Monash University - University of Warwick Workshop on Development Economics August 20 − 22, 2013 Location: Level 9, Room N902, Building 11 (Menzies Building) Monash Unversity, Clayton Campus Monash - Warwick Workshop August 20-22, 2013 Notes for Speakers: • Each Speaker has 1 hour, including questions. • Might be best to keep 10 minutes for questions and discussions at the end. • Please email your slides to Katy Cornwell ( and she will upload them and make sure things are working. Poster Session for Ph.D. students • Scheduled for Wednesday August 21, 2013, 12.15 − 14.15. • Location: Foyer of 8th floor, Menzies Building. • Poster Presenters: Please talk to Brett Inder ( and discuss where/how to place the posters. • Everyone is invited to attend the poster sessions and provide constructive comments to the Ph.D. students on their research. Notes: There is no cost for attending the workshop. Refreshments and lunch will be provided on all three days. Organizing committee: Asad Islam and Pushkar Maitra (Monash) and Jordi Vidal-Robert (Warwick), with help from Katy Cornwell. We would like to thank Marie Alkan (Monash) and Jane Snape (Warwick) for administrative support. All queries/comments/criticisms may be directed to Pushkar Maitra ( TUESDAY, AUGUST 20 9:45 Opening by Professor Colm Kearney, Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University Morning Session Chair: Pushkar Maitra 10:00 Jordi Vidal-Robert(CAGE, University of Warwick ) Habemus Papam? Polarization and Conflict in the Papal States 11:00 Morning Tea 11:15 Lata Gangadharan (CDE, Monash University) Letting the Briber Go Free: An Experiment on Mitigating Harassment Bribes 12:15 Lunch Afternoon Session Chair: Michael Ward 13:30 Dennis Novy (CAGE, University of Warwick ) Trade and Uncertainty 14:30 Afternoon Tea 14:45 Paulo Santos (CDE, Monash University) Investment, wealth shocks and preferences 15:45 Brett Inder (CDE, Monash University) Coffee, Poverty and Consumption Smoothing in Timor-Leste WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21 Morning Session Chair: Youjin Hahn 10:00 Patricio Dalton (CAGE, Tilburg University ) Does the Unemployment Benefit Institution affect Workers’ Productivity? Evidence from a Field Experiment in Colombia 11:00 Morning Tea 11:15 Asad Islam (CDE, Monash University) Improving educational outcomes through parental involvement: Evidence from randomized experiments in Bangladesh 12:15 Lunch and Poster Session for Ph.D. students Afternoon Session Chair: Ranjan Ray 14:15 Sanchari Roy (CAGE, University of Warwick) Aspirations and Poverty: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in India 15:15 Afternoon Tea 15:30 Gaurav Datt (CDE, Monash University) Schooling outcomes in the developing world: a new measure 18:30 Workshop Dinner (by Invitation) TBA THURSDAY, AUGUST 22 Morning Session Chair: Ranjan Ray 10:00 Lisa Cameron (CDE, Monash University) Social Capital’s Role in Community Driven Development 11:00 Morning Tea 11:15 Vera Troeger (CAGE, University of Warwick) The Politics of Electoral Engineering and Strategic Budgeteering 12:15 Lunch Afternoon Session Chair: Russell Smyth 13:45 Victor Lavy (CAGE, University of Warwick) How responsive is investment in schooling to changes in Redistributive policies and in returns 14:45 Afternoon Tea 15:00 Choon Wang (CDE, Monash University) International migration, gender imbalances, and marriage market outcomes in the Philippines 16:00 Workshop Close Closing Remarks: Russell Smyth POSTER SESSION FOR PH.D. STUDENTS: WEDNESDAY 12.15 - 14.15 Luftunnahar Begum Diana Contreras Ananta Neelim Chau Nguyen L. D. H. Perera Anjan Saha Kevin Wu Identifying Gender Bias in Parental ‘Attitude’: An Experimental Approach Linking Children Physical Development and Cognitive Development in a Conditional Cash Transfer Program Setting Religion, Minority Status and Trust: Evidence from a Field Experiment Does microcredit change informal lending in village economies? Evidence from Bangladesh Can Parental Attitude towards Science Influence Children’s Science Achievement? Factor Endowment, Income Inequality and Political Instability