College: Department: Cohorts: Degree: Major: ENGINEERING CIVL AND ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING 2009 B. ENG CIVL ENGINEERING Summary of Credits: University Requirements (UR) Intensive English English Requirements Arabic Contemporary Omani Society Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture University Electives (UE) See List A College Requirements (CR) 12 NC* 6 3 1 2 6 34 See list B College Electives (CE) 1 See list C Departmental Requirements (DR) 42 See list D Departmental Electives (DE) 0 See list E Major Requirements (AR) 27 See list F Major Electives (AE) 18 See list G Minor Requirements (IR) 0 See list H Minor Electives (IE) 0 See list I Specialization Requirements (SR) 0 See list J Specialization Electives (SE) * 0 See list K TOTAL Not Credited 140 For reference contact: HoD Ext. 1332 HoD Date Dean’s Office Date Admission and Registration Date 1 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Study Plan: 2009 Cohort (Scheme I) Total Cr. Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. UR 0 0 ARAB1001 HIST1010 ISLM1010 LANC2160 ENGR1500 ENGR1600 MATH1106 Arabic Oman & Islamic Civilization or Islamic Culture English for Engineering I Introduction to Engineering Workshop I Pre-Calculus Mathematics Total 3 UR 2 3 2 1 4 15 UR UR CR CR CR LANC2161 SOCI3320 CHEM1071 MATH2107 PHYS2107 English for Engineering II Contemporary Omani Society General Chemistry for Engineers Calculus I General Physics I Total 3 1 3 4 4 15 Semester 5 Fall 2011 January 2012 a Course Title University English Semester 4 Spring 2011 Semester 3 Fall 2010 Semester 2 Spring 2010 Semester 1 Fall 2009 Course Code College Elective a ENGR2216 or Programming in Fortran or COMP 2002 Introduction to Comp. Programming MATH2108 Calculus II PHYS2108 General Physics II CIVL3216 Basic Mechanics Total MATH3171 CIVL3002 CIVL3056 CIVL3086 CIVL3096 PETM3006 ENGR3006 Linear Algebra & Multivariate Drawing I Surveying Mechanics of Materials Construction Materials Engineering Geology Total Industrial Training I Total LANC2160 MATH1106 MATH2107* 1 CE 3 3 MATH 2107 4 PHYS 2107 4 PHYS2107 15 3 2 3 3 3 3 17 0 UR UR CR CR CR CR CR CR DR MATH2108, LANC2161 CR DR MATH2107, PHYS 2108* DR CIVL3216 DR CIVL3086*, CIVL3216 DR DR CIVL3056 CR 0 CIVL2400: Professional Practice & Ethics 2 Semester 6 Spring 2012 Semester 7 Fall 2012 3 3 3 2 3 3 17 3 3 3 MATH2108, LANC2161 CIVL3086 CIVL3002 PETM3006* CIVL3216 UE CR DR AR AR DR CIVL4036 CIVL4136 CIVL4146 University Elective I Differential Equations for Engineers Structures I Drawing II Geotechnical Engineering I Fluid Mechanics Total Highway Engineering Environmental Engineering I Hydraulics CIVL3106, CIVL3076 CIVL4046, CHEM1071 CIVL4046, MATH 4174* AR AR AR CIVL4206 Concrete Design 3 CIVL3036,CIVL 3096, (CIVL 3046 or AREN3312) DR 3 ENGR2216/COMP2002), MATH3171 DR CIVL4046 CIVL 3036 MATH2107 AE AE AR AR DR MATH4174 CIVL3036 CIVL3046 CIVL3106 CIVL4046 CIVL5146 Numerical Methods Semester 9 Fall 2013 Summer 2013 Semester 8 Spring 2013 Total CIVL3066 CIVL4016 CIVL5204 ENGR4006 15 Department Elective Ib Department Elective IIb Engineering Hydrology Structures II Engineering Economics Total 3 3 3 3 3 15 Industrial Training II 0 Total CIVL5993 CIVL4216 Department Elective IIIb Department Elective IVb Research Project I Steelwork Design CIVL4226 CIVL5336 CIVL5995 Foundation Engineering Construction Management Project I Semester 10 Spring 2014 CR 0 3 AE AE or Total CIVL5994 CIVL4006 CIVL5996 ENGR3006 University Elective II Department Elective Vb Department Elective VIb or Research Project II Prob. & Statistics for Engineers Project II Total 3 3 Department Approval 3 3 CIVL3106, CIVL 4206 AR CIVL5204 DR CIVL4206 and AR (CIVL4036, CIVL4136 or CIVL4146) 2 CIVL3036, (CIVL 3046 or AREN3312) DR 17 UE AE AE 3 3 3 3 2 CIVL5993 MATH2107 CIVL5995 DR AR 14 b Departmental Electives-a student must choose six courses from elective courses offered in semesters 8, 9 and 10. The student who successfully completed CIVL5993 must also take CIVL5994. Last updated on May 29, 2012 3 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Course Code Semester 3 Fall 2010 Semester 4 Spring 2011 Summer 2011 Semester 5 Fall 2011 January 2012 Course Title Cr. University English Total Semester 2 Spring 2010 Semester 1 Fall 2009 Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort (Scheme II) University English Total LANC2160 CHEM1071 ENGR1500 ENGR1600 MATH1106 ARAB1001 HIST1010 ISLM1010 LANC2161 SOCI3320 MATH2107 PHYS2107 Pre-req./Co-req.