PRINCIPLE 3: Create a range of housing opportunities and choices

PRINCIPLE 3: Create a range of housing
opportunities and choices
A product of
A cooperative publication from the Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development
and Extension Service at Mississippi State University.
A product of
Smart Growth for Small Towns Series
Smart Growth for Small Towns is a cooperative project between the
Extension Service faculty of the Department of Landscape Architecture
and the Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development at
Mississippi State University.
For more information contact Jeremy Murdock, Research Associate at or Michael Seymour, Associate Extension Professor
Visit the Stennis Institute at and the
Extension Service at
for more information about our programs and services.
View the entire Smart Communities series at
©2015 Mississippi State University
This publication may be copied and distributed without alteration for nonprofit educational purposes provided that
credit is given to the Stennis Institute and Mississippi State University Extension Service.
Smart Growth for Small Towns relates the principles of
Smart Growth to towns and rural communities, providing
examples, discussion, explanation and advice on community
design and development.
The educational information provided on this site is intended
to contribute to an understanding of the intent and purpose
of the Smart Growth principles. However, planning for the
future of our small towns requires input from a variety
of fields and includes issues of design, policy making and
governance. This series is focused primarily upon design
issues associated with small towns and is intended to serve
as a resource for government officials, teachers, designers,
and the general public.
1.Mix land uses
2.Take advantage of compact building design
3.Create a range of housing opportunities and choices
4.Create walkable neighborhoods
5.Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place
6.Preserve open space, farmland, natural beauty, and critical environmental areas
The explanation of each Smart Growth principle includes
the following:
7.Strengthen and direct development toward existing communities
A. Discussion of the purpose of the principles and why it is important.
8.Provide a variety of transportation choices
B. Strategies that communities can use to help achieve the goals of the principle.
9.Make development decisions predictable, fair, and cost effective
10. Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions
Create a range of housing opportunities and choices
©2009 Jeremy Murdock
Why should cities offer a diverse range of housing
the number of young professionals, recent graduates, and young
families locating to that community. Basically cities that only offer one type of housing opportunity are solely dependent on one
type of resident for growth.
This approach does not create a sustainable community that will
There are various reasons that cities should offer a diverse range survive through multiple generations. Successful communities atof housing types for their citizens. Some of these reasons are fair- tract a variety of residents from new graduates to retirees and
ly common sense, and others are more strategic. As a city plans low-income to affluent. These communities are able to “weather
for its long-term future, it should
the storm” through recesbe concerned with maintaining
sions, down economies, and
the current population by keepdemographic shifts much betSome people want to live
ing the current residents happy
ter than the less diverse comabove the store,
as well as encouraging future
munities. If a surgeon, nurse,
growth by attracting new resiteacher, and convenience
some want to live 5 minutes
dents. Obviously the local housstore worker are all able to
from the store,
ing stock plays an important role
find adequate housing opporin both.
and some want to live 5 miles
tunities in the same city, then
a true resilient community
from the store.
When cities only focus on one
will exist.
Your community should offer
type of housing, usually the
single-family home, it creates a
Also, everyone does not deoptions for all.
number of issues. Those cities
sire the same type of resionly attract one type of resident,
dence. Just like everyone
which does not create a diverse population in terms of age, in- does not want to live in an upper floor loft apartment, everyone
come-level, families and singles, etc. These types of cities typically does not want to live in a single-family house on a cul-de-sac. In
have very limited options for rental properties, which limit
his book Suburban Nation: The Rise of Sprawl and the Decline of
the American Dream, Andres Duany explained that some people
want to live above the store, some want to live 5 minutes from the
store, and some people want to live 5 miles from the store. There
is no right or wrong preference of housing, which is why cities
must offer a variety of options to their residents.
Variety allows residents to “age in place.”
If cities want to maintain their current population, then their residents need the option to “age in place.” People’s opinions of their
ideal homes tend to vary over time depending on various factors
including age, income level, family structure, and other desires.
Sustainable communities allow their residents to “age in place”
as those factors shift throughout the resident’s life. For example,
when John Doe graduates from college, his entry-level salary will
only allow him to rent an upper floor apartment downtown. After
a few years, he and his spouse are able to afford a single-family
house with a yard as they prepare for a family. As their family and
income grow, they move to a larger home with a larger yard area.
Then the children leave home, and the empty-nesters are ready
to downsize to a smaller home. Finally, as John and his spouse
near retirement, they are no longer able to care for the yard and
house, so they downsize to a townhome or upper floor downtown
apartment. A successful and sustainable city would allow John to
make all of these transitions without leaving the community. In
larger cities, residents are able to transition throughout life without leaving the same neighborhood.
