The Price of Silence. Media Competition, Capture, and Electoral Accountability Federico Trombetta∗ Department of Economics The University of Warwick First version: May 2015 This version: February 27, 2016 Abstract Is competition in the mass media market a good deterrent against media capture, i.e. against attempts, from the political side, to influence the contents of media reports? In this paper we show (both theoretically and empirically) that this is not always the case. Building on the mainstream models of media capture, we allow for voters’ heterogeneity in their interest for political news and we model the media market as a two-sided one, proving that the effect of competition on the possibility of capture can be non-monotonic. In particular, when competition increases above a certain threshold, then it may make cheaper, for a bad politician, to capture enough media outlets and to stay in power. Intuitively, even if competition increases the number of information providers that the bad politician has to silence in order to win the elections, it also reduces their profits. And, when profits are low, media outlets may be more willing to sacrifice their independence in exchange for bribes. When this second effect prevails, the total equilibrium cost of capture decreases in the number of outlets. On top of this, we show that the “deterrence effect” of competition increases with ∗ ESRC support is gratefully acknowledged. Previous versions of this paper circulated under the title “Media Competition, Capture, and Electoral Accountability”. I thank my supervisor, Ben Lockwood, for his invaluable help and advice. I also thank Carlo Beretta, Martijn Huysmans, Guido Merzoni, Kirill Pogorelskiy, Andrea Prat, Francesco Squintani, Giulio Trigilia, Michela Boccola, Andy Ferrara, Robert Gay OP, Martina Miotto, Tilko Swalve and the participants to the 2016 Warwick Economics PhD Conference and the MRes Dissertation Colloquium (University of Warwick). They all provided very useful comments and suggestions. Of course, all the mistakes are mine. 1 the fraction of voters interested in politics. Finally, we study the consequences of these results in terms of welfare and political accountability, and we test empirically our main findings in a cross-country comparison. Keywords: Political Agency, Mass Media, Competition, Media Capture. JEL: D72, D73, D78, L82. 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and contribution Free media have been seen as powerful guarantors of political accountability, both theoretically (e.g. Besley 2006) and empirically (e.g. Ferraz and Finan 2008). However, they may be powerful enough to determine the electoral outcome and promoting a bad candidate, even when voters are fully rational and “bayesian” (Prat 2014, Anderson and McLaren 2012). As a consequence, the incumbent politician may be interested in controlling what media outlets report, in order to give to the voters a sufficiently positive image of himself and to stay in power. This paper looks at the effect of competition in influencing the incentives towards media capture, proving innovative results. The current view of the literature1 is stressing the positive effect of competition in avoiding capture: raising the number of outlets is commonly seen as a way to reduce the influence that the incumbent politician may have on what media report. However, the introduction of less strict assumptions on voters’ heterogeneity and on the media market structure shows that the reality may be more complex. In particular, this paper shows (both theoretically and empirically) the existence of a nonmonotonic relationship between media competition and media capture, obtained when voters are allowed to be heterogeneous in their interest for politically related news and the media market is modelled as a two-sided one, where outlets are interested in selling contents to the readers2 and advertisement space to the advertiser. These modifications, in an otherwise standard model of political agency and media, lead to the aforementioned non-monotonicity: increasing the number of media outlets makes capture more expensive 1 The seminal paper is Besley and Prat (2006), but the same idea is in Gentzkow and Shapiro (2008), Prat and Strömberg (2013), Torrens (2014), Gehlbach and Sonin (2014). 2 We refer to readers as consumers of media contents for simplicity. However, the paper is agnostic with respect to the type of media firm (newspapers, televisions, websites etc). 2 as long as the number of outlets is below a certain threshold. When the threshold is passed, raising competition makes capture cheaper. Our theoretical model builds on Besley and Prat (2006) adverse selection political agency game. Voters act as principal while the incumbent (of good or bad type) is the agent. Media outlets may receive a common, verifiable signal about the type of the incumbent, and may be bribed by the bad politician in order not to reveal that. Hence, outlets face a trade off between publishing the signal and enjoying the audience-related rents and accepting the politician’s bribe instead. Differently from Besley and Prat (2006), in this paper not all the voters are interested in politically related news, hence not all of them will become aware of the incumbent’s type if only a small fraction of the outlets is publishing the signal. Moreover, audience-related rents are determined as optimal strategies in a two-sided market where outlets are selling contents to the readers and advertisement space to a monopolist advertiser, interested in placing his adverts where the readers are. In this setting, raising the number of outlets increases the number of players that the incumbent politician may want to silence (as in Besley and Prat 2006), but it also reduces the outside option for captured outlets, that would have to compete with more subjects and hence can enjoy lower audience-related rents. As a consequence, they may be more willing to sacrifice their independence in exchange for money. The prevailing of the first or of the second effect generates the non-monotonicity. Together with this, we are able to characterize the threshold where the effect of competition on the equilibrium cost of capture changes sign (i.e. where competition starts making capture cheaper). We show that it is increasing in the fraction of voters interested in political news and that, as a consequence, media competition is more likely to be a good deterrent against capture when this fraction is high. On the empirical side, we can show that, in a cross-country comparison, the correlation between the number of daily newspaper titles and the level of media freedom can be properly described by a reverse-U shaped relationship, consistently with the findings of the model. Finally, we show that the effect of media competition on the ex-ante voters’ welfare is non-monotonic as well, since welfare is strictly decreasing in the ex-ante probability of media capture. 3 1.2 Discussion and real life examples The main result of our model is perhaps surprising and somewhat counterintuitive. But does it also make sense in the real world? Of course, it is very hard to measure media capture empirically, since “influence” is something hard to observe (and that can be generated in many different ways, more or less formal: from bribing to buying advertisement space). However, looking at something related but not coincident with media capture (i.e. media bias), Hamilton (2004) points out that the increase in the number of U.S. TV channels reduced the share of unbiased outlets. Specifically, “in the late 1960s, U.S. television households received an average of only seven channels. In that broadcast environment, each major network had the incentive to offer unbiased news coverage to attract audiences in the tens of millions. By 2000, households received an average of sixty-three channels. In that universe, a cable programmer would be happy to capture the attention of a million viewers. A conservative cable channel program might not attract ten million viewers, but it might draw two million viewers. This logic of niche programming gave rise to the Fox News Channel ”3 . Consistent with the idea that more competition may not be necessarily good, Hamilton (2004) notes that “the impact of the number of competitors on the quantity and quality of reporting is actually a question left open by economic theory”4 . It is unlikely that the answer about media capture is not affected by any trade-off. Moreover, it is possible to find anecdotal confirmation for the two steps leading to our result: firstly, competition has a negative effect on outlets’ profitability. Secondly, financially weak outlets may be more willing to accept political influence. For the first step, Cagé (2014) has precise estimations about the effects of an exogenous increase in media competition on profitability, noticing that “entry reduces the circulation of incumbent newspapers by nearly 25 %”, and this implies a 20 to 36% reduction in revenues, 14 to 29% reduction in size and a 9 to 13% reduction in the share of hard news. Moving to the second step, many different sources point out that the media is more easily influenced when revenues are low. The last edition of the Media Sustainability Index (IREX 2015), for example, stresses that “[o]verall the issue seems to be that media 3 4 Hamilton (2004), pag. 3, italics added. Hamilton (2004), pag. 21. 4 have been weakened by a poor economy and been preyed upon by political money, or political pressure has weakened the economic environment in which media operate, thus making it easier for political money to distort the market and put independent media at a strong disadvantage”5 . Writing about Bulgaria, the same report notices that “most traditional media operate at a financial loss, which leads to compromises with editorial independence. With few exceptions, the big advertisers enjoy complete media support. As public institutions remain the biggest advertisers, any government regardless of its political affiliation receives media support”6 . Similarly, the website points out the risk of political influence on financially weak media in Albania: “many independent media outlets are hampered by a lack of revenue. Publishers and media owners tend to dictate editorial policy based on political and economic affiliations, which, together with the employment insecurity journalists face, nurtures a culture of self-censorship”. An explicit (even if anecdotal) relationship between competition and media capture can be seen in the FYR of Macedonia, as highlighted by (Iloska 2014). The country is characterized by a “large number of broadcast and print outlets in comparison with its population size”. Despite this, the “Macedonian media are subject to severe interference and political pressure. [...] In the last few years the Government was regularly criticized for its liberal use of promotional advertising, leading to increased financial dependence of media and increasing the number of outlets that favour its position”. Moreover, the Turkish newspaper “Today’s Zaman” (Zibak 2015) was recently claiming that “the diversity and abundance of media outlets in Turkey do not necessarily guarantee the presence of a free, independent and pluralistic media”7 . This highlights two things: on the one hand, the existence of free media even in a country with potential important problems of media capture; on the other hand, the fact that a very competitive market is not enough to avoid these problems. Finally, the last piece of anecdotal evidence comes from Drago et al. (2014) and van der Wurff and van Cuilenburg (2001). First of all, Drago et al. (2014) find that the entry of newspapers increases the re-election probability of the incumbent: this is at odds with Besley and Prat (2006), but it is consistent with our approach. Moreover, they find that “competition matters”, meaning that the effect of entry does not disappear as more 5 IREX (2015), pag. ix, italics added. IREX (2015), pag. xi, italics added. 