DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MINUTES of the DEPARTMENTAL SSCC MEETING held on 17th November 2011, in room 404 at 1.10pm Distributed to all members of the committee, Dr A Wojcik, Prof N Ladommatos, UCL Union and the Dean of Students. Posted to the ME intranet and fourth floor notice board PRESENT: James Cook (Year 1) Elizabeth Lawrence (Year 1) Rehan Shah (Year 1) Daniel Erkel (Year 2) Joe Fang (Year 2) Julianah Fawehinmi (Year 2) Carmella Friedman (Year 3) Khalid Kane (Year 3) Clem Lim (Year 3) Anish Shah (Year 3) Adelani Oyawoye (Year 4) Azam Chishty (Year 4) Megdi Eltayeb (Research rep) Dr A P Blackie (Permanent member/Secretary) Dr B Hanson (SSCC Member Dr K O Suen (Postgraduate Tutor) Ms C Lenihan (Undergraduate Administrator) APOLOGIES: Alex Ikan (MSc rep) 1. Previous Minutes: (a) The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a correct record. (b) Dr. Blackie welcomed all new members of the SSCC. (c) After a short discussion, Khalid Kane (Year 3) was elected as Chair for the academic year 2011/12, and Carmela Friedman (Year 3) was elected as Departmental Teaching Committee representative. 2. Matters arising from last meeting: (a) [Item 4a] The course tutor of Applied Electricity scheduled additional lectures to cover materials that had not yet been covered in sufficient detail. (b) [Item 4b & 7a] APB reported an excellent student turnout at both the Departmental Sports day on 6th June and on graduation day. (c) [Item 4d] APB would raise the issue of installing vending machines at the next Departmental Meeting. (d) [Item 4e] The information leaflet on the Workshop Practice would be amended to include advice on the travel costs for next year, and the relevant information would be emailed to all first year students to enable them to arrange collective travel cards. (e) [Item 5b] The damping device on the door in RB422 has been replaced. (f) CL emailed all students with full details of the DSSCC Terms of Reference and the StARs scheme in advance of the meeting, and all present confirmed their receipt and understanding of the training available as well as the terms of the meeting. 3. Departmental Activities: (a) Dr. Blackie explained the Icebreaker event for first year students to the new SSCC members, and advised that we have an Entertainments subcommittee who set the dates for these events and also organise them. The idea of the Icebreaker event is to integrate the new first year students with students from the other years, by completing design exercises, where the second year students act as advisors, the third year students act as referees and judges and the fourth year students organise the refreshments. It was felt that the new student mentoring scheme had worked well to integrate the first year students, but after discussion it was agreed that it would be good to hold both a Christmas party at the end of the first term and an Icebreaker event in the second semester. The dates would be decided at the first meeting of the Entertainments sub-committee in a couple of weeks and would be reported to the next meeting. (b) It was agreed that the Entertainments sub-committee would be responsible for the organisation of both the design exercise and the refreshments, and the members of the committee were agreed as follows: - Adelani Oyawoye (Year 4), Carmela Friedman (Year 3), Daniel Erkel (Year 2), James Cook (Year 1) 4. First Year Matters: (a) Students enquired about the possibility of arranging recordings of lectures and uploading these to a central resource for students, especially in the case of both Mechanics of Fluids and Thermodynamics, as these lectures had a high content level and it was difficult to absorb everything during the lecture. Actions: APB to raise this matter at the Departmental Meeting as it is a matter for each individual lecturer to decide – recordings can only be made with the permission of each lecturer, and are entirely voluntary. (b) Students requested that all the deadlines from different lectures could be combined into one list for all students, to ensure that no submission deadlines are missed. Actions: Students advised that this was possible for them to organise via the medium of their Facebook groups, and forums, and any additional instructions could be posted by students on the facebook forums also. (c) The first year students who were not in the Booster group for Modelling and Analysis requested permission to organise a clinic with PhD students or students from later years, as they felt that they could benefit from peer-to-peer tutoring in certain areas. It was suggested that this could be organised from within the Department in groups, from a bank of volunteer students. Actions: APB will arrange this on a selective basis and will approach suitable students to check if they are happy to volunteer. Students should discuss suitable times, etc. and advise APB. 5. Second Year Matters: (a) Students felt that the teaching methods used by IE in Modelling and Analysis II (microtutorials in the course of his lectures) worked very well, but they felt that while MZ was an excellent lecturer, his course areas needed more tutorial sessions to be covered in sufficient depth. Actions: APB to raise this matter with MZ and report back to the next meeting. (b) Students would like to see some of the theory delivered in the Dynamics lectures related to engineering applications and preferred a three-week deadline for coursework submission rather than the newly introduced two week period. Some students were concerned with the noise levels during the lecture which were often too distracting. Actions: APB to speak to the lecturer about these issues. (c) Mice had been spotted in lecture rooms 421 and 422. Actions: Maintenance have been alerted to this fact and are trying to get rid of these on an ongoing basis. It is hoped that this will be less of an issue as soon as localised building work has finished. (d) Students complained that they could not always access the relevant computer programmes they need to complete assignments out of hours on their home computers. Actions: APB explained that full instructions on how to access these services remotely were available on the Departmental Intranet. 6. Third Year Matters: (a) Students expressed concerns about the handling of coursework submission and return. Several lab reports were simply not graded, comments were patchy in a lot of cases, with no standardised methods of feedback, and students suggested that there should also be deadlines for the return of coursework, as some assignments were submitted and never returned. Actions: The Department is concerned about addressing these points, and it was suggested that Moodle be the default method for all coursework submission. APB to raise this issue at the DTC. 7. Fourth Year Matters: (a) Students were also concerned about the way coursework was organised in the Department, and in some cases students had not received any of their coursework reports back at all on the Departmental resubmission day. Actions: APB asked all affected students to make appointments to see him to see what can be arranged. (b) Students would like to have access to the library and computing systems after 7pm if possible. They would also like more and better access to computing facilities during daytime hours Actions: Students should raise the issue of later opening hours with UCL Union, as this is a College policy. APB advised that students now have a designated Design Project room for all students in the Department, which has been fitted out with 5 new computers for student use. There will be specific hours set aside for 4th Year Design students and all students will be advised to vacate the room during those times. 8. Postgraduate matters (a) Students in the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering PhD stream requested more access to work space, as there was not enough space for all 20 students on the course. Actions: This would be raised with the course leader. (b) MSc students in general also needed better access to computer clusters, and wished to know if they could book these in advance. Actions: Dr Tan has arranged priority access to the PCs in the Upper Basement on Wednesday from 1-5pm and Friday from 9am – 12noon. This arrangement will be in place until the end of term. (c) Some research students complained about the lack of IT support in the Department, and the attitude of the IT support staff in dealing with complaints or issues, which was unhelpful and at times intimidating. This issue was considered important as the Department is recruiting greater numbers of students who are carrying out computerbased research, and they need access to the appropriate support systems. Actions: This issue has been brought to the attention of the Head of Department and will be raised by APB in the Departmental meeting. 9. AOB Students wondered if it would be possible to install a drinking fountain in the Department. Actions: To be raised by APB in the Departmental meeting. 10. Date of Next Meeting: Thursday 2nd February, RB404 at 1.10pm. Minutes prepared by CL