Hisham M. Soliman 1 / 11 HISHAM M. SOLIMAN B.Sc. E.E.. M.Sc., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. Hisham M .Soliman Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: hsoliman1@yahoo.com mobile: 02-01140933661 EDUCATION: B.Sc. Electrical Engineering, July 1972, Faculty of Engineering. Cairo University, EGYPT Graduate: Very good (Honors) M.Sc., Electrical Engineering, Feb. 1975, ibid. Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, June 1980, Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, FRANCE. DATE AND PLACE OF BIRTH 20 Sept. 1949, Cairo, EGYPT RELIGION Moslem LINGUISTICS Arabic (native language) English (Fluent) French (Fluent) EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1972-75 Demonstrator and assistant tutor in the Electrical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. 1975-80 Research assistant at Laboratoire d'Automatique at d'Analyse des Systemes , Toulouse, FRANCE From 1 June 1977 to 1 Oct. 1977, I joined the research center of EDF, Paris, FRANCE. My work was the design of control systems for the prototype nuclear power station "Super Phoenix". 1980-81 Ass. Professor, Electrical Engineering Department, Cairo University 1981-Jan 84 I joined the Electrical Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, CANADA. Jan 84-Oct. 86 Assistant Professor, Elect. Eng. Dept., Cairo Univ. Oct. 84-July 92 Associate Prof. .ibid Sept. 1990-94 On leave to EE Dept. , Garyounis Univ., Benghazi, Libya July 92-present Professor, Cairo University, EGYPT 1999, 2002 Visiting Professor, United Arab Emirates Univ., UAE 2005- 2010 on leave to Yanbu Industrial College, Yanbu, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2012- Present On Leave to Sulatn Qaboos University, Oman Hisham M. Soliman 2 / 11 TEACHING EXPERIENCE 1. Power system analysis and lab. 3. Electric machines and lab. 5. Control systems and lab. 7. Optimal control 9. Nonlinear control systems 11. Electrical engineering (for Mech. Eng.) 13. Lighting and acoustics (for Arch. Eng.) 15. Electric circuits I , II and lab 17. Electronic measurements 19. Numerical analysis 21. Electromagnetics 23. Mechatronics 25. Process control 27. Distributed control systems (DCS) 2. Power system control and protection 4. Modeling and simulation 6. Digital control systems 8. Microprocessors 10. Electrical engineering fundamentals 12. Electrical measurements 14. Mathematics 16. Physics 18. Computer algorithms & programming 20. Robust control 22. Neural networks 24. Linear sys theory 26. Programmable logic controllers (PLC) and lab 28. Linear algebra RESEARCH ACTIVITIES − Computer applications in very large systems − Supervision of many graduate degrees − Reviewer for MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS: a publication of the American Mathematical Society − Power system control, robust control, intelligent control, reliable control Hisham M. Soliman 3 / 11 PUBLICATIONS I. Journal papers 1978 1. H.M.Soliman, M.Darwish and J.Fantin "Stabilization of a large scale power system via a multi- level technique" Int. J. Systems Science, vol. 9. pp. 10911111, 1978. 1979 2. M.Darwish, H.M.Soliman, and J.Fantin "Decentralized stabilization of large scale dynamical systems " IEEE Trans. on SMC ,vol. 9,pp. 717-20,1979. 1981 3. H.M.Soliman, M.Darwish and J.Fantin "Decentralized and hierarchical stabilization for interconnected power systems" Int. J. Large scale systems; Theory and application, vol. 2 , p.p. 113-20,1981. 1982 4. H.M.Soliman and R.J.Fleming "Optimal scalar Lyapunov functions for decentralized stabilization of interconnected systems" IEE Electronics letters , pp 993- 94, Nov. 1982. 