SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERSITY College of Engineering PRELIMINARY ORAL EXAMINATION REPORT FOR Ph.D. CANDIDATES This form must be filled and signed by each member of the thesis committee following the student’s proposal presentation and returned to the ADPSR office through Head of the respective Department. Student Name & ID # Major Field Department Proposed Dissertation Title Date of Examination 5=excellent, 4=very good, 3=good, 2=fair, 1=poor 1. Student’s grasp of the material: Score a) Definition of the problem: clarity of the statement of the problem and motivation b) Analysis of related and previous works c) Student’s depth of knowledge in the field d) Research plan: realistic research plan, clear formulation of tasks, reasonable schedule Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Student’s Ability to communicate: a) Quality of the presentation b) Ability to answer questions Comments: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Additional resources required for research (Please circle appropriate one) (Yes / No) If yes, then indicate required resources with reasons/justifications: _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________ 4. Overall recommendation: We recommend that the candidates be accorded as (check one of the following): Passing the examination without reservations Passing the examination with reservations Note: Within one week of the examination, the committee must send the student a letter that clearly stipulates the reservations and the steps required to remove them. A copy of this letter should be attached to this form when it is returned to ADPSR office. Failing the examination Note: One retake is permitted only by the unanimous consent of the examining committee. Each committee member must whether a retake is approved. Committee members must indicate their vote by signing their name in the appropriate column below: PASS WITHOUT RESERVATIONS PASS WITH RESERVATIONS FAILURE APPROVE RETAKE __________________ ________________ ______________ CHAIR CHAIR CHAIR __________________ ________________ ______________ ___ ___ __________________ ________________ ______________ ___ ___ __________________ ________________ ______________ ___ ___ Yes Assigned examining Committee Members: No ___ ___