J.A.Maynard@warwick.ac.uk Rachael Brogan Economics Rose le Breton Bagley School of Law Ext - 24541 O.Tosun@warwick.ac.uk Onur Tosun Mandeep Tutt Ext - 23276 R.Brogan@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23175 R.A.le-BretonBagley@warwick.ac.uk Warwick Business School Ext - 22853 M.Tutt@warwick.ac.uk Donna McIntyre Philosophy Charlotte Lewis Politics & International Studies Ext - 22320; Donna.mcintyre@warwick.ac.u k Ext - 28464 Charlotte.lewis@warwick.ac.uk Sociology Ext - 24771 J.p.cooper@warwick.ac.uk Institute of Education Ext - 22232; k.inskip@warwick.ac.uk CEDAR Ext - 22184; M-A.Cullen@warwick.ac.uk Jane Cooper Kirstin Inskip Mairi-Ann Cullen Colin MacDougall (Student Disability) Warwick Medical School – Andrew Taylor (Masters/CPD) Warwick Medical School – Sandra Beaufoy Human Resources (including Learning & Development Centre) Jenny Rooney-Kennedy Library Phil Moore Estates Despina Weber Kathryn Fisher Disability Coordinator Deputy Registrars Office Ext - 73804 Colin.MacDougall@warwick.ac.u k Ext - 23746 Andrew.Taylor@warwick.ac.uk Ext – 74479 S.Beaufoy@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23010 J.S.RooneyKennedy@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 50702 Philip.Moore@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 73734 D.Weber@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 73734 k.j.fisher@warwick.ac.uk Sophie Black Deputy Registrar’s Office Ext - 72844 S.Black@warwick.ac.uk Stuart Jennings Chaplaincy Ext - 23520 S.B.Jennings@warwick.ac.uk Lorna Bagworth Warwick Print Ext - 28454 L.Bagworth@warwick.ac.uk Finance Office Ext - 22531 J.E.Keene@warwick.ac.uk Ext – 25118 James.H.Smith@warwick.ac.uk Angela Roxburgh IT Services Ext - 75321 Angela.Roxburgh@warwick.ac.uk Brenda Jones Research Support Services Ext - 23716 Brenda.Jones@warwick.ac.uk Janet Keene James Smith Emma Durrant Jobs.ac.uk / Unitemps Alison Thomas Academic Registrar's Office Ext - 72975 Emma@jobs.ac.uk Ext - 75683 Alison.thomas@warwick.ac.uk Julie Castledine International Office Lucy Griffiths Music Centre Zoe Evans PE & Sport Rachael Barnes Clive Singleton Phil Jones Catherine Hanley Paul Roberts Centre for Lifelong Learning Warwick Conference Park and Events (including Arden, Scarman and Radcliffe and Accommodation) Institute of Advanced Teaching and Learning Arts Centre Ext – 23500 Julie.Castledine@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23799 Lucy.Griffiths@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23008; Z.Evans@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 74212 Rachael.barnes@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 28285 Clive.Singleton@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 23901 Phil.Jones@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 75124 c.b.hanley@warwick.ac.uk Ext - 28125 P.G.Roberts@warwick.ac.uk Caroline Oakman Rachel Hitchcox Helen Blunt Communications Office/DARO Ext - 75828 C.E.Oakman@warwick.ac.uk Institute of Advanced Study Ext - 73481 R.J.Moy@warwick.ac.uk Student Careers and Skills Centre Ext - 50446; H.E.Blunt@warwick.ac.uk