An abandoned Borden Eagle condensed milk factory has been converted into a large mixed-use development offering restaurant space, commercial condos, and luxury
urban-style residential condos. The residential condos offer smaller-scale living quarters with no lawn maintenance within walking distance to Downtown Starkville,
Mississippi, and the campus of Mississippi State University. The living conditions offered by these condos contrast greatly with a typical single-family home in a cul-de-sac
neighborhood. These condos appeal greatly to young professionals and retirees. (Photographs: ©2011 Jeremy Murdock)
Many young professionals, families, and retirees are choosing to live in denser, walkable neighborhoods like the above development in Collierville, Tennessee. Many
residents like the small yards and sense of community that these developments offer. It is obvious that this neighborhood values the quality of the public realm rather than
an abundance of underused private space. (Photograph: ©2013 Jeremy Murdock)
A new mixed-use development in rural Taylor, Mississippi, followed the principles of New Urbanism, which values walkability, sense of community, and a quality public
realm. New Urbanism utilizes design and planning principles that have been successfully used for centuries. (Photograph: ©2009 Jeremy Murdock)
But I thought the “American Dream” was a house with
a white picket fence?
the Millennial generation. If cities are going to be successful, it is
crucial that they follow the same approach.
Following WWII, various factors led to the creation of the “American Dream” being defined as a single-family home with a yard and
a white picket fence. At that time most everyone lived in overcrowded cities that were filled with dangerous pollution from nearby factories. WWI,
WWII, and the
Great Depression
had also finanSmall communities
cially ravished the
must realize that the
dreams and needs of
had not seen significant
the next generation
for decades. So
do not mirror those
the United States
government and
of the previous two
the citizens were
desperate for a
change. Government incentives,
subsidies, and the invention of the Ford Model T provided Americans with an opportunity never before possible. Residents now
had the freedom to choose where they wanted to live. They could
move out of their apartment in the polluted cities and into their
own home located in the clean, green suburbs. As the country’s
economy began seeing the impact of this new growth, the concept of the “American Dream” was born.
Practically every piece of research has determined that the Millennial generation does not want to live in the suburban style that
they were raised in as children. They see the suburbs as isolating
and lacked the freedom that they desired during childhood. The
majority of the Millennial generation does not see the house with
the picket fence as the “American Dream” but rather walkable
neighborhoods and Main Street America.
Those in the next generation long for a community similar to the
one that their grandparents and great-grandparents created. They
want to be able to walk to their daily needs, enjoy fresh local food,
and support small local businesses. They would rather support a
local retailer than a big box corporation. They want a community
that is open to diversity and open-minded to new ideas.
The good news is that many Mississippi small towns have a Main
Street surrounded by walkable neighborhoods, which is exactly
what this generation longs for as they choose their community.
Small communities must realize that the dreams and needs of the
next generation do not mirror those of the previous two generations. Cities must adapt to the new American Dream in order to
attract new residents in the future.
For two generations, the idea of the single-family home and
yard was viewed as “success.” Suburban American was born in
the 1950s and continued to grow for the next five decades. The
suburbs symbolized freedom, and advancements in the automobile, construction materials, technology, and other factors made it
more successful. By the 2000s, the American landscape was covered by cul-de-sac neighborhoods, shopping malls, office parks,
and strip malls. Baby Boomers raised their children in the safe,
quiet suburbs and abandoned the city cores where their parents
grew up.
This trend was not only seen in large cities. Many Mississippi cities saw this same trend at various scales. Many larger cities like
Greenville and Meridian saw their downtown cores abandoned
by long-time residents. Other cities like Madison, Ridgeland, Olive
Branch, and Southaven capitalized on the abandonment of other
cities like Jackson and Memphis.
Since the 1950s, two generations have been raised in the suburbs:
the small Generation X (born between the 1960s and 1980s) and
the incredibly large Generation Y, also known as the Millennials
(born between the 1980s and the early 2000s). Now that the Baby
Boomers are reaching retirement age, many corporations are
shifting their attention to the next generation of consumers. In order for corporations to be successful in the future, they must understand the demands of their future market, which in this case is
These luxury townhomes are within walking distance to the historic downtown square
in Oxford, Mississippi. The architecture and scale of the buildings blend seamlessly
with the surrounding historic neighborhoods and provide a great alternative for
residents who do not want to live in a suburban-style subdivision. Higher density,
multi-family developments can enhance the surrounding property values and work
well within established neighborhoods when done in small increments and the style
matches the existing neighborhood. (Photograph: ©2009 Jeremy Murdock)
Strategies for creating a range of housing opportunities and choices
In order to create a sustainable, resilient community, cities must
attract a diverse population. Having a diverse housing stock is a
crucial element in supporting a diverse community. Cities must
examine what each generation of residents view as the ideal
housing option and offer a range of opportunities that will appeal
to everyone.
income, was able to find adequate housing depending on his or
her situation or interests.
