LONDON’S GLOBAL UNIVERSITY UCL ChangeMakers Project Proposal Form: Guidance document for staff Thank you for your interest in applying for a UCL ChangeMakers grant. What is the purpose of the grants? The purpose of these grants is to enable staff and students to work in partnership to enhance research-based education at UCL. Successful applications will therefore further students’ ability to learn by participating in research and enquiry through both the project outcomes and the process by which they are undertaken. At UCL these objectives are being taken forward by the Connected Curriculum and UCL ChangeMakers initiatives (see: ( and for further information) The work undertaken should be disseminated as widely as possible and one route to do this is UCL Arena Open (see: What is the role of students? As part of our commitment to the UCL 2034 goal of students being full partners in the future of UCL, we require all successful projects to be run as a staff/student partnership. Students should be involved in the definition, planning and realisation of the project. Ideally they would also be involved in its dissemination, particularly to other members of your own department. It is acceptable to apply for a grant alone and then refine the project with your student partners. The lead student(s) will receive a UCL ChangeMakers stipend of £150 and supporting students will gain £50. Lead undergraduate students will also have the project recorded on their Higher Education Achievement Record (HEAR). The student stipends will be paid directly to the students and does not come out of the grant. We normally expect to spend £300 on student stipends per project. If you require more students on your project than this will cover you MUST justify the need in your application. What can the grants be used for? The grants can be used for anything reasonable that will forward your project. For example, they could be used to incentivize participation in research, such as focus groups or surveys; booking rooms externally, where UCL rooms are not available; catering events; rewarding peer mentors etc. The grants cannot be used for staff or PhD student research. How much is the grant? Grants are available from £100-1000. Project funding is normally retained by the central UCL ChangeMakers team and we will undertake administrative tasks such as ordering goods and booking rooms for you. This is to empower the students in running the projects. Please note that the funding requested will be scrutinized carefully, and you may be offered less funding than you apply for. This is to maximize the value gained from the UCL ChangeMakers budget. What are the criteria for judging grants? ⇒ Projects must involve staff/student collaboration. ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ ⇒ 1 The extent to which the outcomes will further the aims of the Connected Curriculum ; The extent to which the outcomes will enhance the student learning experience at UCL The likelihood the project will produce sustained educational enhancement; The breadth of impact anticipated; The extent to which the outcomes will be disseminated; The feasibility of the project. Projects which develop connections between disciplines and years of study are especially welcome. How should I dissemination of the work? You are expected to evaluate your work and then disseminate it as widely as possible. We would expect you to participate in the 2017 UCL teaching and learning conference, to write a case study or create either a poster or video which can be viewed on both the UCL ChangeMakers website and the UCL teaching and learning portal, and to disseminate your work via UCL Arena Open ( For further information about this please contact We will also ask for a short report on completion of your project. UCL Arena/HEA Fellowships Participation in a UCL ChangeMakers project will provide you with a rich source of data for your Fellowship application. Your choice of focus in partnership with your students could include a range of dimensions of the UK Professional Standards Framework How do I apply? To apply for a UCL ChangeMakers grant, please download the UCL ChangeMakers project proposal pack on the UCL ChangeMakers Moodle site and submit your application by 10am on the 17th June 2016. If you have any questions regarding this, please contact The deadline for submissions is 10am, 17th June 2016