Outline • Review of Classical Operating Systems - continued • Distributed Systems 5/29/2016 COP5611 1 Announcement • The class email list – I created a class email list using ACNS’ service – If you do not receive an email from me this morning, you need to send me an email to add your email address to the list • Materials to make up – In general, the technical issues in distributed operating systems are different to the ones in classical operating systems – For this class, the following undergraduate topics may be helpful • • • • • 5/29/2016 Mutual exclusion (Process synchronization) Deadlock detection File systems Memory management Scheduling COP5611 2 Operating System • An operating system is a layer of software on a bare machine that performs two basic functions – Resource management • To manage resources so that they are used in an efficient and fair manner – User friendliness 5/29/2016 COP5611 3 Distributed Systems • A distributed system is a collection of independent computers that appears to its users as a single coherent system – Independent computers mean that they do not share memory or clock – The computers communicate with each other by exchanging messages over a communication network 5/29/2016 COP5611 4 Distributed Systems – cont. 5/29/2016 COP5611 5 Distributed Systems – cont. • Is each of the following systems a distributed system according to our definition? – Workstations at the Computer Science department – World wide web 5/29/2016 COP5611 6 Distributed Systems – cont. • Motivations – The availability of powerful microprocessors – Significant advances in communication technology – A group of people working together need to share data and expensive resources 5/29/2016 COP5611 7 Distributed Systems – cont. • Advantages – The computing power of a group of cheap workstations can be enormous • Decisive price/performance advantage over traditional time-sharing systems – – – – Resource sharing Enhanced performance Improved reliability and availability Modular expandability 5/29/2016 COP5611 8 Distributed System Architecture • The minicomputer model – Consists of several minicomputers, each supports multiple users and provides access to remote resources • The workstation model – Consists of a number of workstations, each supports a single user in general • The processor model – The ratio of the number of processors to the number of users is greater than one 5/29/2016 COP5611 9 Distributed System Architecture – cont. • The classification given above does not consider the underlying hardware – Distributed systems are often classified based on the hardware • Multiprocessor systems • Homogenous multi-computer systems • Heterogeneous multi-computer systems 5/29/2016 COP5611 10 Basic Distributed Systems 1.6 5/29/2016 COP5611 11 Multiprocessor Systems – cont. • Multiprocessor systems are often divided into two categories – In tightly coupled systems, all processors share the same memory address space and all processors can directly access a global main memory – In loosely coupled systems, not only is the main memory partitioned and attached to processors, but each processor has its own address space • A processor cannot directly access memory attached to other processors 5/29/2016 COP5611 12 Multiprocessor Systems – cont. • Based on the vicinity and accessibility of the main memory to the processors, there are three main types of multiprocessor system architectures – UMA – Uniform memory access – NUMA – Non-uniform memory access – NORMA – no remote memory access 5/29/2016 COP5611 13 Multiprocessor Systems – cont. • A bus-based multiprocessor system 5/29/2016 COP5611 14 Multiprocessors Systems – cont. a) A crossbar switch b) An omega switching network 5/29/2016 COP5611 15 Homogeneous Multicomputer Systems • Compared to multiprocessor systems, building multicomputer systems is relatively easy – Each CPU has a direct connection to its own local memory – The problem is how the CPUs communicate with each other • There are kinds of multi-computer systems – Bus-based / switch-based 5/29/2016 COP5611 16 Bus-Based Multicomputer Systems 5/29/2016 COP5611 17 Homogeneous Multicomputer Systems – cont. a) Grid b) Hypercube 1-9 5/29/2016 COP5611 18 Heterogeneous Multicomputer Systems • Most of the distributed systems are built on top of a heterogeneous multicomputer systems – Computers can vary widely • Some of them can be even multiprocessor or homogeneous multicomputer systems – The interconnection network may be highly heterogeneous as well 5/29/2016 COP5611 19 Distributed Operating Systems • Hardware for distributed systems is important, but the software largely determines what a distributed system looks like to a user • Distributed operating systems are much like the traditional operating systems – Resource management – User friendliness – The key concept is transparency 5/29/2016 COP5611 20 Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • In