Factsheets on Protected Characteristics Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT)

Factsheets on Protected Characteristics
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender
Understand your
identify and challenge
behaviours that
support LGBT
 Familiarise
yourself with the
Equality Act 2010,
the University of
Warwick’s Equality
and Diversity
Policy and Dignity
at Warwick Policy
 Get to know the
issues your staff
are dealing with
Are your
and working
inclusive to
 Disclosure and
Equality and Diversity
Inform colleagues
about the LGBT Staff
Display E&D posters
on departmental
notice boards
Be aware of
priate language
yourself with
resources and
obtain further
support, advice
and guidance
where necessary
Equality &
Diversity Team
LGBT Staff
network group
E&D Webpages
HR Adviser
Be aware of your
identify and challenge
behaviours where LGBT
discrimination is
Ensure your department supports an
inclusive approach to all staff and
Familiarise yourself with resources and refer to those when
necessary for further support, advice and guidance
Dignity at Warwick
Familiarise yourself with the Dignity at Warwick Policy – If a
member of staff feels they are being bullied or harassed they can
speak to a Dignity Contact in confidence.
E&D Training
Find out about the E&D training sessions; these cover all Protected
Characteristics. Also complete the online E-Learning modules.
Encourage all your staff to complete the online modules as a
Equality Act 2010
It is unlawful to discriminate against
someone on the grounds of their sexual
Demonstrate leadership and be visible in your
support and understanding to show that
equality at work is important.
People perform better when they can be
Warwick is a Stonewall Diversity
Champion; advice can be sought from the
Stonewall workplace team.
Disclosure and Confidentiality
If a member of staff discloses their
sexual orientation you must keep this
information confidential and not share
it with anyone without their consent.
Equality and Diversity Issues
Make time to speak to your staff about E&D
issues in general. If an employee has ‘come
out’ and they are comfortable to talk about it,
find out about their experiences. How could
we improve on this?
LGBT Staff Network Group
The University of Warwick has a well-established and successful LGBT
network; highlight this to your employees who are ‘out at work’ or
have confided in you that they are considering coming out and may
not be aware of this support network. Advise on Staff Network
groups in induction with new members of staff.
Equality & Diversity Team
For more information please
Sandra Beaufoy, HR – Equality &
Ext: 74479 –
Claire Algar, Equality & Diversity
Ext: 22356 – C.Algar@warwick.ac.uk
 Dignity at Warwick Policy - It’s important that managers are able to direct staff members to organisational policies
when dealing with cases of bullying and harassment, including the various reporting routes available to them
 Challenge discrimination and inappropriate behaviour – Managers are responsible for resolving conflicts between
team members and encouraging staff to work in a respectful manner. Some line managers may have little first-hand
experience of supporting lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans staff and may not be aware of what constitutes bullying and
harassment on the grounds of sexual orientation. Recognise and challenge inappropriate ‘banter’ that includes the
use of homophobic or biphobic language, intrusive questioning and speculation about someone’s sexual orientation.
There is a Sexual Orientation video clip which is useful for training purposes https://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/equalops/videoclips/sexual_orientation_3b_sd_768kbps_360p.mp4
 Unconscious Bias – Ensure you do not unintentionally favour those who look, act and sound a certain way. These
biases could cause managers to discriminate against certain groups without realising that they are doing it; Look at
attending an unconscious bias training session held through LDC
 Employee Network Group – Show your support to the staff network group by displaying posters, ensure new and
existing staff are aware of this resource. Network groups can provide a safe channel for managers to seek advice and
offer support on sexual orientation issues. There is also a first contact scheme link through the webpage for those
who wish to be contacted by the Chair/Co-Chair of the network
Inclusive Language - Use inclusive language when talking to colleagues. For example, use gender neutral pronouns
(partner, spouse etc)
Workplace Dialogue – Be mindful of focusing on personal relationships and family life; this may be uncomfortable
to someone who is not publically open about their sexuality.
International Travel - When assigning a member of your team to international business travel, be mindful that
homosexuality is illegal in 78 countries around the world
Maternity, Paternity and Adoption Leave - Remember that LGBT employees are entitled to maternity, paternity
and adoption leave, contact your HR Adviser to obtain further guidance
Training – Encourage all members of staff to complete the online E-Learning modules - Diversity in the Workplace,
reports can be obtained from the E&D team to monitor who has completed the modules. Ensure all members of
staff who sit on interview panels have completed the Recruitment and Selection module to ensure no bias
Inclusive Behaviour – To maintain the momentum around equality initiatives include Equality and Diversity as a
standing item on staff meeting agendas
University Events – Encourage team members to attend diversity events that are held around campus, this could be
communicated by email, prominently displaying posters and displays on digital screens