European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Eevi Laukkanen University of Warwick, 21 November 2013 Mission to facilitate effective UK participation in EU research, innovation and HE programmes Sponsored by the seven UK Research Councils Receives subscriptions from over 140 research organisations Range of services for sponsors and subscribers Research Council policy work Brussels liaison For more information see ‘Core’ subscriber* services Query service UKRO Portal Open to non-subscribers • Subscriber web pages • Latest news articles • Email alerts • Meeting room in Brussels Annual briefing visits (UK subscribers) Training courses and information events Annual Conference Marie Curie Actions UK National Contact Point European Research Council UK National Contact Point British Council European RTD Insight publication * List of subscribing institutions: 1 The European Union’s funding instrument for research and innovation from 2014-2020 • Budget of EUR 70,2 billion • From research to innovation – from basic research to bringing ideas to the market • Focus on societal challenges EU society is facing (e.g. health, clean energy, food security, integrated transport) • Concentration of resources on areas of high growth and innovation potential • Provides key measures to support industrial leadership, particularly innovative SMEs • Significant investment in excellence Horizon 2020 overarching priority: Exiting the economic crisis through sustainable growth Total budget 30% of Horizon 2020 Overall objective: “to strengthen the excellence of European research” • New research and ideas are drivers of competition • Attract and retain high potential individuals • Fund the most talented and creative researchers • Develop and maintain world-class research infrastructures Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Health and Wellbeing European Research Council (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research Infrastructures Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) ICT, KETs, Space Food security Transport Energy Climate action Access to Risk Finance Societies Security Innovation in SMEs Widening Participation; Science with and for Society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) EURATOM Joint Research Centre (JRC) 2 “The ERC shall provide attractive and flexible funding to enable talented and creative individual researchers and their teams to pursue the most promising avenues at the frontier of science….. scientific excellence shall be the sole criterion on which ERC grants are awarded. The ERC shall operate on a ‘bottom-up’ basis without predetermined priorities”. Horizon 2020 proposal text The ERC seeks to fund the best ‘frontier research’ proposals submitted by excellent researchers in the area of their choice Will fund projects led by a Principal Investigator, if necessary supported by a research team (no requirement for collaboration or forming consortia across different EU countries) 25 panels in 3 domains which proposals can be submitted to: Physical Sciences and Engineering (PE) Life Sciences (LS) Social Sciences and Humanities (SH) Total ERC budget: €11.6bn Starting Grants 2-7 years postdoc Up to €1.5-2m for 5 years Consolidator Grants 7–12 years postdoc Up to €2-2.75m for 5 years Advanced Grants Leading researchers Up to €3-3.5m for 5 years Synergy Grants 2 – 4 PIs Up to €15m for 6 years Proof of Concept ERC grant holders €150k for up to 18 months 3 ERC Advanced Senior Professor ERC Consolidators ERC Starters Full Professor Junior Professor/ Junior Researcher Associate Professor Marie Curie Erasmus Post-docs Post Graduates Students Scientific excellence is the sole evaluation criterion Significant funding is provided to attract exceptional research leaders Grants are awarded to the host institution that engages and hosts the Principal Investigator – the PI will be employed by the host institution The host institution guarantees the PI’s independence and provides the research environment to carry out the project and manage its funding • Aim to support excellent researchers at the stage of starting or consolidating their own independent research team or programme • Eligibility windows for PIs (same as for 2013 calls): • Starting Grants: 2 to 7 years after the PhD award • Consolidator Grants: 7 to 12 years after the PhD award • This is measured from the publication date of the call, and extensions are permitted only in a few strict cases (parental leave, long-term illness, etc) 4 Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants • The ERC panel will evaluate the PI’s “intellectual capacity, creativity and commitment”. This includes: • ability to propose and conduct ground-breaking research and achievements going beyond the state-of-the-art • abundant evidence of creative independent thinking • the