Rather than developing large clusters of low-income housing projects, the addition of small amounts of affordable housing options
into other neighborhoods is encouraged. Sometimes “affordable” is directly related to the size of the residence. Perhaps duplexes resembling the surrounding structures could be scattered
throughout a neighborhood. Granny flats should be built as rental
properties behind single-family homes. Rental properties, when
implemented in small amounts, can enhance the viability and resiliency of a neighborhood or city.
Encourage various housing types
Even utilizing their existing zoning methods, cities are able to
provide for different types of housing within the community.
Although traditional zoning practices typically do not encourage mixed-use development (See Smart Growth Principle 1: Mix
Land Uses), cities can still create various “zones” of housing types.
Ideally cities would use some principles of Form-Based Codes to
mimic historic patterns of city development where dense development occurred around the city core and transitioned to less
dense and rural development along the edge of the city. A diverse
housing stock would offer upper floor apartments in mixed-use
buildings, townhomes, apartments, duplexes, and various sized
single-family homes.
Do not segregate low-income residents
At some point this country decided that it would be a good idea
to cluster all of the low-income residents in one area of the city.
Sometimes that took the form of dense housing projects, and
sometimes, as commonly seen in Mississippi cities, it took the
form of subsidized housing developments. Affordable housing options are extremely important to make sure that all residents have
an option for adequate housing. However, by segregating our residents into rich, middle class, and low-income, we have created a
very unbalanced community system.
Through land use zoning and housing development practices, cities have segregated residents based on their income levels. In addition, all of the residents lived within walking distance of each
other. Rental properties were located adjacent to owner-occupied
houses. Low-income residents rented small apartments in granny
flats behind the main house or in upper floors above downtown
stores or offices. Living in such close quarters allowed residents of
different income levels, backgrounds, and beliefs to interact with
each other on a daily basis. The wealthy were fully aware of the
issues facing the poor, and the poor were able to learn from the
actions of the wealthy. Everyone in the community, regardless of
The primarily residential areas within the mixed-use Cotton District in Starkville,
Mississippi, are very quaint and appealing. These areas demonstrate that multifamily, high-density, and affordable housing can be done in a manner that creates
a quality environment and enhances the existing neighborhoods. When multifamily and affordable housing units are done in small increments within existing
neighborhoods, they become an asset to the community rather than a liability
and blighted area. By providing these units in small increments, it also allows
the developers to focus more on the quality of the design and ensure that the
buildings blend with the surrounding properties rather than focusing on the lowercost, fast construction of cookie-cutter apartment complexes. The small size of
these dwellings will likely retain a lower rent cost, but the overall quality of the
structures will appeal to a wide range of potential tenants (Photograph: ©2013
Jeremy Murdock).
Unfortunately multi-family or affordable housing developments are typically done
in large complexes. This commonly results in simple, cookie-cutter buildings that
do not create a high quality environment for its residents. These areas do not evoke
a sense of pride for the tenants and often detract from the surrounding
properties (Photograph: ©2011 Jeremy Murdock).
All types of housing should contribute to the overall fabric of the neighborhood
Another trend caused by modern zoning practices is the segregation of multi-family housing. Historically, multi-family housing was
a normal part of the traditional neighborhood fabric. Duplexes, townhomes, and other structures were commonly seen mixed with
single family homes and commercial businesses. The multi-family structures were developed in small increments rather than large
complexes and mimicked the architecture of the surrounding neighborhood. Single-family and multi-family dwellings were able to exist
on the same street without a problem.
Modern zoning practices force different housing types to be segregated from one another. For example, single-family homes are placed
in one zone and multi-family structures are placed in separate zones based on their density. With large zones being dedicated to multifamily dwellings, developers began constructing large apartment complexes rather than a single building or two scattered within the
neighborhood. Oftentimes these large complexes do not relate to the surrounding neighborhood and become a distraction to the
neighborhood rather than an amenity. In addition to destroying the physical structure and fabric of the neighborhood, creating large
multi-family complexes lead to similar social issues discussed above.