1983 5. H.M.Soliman and R.J.Fleming "Minimal order decentralized stabilizers for interconnected power systems" Int. J . System Science, vol. 14, no. 7 , pp 765-76, 1983 1984 6. H.M.Soliman and R.J.Fleming "Decentralized stabilization of large electric power systems " Int. J. Computers and Electrical Engineering , vol. II, no. 4, pp. 183-9, 1984. 7. M.H.Nagrial and H.M.Soliman "Power flow solution using the modified quasilinearization method" ibid, vol. I , no. 4, pp 213-7, 1984 1987 8. M.M,F.Sakr, H.M.Soliman and M.K.EI Sherbiny "Power system control with minimum eigenvalue sensitivity to operating conditions " ibid, vol. 10, pp. 250-8, 1987 1988 9. H.M.Soliman "Decentralized stabilization " Systems & Control Encyclopia, Pergamon Press, pp 916-23, 1988 10. H.M.Soliman and M.M.F.Sakr "Wide range power system pole placer" Proc. IEE , vol.135,pt.C.pp 195-201,1988 11. M.G.Darwish and H.M.Soliman "Design of decentralized reliable controllers for large scale systems" Int. J. System science, vol. 19, no. 8, ppl529-38, 1988 12. H.M.Soliman and A.Bahgat "Minimum -sensitivity pole placer" Int. J. Dynamics and stability of systems, vol. 3 , no.l&2,pp. 51-6, 1988 13. Z.Osman , H.M.Soliman , M.EI Shibini and M.Abou-Hussein "Economic feasibility study of a solar refrigeration system in Aswan -EGYPT' AMSE periodicals: Modeling. simulation and control, vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 25-33,1988. Hisham M. Soliman 4 / 11 1990 14. H.M.Soliman and M.G.Darwish "Reliable decentralized stabilization for large scale systems" Advances in modeling and simulation AMSE, vol. 18. no. 2, pp. 53-64,1990. 1991 15. H.M.Soliman" Multi-level power flow for large networks " Mansoura Engineering Journal, vol. 16.no.l.pp.E103-n3, June. 1991. 16. A.A.Sallam, M. EI-Dessouky , H.M.Soliman and M. Abou-Ela "Hierarchical control for excitation and static var compensators in interconnected power systems " IEEE Tr. On PAS. 1994 17. K.M.Aroudi and H.M.Soliman "Computer measuring device for speed and torque angle of synchronous generator " Bull.Fac. Eng., Assuit University , vol. 2 , no. I, pp. 102-5,1994. 1995 18. H.M.Soliman and K.M.Aroudi ''Optimal power system stabilizer" Int. J. System science, vol. 26, no. 6,pp. 1257-61,1995 1997 19. M.R.Salem, L.A.Talaat and H.M.Soliman "Voltage control by tap-changing transformer for a radial distribution network " IEE Proc .Generation , Transmission and Distribution, vol. 144, no. 6,pp 517-20, Nov. 1997 2000 20. H.M.Soliman, A.L.Elshafei , A.A.Shaltout and M.F. Morsi "Robust power system stabilizer" IEE Proc. Generation .Transmission and Distribution, pp. 285-91 , vol. 147 , No. 5 , Sept. 2000 2006 21. K.EI-Metwally, A.L. Elshafei and H.M. Soliman, "A robust power system stabilizer design using swarm optimization , " The international journal of modeling, identification and control. Vol. 1, No. 4, pp 263-271, Dec 2006 2007 22. E.H.E.Bayoumi and H.M. Soliman "PID/PI tuning for Minimal Overshoot of PM Brushless DC Motor Drive Using Swarm Optimization" Electromotion, Vol. 14, pp198-208, 2007 2008 23. H.M.Soliman . A.L. Elshafei , K. EI-Metwally , E.M.K. Makkawy "Fault-tolerant wide- range stabilization of a power system " The international journal of modeling, identification and control, Vol. 3, No. 2 ,2008 2008 24. M.F.Hassan, A.A. Abouelsoud, and H.M. Soliman "Constrained load flow control," Electric power components and systems, Vol. 36, pp. 266-279, 2008 25. H.M.Soliman, M.A. Awadallah, and M. Nadim Emira, "Robust Controller Design for Active Suspensions using Particle Swarm Optimization," The international