ERC grant would contribute significantly to the establishment and/or further consolidation of the PI's independence • commitment to the project (minimum 50% of the PI’s total working time) * please note that this is the wording from the 2013 ERC calls Starting Grants Who is a competitive candidate? Must be able to show potential for excellence and evidence of maturity: • expectation for at least one important publication without the participation of the PhD supervisor • promising track record of early achievements appropriate to field and career stage, including: • • • significant publications (as main author) in major international peerreviewed journals and/or monographs invited presentations, granted patents, awards, prizes etc • good leadership potential and must convince the ERC panel that the PI will be able to lead an ambitious ‘frontier research’ project Consolidator Grants Who is a competitive candidate? Must be able to show potential for excellence and evidence of maturity: • it is expected that applicants will have produced several important publications without the participation of their PhD supervisor • promising track record of early achievements appropriate to field and career stage, including: • • • significant publications (as main author) in major international peerreviewed major scientific journals and/or monographs invited presentations, granted patents, awards, prizes etc • good leadership potential and must convince the ERC panel that you will be able to lead an ambitious ‘frontier research’ project 5 • Aims to support excellent, leading researchers to pursue groundbreaking research which opens up new directions in the field of their choice • Aims to “encourage substantial advances at the frontier of knowledge; as well as new productive lines of enquiry, methods and techniques” • No eligibility requirement concerning a PhD, but the PI must have an excellent track record of research achievements during the last 10 years Advanced Grants • The ERC panel will evaluate the PI’s “intellectual capacity, creativity and commitment” and their track record should be characterised by: • groundbreaking research & achievements going beyond the state-of-the-art • abundant evidence of creative independent thinking • sound leadership in the training and advancement of young scientists • commitment to the project (minimum 30% of the PI’s total working time) * please note that this is the wording from the 2013 ERC calls Advanced Grants Who is a competitive candidate? • track record of significant achievements in last 10 years: • 10 publications (as senior author) in major international journals • or 3 major research monographs • if appropriate to the research field, also: • granted patents • invited presentations • led expeditions • organised international conferences • international recognition (awards, prizes) • contributions to launching the careers of outstanding researchers • an “exceptional leader in terms of originality and significance of research contribution, with international recognition” * please note that this the wording from the 2013 ERC calls 6 • Pilot scheme which funds ambitious, groundbreaking proposals submitted by a group of between 2 to 4 PIs (and their teams) • Very low success rate for first call in 2012, and the 2013 call results expected to be announced in late 2013 • No call is expected to be launched in 2014 /15 …… • But the scheme could continue within Horizon 2020, as a limited part of the ERC’s portfolio of schemes (tbc) • Scheme for ERC grant holders to undertake further work to establish the innovation potential of an idea developed during the course of an ERC-funded project • Maximum grant: €150,000 • Project duration: up to 18 months • Original ERC grant must be either ongoing or have ended less than 1 year before the publication date of the call Applications on line through the ECAS Participant Portal Apply to specific discipline panel Applications are in three parts • Part A: Admin forms • Part B1: Information on applicant and extended synopsis (5 pages) of proposal • Part B2: Detailed proposal (15 pages) 7 Life Sciences • • • • • • • • • LS1:Molecular and Structural Biology and Biochemistry LS2: Genetics, Genomics, Bioinformatics and Systems Biology LS3: Cellular and Developmental Biology LS4: Physiology, Pathophysiology and Endocrinology LS5: Neurosciences and Neural Disorders LS6: Immunity and Infection LS7: Diagnostic Tools, Therapies and Public Health LS8: Evolutionary, Population and Environmental Biology LS9: Applied Life Sciences and Non-Medical Biotechnology Physical Sciences and Engineering • • • • • • • • • • PE1: Mathematics PE2: Fundamental Constituents of Matter PE3: Condensed Matter Physics PE4: Physical and Analytical Chemical Sciences PE5: Synthetic Chemistry and Materials PE6: Computer Science and