7 Today’s Zaman, Turkish daily news, 20-04-2015. 6 5 newspapers are on the market, and in our model we will try to go more in depth than the standard monopoly vs duopoly approach. Van der Wurff and van Cuilenburg (2001) find empirical evidence of a different effect of the degree of competition in the Dutch television market on program diversity. While moderate competition increases diversity, extreme competition reduces the investment in content development. Despite not being related with media capture, this paper provides empirical evidence of possible non-monotonic effects of competition, similar to our main result. The remainder of this paper is as follows. Section 2 reviews the relevant literature, section 3 describes the setting of the model while we derive the equilibrium in section 4. We comment on the main results and assumptions in section 5 and derive the comparative statics in section 6. Section 7 is dedicated to the political consequences of media capture and some welfare analysis while section 8 presents possible ways to test the model empirically. We conclude in section 9. 2 Related literature This paper aims to contribute to different branches of the economic literature, from the political economy of mass media to the economic regulation of the media market, with particular attention on media capture and on the effects that media competition has on political outcomes via media capture. Of course, the literature on these topics is growing exponentially and, as a consequence, in this section we will briefly mention the most important contributions, highlighting similarities and differences with our paper. 2.1 Mass media and political economy Not surprisingly, given its importance, the relationship between media and politics has been widely studied in the political economy literature, and detailed and comprehensive reviews are provided by Prat and Strömberg (2013) and Strömberg (2015). In this review, we look briefly at the effects of competition on different “types” of media bias, highlighting the main differences with our approach. 6 2.1.1 Demand and supply driven bias In terms of demand driven bias (i.e. bias caused by the demand side of the media market), the most notable examples here are Strömberg (2004), Mullainathan and Shleifer (2005), Gentzkow and Shapiro (2006), Bernhardt et al. (2008) and Chan and Stone (2013). As pointed out by Gentzkow and Shapiro (2008), competition appears to have mixed effects when we are referring to demand-driven bias. Generally speaking, this class of models explains bias starting from the heterogeneous views of the readers, that media are incentivized to pander in their profit-maximization decision. This channel is potentially very interesting, but for what concerns the basic model considered in this paper, we decided to “switch off” the ideology/demand-side channel in order to focus on the direct effects of competition on media bias without other potential confounding factors. The second possible source of bias internal to the media market comes, of course, from the supply-side. As extensively discussed by Baron (2006) and Hamilton (2004), journalists, as well as media owners, usually have their own political ideas, and may also have the incentive to use the media in order to defend their interests. Up to a certain extent, they may be willing to sacrifice profits if they have important “private” objectives. This literature includes Baron (2006), Anderson and McLaren (2012), Duggan and Martinelli (2011) and Prat (2014). The approach of these models is closer to ours, since media capture happens on the supply side of the media market. However, there are two important differences. First of all, these are generally not fully fledged political agency models. Journalists and media owners may have political interests, but of course they are not responsible to the voters, and the political environment is typically over-simplified. Secondly, these models generally assume that media owners have specific political interests, without actually explaining why this may be the case. Of course, one of the possible explanations for such editorial decisions is pressure coming from the political environment, and this is precisely the object of the literature on media capture. 2.1.2 Media capture The seminal paper about media capture is Besley and Prat (2006), which will also provide the basic framework from which we depart in the model studied in this paper. 7 Given the necessity to capture the whole industry, in equilibrium the politician will either silence every outlet or none of them, and has to pay to each of them monopoly profits. As a consequence, the cost of media capture (and hence politicians’ turnover and voters’ welfare) monotonically increases in the number of outlets. Petrova (2008) and Corneo (2006) look at media capture too, even if in this case the capturing entities are interest groups or particular factions of society. Vaidya and Gupta (2009) study the effect of media competition on corruption via media capture, finding a mixed result: when there are positive externalities among the outlets (i.e. when both outlets revealing the signal is more than twice as strong as a single outlet revealing it) then a duopoly may be cheaper to be captured than a monopoly, while the opposite is always true in case of negative externalities. It has to be noted, however, that this result is obtained in a setting pretty different from the standard media capture models reviewed so far8 . Moreover, their approach is different to that of our model: firstly, we keep the standard assumption of hard signals and the full political agency setting, with strategic politicians, media and readers/voters. Secondly, we look at competition trying to model it better than the very reduced form used so far, and going beyond the simple duopoly/monopoly comparison. Finally, Gehlbach and Sonin (2014) look at the link between media bias and a continuous outcome to which the government is interested: political “mobilization”. In terms of competition, the results are analogous to Besley and Prat (2006): since the outlet with a smaller bias would be able to attract the whole audience, then the government interested in controlling the media has to buy the whole industry, whose cost is increasing in the number of outlets. Our modelling strategy shares with Gehlbach and Sonin (2014) the importance given to a precise structure for the advertisement market, related to readership and so on. We will go further in that way by modelling it in a precise two-sided setting. However, our political setting is quite different (and closer to Besley and Prat 2006) since we do not assume a particular “bad” nature of the government and citizens are interested in being governed by a “good” type. Of course, empirical evidence for media capture is hard to find, since it is neither appar8 First of all, the model is not concerned with political agency, since there are no voters and the government is not accountable. Secondly, signals are “soft”, i.e. they can be wrong with positive probability. Third, their focus is on corruption (with the government that always prefers it) rather than on political accountability. 8 ent nor precisely defined. Probably the most direct insight comes from McMillan and Zoido’s (2004) study on Fujimori’s media control mechanism in Perù, showing the huge costs he had to pay to silence media channels (with respect to members of the congress or judges). Di Tella and Franceschelli (2011) find that there is a negative correlation between advertisement bought by the government and the space dedicated to scandals in Argentinian newspapers, while Hamilton (2004) relates the emergence of independent newspapers (rather than politically affiliated) with the increasingly important advertisement market, and a similar result is also in Petrova (2011). Finally, Petrova (2008) finds empirical evidence supporting her theoretical prediction about media freedom being decreasing in income inequality in democracies. Generally speaking, the result that the number of media outlets decreases the possibility of capture is quite common in the theoretical literature. And, as long as it is necessary to silence the whole industry, this result holds. Moreover, as we will show below, it holds also for some set of parameters (and number of firms) when partial capture is a possible equilibrium outcome. Nevertheless, the result is much less general once we allow for the possibility of some freedom in the media industry (even in case of capture) and we provide a better model of the media market. In these cases, keeping the assumptions about hard signals and in a political agency setting, it is possible to show that an increase in the number of media outlets may, for some parameters, reduce the cost of media capture. 2.2 Media competition and the advertisement market A first point that separates our approach from the standard models of media capture is the attempt of looking more closely at the media market. In particular, our model is related to those stressing the importance of the “two-sidedness” of the market of media (Argentesi and Ivaldi 2005). Ellman and Germano (2009), for example, use a two-sided market model in order to see the effect of the advertisement industry on media bias, while similarly Godes et al. (2009) and Dukes (2006) use a two-sided model to study how media competition affects pricing strategies and content quality choices respectively. In our model, we basically “incorporate” their approach (media outlets selling copies to the readers, i.e. competing on prices, and advertising space to the advertisers, i.e. competing on quantities) in our standard media capture political agency framework. Finally, the importance of the advertisement market on the media industry has been 9 highlighted by two “symmetrical” contributions. On the one hand, Germano and Meier (2013) show, in a model of commercial media bias (i.e. where media outlets are silenced by the advertisers), that as the number of outlets increases, the bias is reduced, since the advertisement revenues are shared by a higher number of media and hence conquering the audience (via lower bias) becomes relatively more important. On the other hand, Blasco et al. (2015) highlights that competition in the advertisement market is not sufficient to eliminate the commercial media bias. The relevance of this literature for our model is twofold: first of all, it highlights the importance of the two-side condition in the media market, which cannot be disregarded. Secondly, it stresses the relevance of the advertisement industry and of advertisers’ decisions. In our model of course we will switch off the commercial media bias, since we focus on the political environment. But, interestingly, buying advertisement space is one of the ways through which politicians may try to influence the media. 