Outline • Announcements – Projects • Local operations – Histograms – Point operations – Algebraic operations • Applications – Image morphing Announcements • Projects – Based on my programs • • • • Need to get familiar with my programs Find the database you are interested in on the web Change my program to get the system work Tune parameters to improve performance – Based on a paper or your idea • Need to talk to me either this week or next week • Make sure that it is doable during the time framework • Report and in-class presentation 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 2 Announcements • Research papers – Need to talk to me on the papers or the subjects you are interested in – Decide on the topics within two weeks – Write a research paper for each topic – Do a presentation in class for each topic 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 3 Local Operations • A image can be represented by a matrix • Neighborhood • Local operations – Operations whose output depends only on pixels within a local neighborhood 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 4 Neighborhoods • 4-neighborhood – For pixel (i, j) {(i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j+1)} • 8-neighborhood – For pixel (i, j) {(i-1, j), (i+1, j), (i, j-1), (i, j+1) (i-1, j-1), (i+1, j+1), (i+1, j-1), (i-1, j+1)} 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 5 Point Operations • A point operation takes a single input image into a single output image in such a way that each output’s pixel value depends only upon the pixel value of the corresponding input pixel – Contrast enhancement – Contrast stretching 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 6 Types of Point Operations • Linear point operations – PO = f(PI) = a PI + b • Nonlinear point operations – PO = f(PI) where f is a nonlinear function 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 7 Image Histograms • Histogram – The histogram is the function showing, for each possible value, the number of pixels in the image that have that particular value 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 8 Multi-dimensional Histograms • A multi-dimensional histogram is a function of several variables – For a color image, we can have a threedimensional histogram 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 9 Point Operations and Histograms • Point operations modifies the histogram in a predictable way 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 10 Applications of Point Operations • Histogram equalization – Find a point operation such that the histogram of the resulting image will be a flat histogram • Histogram matching – Find a point operation such that the histogram of the resulting image will match the one of a given image 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 11 Algebraic Operations • Algebraic operations are operations that produce an output image which is the pixelby-pixel sum, difference, product, quotient, or other forms of functions of two input images 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 12 Traffic Estimation • Suppose aerial photographs are taken of highway section – To estimate how many cars are there in the section, find the difference between two consecutive images and count the number of white regions 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 13 Blue-Screen Editing 5/29/2016 Visual Perception Modeling 14