Factsheet on Protected Characteristics Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Understand your responsibilities towards all genders Familiarise yourself with the Equality Act 2010, the University of Warwick’s Equality and Diversity Policy and Dignity at Warwick Policy Ensure staff are able to perform to the best of their abilities Confidentiality Are your workplace and working ethics inclusive to all? Equality and Diversity Training Inform Colleagues about the Staff Network Groups Display E&D posters on departmental notice boards Be aware of additional support available Familiarise yourself with available resources and obtain further support, advice and guidance Equality & Diversity Team E&D Webpages HR Adviser Occupational Health Equality Act 2010 It is unlawful to discriminate against someone on the grounds of their Gender. The Equality Act 2010 aims to protect people and prevent discrimination. Dignity at Warwick Familiarise yourself with the Dignity at Warwick Policy – If a member of staff feels they are being bullied or harassed they can speak to a Dignity Contact in confidence. Maternity Checklist Once a member of staff submits their maternity leave plan to HR, a letter will be sent to the employee enclosing 2 checklists. One for the employee and one for the manager. Ensure that the checklists are discussed during a one to one and have a plan in place before their leave starts, during maternity/adoption leave and when the employee is due to return. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalo ps/dignityatwarwick/ Equality & Diversity Team For more information please contact: Sandra Beaufoy, HR – Equality & Diversity, Ext: 74479 – S.Beaufoy@warwick.ac.uk Claire Algar, Equality & Diversity Coordinator, Ext: 22356 – C.Algar@warwick.ac.uk E&D Training Find out about the E&D training sessions; these cover all Protected Characteristics. Also complete the online E-Learning modules. Encourage all your staff to complete the online modules as a minimum. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equ alops/training Managers Responsibility Ensure that you are familiar with the policies relating to Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave. Discuss with your member of staff the options that would be suitable for them and that these are offered fairly to staff without discrimination. Equal Opportunities Gender equality is about creating a working environment that provides equal opportunity to all. During employment you may need to make your staff aware of the following benefits: Inclusivity Ensure your departments has an inclusive approach to all staff and students Working Parents Staff Network Group There is a very successful Working Parents Network Group; highlight this to your employees who may not be aware of this support network. This is open to all staff regardless of their child’s age. There is also an online forum which enables staff to keep in touch whilst on leave. Maternity Leave Paternity leave Shared Parental Leave Adoption Leave Other Parental Leave Keep in Touch Days/SPLIT days Warwick Academic Returners Policy Flexible working Resources Familiarise yourself with the resources available and refer to those when necessary for further support, advice and guidance Dignity at Warwick Policy - It’s important that managers are able to direct staff members to organisational policies when dealing with cases of bullying and harassment, including the various reporting routes available to them Legislation – Be aware of legislation, Maternity, Paternity and Adoption are all protected characterises under the Equality Act 2010. Manager’s Responsibility - All managers need to be clear in their role in how to support staff, as a manager you are responsible for tackling any discrimination and familiarising yourself with the policies and resources to support your staff. Keeping in Touch (KIT) Days – Understand what is meant by a KIT day, staff can work up to a maximum of 10 days during maternity leave, in agreement with their department. There is however, no requirement for staff to carry out KIT days, nor for departments to agree to one. Annual Leave – Contractual annual leave and statutory days (which fall during leave) are accrued during maternity leave at your normal entitlement. Staff can take annual leave before or after maternity. Employee Network Groups – Show your support to the staff network groups by displaying posters, ensure new and existing staff are aware of this resource. Network groups can provide a safe channel for managers to seek advice and support on maternity, paternity and adoption. University Nursery - The University has an on campus Nursery for further information please visit https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/childrensservices/nursery Maternity checklists - HR provide 2 maternity checklists, one for the employee and one for the manager. Arrange a meeting with the employee to discuss the checklists, this will include: • Consider and discuss how the maternity cover will be managed • How you can you assist the employee with their transition to go on leave and any work that needs to be covered during their leave, this may include their research and any potential implications • Discuss the benefits of Keeping in Touch days (KIT) • Discuss their return to work and the options available (changes, flexible or phased return) • Advise the employee of the Returning Parents Mentoring scheme http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/ldc/personal/coachmentor/returningparent Return to work - Carry out a re-induction to the workplace. Do not assume returners can just pick up where they left off. Have regular catch ups to check progress and provide support. Set and agree objectives. Shared Parental Leave – Shared parental leave provides new rights for parents of children due on or after, or adopted on or after 5 April 2015. Members of staff wishing to take Shared Parental Leave should consult the guidelines: http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/newpolicies/shared_parental_leave Academic Returners Fellowship – In January 2015 the University introduced the Academic Returners Fellowship all information and a helpful FAQ’s can be found at https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalops/maternity Maternity, Paternity and Adoption webpages: All information is located centrally and can be obtained via the Equality & Diversity webpages http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalops/maternity/ Training – Encourage all members of staff to complete the online E-Learning modules - Diversity in the Workplace. Reports can be obtained from the E&D team to monitor who has completed the modules. Ensure all members of staff who sit on interview panels have completed the Recruitment and Selection module to ensure no gender bias. Inclusive Behaviour – To maintain the momentum around equality initiatives include Equality and Diversity a standing item on staff meeting agendas. University Events – Encourage team members to attend diversity events that are held around campus, this could be communicated by email, prominently displaying posters and displays on digital screens.