2.3 Economic regulation of media and theoretical framework This paper aims to contribute to the literature on media market regulation as well. Since there is no general agreement about what a “healthy” broadcasting sector is (Seabright and von Hagen 2007), we point out that the role of competition, when related with media capture, may be more complex than the standard answer given by the political economy literature. Polo (2005) studies whether market incentives are powerful enough to guarantee internal and external pluralism in the media market, finding that the differentiation triggered by the market does not necessarily extend to political views, and that internal pluralism is limited by the personal interests of media owner. Torrens (2014) looks, from a normative perspective, to the optimal media market structure, taking into account the possibility of media capture. The basic welfare trade-off is given by the fact that, in his model, more media outlets imply a lower probability of capture but also higher fixed costs to be supported without an increase in the amount of information available. It is interesting to note, however, that Torrens’ (2014) main effect of the number of outlets on the possibility of capture is analogous to Besley and Prat (2006) precisely because he shares the same assumption about the fact that a single media outlet publishing the news 10 is enough to inform the whole electorate9 . Finally, it is worth mentioning the theoretical framework of this model: the idea of a principal agent supervisor model with hard signals comes from Tirole (1986), while the two-sided market literature (and the idea that media are a platform in this type of market) can be referred to Rochet and Tirole (2003). 3 The model It is a principal-agent-supervisor pure adverse selection model, where the voters act as principal, the incumbent politician (he) is the agent and media outlets (she) act as supervisors, potentially captured by the agent. We keep the same timing and most of the assumptions of Besley and Prat (2006), adding two modifications. Firstly, voters have different costs in information processing of political news, hence not all of them become informed once one media outlet publishes the news about the politician. Secondly, the media market is modelled as a two sided market where outlets sell advertisement space to a monopolist advertiser willing to pay more for an higher readership, and contents to the voters/consumers. 3.1 The game In period 1 an incumbent of type θ ∈ {b, g} is in power, with P r (θ = g) = γ. The “good” incumbent chooses the policy that maximizes voters’ welfare, while the “bad” one is only a rent seeker. While in power, he earns a rent equal to R. As in the baseline of Besley and Prat (2006), we keep the problem as a purely adverse selection one, so when a good incumbent is in power voters’ payoff is 1 while when a bad incumbent is in power this payoff is 0. If the incumbent is good, media outlets receive no signals (i.e. s = ∅), while if he is bad they receive with probability q ∈ (0, 1) a verifiable signal s = b revealing his type10 . Every media outlet has then the possibility to choose her reporting strategy, defined as s˜i ∈ {b, ∅}. If s = ∅, then the only option available is s˜i = ∅, since 9 Outside the formal economic modelling, Hollifield (2006) highlights the possibility of a reverse-U shaped relationship between competition and journalistic performance, listing many different channels that may bring to it. Differently from that paper, we focus on media capture only, we derive the nonmonotonic relation as a result of a formal, game theoretical model and we look directly at the effects of political and commercial forces. 10 Following Besley and Prat (2006), it is assumed that voters cannot observe the signal directly. 11 there are no signals and news cannot be fabricated. However, if s = b, by revealing the news (i.e. setting s˜i = b) media outlet i enters in the media market. Following most of the literature on media competition (Rochet and Tirole 2003, Ellman and Germano 2009, Dukes 2006, Godes et al. 2009), we model this market as a two-sided one. Outlets sell advertisement space to a monopolist advertiser, who is willing to pay a higher price if its advertise goes on outlets with a higher readership. Moreover, outlets make money also by selling their contents to the consumers. If the outlet decides for s˜i = ∅, then she stays out of the media market11 . Following Besley and Prat (2006), we assume: 1. Only verifiable news can be reported; 2. Signals can only be bad; 3. All media have the same information. Differently from them, however, we allow for some heterogeneity in voters’ political information processing cost, meaning that some of them will be interested in political news and some of them will not. This microfounds the fact that the politician needs to capture only a fraction λ ∈ [0, 1] of media outlets in order to stay in power. Formally, we assume the existence of two types of consumers/voters12 . α of them are “interested” voters, that are exactly like every voter of Besley and Prat (2006). In particular, they are interested in political news and willing to buy contents related with this type of news from any outlet willing to publish them (up to an exogenous individual reservation price p̄ ∼ U [0, 1]). Moreover, in terms of bayesian updating, note that it is enough that one outlet publishes the news in order to let them all become informed about the signal13 . As quite standard in these models, we assume that every reader/voter buys at most one piece of news. The other 1 − α voters are “rationally ignorant”, meaning that they have no interests in spending money or effort to buy politically-related contents. A way to formalize this 11 This is only a normalization. Everything is the same if we assume that every outlet is part of the “ordinary” media market, where they make some non-negative profits, and then some of them, by choosing s˜i = b, enters in the “politically related” media market where they can make extra profits, on top of the “ordinary” ones. 12 In total, consumers/voters are a large number normalized to 1. 13 In equilibrium they will all buy the content, but even if some of them decides not to do so because the price is above his p̄, still he is making a decision knowing that the news has been published, and he can still use this information to update his beliefs. This assumption on the exogenous reservation price is not affecting the equilibrium characterization. It is necessary only to solve the case of a monopolist publisher, that is facing a trade off between contents price and readership. In our equilibrium the contents price will be 0 even in case of a monopolist publisher, hence all the “interested voters” will buy the content. 12 assumption is in terms of information processing costs. As pointed out by Hamilton (2004), the existence of “rationally ignorant” voters is consistent with a downsian framework. Voters should be willing to acquire information if the cost of doing so is lower than the expected benefit of electing the right politician times the probability of being pivotal. In this model we abstract from pivotality considerations, since this would quickly lead to the well known “turnout paradox”. What we assume, together with sincere voting and that everyone votes, is that α voters can process information at no costs, while the remaining fraction can do so only at a cost k > 1, hence greater than the benefit given by the election of the right politician. So, even without any pivotality consideration, it is not worth for them to spend time and effort in reading news, not even when they are free of charge. However, if someone else explains them all the story, then this has no information processing cost for them14 . Note that this assumption does not imply irrationality of any sort among these voters. Moreover, the presence of many “rationally ignorant” voters is one of the ways Hamilton (2004) uses to justify the underprovision of relevant political news, hence they are known to play a crucial role in shaping the media market incentives. We assume that voters know their type and that α ∈ (0, 1) is common knowledge. How ever, a fraction p m of these “rationally ignorant” voters become exogenously informed n ∂p( m ) while talking with their neighbours. We assume ∂ mn > 0, p (0) = 0 and p (1) = 1: the (n) idea is that the higher is the fraction of media outlets publishing the news, the bigger is the fraction of “rationally ignorant” voters that just “jump into the news” becoming informed, since the topic is “hot”15 . The number of media outlets, n, is exogenously given and it will be the main aspect of our comparative statics analysis. In general, media outlets derive revenues from two sources: audience-related revenues and money from the politician. The former are the profits derived from selling contents to the readers and advertisement space to a monopolist advertiser, in a way described in details in section 4.2. Regarding the latter, the incumbent can offer ti ≥ 0 to each media outlet, conditional on her not reporting his true 14 The idea is that there is a difference between putting effort to read and understand a newspaper article, looking for the important parts, checking its consistency and so on, versus being informed by a friend, who has already processed the information. 15 In practice, there is individual uncertainty but not aggregate uncertainty. The single “rationally ignorant” voter does not know if he is uninformed because there is nothing to see or because he is not included in the fraction that becomes informed. However, there is no uncertainty on the dimension of this fraction. Note that this idea of fraction of voters becoming informed is somewhat similar to the approach of Besley and Burgess (2002). 13 type16 . The politician offers a vector of individual transfers {ti }i=1,...,n . Outlets observe it17 and each of them simultaneously decides whether to accept the individual offer or not. We assume the existence of a transaction cost τ ∈ [1, ∞) capturing institutional constraints to corruption. Hence, a transfer ti gives to the outlet an amount ti . τ Defining P I the set of media that accepts the offer, the incumbent gets a payoff of R − i∈I ti if P he is elected and of − i∈I ti if he is voted out of office. At the end of period 1, voters decide whether to confirm the incumbent or to choose a challenger that is good with probability γ. In period 2 payoffs for both periods are paid: voters will have a payoff of 1 if the politician in power is a good type and a payoff of 0 if the politician in power is a bad type, while the incumbent politician receives his office rents R. 3.2 Summary of the timing 1. θ is realized. If θ = g then s = ∅ with probability 1. If θ = b then R is realized (drawn from a distribution FR ) and it is known by the incumbent (and by the outlets if they receive the signal s = b. However, they cannot communicate R to the voters18 ). The distribution is common knowledge of the voters. Moreover, s = b with probability q and s = ∅ with probability (1 − q). The incumbent observes the media signal and decides {ti }i=1,...,n . 