a truly distributed operating system, the user views the system as a virtual uniprocessor system even though physically it consists of multiple computers – In other words, the use of multiple computers and accessing remote data and resources should be invisible to the user 5/29/2016 COP5611 21 Distributed Operating Systems – cont. Transparency Description Access Hide differences in data representation and how a resource is accessed Location Hide where a resource is located Migration Hide that a resource may move to another location Relocation Hide that a resource may be moved to another location while in use Replication Hide that a resource may be shared by several competitive users Concurrency Hide that a resource may be shared by several competitive users Failure Hide the failure and recovery of a resource Persistence Hide whether a (software) resource is in memory or on disk 5/29/2016 COP5611 22 Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Degree of transparency and performance – There is a trade-off between a high degree of transparency and the performance of the system • Three categories – Distributed Operating System (DOS) – Network Operating System (NOS) – Middleware 5/29/2016 COP5611 23 Overview of Different Kinds of Distributed Systems System Description Main Goal DOS Tightly-coupled operating system for multiprocessors and homogeneous multicomputers Hide and manage hardware resources NOS Loosely-coupled operating system for heterogeneous multicomputers (LAN and WAN) Offer local services to remote clients Middleware Additional layer atop of NOS implementing general-purpose services Provide distribution transparency 5/29/2016 COP5611 24 Uniprocessor Operating Systems • Separating applications from operating system code through a microkernel. 1.11 5/29/2016 COP5611 25 Multicomputer Operating Systems • General structure of a multicomputer operating system 5/29/2016 COP5611 26 Distributed Shared Memory Systems a) b) c) Pages of address space distributed among four machines Situation after CPU 1 references page 10 Situation if page 10 is read only and replication is used 5/29/2016 COP5611 27 Network Operating System 1-19 5/29/2016 COP5611 28 Network Operating System – cont. • Two clients and a server in a network operating system. 5/29/2016 COP5611 29 Network Operating System – cont. • Different clients may mount the servers in different places. 5/29/2016 COP5611 30 Positioning Middleware • General structure of a distributed system as middleware. 5/29/2016 COP5611 31 Middleware and Openness 1.23 • In an open middleware-based distributed system, the protocols used by each middleware layer should be the same, as well as the interfaces they offer to applications. 5/29/2016 COP5611 32 The Global Architecture of CORBA 5/29/2016 COP5611 33 Object Model in CORBA • The general organization of a CORBA system. 5/29/2016 COP5611 34 CORBA Services Service Description Collection Facilities for grouping objects into lists, queue, sets, etc. Query Facilities for querying collections of objects in a declarative manner Concurrency Facilities to allow concurrent access to shared objects Transaction Flat and nested transactions on method calls over multiple objects Event Facilities for asynchronous communication through events Notification Advanced facilities for event-based asynchronous communication Externalization Facilities for marshaling and unmarshaling of objects Life cycle Facilities for creation, deletion, copying, and moving of objects Licensing Facilities for attaching a license to an object Naming Facilities for systemwide name of objects Property Facilities for associating (attribute, value) pairs with objects Trading Facilities to publish and find the services on object has to offer Persistence Facilities for persistently storing objects Relationship Facilities for expressing relationships between objects Security Mechanisms for secure channels, authorization, and auditing Time Provides the current time within specified error margins 5/29/2016 COP5611 35 Comparison Between Systems Distributed OS Multiproc. Multicomp. Network OS Degree of transparency Very High High Low High Same OS on all nodes Yes Yes No No Number of copies of OS 1 N N N Basis for communication Shared memory Messages Files Model specific Resource management Global, central Global, distributed Per node Per node Scalability No Moderately Yes Varies Openness Closed Closed Open Open Item 5/29/2016 COP5611 Middlewarebased OS 36 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems • Absence of global knowledge – In a distributed system, due to the unavailability of a global memory and a global clock and due to unpredictable message delays, it is practically impossible to for a computer to collect up-to-date information about the global state of the distributed system – Therefore a fundamental problem is to develop efficient