journal of modeling, identification and control, Vol.5, pp 66-76, 2008 26. M.A. Awadallah, and H.M. Soliman, "An Adaptive Power System Stabilizer based on Fuzzy and Swarm Intelligence," The international journal of modeling, identification and control, Vol. 5 ,pp55-65,2008 Hisham M. Soliman 5 / 11 27. E.H.E. Bayoumi , and H.M. Soliman , "A Particle Swarm Optimization-based deadbeat on-line speed control for sensorless induction motor drives" Electromotion, Vol.15, pp141-120,2008 28. H.M.Soliman, E.H.E. Bayoumi, and M. F. Hassan "PSO-based power system stabilizer for minimal overshoot and control constraint" Journal of electrical engineering, Vol. 59, No. 3, pp155-161, 2008 2009 29. H.M.Soliman. M.F.Morsi, and M.F.Hassan and M.A.Awadalla "Power system reliable stabilization with actuator failures" Electric power components and systems, vol. 37,pp61-77,2009. 30. H.M.Soliman, E.H.E. Bayoumi, and M. F. Hassan "Power System Stabilizer Design for Minimal Overshoot and Control Constraint Using Swarm Optimization" Power system components and systems, Vol. 37, pp111-126, 2009 31. M.A. Awadallah, and H.M. Soliman, "A Neuro-Fuzzy Adaptive Power System Stabilizer Using Genetic Algorithms," Electric Power Components and Systems, Vol. 37, pp158-173, 2009 32. E.H.E.Bayoumi, M.A.Awadallah, and H.M. Soliman "Robust Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drives using Kharitonov Theorem and Swarm Intelligence" The International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 7,no. 3,pp234245,2009 33. M.A. Awadallah, E.H.E. Bayoumi , and H.M. Soliman," Adaptive deadbeat controllers for brushless DC drives using PSO and ANFIS techniques " Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 60,No. 1, pp3-11, 2009. 34. H.A.Elkaranshawy, E.H.E. Bayoumi, and H.M. Soliman "Robust Control of a Flexible Arm Robot using Kharitonov Theorem and Swarm Intelligence" Electromotion. Vol. 16, pp98-108,2009. 35. H M Soliman, E H E Bayoumi, and M Soliman "Linear-matrix-inequality-based sliding mode control for brushless d.c. motor drives" Proceedings of the institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: J. Systems and Control Engineering, Vol. 223, No 8, pp1035-1043, 2009. 2010 36. H. M. Soliman, E. H.E. Bayoumi, and M.A. Awadallah "Reconfigurable FaultTolerant PSS and FACTS Controllers" Electric power components and systems ,vol. 38, pp1446–1468, 2010 37. M.Soliman, H.M. Emara, A .Elshafei, A. Bahgat, and H.M. Soliman "Exponential stability of LPV systems with guaranteed convergence rate and L2 gain" The International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, Vol. 9, No. 4,pp 359-369, 2010 38. M.Alrifai, M.F.Hassan, and H.M.Soliman "Fault-tolerant stabilization for timedelayed power systems" The International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Japan Vol.6, No. 7, pp. 3247–3263, July 2010 Hisham M. Soliman 2011 6 / 11 39. H.A.Elkaranshawy, E.H.E. Bayoumi, and H.M. Soliman " PSO-Based Robust PID Control for Flexible Manipulator Systems" The International Journal of Modeling, Identification and Control, - Vol. 14, No.1/2 pp. 1 - 12,2011 40. Hisham.M. Soliman, A Dabroum, M.S. Mahmoud, and M Soliman, "Guaranteedcost reliable control with regional pole placement of a power system" Journal of Franklin institute, vol. 348, no. 5, pp 884-898, 2011, 41. H.M.Soliman, E.H.E.Bayoumi, H.A.Elkaranshawy, and M.M.Al-Harthi, "Disturbance rejection PID controller for flexible robot using iterative linear matrix inequality" Electromotion , vol 18, pp93-102, 2011 42. E.H.E. Bayoumi, M.A. Awadallah and H.M. Soliman , "Deadbeat performance of