2. Each media i observes s and {ti }i=1,...,n and decides whether to accept or reject ti . If she rejects, she reports the true signal (if s = b) competing with the other outlets that reported the news, if she accepts she reports s˜i = ∅ and her payoff is ti . τ Note that every outlet decides on the individual offer only. 3. If s˜i = b for some i, the two-sided market of media determines the optimal choices in terms of price of the content and price and quantity of advertisement space sold. “Interested” voters buy the content and learn the incumbent’s type, while a fraction of “rationally ignorant” voters become informed as well. If s˜i = ∅ for ∀i then p m n 16 Following Besley and Prat (2006), we assume that every outlet is able to commit not to report the true type of the incumbent once she receives the payment. 17 On this respect, the present model is close to the 2001 working paper version of Besley and Prat (2006). We are working on a version of the model where outlets observe only the individual offer. In that case, the equilibrium existence proof requires a refinement of out of equilibrium beliefs, but nothing changes in terms of equilibrium outcomes. 18 This assumption makes the game between the incumbent and the outlets much more tractable, but it does not affect the results. 14 none buys media contents. 4. Consumers/voters vote. If the incumbent is voted out, the new incumbent is randomly drown with P r (θ = g) = γ. Period 1 ends. 5. In period 2 payoffs for both periods are paid and the game ends. 4 Equilibrium derivation As in Besley and Prat (2006), we focus on symmetric pure strategy perfect Bayesian equilibria with sincere voting. We solve the model backward, starting from the voters’ choices and then back to the two-sided media market and the politician’s decisions, showing the existence of an equilibrium with a non-monotonic effect of n on capture. 4.1 Voters’ choice Irrespective of their type, voters’ information set is binary (i.e. they read the news or not, and hence they are informed about the politician’s bad type or not). Of course, there is an equilibrium in which informed voters decide to vote out the incumbent, while uninformed voters (i.e. voters observing s˜i = ∅) keep him in power. To see this, let us start with “interested” voters, that behave exactly as the voters in Besley and Prat (2006), i.e. they will all become immediately informed if at least one outlet publishes. Note that P r (θ = g|s˜i = b) = 0 < γ Moreover, suppose the voters belief that the bad politician is able to silence all the media 0 with probability19 σ ∈ [0, 1]. Then, again by Bayes’ rule, P r (s˜i = ∅|θ = g) P r (θ = g) P r (s˜i = ∅|θ = g) P r (θ = g) + P r (s˜i = ∅|θ = b) P r (θ = b) γ = γ + [(1 − q) + qσ 0 ] (1 − γ) P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) = 19 Voters do not know the realization of R, but they know that it is a random variable drawn from 0 a generic cumulative distribution function FR . Note that σ is the probability of total media capture conditional on having a bad incumbent and on the media having received the signal about his type. 15 From this, we derive that P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) ≥ γ is true when 1−σ 0 q≥0 and hence it is never sequentially rational to vote out the incumbent20 when s˜i = ∅. Consider now the fraction of “rationally ignorant” voters. We assume that the single voter, despite knowing his type, does not know if she is observing s˜i = ∅ because she belongs to the fraction that would stay uninformed anyway or because there is no signal to be transmitted. Of course, she is still rational and hence she assigns a probability σ to the event of (partial or total) media capture21 and a probability p m to her belonging to the n fraction of rationally ignorant voters that would become informed in case of publication of the signal and capture. In other words, P r (s˜i = ∅|capture, θ = b, s = b) = 1 − p m n So, every “rationally ignorant” voter observing s˜i = ∅ would update her belief in the following way: P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) = γ γ + (1 − q) + qσ 1 − p m n (1 − γ) This happens because, when the incumbent is a bad type, the voter observes s˜i = ∅ when there is no signal to be transmitted (this happens with probability (1 − q)) and when there is signal to be transmitted, but there is capture and she belongs to the fraction of voters that stays uninformed (and this event has probability qσ 1 − p m ). Given this, n 20 As a tie-breaking rule, we are assuming that the indifferent voter will confirm the incumbent. 0 Note that σ and σ are not the same thing. The latter is the probability that the whole industry is silenced. This is relevant for the “interested” voters, since they all become informed if a single outlet 0 publishes the news, hence when only partial capture is necessary, then σ = 0. On the other hand, σ is the probability that some outlets are captured (both conditional on having a bad incumbent and s = b). Moreover, note that σ is the probability of capture conditional on having a bad incumbent and on the media having received the signal about his type. Note that the voters are able to work out the fraction of media outlets a bad incumbent needs to capture in order to stay in power and the fact that a bad incumbent will either capture just enough outlets or none of them. 21 16 we have that P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) ≥ γ is true when m 1≥σ 1−p n So it is always optimal for the “rationally ignorant” voter observing s˜i = ∅ to confirm the incumbent. Trivially, they will vote out the incumbent after s˜i = b since P r (θ = g|s˜i = b) = 0. Are these equilibrium strategies unique? As in Besley and Prat (2006), in equilibrium it is optimal for voters reached by the signal to vote out the incumbent and for uninformed voters to keep him. It is trivial to see this for informed voters, given that signals cannot be fabricated and hence they know that the incumbent is bad with probability 1. Suppose now that there exists an equilibrium where uninformed voters will vote out the incumbent as well. Then, it is pointless for the bad politician to silence the media, and hence the voters’ posterior when observing s˜i = ∅ are strictly higher than the prior22 . As a consequence, it is not sequentially rational to vote out the incumbent23 . 4.2 Two-sided media market subgame Suppose that m ∈ [1, n] outlets are publishing the news, and hence competing for advertisement revenues and readers. Define as M the set of outlets that decided to publish the news. The timing of the subgame is as follows, and reminds Ellman and Germano (2009)24 : 1. Every media outlet i ∈ M sets the price of its content, pi ≥ 0, getting as a conseP quence a readership ri ≤ α such that m i=1 ri = α. We assume that “interested” voters/consumers are buying the content (one copy each) as long as it publishes the political news and as long as pi ≤ p̄, where p̄ is a positive individual reservation price. We assume that p̄ ∼ U [0, 1]. Since these consumers/voters are interested 22 If the bad incumbent never silences the media, then the posterior probability of a good incumbent P r(s˜i =∅|θ=g)P r(θ=g) γ after s˜i = ∅ is P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) = P r(s˜i =∅|θ=g)P r(θ=g)+P r(s˜i =∅|θ=b)P r(θ=b) = γ+(1−q)(1−γ) . Note that then P r (θ = g|s˜i = ∅) > γ is true for q > 0, and hence satisfied. 23 Moreover, note that for every possible value of σ, given the tie-breaking rule we are assuming, it is better to confirm the incumbent when s˜i = ∅. 24 The idea behind this timing is that readership choices and editorial choices tend to be stable, while you can sign advertising contracts based on them. However, this timing choice is not crucial for the results of this paper. 17 only in the political news, and this news will be the same in every outlet, they treat the m outlets as homogenous products, and hence they will all buy their copy from the outlet setting the lowest price. 2. Given the readership, outlets and the monopoly advertiser determine the quantity of space to be sold as advertisement space. As a consequence, every media outlet i ∈ M derives profit from readership and from advertisement space. Formally, Πi = Πr,i + Πa,i (1) where Πr,i and Πa,i are the profits that outlet i makes from readership and from advertisement space respectively. We solve the subgame backward. Hence, when the decision on the quantity and price of advertisement is made, the readership of every outlet has already been determined. We assume that the (monopolist) advertiser’s problem is m m X X √ max ri yi − qi yi y1 ,...,ym i=1 i=1 where yi is the quantity of space bought on outlet i, ri is the readership of that outlet (determined in stage 1) and qi is the market price of a unit of space on outlet i. The justification for this objective function lies in the literature on advertisement and the media market. As pointed out by Hamilton (2004), “once people are watching a program or reading a news entry, advertisers care about the chance to divert their attention to a commercial product”. So, following this idea and similarly to the microfoundation of advertiser’s demand in Ellman and Germano (2009), we assume that each reader/consumer’s demand of the advertised good is increasing and concave in the quantity of advertisement on the outlet he buys (for analytical convenience, we assume the power of 12 . However, it has to be noted that only the concavity assumption is crucial for our results). In other words, the quantity of advertisement space boost the demand for the advertised good at a decreasing rate. As in Ellman and Germano (2009), the advertiser is interested in the total demand of the good, so she multiplies the individual demand determined by the quantity of advertisement on outlet i times the readership of that outlet, summing across all outlets publishing the signal. This leads immediately to our objective function. Note 18 that, like in Dukes (2006), the objective function is additively separable in the media outlets; moreover, it is linear in the readership as in Ellman and Germano (2009) and it exhibits decreasing marginal returns in the quantity of advertisement space like in Godes et al. (2009). As it can be easily seen, the problem is concave and, from the first order conditions, we can derive the inverse demand function for every outlet, given by ri qi = √ 2 yi ∀i ∈ M Moving now to the outlets, each of them will choose yi to maximize its profits, knowing how the market would react to her decision. As a consequence, the problem for every outlet i is the following: max (qi (yi ) − c) yi yi ri s.t. qi (yi ) = √ 2 yi (2) c is the cost of producing advertisement space (in terms of foregone “useful” space on a newspaper or a website etc.) that is strictly positive but arbitrarily small. For reasons that will be justified soon, we assume c ≤ α8 . Solving (2), we derive that yi∗ = ri2 16c2 and as a consequence qi∗ = 2c So, the profits from advertisement for the media outlet are given by Π∗a,i = ri2 16c that is strictly increasing in ri . Note that the advertiser is also making positive profits on every outlet, since Π∗ADV,i = ri ri r2 r2 − 2c i 2 = i 4c 16c 8c where Π∗ADV,i is the equilibrium profit level for the advertiser on outlet i. Going backward to stage 1, it is easy to note that, as long as m ≥ 2, the standard 19 features of a Bertrand competition apply in this setting. Every outlet will try to undercut the others in order to conquer more