This duplex is located in the center of a historic neighborhood in Starkville,
Mississippi. The character and form of the building mimics the surrounding
neighborhood, so the visual impact on the community is minimal. The small
size of the two units keeps the rental prices low enough to provide some much
needed affordable housing options to the area. This example demonstrates that
rental and/or affordable housing options can successfully co-exist in established
neighborhoods if the character and form of the properties are complementary
(Photograph: ©2014 Jeremy Murdock).
Although this multi-family residential development is located in a historic
neighborhood, it does not follow the traditional pattern of development. More
value was placed on the location of the dumpster than the creation of a successful
public realm. Simply orienting the buildings in a different manner so that they
faced the street and created a sense of enclosure would have drastically improved
the appearance and function of this development (Photograph: ©2013 Jeremy
High-density row houses in Alexandria, Virginia, work together to create a very inviting and successful public realm.
Although these buildings are over 100 years old, they continue to create a sense of place that is welcoming to residents
and visitors alike. High-density and multi-family housing can be done in a manner that improves the residents’ quality of
life, enhances the public realm, and increases property values (Photograph: ©2011 Jeremy Murdock).
The above images illustrate a variety of high-density housing options working together to form a successful public realm in a mixed-use district in Downtown Oxford,
Mississippi. The newly constructed townhomes and high-density apartment building transition seamlessly to the historic courthouse square in the background. A variety
of housing options ranging from owner-occupied, rental, and condominium-style units all co-exist nicely within the same block. In addition, the character, style, and form
of the new development blend appropriately with the 100+ year old historic buildings along the square. Within this one block, options are available for retirees, adults,
young professionals, and college students. (Photographs: ©2009 Jeremy Murdock)
Mr. Jeremy Murdock
Stennis Institute,
Mississippi State University
Jeremy Murdock is a Research Associate II with the
John C. Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development at Mississippi State University. He
is heavily involved in ground-level community development issues, especially those related to design and
planning. His current work is aimed at educating the
communities of Mississippi about sound design and
planning principles and their impact on economic development.
Mr. Murdock, a native of Olive Branch, Mississippi,
obtained both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in
landscape architecture from Mississippi State University. Following graduate school, Mr. Murdock entered
the world of community development and has worked
with numerous Mississippi communities. He is pas-
sionate about downtown revitalization and small town
development, and he uses design as a tool to enhance
the quality of life in the communities of the state.
Mr. Murdock is heavily entrenched in community development, both professionally and personally. He is
an active volunteer and advocate for quality of life issues and serves on numerous boards and committees
in his own community of Starkville, Mississippi. These
include the Planning and Zoning Commission, Convention and Visitors Bureau Board of Directors, and the
Starkville Main Street Design Committee. In recent
years he also served on the Starkville Area Arts Council Board of Directors, Starkville in Motion Board of
Directors, and the Starkville Beautification Committee
among others.
Mr. Michael Seymour
Department of Landscape Architecture/Extension Service,
Mississippi State University
Michael W. Seymour is an Associate Extension Professor and the Graduate Coordinator in the Department
of Landscape Architecture at Mississippi State University where he has taught a wide variety of courses
including landscape graphics, history of landscape architecture, golf course design and both undergraduate
and graduate design studios. He has an undergraduate
degree in fine art from Centenary College of Louisiana
and a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture from
Louisiana State University. He is a licensed landscape
architect and has prior professional experience in the
public sector as the Director of an Arts District and
in private practice at Lucido and Associates in Stuart,
Florida. His practice experiences included a wide va-
A product of
riety of neighborhood, commercial, civic, institutional
and residential developments. His research has focused on landscape history, including the evolution
and growth of small towns and the courthouse squares
of Mississippi. Professor Seymour’s teaching has been
recognized with a number of awards including the university’s highest teaching honor, the Grisham Master
Teacher award, and the national Excellence in Teaching
recognition of the Council of Educators in Landscape
Architecture. He has been involved in many teaching
training sessions and workshops for faculty and currently serves as Faculty Associate with MSU’s Center
for Teaching Learning.
Stennis Institute of Government and Community Development
P.O Drawer LV
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762
Mississippi State University Extension Service
Department of Landscape Architecture
Box 9725
Mississippi State, Mississippi 39762
©2015 Mississippi State University
This publication may be copied and distributed without alteration for nonprofit educational purposes provided that
credit is given to the Stennis Institute and Mississippi State University Extension Service.
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