vector-controlled induction motor drives using particle swarm optimization and adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference systems", ELECTROMOTION, vol 18,pp 231242, 2011 2012 43. Magdi S. Mahmoud, Hisham M. Soliman "Design of Robust Power System Stabilizer Based on Particle Swarm Optimization ", Circuits and Systems, , 3, 8289, 2012 44. Hisham M.Soliman, Ehab H.E. Bayoumi, and Mostafa Soliman, "Robust guaranteed –cost sliding mode control of Brushless DC motors by LMI " International Journal of Modeling, Identification, and control ,Vol.17 ,No.3, ,pp251-260, 2012 2013 45. H.M.Soliman, N.Bajabaa, "Robust guaranteed-cost control with regional pole placement of active suspensions" Journal of vibration and control, Volume 19 Issue 8 pp. 1170 – 1186, June 2013. 46. Hisham.M.Soliman and Magdi S. Mahmoud , " Resilient static output feedback power system stabilizer using PSO-LMI optimization" International Journal of Systems, Control , and communications, vol 5,no 1,pp74-91,2013. 2014 47. Hisham M. Soliman, Mostafa Soliman, and Mohammad. F. Hassan"Resilient guaranteed-cost power system stabilizer" Journal of Advanced Research, vol5, no3,pp 377-385, 2014 2015 48. Hisham M. Soliman “Resilient observer-based power system stabilizers” Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control,on-line version is available DOI: 10.1177/0142331215572418 . 2015 49. Hasan Yousef, Hisham M.Soliman " Robust flatness-based tracking control for brushless direct current motor drives " Journal of vibration and control,; vol.21, 16:pp.3254-3265, December 2015. 50. Hisham Soliman , Abdelllah Benzaouia, Hasan Yousef" Saturated robust control with regional pole placement and guaranteed cost constraints: application to car active suspension" journal of vibration and control, on-line version is available, DOI: 10.1177/1077546314528230, 2015 Hisham M. Soliman 7 / 11 51. Hisham M. Soliman , and Hassan Yousef ” saturated robust power system stabilizers“International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, Volume 73, Pages 608–614, December 2015. 52. M.F.Hassan, Alrifai, H.M.Soliman, M Kourah " Observer-based controller for constrained uncertain stochastic nonlinear discrete-time systems" to appear, International Journal of robust and Nonlinear control, on-line version is available DOI: 10.1002/rnc.3396, 2015. 53. Hisham M. Soliman , and M.Shafiq” Robust stabilization of power systems with random abrupt changes” IET, Gen, Trans, Distribution: Volume 9, Issue 15, , p. 2159 – 2166, November 2015. 54. Abdellah Benzaouia, Hisham M. Soliman, and Ashraf Saleem " Regional Pole Placement with Saturated control for DC-DC Buck Converter through Hardwar-Inthe-Loop" Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, on-line version is available DOI: 10.1177/0142331215612547, 2015. Accepted 55. Hisham Soliman , Abdelllah Benzaouia, and Hasan Yousef " Wide-range reliable stabilization of time-delayed power systems" to appear in Turkish Journal Of Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Presented 56. Magdy A.S. Aboelela, and Hisham M. Soliman " Robust fractional order PID stabilizer of a power system " Presented to TJER 57. Hassan Yousef and Hisham M. Soliman “Adaptive Wavelet-based Nonlinear Excitation Control of Power Systems” presented to Neuro computing 58. Hisham M.Soliman, and Mahmoud Soliman ” Robust observer-based power system stabilizer” Presented to International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems . 59. Hisham M.Soliman, Ashraf Saleem1,Tarek A. Tutunji, Serein Al Ratrout ” Robust Pole-Placer for Electric Drives based on Uncertain Diophantine Equation and Interval Mathematics using Hardware-in-the-Loop” Presented to IET control theory and applications 60. Ashraf Saleem, Hisham Soliman, Serein Ai Ratrout”Model-based robust control of electric drives using Kharitonov theorem and local search optimization” 61. Presented to Optimal Control Applications and Methods (OCAM). 62. Hisham M.Soliman, and Rashid Al-Abri”Saturated robust digital pole placer “ Presented to J Franklin Inst. Hisham M. Soliman II. 8 / 11 Conferene papers 1978 1. M.Darwish, H.M.Soliman and J.Fantin "Stabilization techniques for large scale dynamical systems" IFAC, Egypt, 1978 1980 2. H.M.Soliman , M. Darwish and J.Fantin "A survey of stabilization methods for linear systems" IFAC workshop , Cairo, pp 17-32, 1980 1982 3. H .M.Soliman, J.Fantin and R.J.Fleming "Decentralized pole placement of interconnected power systems" 4 th., Int. Symposium on large engineering systems, Calgary, CANADA, June 1982 1985 4. H.EIsayed and H.M.Soliman "Practical implementation of decentralized stabilizers for an interconnected power system " Military Technical College . ASAT conference.Cairo , EGYPT, May 1985 5. A.Bahgat, H.M. Soliman and M.F.Sakr "Optimal parameters selection for excitation control of synchronous machines "IFAC/IFORS conference, CHINA, August 1985 1987 6. M.F. Sakr and H.M.Soliman "Design methods of power system robust pole placersA comparative study" IASTED Int. , symposium on simulation , modeling and development, Cairo, EGYPT, March 1987 1991 7. H.M.Soliman , M.F.Hassan and M.EI-Marsafawy "Hierarchical optimization to solve large load flow problems" 13 th. IMACS world congress on computation and applied mathematics, Dublin, IRELAND, vol. 3, pp. 1244-5, July 1991. 8. M.K.EI-Sherbiny, M.Z.EI-Sadek , H.M.Soliman and E.A.Ibrahim "Additional power system controllers using optimal pole placers with minimum sensitivity to loading " Int. conf. On the evolution and modem aspects of synchronous machines, Swiss Federation Institution of Technology, Zurich, SWITZERLAND, August 1991 199 9. H.M.Soliman, M.F.Morsi and F.A. EI_Sheiki "Small signal stability region determination of synchronous machine via Kharitonov method" Second International Engineering Conference - Al Mansoura , EGYPT,pp. 35-46, April 1997 10. M.F.Morsi and H.M.Soliman "Iterative solution for operating point determination of synchronous machines " 4 th. IEEE, Int. Conf. On Electronics, Circuits, and Systems ICECS'97,pp 1147-51,1997 1998 11. F.A.EI-Sheiki and H.M.Soliman "Effective load carrying capacity of a synchronous machine in an isolated power system "IEEE, MEPCON '98 Conf., EGYPT, pp 41923, Dec.,1998 2005 12. M.F.Hassan, H.M.Soliman , and A.A.Abouelsoud" Partially closed loop optimal controller for LQP with state and control constraints" IFAC-IEEE, Int. conf. On Hisham M. Soliman 9 / 11 advanced control circuits and systems, Cairo, EGYPT, March, 2005 13. H.M.Soliman. J. Taylor, A.L. El Shafei and E.M.K. Makkawy" Reliable decentralized stabilization of a power system" Proceedings of the 10th Int. Middle East Power Systems Conference, Vol. 2, pp50-505. EGYPT,. Dec. 2005 2010 14. Mohamed Azab, and Hisham M. Soliman "Application of Augmented Lagrangian Particle Swarm Optimization in Selective Harmonic Elimination Problem" Proceedings of the 10th Int. Middle East Power Systems Conference, Vol. 2, pp50-505. EGYPT. ,. Dec.2010 2013 15. Abdellah Benzaouia , Hisham M. Soliman, and Mohamed Chaabane " Stabilization by pole placement of constrained uncertain systems: Application to a buck converter” "14th international conference on science and technology on automatic control, STA conf. , Tunis,20-22 Dec 2013. 