Informatics PE7: Systems and Communication Engineering PE8: Products and Process Engineering PE9: Universe Sciences PE10: Earth System Science Social Sciences and Humanities • • • • • • SH1: Individuals, institutions and markets SH2: Institutions, values, beliefs and behaviours SH3: Environment, space and population SH4: The human mind and its complexity SH5: Cultures and cultural production SH6: The study of the human past Proposals evaluated solely on the basis of excellence (excellence of the PI and of the research project), and should address: B1 Extended Synopsis (5 pages) B2 Scientific Proposal (15 pages) • • • • To what extent does the proposed research address important challenges? To what extent are the objectives ambitious and beyond the state of the art? How much is the proposed research high risk/high gain? To what extent is the outlined scientific approach feasible? • To what extent is the proposed research methodology appropriate to achieve the goals of the project? • To what extent does the proposal involve developing novel methodology? • To what extent are the proposed timescales and resources necessary and properly justified? * please note that this is the wording from the 2013 ERC calls Evaluation on excellence of PI and excellence of project One stage application, two stage peer review evaluation First stage evaluation looks only at Part B1 StG and CoG interview at second stage There are rules limiting re-submission 8 Step 1 evaluation applicants notified: • A: sufficient quality to pass to step 2 of the evaluation • B: high quality but not sufficient to pass to step 2 • C: not sufficient quality to pass to step 2 of the evaluation Step 2 evaluation applicants notified: • A: fully meets the ERC’s excellence criterion and is recommended for funding if sufficient funds are available • B. meets some but not all elements of the ERC’s excellence criterion and will not be funded. Projects funded in ranking order – not all “A” projects funded • Single beneficiary nature of projects • Innovative/unconventional/invention/new/emerging research • High risk/high gain • • • • • • No nationality or mobility requirements Pursuit of questions at or beyond the frontiers of knowledge Any field of research (except nuclear) Interdisciplinary proposals encouraged Grants portable Max grant amounts/ max length of project / min PI time A change in balance of funding between schemes: • Indicative budgets for 2014: Starting Grants €485m (22% increase over 2013) Consolidator Grants €713m (36% increase over 2013) Advanced Grants €450m (32% decrease over 2013) Overhead rate 25% not 20% • Note that maximum grant levels have not changed. Open access to be the norm: “the terms and conditions laid down in the ERC Model Grant Agreement will address how scientific publications must be made available through open access” 9 Different resubmission rules • Applicants scoring A = will be able to resubmit to the next year’s call • Applicants scoring B = will not be able to resubmit to the next year’s call • Applicants scoring C = will not be able to resubmit to the next two years’ calls • Takes effect from 2015. Existing rule applies for 2014. Different call timetable Call identifier Publication date Deadline ERC-2014-StG 11 December 2013 25 March 2014 ERC-2014-CoG 11 December 2013 20 May 2014 ERC-2014-AdG 17 June 2014 21 October 2014 ERC-2014-PoC 11 December 2013 1 April 2014 1 October 2014 ERC-2015-StG ? 3 February 2015 ERC-2015-CoG ? 12 March 2015 ERC-2015-AdG ? 2 June 2015 ERC-2015-PoC ? 23 April 2015 1 October 2015 Call budget, €M (estimated number of grants) 485 (370) 713 (400) 450 (200) 15 (100) 411 (315) 603 (340) 640 (285) 15 (100) ERC allocated around €12.7 billion for Horizon 2020 (compares to the allocation of €7.5 billion for FP7). Highest amount of funding to go to the Starting Grants and Consolidator Grants schemes. But due to the progressive increases in the annual ERC budget until 2013, the amount allocated for the 2014 calls will in fact be lower than in 2013: 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 10 • The UK was the most successful country in applying to the ERC in FP7: Over 800 grants based in around 75 different UK institutions Around 15% success rate for proposals submitted by UK institutions (about 11% average overall) Around 20% of all ERC grants based in the UK 6 of the 11 Synergy Grants projects funded in 2012 feature at least one UK-based PI • See here for examples of funded projects: Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges Health and Wellbeing European Research Council (ERC) Future and Emerging Technologies (FET) Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Research Infrastructures Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT) ICT, KETs, Space Food security Transport Energy Climate action Access to Risk