Welcome to Computer Science at Warwick MSc Computer Science MSc Data Analytics

Welcome to Computer Science at Warwick
MSc Computer Science
MSc Data Analytics
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Welcome to Warwick
Welcome to the Department of Computer Science at Warwick, and to the
MSc in Computer Science (CS)/Data Analytics (DA)
Lectures start tomorrow, the aim of this
session is to give a brief introduction to:
Warwick and the Department of
Computer Science
Course structure
Personal tutors and SSLC
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The University of Warwick
“Warwick has been an ever-present in our
top 10 over the past two decades. A place
to study here is highly prized.” - Good
University Guide, 2015
“Consistently one the best universities in
the country, Warwick is something of a
leader in the academic field” - The
Guardian, 2014
One of the top universities targeted by UK
graduate employers - Highfliers, 2014
Top ranked research university - RAE, 2008
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The University of Warwick
The Students’ Union supports over 250 societies and 73 sports clubs
Warwick Arts Centre attracts 250,000 visitors a year - home to two theatres,
a concert hall, a cinema and an art gallery
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The Department of Computer Science
Consistently ranked among the top UK Computer Science
Strong links with premier employers
Degrees accredited by the British Computer Society
30+ academic staff, 10+ support staff
60+ research associates and research postgraduates
300 undergraduate students. . . and 30+ MSc students!
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MSc Staff
Prof Stephen Jarvis — Head of Department
Dr Ranko Lazić — Head of Postgraduate Teaching
Sharon Hayes — MSc Taught Coordinator
Dr Mike Joy — Senior Tutor
+ your lecturers, personal tutors and dissertation supervisors
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Course Introduction
“The MSc in Computer Science aims to provide a flexible interdisciplinary
course that covers a wide range of advanced research-led topics. Topics
range from core Computer Science to the application of advanced
techniques in areas such as mathematics, science, computational biology,
and scientific computing.”
“Data Analytics covers core tools, techniques and applications in Data
Analytics. Topics include foundations of data analytics, optimisation,
machine learning, and sensors and wireless networks; encompassing data
acquisition, integration and analysis.”
Flexibility. . .
You can choose modules to fit with your planned career.
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Course Structure
The period of study is 12 months
(October to September):
October–March: taught component
January–September: dissertation
Three 10-week terms
Teaching mainly in terms 1 & 2 with
exams (mostly) in term 3
Dissertation is not term based (January
to September).
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CS: modules
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DA: modules
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Optional Modules
You must take 180 CATS (credits) in total
(Small overload permitted for non-15 CATS modules)
Read module details and select
according to your previous experience,
current interests, and future plans
Consult with your personal tutor
Some module descriptions have
prerequisites — not applicable to MSc
students but use them as guidance. You
may have to do additional reading or
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Non CS Optional Modules
For DA there are a few modules offered by other departments.
For these modules it is particularly important that you make sure your
academic background is suitable — you should discuss this with the
lecturer or your personal tutor.
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Optional Modules
So, what to take?
Module Fair — Today 3pm-5:30pm in CS0.01: 10 min introduction
to each (DCS) module.
You are expected to come to the module fair!
Attend lectures starting tomorrow while you make your choice.
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Module Registration
Module selection must be completed within the first 2-3 weeks of
term 1
Online via University intranet
Can finalise choice in first 2 week of term 2
Note that you are not permitted to deregister from a module if
coursework has been submitted or any other form of assessment has
taken place (≥ 10%).
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Research Methods Module (Core)
Foundation for your dissertation
Starts this week!
Topics covered:
choosing a research topic
finding a supervisor
writing a research proposal
narrowing the scope of the research
planning, researching, writing and
finally submitting the dissertation
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Dissertation Project (Core)
Individual dissertation on a topic related to Computer Science / Data
Significant flexibility in choosing topic — think about it early, and
discuss ideas with potential supervisors
Dissertation runs January to September
Assessment includes presentation (summer) and report (September)
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Academic Support — Personal Tutors
You have been assigned a personal tutor
Your tutor can provide general academic advice and discuss any
personal matters that affect you and your studies
If there is anything, such as illness or unusual stress, which might
affect your work, it is essential that you let your tutor know as soon
as possible
Required to meet tutor on the first day of each term
All tutors have drop-in office hours.
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Academic Support — Senior Tutor and SSLC
The Senior Tutor (Mike Joy) can provide support, for example by
acting as a back-up tutor if another member of staff is away.
The Staff-Student Liaison Committee (SSLC) is the forum for
discussion between students and staff. Elected student representatives
enable views to be exchanged, suggestions made and complaints
We need 2–3 of you as SSLC reps, you will gain leadership and
management experience and help us shape the MSc programmes.
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Some Administrative Issues (1)
Personal tutor: (recorded) meeting this afternoon
Address contact form: return to Sharon
24 hour building access and lockers available (see Reception)
You can use any of the computer labs
Computer systems: Computer Science (DCS) and IT services (ITS)
are separate systems. DCS is (mostly) Linux — get familiar before
coursework starts. Help is on the Intranet.
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Some Administrative Issues (2)
The DCS Intranet: systems guides, laptop and wireless registration,
study skills, etc. See:
Holidays: details in the handbook. Outside term time only, and
inform your tutor and dissertation supervisor.
Timetable: see your induction pack; lectures start tomorrow.
Handbook: contains much more detailed information on the course,
and a map of how to find the lecture rooms for tomorrow!
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Students’ Union
The SU has numerous sports and cultural societies and countless
events to keep you occupied.
Freshers fair, sports fair, societies fair and volunteers fair can give you
plenty of opportunities for things to do and ways to meet new people.
See http://www.warwicksu.com — or go to the SU!
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We wish you all a successful and enjoyable year. If you have any questions
over the coming weeks then please do not hesitate to ask myself, your
tutor, or another member of staff. It can be hard to settle in somewhere
new, so please do not be shy about asking for help!
Any questions?
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