2014 16. Hisham M. Soliman, Abdellah Benzaouia , and Mustafa Ouldasine "Robust reliable control with delay of a power system" accepted in Mepcon Dec 2014. 17. Hassan Yousef , M Al-Badi and Hisham M. Soliman “Wavelet-based Adaptive Nonlinear Power System Excitation Control’ Proceedings of the IEEE 23rd International Symposium on Industrial Electronics Istambul, Turkey,2014 2015 18. Hisham Soliman and Hasan Yousef “ Regional pole placement by saturated power system stabilizers” ICCSSE 2015,XIII International conference on control science and systems Engineering ,pp1088-93, 16-17 Istanbul , Turkey Feb 2015 19. Hassan Yousef , Hisham Soliman and Muhammad Shafiq “Adaptive Fuzzy Delayed Excitation Control of Power Systems” 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT), Seville, Spain,17-19March,pp8084,2015 20. Serein Al-Ratrout, Ashraf Saleem, Hisham Soliman “optimization methods in fractional order control of electric drives: a comparative study“Presented to Proc. 10th Int symp on mechatronics and its applications (ISMA 15), Sharja, Dec 8-10, 2015 Hisham M. Soliman 10 / 11 PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE A- Electrical consultant for: AJAX design office , 4 Abdul Rahman Al Quakibi square , Agoza, Cairo, EGYPT Dr. lbrahim Gaafer's office , Al Mohandseen , Cairo, EGYPT ADAM office, Abou Dhabi, UAE List of Principal Projects Been Constructed 1-Tourist villages: − Al Markab Al Siyahi, Tanga, MOROCCO The design of the electrical installations which includes 10 MW transformers station andmain distribution systems for medium and low voltage networks, and telephone network. − Marina, the 95 th km west of Alexandria, EGYPT (in association with Dr. M. Abou Al Magd) The design of electrical Installations, the details are similar to those in the above item. 2-Office buildings and residential complexes: − Madinat Faisal, King Faisal street, Giza, Cairo, EGYPT The project includes 800 housing units and shopping centers ...etc. Project load estimate 7 MW. The design and supervision of erection of the electrical work includes: medium voltage distributor, ...transformer station , medium and low voltage distribution networks, standby diesel generators, ...telephone network, T.V. antenna system and lifts − Many towers and villas at Abou Dhabi.and Al Ain, UAE. 3-Tunnel and street lighting: The project of DAHLET AL ROSHD ROAD at MEKKA, KINGDOM OF AUDI ARABIA It includes electrification of tunnels of 110m to 250 m lengths. 4- Distribution system planning: − •Umm Al Quora University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia :( in association with Dr M.Shakeer) The power demand of the new proposed university is estimated to be about 150MW. The design of electrical work includes: Main transformer substation 380 kv/66 kv Two transformer substation 66/13.8 kv in addition to 16 distributors, 10 MW each − •New cities ( e.g The new Assuit City ) The project includes load forecast and distribution network design Hisham M. Soliman 11 / 11 B-Projects with industry − "Study of raw material blending in the cement manufacturing plant" Helwan cement company, 1986-88 − "Decentralized control for the unified power system of Egypt" FRCU project, Egypt, 1986-87 C-Industrial Training Course − "Microprocessors" training course for the Egyptian iron and steel company, 1987 − "Industrial instrumentation" to many petroleum companies − "PLC" to many petroleum companies in Egypt , Kuwait, and KSA. − "DCS" to many petroleum companies in Egypt , Kuwait, and KSA. − "Electrical safety" to Al-Wataniya company in KSA, 2009.