Finance Societies Security Innovation in SMEs Widening Participation; Science with and for Society European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) EURATOM Joint Research Centre (JRC) “.. Ensure excellent and innovative research training as well as attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through cross-border and cross-sector mobility of researchers to best prepare them to face current and future societal challenges” 11 Operates in a ‘bottom-up’ basis Open to all research and innovation domains – from basic research to market take-up Mobility is a key requirement Aim: develop new knowledge / enhance skills of people behind research and innovation Dissemination and public engagement through public outreach activities Total budget: €6.2bn (compared with €4.7bn in FP7) Early Stage Researcher (ESR) At the time of recruitment (ITN) or secondment (RISE) by the host organisation, must be in the first 4 years (full-time research experience) of their research careers and have not been awarded a doctoral degree Experienced Researcher (ER) At the time of the call deadline (IF) or secondment (RISE) by the host organisation, must be in possession of a doctoral degree or have at least 4 years of full-time equivalent research experience Academic sector Includes universities (public and private), higher education institutions (public and private), non-profit research institutions (public and private), research foundations, research institutions associated to foundations, international European interest organisations Nonacademic sector Includes any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector Mobility Rule: At the time of the relevant deadline for submission of proposals, or recruitment/secondment by the host organisation, depending on the action, researchers shall not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc) in the country of their host organisation for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the reference date.” FP7 ITN Horizon 2020 ITN Innovative Training Networks (Early Stage Researchers) IEF IOF IIF IF Individual Fellowships (Experienced Researchers) CIG IAPP IRSES COFUND RISE COFUND Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (Exchange of Staff) Cofunding or regional, national and international programmes Also: Researchers’ Night 12 “Aim to train a new generation of creative, entrepreneurial and innovative researchers, able to face current and future challenges and to convert knowledge and ideas into products and services for economic and social benefit” Competitively selected joint research training/doctoral programmes implemented by partnerships of universities, research institutions, businesses, SMEs and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe (and beyond). Focus on scientific/ technological knowledge through research on individual/personalised projects Exposure to non-academic sector Transferable skills training e.g. communication, research management, IP, ethics, societal outreach, entrepreneurship The ITN scheme consists of 3 strands: European Training Networks (minimum of 3 participants) European Joint Doctorates (at least 3 academic participants who can deliver a doctoral degree) European Industrial Doctorates (1 academic and 1 non-academic partner) Other new features: • Participants defined as ‘academic’ and ‘non-academic’ • Early stage researchers (ESRs) only • Innovative Doctoral Programme strand only through COFUND Beneficiaries (Participants level 1) • Signatory to the grant agreement • Full partner of a network • Contribute directly to the implementation of the joint training programme by supervising, hosting and training ESRs • Provide secondment opportunities Partner organisations (Participants level 2) • Do not sign the grant agreement • Provide training and host ESRs during secondments 13 Four year programme (max three year support for each ESR) Activities include: European Training Networks European Industrial Doctorates European Joint Doctorates •At least three beneficiaries from different MS/AC •At least three beneficiaries from different MS/AC •Doctoral programme enrolment optional •Doctoral programme enrolment mandatory •Maximum 540 researchermonths •Joint governance, admission, selection, supervision, monitoring and assessment mandatory •Award of joint, double or multiple doctoral degree mandatory •At least one academic and one non-academic partner from different MS/AC •Doctoral programme enrolment mandatory •Joint governance, admission, selection, supervision, monitoring and assessment mandatory •Maximum 180 researchermonths •Maximum 540 researchermonths Publication date 11 December 2013 2 September 2014 Deadline 9 April 2014 13 January 2015 Budget EUR 405.18 million EUR 370 million (EUR 349.68 million for (EUR 317 million for ETNs) ETNs) (EUR 25.5 