SUSTAINABLE PROCUREMENT STRATEGY 2013 - 2015 Our strategy for the period from September 2013 is focused on the following objectives :1. Embedding Sustainable Procurement 2. Achieving Level Five on the Flexible Framework (1). 3. Measuring, Monitoring and Communicating our Performance It is the case that all three of these objectives could be covered under embedding sustainable procurement. However we wish to emphasis the importance we attach to the other two objectives as stepping stones in a complementary process. We recognise that sustainable procurement is an essential component of the requirement to reduce and reuse waste. We will review the strategy annually. Embedding Sustainable Procurement Assessment of Sustainability Risks and Prioritisation Each category and sub-category of goods and services will be assessed annually for sustainability risk. We will use existing published material where it exists. Sub-categories will be prioritised for action based upon the overall risk. The methodology used will be that developed during the Marrakech SPP process (2) Publish and work to contract timetable We will adhere to a published timetable for tenders and contracts. This will facilitate research and collaboration on sustainability risks Whole Life Costing We will continue to use and develop the wholelife costing model used. Adopt & Promote Sustainable Buying Standards We will promote existing standards and collaborate in developing additional standards. We recognise that existing standards are predominately focused on environmental impacts. We have adopted some social issue performance measurements and will cooperate to develop and implement others. Stakeholder Engagement We will engage with suppliers to promote and effect change down the supply chain We will engage with critical friends including WRAP, SPCE, DEFRA, LUEG and sub-groups, EAUC and SUPC to share and gather best practice We will engage with internal stakeholders including procurement and green champions to promote sustainable procurement. Culture change An important pre-requisite is to change the culture so that sustainability is automatically considered in decision making. This applies as much to procurement as to other departments. In doing this we shall work with UCL’s Environmental Sustainability directorate. Training Training programmes will be updated to ensure that Procurement staff are aware of the latest relevant techniques and methodologies. Other high spend departments will also be targeted for training. This will be done with staff from staff from Environmental sustainability Achieving Level Five on the Flexible Framework Documenting Sustainability Outcomes The outcomes of all tenders and contracts shall be documented. We will do this regardless of which department issues the contract or tender. Supply Chain Development We shall work with suppliers both potential and actual to : Map supply chain of key (High Risk) spend categories Target key suppliers for development Develop supply chain audits Create a general supply chain improvement programme Publish and Communicate our Achievements Independent Audit of Performance We will arrange for our performance to be independently audited Measuring, Monitoring and Communicating our Performance Develop Metrics We shall develop measures to manage identified high sustainability risks for each key category We shall seek to develop a sustainability Index which will be an assessment of a products environmental impact including materials, processing and manufacture, use and disposal. Strategic Development We shall use the results from our monitoring to guide our future strategy Benchmarking We shall publish our results so as to compare ourselves with our peer institutions. Publish Performance We shall put into the public domain the outcomes of our performance, including the results of impendent audits Notes: (1) The Flexible Framework The flexible framework has been developed to assess the quality of procurement activity and provide a clear route to better performance. It covers five themes: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. People Policy, strategy & communication Procurement process Engaging suppliers Measurement & results Marrakech SPP Process The process developed by the Marrakech Task Force on Sustainable Public Procurement (2) 1st August 2013