readership, noticing that ri = 0 if pi > pj for at least one j ∈ M . Given the zero marginal cost assumption, the only equilibrium is the one where pi = pj = 0 for ∀i, j ∈ M . As a consequence, ri = rj = α m ∀i, j ∈ M 25 and Π∗r,i = 0 ∀i ∈ M . Given this and equation (1), the profits that every outlet who decides to publish the news makes on the market are given by Πi = α2 16cm2 ∀i, j ∈ M (3) and as a consequence this will be the minimal amount of bribes from the politician acceptable by each outlet in equilibrium. Of course, Bertrand competition does not apply when m = 1. The monopolist media outlet will face a trade-off between a positive price for the copies (hence, lower readership and lower revenues from advertisement) and the maximization of the readership. Recalling that the reservation price is assumed to be p̄ ∼ U [0, 1], then we can derive the different demand levels faced by the monopolist (assumed to be outlet i without loss of generality) for different prices. In particular, profits from readership are given by Πr,i = pi D (pi ) α where the demand, as a function of pi , is: 0 D (pi ) = 1 1−p if pi ≥ 1 if pi = 0 i if pi ∈ (0, 1) and of course the total profits are given by Πi = Πr,i + Πa,i = pi D (pi ) α + 1 (D (pi ) α)2 16c We can immediately rule out every solution where pi ≥ 1. Hence, the monopolist outlet problem is: 25 Since voters are indifferent between the publishing media, we assume for tractability that they split equally between them. 20 max pi (1 − pi ) α + pi ∈[0,1) 1 [(1 − pi ) α]2 16c (4) We claim the following lemma: Lemma 1 If c < α 8 then the unique solution of the monopolist outlet problem is pi = 0. Proof. Note that, after few manipulations, the objective function of (4) can be written as h (pi ) := α α h α α i − 1 p2i − − 1 pi + 16c 8c 16c (5) so the function is quadratic in pi . Moreover, note that h (pi ) = 0 ∀pi ≥ 1 and that h (0) = α 16c > 0. A necessary condition for an interior solution is, of course, the concavity of (5), hence i.e. if c < α , 8 α 16c − 1 < 0 or c > α . 16 However, this is not sufficient. In fact, if α 8c − 1 > 0, then h (pi ) would reach its maximum for a pi < 0, that of course is ruled out by the constraints. Hence, if α 16 < c < α8 , then the only admissible solution is pi = 0, since the function would be strictly decreasing for pi ∈ [0, 1). Moreover, note that if c< α , 16 then h (pi ) is a convex function in pi ≥ 0. There are two possibilities, in this case. Either the minimum of the function is in pi ≥ 1 or it belongs to the interval (0, 1). In the first case, h (pi ) would be strictly decreasing in (0, 1), and as a consequence the solution of the maximization problem is pi = 0. The same is true also for the second case, since the function would be strictly convex in [0, 1] and as a consequence the maximum can be only on a corner. Since h (0) > 0 = h (1), then the unique solution is pi = 0, and this completes the proof. As proved in Lemma 1, as long as c is small enough even the monopolist outlet behaves in the same way as in the “Bertrand competition” environment, and as a consequence Π∗r,i = 0 and Π∗i = Π∗a,i = α2 . 16c We consider formally the case of c > α 8 in Appendix 1, but it has to be noted that the assumption is not determining our result in any way. Assuming c small enough allows us to write the cost function of the capture in a “unified” way irrespective of n, m and λ (otherwise, it would be a step function, as we show in the Appendix). However our main result, i.e. the non-monotonic effect of n on capture, is not affected by this assumption: we can derive it because, when there are outlets that the politician does not need to capture, then the outside option of captured media is lowered by this (potential) competition, making them cheaper. And this effect does not 21 depend on the characterization of monopoly profits in case of a single firm publishing, but it involves directly the existence of some competition on the “publishing” market and, hence, the Bertrand features would apply. Finally, note that many types of media outlets offer their contents for free (websites, most of the tv channels, radio channels, free newspapers), deriving 100% of their profits from advertisement. And, as pointed out by Ellman and Germano (2009), revenues from advertisement account for 50-80% of the total revenues of “standard” newspapers. Hence, our assumption is not far from reality. 4.3 Optimal number of silenced media In order to determine the optimal number of outlets he would like to silence, the politician takes into account the fact that all the α “interested” voters will become informed once a single outlet publishes the news, while the fraction of the other 1 − α “rationally ignorant” voters that become informed is increasing the fraction of media reporting the m news. For the sake of tractability, we assume that p m = n , but our results are qualn itatively unchanged if we use other increasing functions of m n instead. Hence, if every outlet publishes the news, then all the voters become aware of the type of the politician, while of course if m = 0 then none of them is. In order to stay in power, given that in equilibrium it is optimal for the informed voters to vote out the incumbent, the bad politician needs at least 50% of the voters to be uninformed26 . Of course, since getting a higher percentage of uninformed voters is irrelevant in terms of re-election, but is costly in terms of bribes, the politician will choose m such that α + (1 − α) p Note that, if α ∈ m n = 1 2 1 , 1 , i.e. if there is a majority of “interested” voters, then we go 2 back to Besley and Prat (2006) model, where the bad politician has to silence the whole industry. Hence, the interesting case is when α ∈ 0, 12 . On this respect, Hamilton (2004) points out that “interested” readers/voters are usually a minority, if compared with “rationally ignorant”. Hence, the case we are considering is likely to reflect reality. 26 As an indifference breaking rule, we give a small “incumbency advantage” to the politician in power assuming that, in case of a 50-50 result, he would be re-elected. 22 Given the functional form of p m n assumed above, the politician chooses m= 1 − 2α n 2 (1 − α) As a consequence, if we define as λ the fraction of outlets that the politician has to silence in order to be re-elected, we can see that, in case of capture, it is optimal for him to have 1−λ= 1 − 2α 2 (1 − α) and hence λ∗ = 1 2 (1 − α) (6) Given that λ∗ is not a function of n, from now on we define λn the number of outlets that the politician silences in equilibrium. Note that there are many equilibria, given the possible combinations of outlets silenced by the politician, but given our symmetry assumption they will be unique, up to a permutation of the outlets silenced. 4.4 Politician’s problem and “capture condition” Given the results above, in equilibrium the bad politician will either capture a number of media big enough to guarantee his re-election (λn) or none of them, when it is too costly to do so. We claim that there exists an equilibrium where the politician offers ti τ = α2 16c((1−λ)n+1)2 to λn outlets and 0 to the others, if R is high enough. Otherwise, he offers 0 to everyone. The formal derivation of this equilibrium is in Appendix 3. Note, however, that there are no unilateral profitable deviations. Outlets not receiving any bribe cannot do anything different than publish the signal. On the other hand, the politician has to pay to every bribed outlet her outside option, i.e. the profits each of them would make if, when λn outlets are captured, she would decide to deviate from accepting the offer, publishing the news and hence competing with the other (1 − λ) n free outlets. In this case, then, m = (1 − λ) n + 1 and hence the profits, following (3), would be α2 . 16c((1−λ)n+1)2 The politician has to pay this amount of money to all the λn outlets he needs to capture and, h i α2 given the transaction cost τ , then the total amount to be paid is λnτ 16c((1−λ)n+1)2 . Moreover, the politician cannot hope to stay in power bribing a lower number of outlets 23 (as we saw above) or with a lower offer, since it would be rejected. It is optimal for the bad politician to bribe the outlets if this amount is lower than the office rent he could realize by staying in power in period 2 (defined as R), and hence the capturing condition is α2 λnτ ≤R 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 (7) As it is quite immediate to see, the effect of n on this condition is non trivial. On one hand, raising n while keeping the rest of the parameters constant implies, as in Besley and Prat (2006), that the politician has to silence more outlets. But, on the other hand, raising n also increases the competition in the slice of market that remains free (if this exists, of course) lowering, as a consequence, the outside option for every firm and hence making capture more attractive (and cheaper, for the politician). Given this, we can state the first result of this paper. Proposition 1 If λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R, i.e. if media capture is not too cheap, then there exists a pure strategy symmetric perfect bayesian Nash equilibrium where we have media capture for n ≤ n and for n ≥ n̄, i.e. the effect of the number of media on the possibility of capture is non-monotonic. Proof. In order to have media capture the following condition has to be realized: h i α2 λnτ 16c((1−λ)n+1) ≤ R. 2 The existence of the equilibrium has been shown in the text above27 . We need only to prove the fact that n has an effect on the possibility of capture, i.e. to rule out that there is media capture irrespective of n. Rearranging (7), we get −16cR (1 − λ)2 n2 + λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R n − 16cR ≤ 0 For simplicity, we treat n as continuum variable. The case of discrete values of n is considered in Appendix 2. Note that the LHS defines a concave function of n. Hence, we define −16cR (1 − λ)2 n2 + (λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R) n − 16cR := f (n). Moreover, when n = 0, f (n) = −16cR. In order to save notation and to keep our proofs simpler, we now define: κ := 16cR (1 − λ)2 27 It is part of our research agenda to work on the unicity proof, of course up to a permutation of the silenced outlets, at least in terms of equilibrium outcomes. 