DRAFT Venus Observation OAT Test Plan Objectives: Demonstrate Venus observation macro installation and execution procedures. Participants: HITT (TO), DMS (TC), Systems Management (TI), FOT, HST486 FSW, OTA, Payload FSW, PCS/Safing, SI, STScI, and VEST. Synopsis of On-Orbit Activity Venus Proposal 13047 – “The D/H Ratio and Escape of Water from Venus” consists of six visits that utilize the STIS/FUV-MAMA detector. Visits 3 and 6 perform dark sky observations beyond the 50° threshold cited within Restriction – “HST Sun Pointing Limits”. Visits 1, 2, 4, and 5 perform the Venus observations that are ~46° away from the Sun and require Restriction to be waived. The current plan is to execute the visits in consecutive orbits in the following order: 3, 1, 2, 5, 6, 4. Prior to executing Proposal 13047, two Venus FSW macros will be loaded. The first macro will be executed prior to the visits to modify six safe test responses from Inertial Hold to Software Sunpoint (without load shed) and to modify the Sunpoint Sun Cosine Limit from 46° to 42°. The second macro will be executed following the visits to restore the nominal safe test responses and the Sunpoint Sun Cosine Limit. For the Venus visits themselves, the SMS will include instructions for STIS to ignore the Take Data Flag (TDF), but only if both the selected guide stars have not been used before – AND – the STIS FSW is capable of ignoring the TDF for MAMA observations that occur during vehicle slews that keep the moving target (i.e., Venus) fixed in the detector. Test Resource Requirements Test Facility: SMS Dry Run VEST DSTIF VSTIF ESTIF DASDF HST486 FSW Lab HST Simulator SITS POCC in the Box CCS String None Real Time Dry Run VEST DSTIF VSTIF ESTIF DASDF HST486 FSW Lab HST Simulator SITS POCC in the Box CCS String None Page 1 of 3 Formal Test VEST DSTIF VSTIF ESTIF DASDF HST486 FSW Lab HST Simulator SITS POCC in the Box CCS String DRAFT VEST Resource Requirements: Hardware SSR-1 & 3 (EM'S) ESTR-2 NSSC-1 (SIC&DH1) DMU DIUs 1, 2, 4, 5 HST486 PSEA VIKs SADE 1&2 SADE #2 – EM AND UT “ON” FGE BRASSBOARD OCE/AME (EM) DCE MCU PCU PDUs 1-4 CCCs 1-6 (2) DBA2 boxes (+, -) DBC Cross-strap without VT Signal Jumper Plug EPTCE All OTA PRI Busses ON OTA Red Bus 5 ON, all other Red Busses OFF PCSSIM Modeling RSUs RWAs HGAs SADE MTE MSS FGSs 1,2,3 CSS EPS Simulators PCSSIM Bus Monitoring Enabled ACS OPS BENCH COS OPS BENCH NICMOS OPS BENCH STIS OPS BENCH WFC3 OPS BENCH Mechanism Simulator FGSSIM VPCC SA/DCE Controller VLA SAPC VBS SIMESTR(2) Specific Test Limitations and Considerations This test setup provides flight-like testing for: o Ground system processing and real time commanding through operational CCS strings o HST486 and NSSC-1 stored commanding and flight software processing through the VEST SI C&DH hardware o Venus Observation Macro execution o STIS flight software processing through the STIS Ops Bench The science data generator does not create actual science data; however, the STIS headers within the dumped images will be reviewed to verify exposure timing. Note that the science data are not being forwarded to Pacor and OPUS. The attitudes involved with the actual Venus observations (Visits 1, 2, 4, & 5) are hot with the +V1 axis pointed ~46.5° away from the Sun, well within the 50° threshold cited within Restriction Hardware temperatures within the test environments do not model spacecraft attitudes. Consequently, actual hardware thermal profiles will differ significantly relative to the test environment. TCS SEs will assess whether these Venus observations will be in family with the previous Venus observations. Page 2 of 3 DRAFT Initial Conditions HST486 CPM 1 configured with FSW 3.7A (on-orbit configuration) NSSC-1 configured with FSW BQ 9.2 (on-orbit configuration) Nominal HST486 and NSSC-1 SPC load execution STIS configured with CS 5.02 (OV0010; on-orbit configuration) and in Operate with MAMA low voltage off Venus Observation Macros transferred to test string Test Synopsis The test will begin one orbit prior to a Venus visit with STIS, the sole SI scoped within Proposal 13047, set to its nominal configuration. Following SMS activation, an initial SE monitoring period, and any requisite remaining test setup activities, the two Venus observation macros will be loaded and the first macro will be executed to modify six safe test responses from Inertial Hold to Software Sunpoint (without load shed) and to modify the Sunpoint Sun Cosine Limit from 46° to 42°. The second macro will be executed following the Venus visit to restore the nominal value for the Sun Cosine Limit and the nominal safemode responses. The science data will be dumped and the SI SEs will verify exposure timing by assessing the timestamps within the image headers. SMS Requirements An SMS (HST486 & NSSC-1 SPC loads) containing one Venus visit (i.e., Visit 1, 2, 4, or 6), starting one orbit before and ending ≥two orbits after the visit. o The SMS will configure STIS to Operate at the start of the SMS with the MAMA low voltage off. o The SMS will include instructions for STIS to ignore the TDF for the Venus visits and to respect the TDF thereafter (i.e., to restore the nominal configuration) only if the STIS FSW is capable of ignoring the TDF for MAMA observations that occur during vehicle slews that keep the moving target (i.e., Venus) fixed in the detector. Success Criteria The Venus Observation Macros load and execute successfully. o The Venus-specific values for the Sun Cosine Limit and the safemode responses are set correctly by the first macro. o The nominal values for the Sun Cosine Limit and the safe test responses are successfully restored by the second macro. o No changes to the Venus Observation macros are required. The SMS runs successfully through the Venus visit. o No significant changes to stored commanding or proposals are required. o Exposure timing is as expected. References/Related Links Proposal 13047 – “The D/H Ratio and Escape of Water from Venus” IP-TBD – “Venus Observation SPC Macros” Page 3 of 3