Multimedia approach to engage community involvement in Warwick’s global sustainability agenda Sarah 1 Chen , Stan 1 Shire , 1School Joel 2 Cardinal , David 2 Chapman and Judith 2 Kilgallon of Engineering and 2Estates Department, University of Warwick AIM To encourage community involvement in Warwick’s global sustainability agenda INTRODUCTION The University of Warwick is committed to meeting the global energy challenge through reducing the energy to create a sustainable campus. A number of green technologies are utilized including a Combined Heat and Power (CHP) plant which generates half of the electricity used on campus. A 5km long Energy Trail identifies points of interest across campus which highlight the University's world-class research and technology to meet the global energy challenge. UPDATING THE ENERGY TRAIL The current Energy Trail was updated by including recently constructed points of interest, 2 of which are shown below. Life Sciences Phytobiology Building The Greenhouse on the first floor consists of an efficient double membrane which reduces heating and cooling demand by 30%. Heating and cooling is provided by Warwick’s on site CHP network . RESOURCES FOR SCHOOLS The 2014 Key Stage 3 National Curriculum document Chemistry syllabus contains a section on Earth and atmosphere: “Earth as a source of limited resources and the efficacy of recycling The production of carbon dioxide by human activity and the impact on climate” Thus Key Stage 3 pupils were identified as the cohort which would benefit most from visiting the trail. Differentiated work sheets were designed for use as a classroom resource to extend the pupils’ knowledge following a visit to the Energy Trail. Resources for younger pupils were designed for use during Warwick’s Festival of the Imagination. The International Digital Laboratory (IDL) The IDL has a green roof with shading that reduces cooling requirements and provides natural ventilation without using an external source of energy. QR codes were added to provide rapid access to additional information using a smart phone. Examples of worksheets AREAS FOR FUTURE WORK • Printing and installation of updated posters for energy trail • Making of a short video clip to highlight green technologies, energy saving methods and current areas of academic research.