24 β := λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R δ := 16cR Noticing that κ and δ are all always positive by construction, we can rewrite our function as f (n) = −κn2 + βn − δ Since we have capture when f (n) ≤ 0, the condition for having a non monotonic effect of n on capture is that the vertex should lie in the first quadrant. Its coordinates are xV = yV = β 2κ β 2 − 4κδ 4κ We prove that, if λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R, then the vertex lies in the first quadrant. We require, first of all, xV = β >0 2κ That is true when λτ α2 > 32c (1 − λ) R. Moreover, we need yV = β 2 − 4κδ >0 4κ This condition implies β 2 − 4κδ > 0, i.e. λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R 2 > 1024c2 R2 (1 − λ)2 Solving, we obtain λτ α2 −32c (1 − λ) R > 32c (1 − λ) R, that leads to λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R. Of course the other solution is λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R < −32c (1 − λ) R, but we can rule it out since λτ α2 is always positive. Since we need both conditions to be realized, this will happen when λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R. n and n̄ are then simply defined as the points where f (n) = 0. Note that this implies that media will be captured when their number is either too low (as in Besley and Prat 2006) or too big (i.e. our modelling innovation) since competition would, at some point, make them so cheap that it will be convenient, for the incumbent, to silence them. In order to give a better intuition of the results, we simulated the model 25 setting α = 0.4, R = 1.4, τ = 5 and c = 0.04 obtaining Figure 1. Model simulation with α = 0.4, R = 1.4, τ = 5, c = 0.04 Cost, rents 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 1.1 1.0 5 10 15 20 Number of media outlets Figure 1: equilibrium cost of capture (blue line) and office rents (orange line) for different values of n when α = 0.4, R = 1.4 τ = 5 and c = 0.04. The blue line represents the total cost that the bad politician has to pay in order to capture enough media outlets to stay in power in period 2, while the orange line is the second period office rent R. Given his incentive structure, it is optimal for the politician to capture some outlets when the latter line is above the former, hence when n is low enough and big enough. Moreover, the graph shows the effect of n on the equilibrium cost of capture: it increases the cost for low enough n, making capture more difficult, but after the maximum an increase in n is actually making capture cheaper. This is due to the fact that, at that point, n makes the outside option sufficiently small to overcome the increased number of outlets to be silenced. 5 Additional results and comments on the assumptions The main difference, in terms of results, between our model and Besley and Prat (2006), is the non-monotonic effect of n on the possibility of media capture and, hence, on voters’ welfare. Their model captures only the “first half” of the story we are able to 26 tell in this work, i.e. the fact that an increase in n makes media capture (weakly) more difficult. This is true also in our case: raising n from below to above n moves the industry from captured to free media. However, there is also another effect of an increase in n, i.e. the fact that the market is more competitive, hence outlets can make smaller profits and they are cheaper when captured. When this second effect prevails on the first one, more media competition can (weakly) increase the range of parameters for which capture is possible. If n increases from something included in the interval (n, n̄) to something above n̄ then the bad incumbent becomes able to capture enough firms to stay in power. In order to see more clearly the “ceteris paribus” effects of n, we can look at how it changes the total cost of capture, keeping every other parameter constant. Formally, let us define the cost of capture as α2 K := λnτ 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 (8) Hence, differentiating (8) with respect to n, we obtain λτ α2 ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 − 2 ((1 − λ) n + 1) (1 − λ) n ∂K = ∂n 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)4 Given our assumptions on the parameters, ∂K ≥ 0 iff ∂n (1 − λ) n + 1 − 2 (1 − λ) n ≥ 0 And, as a consequence, ∂K 1 ≥ 0 iff n ≤ ∂n 1−λ We can formalize this result in a proposition: Proposition 2 Competition in the mass media market increases the equilibrium cost of capture as long as the number of outlets is below 2(1−α) . 1−2α Above this threshold, competition decreases the equilibrium cost of capture. Proof. Provided in the text, just noticing that the maximum of the equilibrium cost function is reached when n = 1 1−λ Defining the maximum n∗ := and that in equilibrium λ∗ = 1 , 1−λ 1 . 2(1−α) we can see that n increases the cost of capture (hence making capture more difficult) as long as the competition is not too strong, i.e. 27 as long as n < n∗ , while the opposite is true when n > n∗ . Interestingly, n∗ leads to a corollary to Proposition 2, i.e. the “complementarity” between α and the positive effect of competition on the cost of capture. We formalize this result in the next corollary. Corollary 2 n∗ is increasing in the fraction of “interested” readers/voters, and it tends to ∞ as this fraction approaches the 50%. Proof. Recalling from (6) that λ∗ = 1 , 2(1−α) we replace this in the definition of n∗ obtaining, after few algebric manipulations, n∗ = 2 (1 − α) 1 − 2α Taking the derivative, dn∗ 2 = dα (1 − 2α)2 that is always positive, as claimed. Moreover, lim1 n∗ = +∞ α→ 2 and this completes the proof. As anticipated, this result underlines the “complementary effect” of “interested” voters and competition. In particular, the higher is the fraction of “interested” voters, the greater is the set of values of n for which more competition increases the cost of capture, hence - as we will prove below - where competition has a positive effect on voters’ welfare. This implies that competition is more likely to be a good solution against media capture in countries with high levels of political interest, while it is more likely to have negative effects where the interest is low. Finally, note that the condition λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R states that media capture must not be too easy. In fact, when it is violated, then we have capture for every value of n. To see its implications more clearly, we can rewrite it as 1−λ τ α2 > 64c R λ 28 or, exploiting the fact that λ is a function of α in equilibrium, as τ 2 (1 − α) > 64c R α2 The first formulation highlights that the transaction costs cannot be too low, that the office rents cannot be too high and that the ratio between free and captured outlets, in equilibrium, cannot be too big. Otherwise, capture would be too easy or too profitable. The second formulation highlights the role of α: the bigger it is, the smaller is the RHS, since a very small α would imply the necessity of silence only a limited number of outlets. In terms of assumptions, our model shares most of the structure of Besley and Prat (2006), with few exceptions we will discuss here. First of all, we relax the assumption about the fact that one outlet publishing the news is enough to inform the whole electorate. On this respect, it has to be noted that, when λ = 1, then we simply go back to Besley and Prat’s result, that is embedded in our model. We study the theoretical possibility that λ can be less than 1, but we do not exclude the case λ = 1. Gentzkow and Shapiro (2008) use the argument of re-broadcasting as a justification for the extreme assumption in Besley and Prat (2006). Of course, if there is perfect rebroadcasting, their assumption is justified. However, note that “silenced” media may not be willing to re-broadcast anything, since they have been compensated in order not to do so. Moreover, in reality there are many ways of re-broadcasting a news item. What matters in our model is the message transmitted to the readers about the type of the incumbent, and - even if it is not (yet) captured in our model - the same news can be re-broadcasted in many ways. Even a “hard” signal, e.g. a phone conversation about a politician talking about bribes, can be presented as “the politician is taking bribes” but also as “yes, he made that call, but it is taken out of the context. And however everyone takes bribes”. The second way, of course, is the same as re-broadcasting the news without giving any information about the politician’s type. Moreover, it has to be noted that even in places traditionally associated with problems related with media capture (e.g. Italy), the capture never reached the whole media industry (not even the whole television industry when Mr Berlusconi was at the same time Prime Minister and owner of the main 3 private television stations). McMillan and Zoido (2004), for example, point out that Montesinos was not bribing the whole media industry, choosing the outlets with 29 a highest viewership/readership, and this is consistent with our model. Hence, for the sake of realism, the possibility that λ < 1 should at least be considered. The second modelling modification is about the two-sided structure of the media market, outlets pricing and commercial decisions and so on. On this respect, there is a substantial amount of literature pointing out the importance of this particular market structure, and in our case the results are qualitatively different when we include a more realistic media market. Hence, we think that our modification is justified. 6 Comparative statics We have already shown the main result of this paper, i.e. the non-monotonic effect of n on the possibility of media capture. The rest of the comparative statics, however, is consistent with Besley and Prat (2006), implying also that our main result is driven by the two modifications we impose to the model, while keeping the rest as close as possible to the original paper. We summarize (and prove) the main comparative statics results in Proposition 3. Proposition 3 Ceteris paribus, and assuming λτ α2 > 64c (1 − λ) R, media freedom is increasing in the transaction costs (τ ) and in the fraction of interested readers/voters (α), while it is decreasing in the office rent (R). Proof. first of all, we define the interval of media freedom as F := n̄ − n, i.e. as the interval of n where the market cannot be captured by the politician. Moreover, we note that n̄ = β+ p β 2 − 4κδ 2κ β− p β 2 − 4κδ 2κ and n= where β, κ and δ are defined as in the proof of Proposition 1. As a consequence, p β 2 − 4κδ F = κ Now we can differentiate F with respect to the relevant parameters and derive the main 30 comparative statics results. First of all, − 1 ∂β ∂F 11 2 = β − 4κδ 2 2β >0 ∂τ κ2 ∂τ because all the terms are positive, noticing that write F as q ∂β ∂τ = λα2 ≥ 0. Secondly, we can explicitly (λτ α2 − 32c (1 − λ) R)2 − 1024c2 R2 (1 − λ)2 F = 16cR (1 − λ)2 that simplifies to F = p λ2 τ 2 α4 − 64cR (1 − λ) λτ α2 16cR (1 − λ)2 Hence, h ∂F = ∂R 1 2 i (λ τ α − 64cR (1 − λ) λτ α ) (−64c (1 − λ) λτ α ) 16cR (1 − λ)2 + 2 16cR (1 − λ)2 2 2 1 2 −2 4 − 16c (1 − λ)2 2 p λ2 τ 2 α4 − 64cR (1 − λ) λτ α2 2 16cR (1 − λ)2 Note that both terms at the numerator are negative, while the denominator is positive. As a consequence, ∂F <0 ∂R Finally, we replace λ with its explicit solution as a function of α. After few algebraic manipulation, we find that F = (α − α2 ) p α2 τ 2 − 64cRτ (1 − 2α) 8cR (1 − 2α) Hence, ∂F = ∂α 8cR (1 − 2α) + h i p 8cR (1 − 2α) (1 − 2α) α2 τ 2 − 64cRτ (1 − 2α) + [8cR (1 − 2α)]2 h 1 2 − 12 2 2 (α τ − 64cRτ (1 − 2α)) + i (2τ α + 128cRτ ) (α − α ) 2 [8cR (1 − 2α)]2 p 16cR (α − α2 ) α2 τ 2 − 64cRτ (1 − 2α) [8cR (1 − 2α)]2 31 2 + Note that everything is positive as long as α−α2 > 0, that is always true for α ∈ (0, 1). As a consequence, ∂F >0 ∂α and this completes the proof. Together with the consistency with Besley and Prat (2006), it has to be noted that Proposition 3 makes intuitive sense. High office rents imply stronger incentives for the politician to bribe the media, since he has more to gain from staying in office. On the other hand, countries with a stronger tradition of media independence, or with a better legal system (both captured by the transaction costs), are associated with a greater interval of free media. Finally, the result on the fraction of interested voters is consistent with Hamilton (2004), that finds in the existence of too many “rationally ignorant” voters one of the reasons for the underprovision of politically relevant news from the media system. 