Outline • Classification Pattern Recognition • It is natural and desirable that we should seek to design and build machines that can recognize patterns – – – – Automated speech recognition Fingerprint identification Optical character recognition DNA sequence identification 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 2 An Example • Fish sorting – A fish-packing plant wants to automate the process of sorting incoming fishes on a conveyor belt according to species using optical sensing • Separate sea bass from salmon – Physical differences between sea bass and salmon • Length, lightness, width, number and shape of fins, position of mouth ..... • Noise 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 3 Components of A Recognition System • A Typical pattern recognition system – – – – – – Input Sensing Segmentation Feature extraction Classification Post-processing 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 4 Sensing • The input to the recognition system – Digital cameras – Lasers – Some kind of a transducer • Characteristics and limitations of the transducer – – – – – Its bandwidth Resolution Sensitivity Distortion Signal-to-noise ratio 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 5 Segmentation and Grouping • Segmentation – To segment out the object we are interested in from all other objects – This is a very difficult problem • Grouping – Group pixels that correspond to an object together – Perceptual organization – Figure-ground segregation 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 6 Feature Extraction • Features – Some characteristics of the input that can separate objects in different types very effectively – Invariant features • Translation invariance • Rotation invariance • Scale invariance – Occlusion – Projective distortion 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 7 Feature Extraction – cont. • Deformation – Domain specific highly complex transformations • Feature extraction is domain specific – That is, good features depend on what you want to do • Feature selection – Techniques to select the best features among a set of features 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 8 Training • Design or training samples – One needs to make measurements of each pattern class – This is often done by specifying examples 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 9 Classification • Definition – Given a set of classes, represented by the corresponding feature values, assign the new input object to a category – The degree of the difficulty depends on the variability in the feature values for objects in the same object with respect to the difference between feature values for objects in different categories 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 10 Post-Processing • Post-processing makes recommendations or takes actions based on the output from the classifier – Error rate – Risk • Cost of a mistake – Context – Multiple classifiers 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 11 Design Cycles • Data collection • Feature choice – Prior knowledge • Model choice • Training • Evaluation – Over-fitting 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 12 Computational Complexity • Pattern recognition problems can be “solved” using algorithms that are highly impractical – Polynomial vs. exponential • The computational resources needed and computational complexity are of practical importance – The system may have to make a decision within a time interval 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 13 Learning and Adaptation • Supervised learning – There is a teacher which provides a category label for each pattern in a training set • Unsupervised learning – There is no explicit teacher – The system forms clusters of the input patterns • Reinforcement learning – Some feedback information about the system’s performance 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 14 Neural Networks • Based on the connections in the brain 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 15 Neural Networks – cont. 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 16 Statistical Pattern Recognition • Given a set of features and cost associated with each decision, classification is to decide a decision boundary in the feature space or make a decision rule – We want to minimize the total cost • Generalization – The classifier is designed to suggest actions for novel patterns 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 17 Pattern Theory • Pattern theory proposed by Ulf Grenander – The analysis of the patterns generated by the world in any modality, with all their naturally occurring complexity and ambiguity, with the goal of reconstructing the processes, objects and events that produced them and of predicting these patterns when they reoccur 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 18 Bayesian Decision Rule • A two-class example – 1 for sea bass – 2 for salmon • Prior probability – P(1) – P(2) 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 19 Bayesian Decision Rule – cont. • Class conditional probability density – P(1 | x) – P(2 | x) • Bayes formula p( x | i ) P( i ) P( i ) P( x) 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 20 Bayesian Decision Rule – cont. • Bayes decision rule – Decide 1 if P(1 | x) > P(2 | x) – Otherwise decide 2 – The optimal decision rule • Minimize the average error we make 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 21