PEUK 2013 Sponsored by the ESRC, CAGE, and Warwick University Organisers: Kimberley Scharf (CAGE and PEUK) and Cormac O'Dea (IFS) Scarman House, University of Warwick 18th and 19th June 2013 TUESDAY JUNE 18th 10:30am – 11:00am REGISTRATION/COFFEE/TEA 11:00am – 1:00pm Labor income dynamics and the insurance from taxes, transfers, and the family, Michael Graber (IFS) (with Richard Blundell and Magne Mogstad) Do parental credit constraints affect College enrollment? Nate Hilger (Harvard) Production vs. revenue efficiency with limited tax capacity: Theory and evidence from Pakistan, Johannes Spinnewijn (LSE and PEP) (with Michael Best, Anne Brockmeyer, Henrik Kleven, Mazhar Waseem) 1:00pm – 2:00pm LUNCH 2:00pm – 4:00pm Market externalities of large unemployment insurance extension programs, Camille Landais (LSE and PEP) (with Rafael Lalive and Josef Zweimüller) "Taxpayer search for information", Joel Slemrod (Michigan) (with Jeffrey Hoopes and Daniel Reck) Housing market responses to transaction taxes: Evidence from notches and stimulus in the UK, Henrik Kleven (LSE and PEP) (with Michael Best) 4:00pm – 4:30pm COFFEE/TEA 4:30pm – 6:00pm SPECIAL SESSION: Improving access to data for academic researchers and policy analysts Introduction, Stuart Croft (Warwick) Big data and the Social Sciences – what’s going on? Peter Elias (Warwick and ESRC) The HMRC Datalab: New opportunities for the research community to use government administrative and survey data, Daniele Bega (HMRC) and Lucy Nicholson (HMRC) 6:30pm DRINKS RECEPTION AT SCARMAN AND DINNER TO FOLLOW AT 7:30PM CAGE Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy Department of Economics University of Warwick\go\cage WEDNESDAY JUNE 19th 9:00am – 10:30am Using administrative data in health economics: An illustrative study of hospital competition and inequality, Richard Cookson (York) The effect of teacher pay on pupil attainment: A regression discontinuity design, Luke Sibieta (IFS and UCL) (with Ellen Greaves) 10:30am – 10:45am COFFEE/TEA 10:45am – 12:30pm PANEL DISCUSSION: “Administrative data: New opportunities and new collaborations” Panel Chair: Kimberley Scharf (Warwick and PEUK) Panelists: Jonathan Athow (HMRC), Paul Boyle (ESRC), Paul Johnson (IFS), Henrik Kleven (LSE), Mark Robson (Bank of England), Joel Slemrod (Michigan) 12:30pm – 1:30pm LUNCH 1:30pm – 3.30pm Offshoring and the onshore composition of tasks and skills, Sascha Becker (Warwick and CAGE) (joint with Karolina Ekholm and Marc-Andreas Muendler) The causal effects of an industrial policy, Ralf Martin (CEP and Imperial College Business School) (with Chiara Criscuolo, Henry Overman, and John Van Reenen) 3:30pm CLOSE CAGE Competitive Advantage in the Global Economy Department of Economics University of Warwick\go\cage