7 Effects on welfare and political accountability Following Besley and Prat (2006), we look now at the (ex ante) welfare of the voters, and at how it is affected by the presence of media capture. As already mentioned, office rents R are assumed to be drawn from a generic distribution FR , with support <+ . As a consequence, the ex ante probability of media capture, conditional on having a bad incumbent in power and on s = b, is defined as α2 σ := P r R ≥ λnτ 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 = 1 − FR λnτ α2 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 With this definition, the probability that a bad incumbent is voted out is (1 − σ)q and, as a consequence, the expected turnover is (1 − γ)(1 − σ)q. Hence, it is decreasing in σ. In the standard Besley and Prat (2006) model, since n was monotonically decreasing σ, then n was supposed to increase the expected turnover. Interestingly, Drago et al. (2014) finds that this is not the case, at least for the entry of local newspapers in Italian municipalities. In our model, under some conditions n increases σ, lowering as a consequence the expected turnover. And this is consistent with Drago et al. (2014). 32 Finally, the ex ante voters’ welfare is defined as W := γ(2) + (1 − γ) [q (1 − σ) γ] (9) because the good incumbent would be re-elected for sure, leading to a payoff of 1 in each period. On the other hand, the bad incumbent is voted out with probability q(1 − σ), and in that case the new politician is good with probability γ. If confirmed, the bad incumbent would bring a payoff of 0 in both periods. As expected, (9) shows that voters’ welfare is decreasing in the probability of media capture. As a consequence, the effect of n on W is, again, non-monotonic. When n < n∗ we have the same result as Besley and Prat (2006): competition makes capture more costly and hence less likely, ceteris paribus, and as a consequence it has a positive effect on voters’ welfare. On the other hand, differently from Besley and Prat (2006), we find that - when n > n∗ - competition has a negative effect on voters’ welfare, making capture cheaper. This result suggests that some carefulness is needed when thinking about competition as a tool for avoiding media capture. Under some conditions, the effect can be counterproductive. 8 Empirical Test 8.1 Empirics and potential concerns The empirical verification of these results is quite a complex task, that requires dealing with multiple issues. The strategy we outline here is only a first possible attempt, and an important part of our research agenda concerns solving the problems we are highlighting here. First of all, media capture is rarely observed or recorded. Even if we model the politicianmedia outlet transactions in terms of bribes, there are many other ways through which a bad incumbent can influence what media report. Not all of them are illegal, like buying advertisement space or deciding editors, directors etc. Secondly, it is hard to find quasiexperiments able to identify exogenous shocks of media competition. The literature has explored two alternative ways: cross-country comparisons (e.g Petrova 2008) and discrete variation in the number of local media (e.g. Drago et al. 2014 and 33 Cagé 2014). As a first attempt, given the current data availability, we will try to pursue the first one, even if probably the second one is stronger in terms of identification. The problem with the latter is the lack of measures of media freedom at municipal or provincial level. Moreover, it is not obviously true that the readership area of a newspaper coincides with the local institutional borders. Given these issues, our empirical strategy is similar to Petrova (2008), where the predictions of the model are tested running an OLS regression in a cross-country environment using a panel of countries and media freedom scores as proxy for the possibility of media capture. It has to be clear that - given the data availability and the empirical strategy - we are just measuring correlations, without any claim of causality. That would require an instrument or a quasi-experimental setting. 8.2 Data description We built a panel with 4 years28 of observations (2001-2004) and 184 countries. As a proxy for media freedom we use the score of the political environment from the “Freedom of the Press” index produced every year by the American NGO Freedom House. The score goes from 1 to 4029 and evaluates the level of media freedom from political influence in every country, leaving aside both economic and legal constraints to what media report30 . In order to capture media competition, expressed in the model as the number of media outlets, we use data from the Global Media Survey 2005-2006 realized by the Unesco Institute for Statistics, that contains the number of daily newspaper titles per million of inhabitants for the period 2000-200431 . Moreover, we have a dummy indicating whether a country was a democracy in the period of interest32 and some controls: GDP per capita in PPP, average years of schooling for male and female older than 25 and a dummy equal to 1 if parliamentary elections happened in that year. The summary statistics for the 28 This time limitation is essentially due to data availability: we could find a reliable and consistent account of the number of daily newspaper titles for this period only. 29 The original score measures the level of influence, hence 0 is a country with media completely free from political influence and 40 is a country with the highest possible level of influence. However, since we need to measure media freedom, we use as outcome variable 41-original score. 30 These are captured by the other two environments. 31 At the moment, we cannot say whether some of these newspapers belong to the same editorial group, or we do not know the market share. It is our objective to address these concerns. 32 According to the Freedom of the World report, Freedom House. When the democratic status changes, we put 1 if a country was a democracy for at least 3 years. 34 main variables is summarized in Table 1. Variable Media freedom # outlets GDP per capita Schooling Elections Democracy Obs. 730 562 691 552 529 728 Mean 23.633 3.37 10589.49 7.232 0.282 0.615 St. Dev. 10.27 4.339 12619.16 2.999 0.450 0.487 Min 1 0 238.955 0.979 0 0 Max 40 26.01 71336.38 13.096 1 1 Table 1: Summary statistics for the main variables. Media freedom is given by 41 minus the original Freedom of the Press score for the Environment B; # outlets is the number of daily newspaper titles per million of inhabitants, GDP per capita is expressed in PPP, Schooling is the average number of years spent at school for male and female older than 25, Elections is a dummy indicating whether paliamentary elections happened in a particular year. 8.3 Model and results The model we estimate is the following33 : mfit = µt + β1 nit + β2 n2it + J X γj xjit + it (10) j=1 where mfit is the score of media freedom in country i at time t, µt is time fixed effect, nit is our measure of competition (i.e. number of daily newspaper titles per million of inhabitants), xit is a J-dimensional vector of controls and it is the error term, assumed to be orthogonal to nit . We have two objectives to be achieved by the estimation of (10): first of all, a necessary condition for the existence of a non-monotonic relationship between n and mf requires that βˆ1 > 0 and βˆ2 < 0. Secondly, we compare the quadratic model with the linear one, implied by most of the theoretical approaches used so far, in terms of goodness of fit. Our results are summarized by Table 2. Column 1 is the linear model, impled by Besley and Prat (2006). Column 2 is the quadratic model implied by our theoretical results, column 3 is the quadratic model with GDP per capita as a control and column 4 adds time FE34 . First of all, note that we run our regressions using democracies only: the idea is that media capture is an issue in countries where elections are competitive, media are relevant 33 I thank Ben Lockwood and Martina Miotto for helpful comments on this issue Adding country FE is probably asking too much to the dataset, given the limited number of observations. The signs of the coefficients are still correct, but country FEs absorb all the significant variation. 34 35 Dep. variable: media freedom (1) (2) (3) linear quadratic + controls 0.704∗∗∗ 1.546∗∗∗ 1.889∗∗∗ (0.168) (0.343) (0.609) # outlets (# outlets)2 -0.051∗∗∗ (0.015) (4) + time FE 1.955∗∗∗ (0.612) -0.105∗∗ (0.041) -0.110∗∗∗ (0.042) 0.0003∗∗∗ (0.0001) 0.0003∗∗∗ (0.0001) Schooling -0.273 (0.381) -0.308 (0.380) Elections 0.050 (0.369) N 278 0.489 0.004 (0.368) Y 278 0.501 GDP per capita Time FE N R2 ∗ p < 0.10, N 337 0.180 ∗∗ p < 0.05, ∗∗∗ N 337 0.226 p < 0.01 Table 2: Regression results for democracies only. The dependent variable is always the media freedom score. Column 1 is the linear model, column 2 is the quadratic one, column 3 adds our controls and column 4 adds time fixed effects. Country level clustered standard errors are in parentheses. and the incumbent cannot explicitly censor them35 . Looking at table 2, it has to be noticed that the quadratic model fits the data better than the linear one, both in terms of AIC and rMSE. In particular, the AIC for the linear model is 2240.177 while it is 2222.549 for the quadratic model. The rMSE is 6.698 for the linear and 6.515 for the quadratic model. Secondly, β̂1 and β̂2 are consistent with our hypothesis of non-monotonicity: the sign is correct and they are both significantly different from zero, individually and jointly. Moreover, both the sign and the significance are robust to the introduction of our control and of time FE, and even the magnitude is not changing too much. Clearly, these signs could be consistent also with an increasing and concave relationship. In order to address this concern, we compute the maximum of the parabola described by column 4 regression coefficients, noticing that it lies well within the bounds of n36 . Hence, for n high enough, an increase in competition is associated with a reduction in the media freedom score, and the level of competition where this happens is in between the lower and the upper bound of n in our sample. 35 36 However, results are similar when we use the whole sample. In particular, using the specification of column 4, the maximum is in n = 8.87. 36 The non-monotonicity derived from the model is also confirmed if we look at Figure 2, Unexplained variation in media freedom -10 0 10 -20 showing the partial correlation between media freedom and the number of media outlet. 0 5 10 Number of outlets democracies linear fit 15 20 quadratic fit Figure 2: Partial correlation graph between media freedom and the number of outlets. Blue points are the residuals of the regression of media freedom on GDP per capita, Schooling, Elections dummy and time FE. We also draw the linear and the quadratic fit. Blue dots represent the residuals from the regression of our media freedom score on GDP per capita, schooling, elections and time fixed effect, hence they are the variation of media freedom unexplained by these. The idea is that this unexplained variation is (at leats partially) capturing the effect of media competition on media freedom, and as the quadratic fit line is showing, this effect is non-monotonic in the number of outlets, with the shape we expect from the theoretical model. Finally, it has to be acknowledged that it is impossible to give any causal interpretation to these estimates, since we cannot rule out neither reverse causality nor the endogeneity of the main explanatory variable: it is hard to control for variables like hidden common interests between publishers and politician. However, this is a first attempt to test our prediction. Our future agenda entails dealing with such problems. 