techniques to implement a decentralized system wide control – Another problem is how to order all the events 5/29/2016 COP5611 37 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Naming – Plays an important role in achieving location transparency – A name service maps a logical name into a physical address by making use of a table lookup, an algorithm, or a combination of both – In distributed systems, the tables may be replicated and stored at many places • Consider naming in a distributed file system 5/29/2016 COP5611 38 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Scalability – Systems generally grow with time, especially distributed systems – Scalability requires that the growth should not result in system unavailability or degraded performance – This puts additional constraints on design approaches 5/29/2016 COP5611 39 Scalability – cont. • Consider the scalability of centralized design approaches Concept Example Centralized services A single server for all users Centralized data A single on-line telephone book Centralized algorithms Doing routing based on complete information 5/29/2016 COP5611 40 Scaling Techniques The difference between letting: a) a server or b) a client check forms as they are being filled 5/29/2016 COP5611 41 Scalability – cont. An example of dividing the DNS name space into zones. 5/29/2016 COP5611 42 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Compatibility – Refers to the interoperability among the resources in a system – Three different levels • Binary level – All processors execute the same binary instruction repertoire – Virtual binary level • Execution level – Same source code can be compiled and executed properly • Protocol level 5/29/2016 COP5611 43 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Process synchronization – The synchronization of processes in distributed systems is difficult because of the unavailability of shared memory • It needs to synchronize processes running on different computers when they try to concurrently access a shared resource • This is the mutual exclusion problem as in classical operating systems 5/29/2016 COP5611 44 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Resource management – Resource management needs to make both local and remote resources available to uses in an effective manner – Data migration • Distributed file system • Distributed shared memory – Computation migration • Remote procedure call – Distributed scheduling 5/29/2016 COP5611 45 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Security and protection – The same two issues as in classical operating systems need to be considered • Authentication • Authorization 5/29/2016 COP5611 46 Issues in Distributed Operating Systems – cont. • Structuring – The distributed operating system requires some additional constraints on the structure of the underlying operating system – The collective kernel structure • An operating system is structured as a collection of processes that are largely independent of each other – Object-oriented operating system • The operating system’s services are implemented as objects 5/29/2016 COP5611 47 The Client-Server Model • The client-server model provides one organization for a distributed system – The processes are organized into clients and servers – Clients request services from servers which provide services • A server is a process implementing a specific service • A client is a process that requests a service from a server by sending it a request and subsequently waiting for the server’s reply 5/29/2016 COP5611 48 Clients and Servers • General interaction between a client and a server. 5/29/2016 COP5611 49 An Example Client and Server (1) 5/29/2016 COP5611 50 An Example Client and Server (2) • A sample server. 5/29/2016 COP5611 51 An Example Client and Server (3) • A client using the server to copy a file. 5/29/2016 COP5611 52 Application Layering • A main issue in the client-server model is there is no clear distinction between a client and a server • Especially in the context of databases, the entire system is divided into three levels – The user-interface level – The processing level – The data level 5/29/2016 COP5611 53 Processing Level • The general organization of an Internet search engine into three different layers 1-28 5/29/2016 COP5611 54 Multitiered Architectures • Plausible client-server organizations 5/29/2016 COP5611 55 Multitiered Architectures – cont. • An example of a server acting as a client. 5/29/2016 COP5611 56 Modern Architectures • An example of horizontal distribution of a Web service. 5/29/2016 COP5611 57 Summary – – – – Definition of a distributed system Motivations Distributed system architectures Distributed operating systems • DOS / NOS / Middleware – Technical issues in a distributed operating system – The client-server model • Next time – Communication in distributed systems 5/29/2016 COP5611 58