* Cat. UR 0 0 UR 0 0 University Elective English for Engineering I General Chemistry for Introduction to Engineering Workshop I Pre-Calculus Mathematics Total 3 3 3 2 1 4 16 UE UR CR CR CR CR Arabic Oman & Islamic Islamic Culture English for Engineering II Contemporary Omani Calculus I General Physics I Total 3 UR 2 3 1 4 4 17 UR UR UR CR CR LANC 2160 MATH1106 MATH2107* MATH2108 Calculus II 3 MATH2107 CR CIVL3216 Basic Mechanics 4 PHYS2107 DR Total 7 MATH3171 PHYS2108 CIVL3002 CIVL3056 CIVL3086 College Elective b Linear Algebra & Multivariate General Physics II Drawing I Surveying Mechanics of Materials Total ENGR3006 Industrial Training I Total 1 3 4 2 3 3 16 CE MATH2108, LANC2161 CR PHYS 2107 CR DR MATH2107, PHYS 2108* DR CIVL3216 DR 0 CIVL3056 CR 0 b CIVL2400: Professional Practice & Ethics Last updated on May 29, 2012 4 Semester 6 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Semester 7 Fall 2012 ENGR2216 or COMP 2002 MATH4174 CIVL3036 CIVL3046 CIVL3096 PETM3006 Programming in Fortran or Introduction to Comp. Programming Differential Equations for Structures I Drawing II Construction Materials Engineering Geology Total 3 3 2 3 3 17 CIVL3106 CIVL4046 Geotechnical Engineering I Fluid Mechanics Total 3 3 6 PETM3006* CIVL3216 AR DR CIVL4036 CIVL4136 CIVL4146 Highway Engineering Environmental Engineering I Hydraulics 3 3 3 CIVL3106< CIVL3076 CIVL4046, CHEM1071 CIVL4046, MATH 4174* AR AR AR CIVL4206 Concrete Design 3 CIVL3036,CIVL 3096, (CIVL 3046 or AREN3312) DR CIVL5146 Numerical Methods 3 ENGR2216/COMP2002), MATH 3171 DR Total 15 Summer 2013 Semester 8 Spring 2013 b CIVL3066 CIVL4016 CIVL5204 Department Elective I Department Elective IIb Engineering Hydrology Structures II Engineering Economics Total ENGR4006 Industrial Training II Total CR MATH2108, LANC2161 CR CIVL3086 DR CIVL3002 AR CIVL3086*, CIVL3216 DR DR 3 3 3 CIVL4046 3 CIVL3036 3 MATH2107 15 0 ENGR3006 AE AE AR AR DR CR 0 b Semester 9 Fall 2013 3 CIVL5993 CIVL4216 Department Elective III Department Elective IVb Research Project I Steelwork Design CIVL4226 CIVL5336 CIVL5995 Foundation Engineering Construction Management Project I 2 Total 17 3 AE or 3 3 3 3 Department Approval AE CIVL3036, (CIVL 3046 or DR AREN3312) CIVL3106 , CIVL4206 CIVL5204 CIVL4206 and (CIVL4036, CIVL4136 or CIVL4146) AR DR AR Semester 10 Spring 2014 University Elective II UE 3 AE Department Elective Vb 3 b Department Elective VI or AE CIVL5994 Research Project II 3 CIVL5993 CIVL4006 Prob. & Statistics for Engineers DR 3 MATH2107 CIVL5996 Project II AR 2 CIVL5995 Total 14 b Departmental Electives-a student must choose six courses from elective courses offered in semesters 8, 9 and 10. The student who successfully completed CIVL5993 must also take CIVL5994. 5 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering -Degree Plan for 2009 LIST AT – UNIVERSITY ELECTIVES Course Code ARAB1040 ARAB1050 ARCH1170 ARCH1180 ARCH1520 ARCH1525 ARCH1526 ARCH1530 ARCH1531 ARCH1535 ARCH1536 ARCH1537 ARCH1538 ARCH1539 ARCH1540 ARCH1541 ARCH1550 ARCH1551 ARCH5500 ARED1001 ARED1002 Course Title Credits College Literature and Sociology Language and Sociology Development Civilization in Oman Archhaeology and Environment in Oman 2 2 2 2 Arch in Ancient Oman Arch Style Arab Gulf Islamic Arch Oman Arch Through Ages Hist Animals in Oman Oman Town Culture Rem Arch. Know Arab Peninsulum