million for EIDs) (EUR 25 million for EIDs) (EUR 30 million for EJDs) (EUR 28 million for EJDs) Duration 4 years 4 years 14 “Aim to enhance the creative and innovative potential of experienced researchers wishing to diversify their individual competence in terms of skill acquisition at multi- or interdisciplinary level through advanced training, international and intersectoral mobility” Supports Experienced Researchers only Opportunities to acquire new knowledge and work on research in a European context, or outside Europe Specific support for return and reintegration of researchers to Europe who have previously worked here Supports career restart for individuals with high potential European Fellowships •12-24 months •From any country to MS/AC •Host country is subject to the MSCA mobility rule •Separate multi-disciplinary panels for Career re-start* and Reintegration Global Fellowships •12-24 months plus 12 month return phase •Secondment from MS/AC to third country •Mandatory 12 month return phase in Europe (not subject to mobility rule) •(Reintegration Fellowship only) mobility to Europe, researcher must have been previously active in Europe for at least 5 consecutive years Mobility rule for CAR and RIG: “researcher has not resided or carried out their main activity in the country of their host organisation for more than 3 years in the 5 years immediately prior to the relevant deadline” *) And for CAR: “researcher has not been active in research for at least 12 months” • Optional intersectoral secondment that should significantly add to the impact of the research project • Must take place in a MS/AC • Must occur during the fellowship • Secondment phase can be a single period or divided into shorter mobility periods For a fellowship > 18 months, secondment phase may be up to 6 months For a fellowship ≤ 18 months, secondment phase may be up to 3 month 15 Publication date 12 March 2014 12 March 2015 Deadline 11 September 2014 10 September 2015 Budget EUR 240.5 million EUR 213 million (EUR 211.5 million for European Fellowships) (EUR 29 million for Global Fellowships) (EUR 186 million for European Fellowships (EUR 27 million for Global Fellowships) 2 years (IF Global: 3 years) 2 years (IF Global: 3 years) Duration “Aim to promote international and inter-sector collaboration through research and innovation staff exchanges, and sharing of knowledge and ideas from research to market (and vice-versa) for the advancement of science and development of innovation” Should involve institutions from the academic and non-academic sectors (particularly SMEs) based in MS/AC and/or third countries Development of joint research and innovation project partnerships Knowledge sharing via international and/or inter-sector mobility through two way secondments of (ESRs /ERs/support staff) with built-in return mechanism • Exchanges between MS/AC only: secondments must be inter-sectoral • Exchanges between MS/AC and third countries: secondments can be same sector and/or intersectoral Participants must be from at least three different countries, at least two of which are MS/AC If all participants in same sector one participant country must be a third country Secondment period - 1 to 12 months- does not need to be continuous Activities of the programme 16 Publication date 11 December 2013 6 January 2015 Deadline 24 April 2014 28 April 2015 Budget EUR 70 million EUR 80 million Duration 4 years 4 years “Aims at stimulating regional, national or international programmes to foster excellence in researchers’ training, mobility and career development, spreading the best practices of MSCA” Supports new or existing programmes for international, intersectoral and interdisciplinary research training and transnational and cross-sector mobility of researchers Two streams Doctoral programmes Doctoral programmes Fellowship programmes Fellowship programmes • Supports ESRs • Supports ERs • Doctoral enrolment mandatory • Not open to permanent employees of the host organisation • Training and secondment opportunities with partners, particularly the nonacademic sector will be advantageous • Regular selection rounds allowing fair competition • Cross-sectoral mobility encouraged 17 Publication date 10 April 2014 14 April 2015 Deadline 2 October 2014 1 October 2015 Budget EUR 80 million (EUR 50 million for Fellowship programmes) (EUR 30 million for Doctoral programmes) EUR 80 million (EUR 50 million for Fellowship programmes) (EUR 30 million for Doctoral programmes) Duration Between 3-5 years Between 3-5 years “Aims to bring the researchers closer to the public at large and to increase public awareness of the research and innovation activities and the impact of researchers’ work” European Researchers’ Night takes place on the last Friday of September annually Events can start on early Friday afternoon and last until early Saturday morning Participants can be any legal entity in MS/AC and/or a partnership at regional, national or international level Funding will cover two editions of the Night (2014 and 2015) but funding for one edition only may be considered Involvement of researchers funded by FP7/Horizon 2020 encouraged Publication date 11 December 2013 Deadline 4 March 2014 Budget EUR 8 million Duration 2 years 18 Applications on line through the ECAS Participant Portal Apply to specific discipline panel Evaluation panels • Chemistry (CHE) • Social Sciences and Humanities (SOC) • Economic Sciences (ECO) • Information Science and Engineering (ENG) Additional multidisciplinary panels for ITNs • European Industrial Doctorates (EID) Additional multidisciplinary panel for IFs • Career Restart Panel • Reintegration Panel • European Joint Doctorates (EJD) • Environment and Geosciences (ENV) • Life Sciences (LIF) • Mathematics (MAT) • Physics (PHY) Excellence (50%) Impact (30%) Total score is subject to a threshold of 70% Proposals ranked Excellence • • • • (20%) Evaluation scores awarded for each criteria from 0 to 5 Each award criterion has a weighting Proposals funded in ranking order Evaluation summary reports provided No restrictions on re-application Implementation Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research programme Quality and innovative aspects of the training programme Quality of supervision Quality of the proposed interaction between participating organisations Impact • Enhancing research and innovation related human resources, skills and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and provide new career perspectives • Contribution to structuring doctoral/ESR training at the European level and to strengthening European innovation capacity • Effectiveness of proposed measures for communication and dissemination of results Implementation • Overall coherence and effectiveness of the work plan, including appropriateness of the allocation of tasks and resources • Appropriateness of the management structures and procedures including quality management and risk management • Appropriateness of infrastructure and operational capacity of participating organisations • Competences, experience and complementarity of participating organisations and their commitment to the programme 19 Excellence • Quality, innovative aspects and credibility of the research • Clarity and quality of transfer of knowledge/training • Quality of supervision and hosting arrangements • Capacity of the researcher to reach/reinforce a position of professional maturity in research Impact • Enhancing research and innovation related human resources, skills and working conditions to realise the potential of individuals and to provide new career perspectives • Effectiveness of proposed measures for communication and results dissemination Implementation • Overall coherence and effectiveness of work plan • Appropriateness of management structures and procedures • Appropriateness of institutional environment • Competences, experiences and complementarity of participating organisations and institutional commitment Researcher unit cost [person/month] Scheme Living allowance* Mobility allowance Institutional unit cost [person/month] Family allowance Research, training and networking costs Management and overheads ITN 3110 600 500 1800 1200 IF 4650 600 500 800 650 RISE 2000 COFUND 1800 ESRs 3710 ERs 5250 700 650 * A correction co-efficient will apply to these costs For COFUND: Unit costs are subject to a co-funding rate of 50% as established in the grant agreement. Unit costs are reduced by 50% in case researchers are recruited under fixed-amount fellowships. FP7 2013 WP Person/month Horizon 2020 2014/15 WP Person/month Living allowance ESRs ERs ERs over 10 years €3167* €4875* €7292* €3110* €4650* Abolished UK Country coefficient 134.4% 120.3% Mobility allowance Single Family €700* €1000* €600 for all participants Differences to FP7 Researcher allowances Family allowance €500 if applicable Institutional allowances Research, training and networking ITN (multi) ITN (EID) IF €1800 €1200 €800 ITN management 10% ITN overheads 10% IF overheads €700* All ITNs €1800 €800 Replaced by management/indirects of €1200 €650 *Country co-efficient applied 20 Sign up to the UKRO portal and you will receive: • Updates on content of programme • Information on call dates and management/financial issues • Proposal writing workshops from January 2014 onwards ERC website contains information on previous calls, guides to applicants, Q&A and details of evaluation panels for previous years’ calls MSCA website contains information on funding and project management Questions? ERC National Contact Point Helpdesk • Email: • Tel: +32 2289 6121 MSCA National Contact Point Helpdesk Email: Phone: + 32 2 230 0318 21