Cult. Development Arab Gulf Oral History Cult. Heritage Hist. Ethn Jewwl. Oman Natural Culture Heritage Oman Cult. Scent and Arom. Oman Devl. Art Arch. Oman Admin. Arch. Heritage Sea Port and Mart. Arch Contemporary Visual Arts 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Education 2 Education 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Commerce Commerce Science Science Education Education Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Education Education Education Education Education Appreciation of Islamic Arts and Arabic Varieties of Public and Professional BCOM1950 Communication BCOM1960 Cross-Cultural Communication BIOL1003 Genetics in our Life BIOL1004 Environment Issues CUTM1002 Environmental Education CUTM1003 Principles of Teaching GEOG2021 Man and Natur. Env. In Oman GEOG2031 Urbanization in the Arabian Gulf GEOG2122 Man and Enviroment GEOG2341 Dev. Countries HIST1030 History of the GCCCountries HIST1040 Some Aspects of the History of Oman INFO4100 Children's Lierature ISLM1020 Human Right in Islam ISLM2010 Prophet Biog. ISLM2030 The Miracle of the Holy Quran ISLM2040 Islamic Economy ISLM2060 Family Systems in Islam 6 ISLM2070 ISLM2080 ISLM2090 ISLM2150 MASS1020 MASS1030 MASS1060 MASS1070 MASS1080 NURS1004 NURS1005 PHED1000 PHIL2050 PHIL2060 PHIL2070 PHIL2213 PSYC1001 PSYC1002 SOCI2151 SOCI2361 THAR1001 THAR1003 THAR1012 THAR1013 THAR1014 THAR1016 THAR1017 TOUR1050 Quranic Stories General Aims Islamic Ethics Islamn and the Modern World Arts of Media Edit Public Opinion (UE) Mass Media and Society International Comm Principles of Public Relations (UE) First Aid Physical & Psychological Child Health Physical Fitness International Meth Ethics Tren. Cont. Phi. Though Science in Arab Through Human Behavior Psych/Human Problems Medical Sociology Introduction to Social Work Theater Appreciation Music Appreciation Play Writing Oratory/Presentation Scholastic Theater Child's Theater Theater Scenography Tourism in Oman 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Education Education Education Education Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Nursing Nursing Education Arts Arts Arts Arts Education Education Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Arts Updated September 24, 2008 Second Updating July 4, 2011 T: University elective must be non-science and non-linguistic course. Any humanity and social course not listed above can be accepted as university elective. 7 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort LIST B: COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS (CR) Code Title ENGR1500 Introduction to Engineering ENGR1600 MATH1106 MATH2107 MATH2108 MATH3171 MATH4174 Workshop I Pre-Calculus Mathematics Calculus I Calculus II Linear Algebra & Multivariate Calculus Differential Equations for Engineers Credits 2 1 4 4 3 3 3 ENGR2216 Programming in Fortran or COMP2002 Introduction to Comp. Programming 3 PHYS2107 PHYS2108 CHEM1071 ENGR3006 ENGR4006 4 4 3 0 0 General Physics I General Physics II General Chemistry for Engineers Industrial Training I Industrial Training II Total Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * MATH1106 MATH 2107 MATH2108, LANC2161 MATH2108, LANC2161 MATH2107* PHYS 2107 CIVL3056 ENGR3006 34 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort LIST C: COLLEGE ELECTIVES (CE) Code CIVL 2400 Title Professional Practice and Ethics Total Credits 1 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * 1 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 8 Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort LIST D: DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS (DR) Code CIVL3216 CIVL3002 CIVL3056 Title Basic Mechanics Drawing I Surveying Credits 4 2 3 CIVL3086 CIVL3096 PETM3006 CIVL3036 CIVL4006 Mechanics of Materials Construction Materials Engineering Geology Structures I Prob. & Statistics for Engineers 3 3 3 3 3 CIVL3216 CIVL3086*, CIVL3216 CIVL4046 CIVL4206 CIVL5146 Fluid Mechanics Concrete Design Numerical Methods 3 3 3 CIVL3216 CIVL3036,3046,3096 CIVL5204 CIVL4216 Engineering Economics Steelwork Design 3 3 MATH2107 CIVL3036 & 3046 CIVL5336 Construction Management 3 CIVL5204 Total Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * PHYS2107 MATH2107, PHYS 2108* CIVL3086 MATH2107 (ENGR2216/COMP2002), MATH 3171 42 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort LIST F: MAJOR REQUIRMENTS (AR) Code CIVL3046 CIVL3106 CIVL4036 CIVL4136 CIVL4146 CIVL3066 CIVL4016 CIVL4226 CIVL5995 Title Drawing II Geotechnical Engineering I Highway Engineering Environmental Engineering I Hydraulics Engineering Hydrology Structures II Foundation Engineering Project I CIVL5996 Project II Credits 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 Total Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * CIVL3002 PETM3006* CIVL3106, CIVL3076 CIVL4046, CHEM1071 CIVL4046, MATH4174* CIVL4046 CIVL 3036 CIVL3106 & 4206 CIVL4206 and (CIVL4036, CIVL4136 or CIVL4146) CIVL5995 27 Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering 9 Civil Engineering Degree Plan: 2009 Cohort LIST G: MAJOR ELECTIVES (AE) Civil Engineering Electives Technical Elective Courses - 18 credit hours The student should select 6 courses (18 credit hours) or 4 courses (12 credit hours) and Research Project I and Research Project II. The electives can be taken from: (1) Civil Engineering optional technical electives; or (2) one course (max. 3 credits) offered in the M.Sc. Program in Civil Engineering after approval of advisor. Civil Engineering: General Code CIVL5104 CIVL5156 CIVL 5376 CIVL 5993 CIVL 5994 Title Special Topics in Civil Engineering Estimating Construction Cost Conservation of Structures Research Project I Research Project II Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * Department Council Approval CIVL3046,CIVL4206 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * CIVL4146 CIVL 3066 CIVL4146 CIVL3066, CIVL4046 CIVL 3066 Credits 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * CIVL3106 CIVL3106 CIVL3106 CIVL3106 Credits 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * Department Council Approval CIVL 5993 Civil Engineering: Water Resources Code CIVL5076 CIVL5142 CIVL5246 Title Coastal Engineering Groundwater Hydraulic Structures CIVL5346 Water Resources Engineering CIVL5160 GIS in Water Resources Engineering Civil Engineering: Geotechnical Code CIVL4106 CIVL5106 CIVL5132 CIVL5133 Title Geotechnical Engineering II Slope Stability Environmental Geotechnics Soil Improvement Civil Engineering: Transportation Code CIVL3076 CIVL5122 CIVL5206 CIVL5216 Title Transportation Engineering Highway Materials Traffic Engineering Pavement Design and Maintenance CIVL5226 Airport Design CIVL4036 CIVL4036 CIVL4036 Civil Engineering: Structures 10 Code CIVL5096 CIVL5126 CIVL5214 Title Concrete Structures Concrete Materials and Technology Computer Applications in Structural Engineering CIVL5236 CIVL5296 CIVL5270 Prestressed Concrete Design of Masonry Structures Fire Safety in Buildings Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * CIVL4016, CIVL4206 CIVL3036, 3086, 3096 CIVL4016, CIVL4206 CIVL4206 CIVL3086 CIVL4216* Credits 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * Credits 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Pre-Requisite / Co-req. * CIVL5326 CIVL4136 CIVL4136 CIVL4136 CIVL5326 CIVL5326 CIVL4136 Civil Engineering: Construction Code CIVL5102 CIVL5156 CIVL5306 Title Construction Engineering Estimating Construction Cost Specifications and Contracts CIVL3046,CIVL4206 CIVL4206 Civil Engineering: Environmental Code CIVL5151 CIVL5152 CIVL5153 Title Solid Waste Management Microbiology for Engineers Chemistry for Environmental Engineering CIVL5186 CIVL5254 CIVL5255 CIVL5326 Water and Wastewater Management Environmental Pollution Environmental Management Systems Environmental Engineering II 11