37 9 Conclusions This paper contributes to the political economy literature on media capture showing that competition in the mass media market is not necessarily a good deterrent against political attempts to influence the media industry. Building on the Besley and Prat (2006) seminal model and relaxing two assumptions, we are able to show the existence of an equilibrium where excessive competition may make capture cheaper. Moreover, we show that this effect is somehow mirrored in the data, where the correlation between the number of media outlets and the media freedom score can be represented by a reverse U-shaped parabola. Our results are promising. They highlight that - even with pretty simple modifications of the standard model - the effect of competition on media capture and political accountability may be less straightforward than what has been thought: counterintuitively, under some conditions, “too much” competition makes capture cheaper. Moreover, there is some complementarity between the effectiveness of competition as a capture deterrent and the fraction of voters interested in political news, consistently with the idea that an excessive percentage of rationally ignorant voters may generate underprovision of useful political information (Hamilton 2004). Therefore, there is space for further research that would help in building up the “applicable, microfounded theory of optimal media regulation” defined as a research goal by Prat and Strömberg (2013). Of course, this model can be enriched, trying to overcome some simplifying assumptions and limitations, and checking whether the main results hold. In particular, we will add moral hazard to the present pure adverse selection framework, moving closer to the standard models of political agency. Media entry can be endogenized, looking at the effect of fixed costs and entry barriers. The probability of finding information about the incumbent’s type can be endogenized as well, for example as a result of ex ante investments by the media outlets. We can also introduce competition between advertising firms and try to find a better way to microfound the voters/readers decision about buying contents. More generally, it would be interesting to study also the “other direction” of the channel highlighted here, i.e. the power of media in determining political agenda. All these modifications, together with possible improvements in the empirical strategy, are valuable goals for further research. 38 References Anderson, S. P. and McLaren, J. (2012) Media Merges and Media Bias with Rational Consumers. 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We consider now the case of m = 1 and c > α8 . Under these conditions, the problem of the monopolist outlet has an interior solution. So, we solve max pi (1 − pi ) α + pi ∈[0,1) 1 [(1 − pi ) α]2 16c Since the objective function is strictly concave in the relevant interval, the FOCs are sufficient for a global maximum. Differentiating with respect to pi and setting the result equal to 0 we obtain 2 (1 − pi ) α (−α) + α (1 − 2pi ) = 0 16c After few manipulations, and reminding that c > α8 , we solve for p∗i finding p∗i = 8c − α 16c − α In this case, D (p∗i ) = 1 − p∗i = 41 8c 16c − α and as a consequence Π∗i 8c − α 8c 1 = α+ 16c − α 16c − α 16c 8c 16c − α 2 that, after few simple manipulations, simplifies to Π∗i = 4cα 16c − α Given this, the cost of capture for the politician, K, has now to be expressed as a step function: nτ 4cα 16c−α h K= α2 λnτ if (1 − λ) n = 0 i 16c((1−λ)n+1)2 if (1 − λ) n > 0 The logic is the following: if the politician has to capture the whole industry, then - as in the standard Besley and Prat (2006) model - every deviating outlet would be a monopolist, and as a consequence the politician has to pay him the foregone profits as a monopolist. Otherwise, the same logic of the main body of this paper applies. As we have already pointed out, however, if the politician has to capture the whole industry then the “monotonic” result of Besley and Prat (2006) always applies, irrespective of whether the optimal price chosen by the monopolist outlet would be 0 or 8c−α . 16c−α Our result, instead, is true when there is some degree of competition in the outside option faced by a bribed media, hence when (1 − λ) n > 0. Appendix 2: Discrete changes in n In the main body of this paper we have considered n as a continuous variable. This is a good approximation when the number of media outlets is very large, but it is less precise when this number is small. However, treating n as a discrete variable does not change the main result of the paper, i.e. the non-monotonic effect of competition on the possibility of media capture. The difference is that, due to rounding issues, the equivalent of Proposition 1 has to be stated in a different (and somewhat weaker) way. In order to have an idea about the behaviour of the cost function when n is discrete, we parametrized the model producing Figure 3. 42 Figure 3: cost of capture for different values of n when λ = 0.9, α = 0.44, τ = 1 and c = 0.03. The number of media outlet is on the x-axis, while the cost necessary to silence enough of them in order to have a bad incumbent re-elected is on the y-axis. In terms of other parameters, λ = 0.9, α = 0.44, τ = 1 and c = 0.03. As it appears quite clearly in the graph, the rounding issue plays a role. In particular, the cost of capture is increasing in n as long as the number of outlets is such that the politician has to silence the whole market, then it jumps down when n goes from 9 to 10 because of the competition effect given by the possibility of having one free media (this lowers the outside option of every captured media and hence the cost). The behaviour is similar for the remaining parts of the graph, with jumps when n goes from 19 to 20, from 29 to 30 and so on. Note, however, that the slope of the cost function is progressively decreasing as n grows, because n enters at the denominator with a power of two. Ultimately, the cost would converge to 0 as n goes to infinite. From these considerations, we can claim the following proposition, that is the equivalent of Proposition 1 with discrete n and highlights the non-monotonic result. Proposition 4 If there is at least one configuration of the market with free media characterized by a number of outlets n∗ > 1, then the effect of n on the cost of capture is non monotonic. Proof. We complete this proof dividing the argument in two lemmas. Lemma 3 If there is at least one configuration of the market with free media character0 ized by a number of outlets n∗ > 1, then moving to n∗ from some n < n∗ increases the cost of capture. 43 Proof. In terms of integer, the cost of capture can be written as α2 K = dλne τ 16c (b(1 − λ) nc + 1)2 Suppose now that the market of media is free for n = n∗ , hence α2 dλn e τ >R 16c (b(1 − λ) n∗ c + 1)2 ∗ 0 0 0 Consider now n = n∗ − 1. Note that in this case either λn = dλn∗ e − 1 or λn = dλn∗ e. Moreover, note that, assuming α ∈ 0, 12 , then λ ∈ 12 , 1 . As a consequence, it is always possible to pick at least one n∗ such that dλ (n∗ − 1)e = dλn∗ e−1. When this is the 0 0 case, since λn = dλn∗ e−1, the of course (1 − λ) n = b(1 − λ) n∗ c. Hence, to sum up, 0 0 0 there exists n∗ and n = n∗ − 1 such that λn < dλn∗ e and (1 − λ) n = b(1 − λ) n∗ c. 0 As a consequence, when n raises from n to n∗ the cost of capture increases as well, making capture (weakly) more difficult. Lemma 4 If there is at least one configuration of the market with free media charac00 terized by a number of outlets n∗ > 1,then there exists some n > n∗ where we observe media capture. Proof. As n becomes large, dλne τ h α2 16c(b(1−λ)nc+1)2 i converges to λnτ h α2 16c((1−λ)n+1)2 i . Moreover, note that α2 lim λnτ =0 n→∞ 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 00 Hence, of R such that R > 0, there will be an n such that taking any value 00 α2 < R, so where the market is captured. And this completes λn τ 2 16c(b(1−λ)n00 c+1) the proof. The combination of these two Lemmas shows that the effect of n on the possibility of capture is non monotonic, since a change in n can increase or decrease K. Note that, for different set of parameters, we can always find conditions where ∃ n∗ > 1 such that there is no capture when n = n∗ . Moreover, there is capture for some n < n∗ and for some n > n∗ . First of all, suppose λ ∈ 21 ; 23 . Then, we have capture for n = 1, free media for n = 2 and capture again for n = 3 as long as the following condition is 44 true: 8c αR2 < τ ≤ 16c αR2 . The logic is that we need to verify simultaneously the following set of inequalities: τ 2τ α2 ≤ R (capture when n = 1) 16c α2 > R (free media when n = 2) 16c α2 ≤ R (capture when n = 3) 16c (1 + 1)2 Suppose now λ ∈ 32 ; 34 . Then, if 8c αR2 < τ ≤ 16c αR2 we have capture for n = 1, free 2τ media for n = 2 and n = 3 and capture again for n = 4. It continues with this logic untill λ ∈ 76 ; 78 , where we have capture for n = 1, free media for n ∈ [2, 7] and capture for n = 8 when 8c αR2 < τ ≤ 64 R c . 7 α2 For higher level of λ it is enough to raise the number of captured media before the free media interval, or to find conditions for the capture of a big enough n, where the presence of a sufficient number of free outlets reduces the cost. 9 and 16 c R < τ ≤ 64 c R , we have capture for n = 1 and For example, when λ ∈ 89 ; 10 3 α2 9 α2 n = 2, then free media for n ∈ [3, 9] and capture again for n = 10. And so on. Moreover, as it is clear from the figure, we can see that as n increases the cost of capture function moves closer to zero. This is due to the fact that, for any value of λ (different from 1, of course), at some point it is always the case that some outlet can be allowed to be free. This lowers the outside option and, via the mechanism induced by competition on the advertisement market, and interestingly (1 − λ)n is squared at the denominator, hence at some point (irrespective of how small 1 − λ is) the effect of an increase in n will be stronger at the denominator than at the numerator. Appendix 3: Equilibrium in the politician-outlets game In order to characterize formally the equilibrium in the game between the politician and the outlets, we follow closely the proof used by the 2001 working paper version of Besley and Prat (2006). First of all, it is without loss of generality to order the observed vectors of transfers {ti }i=1,...,n such that t1 ≤ t2 ≤ ... ≤ tn . Defining Ii = 1 if outlet i accepts the offer and Ii = 0 if she rejects it, we characterize the best response recursively. 45 Given I1 , I2 , ..., Ii−1 , Ii = 1 if and only if ti ≥ τ α2 2 P 16c i − j<i Ij (11) Since the LHS is nondecreasing in i and the RHS is nonincreasing in i, there must be a k ∈ [0, n] such that Ii = 1 for every i ≥ k + 1 and Ii = 0 otherwise. Note that this implies tk < τ α2 . 16c(k+1)2 τ α2 P 2 16c(k− j<k Ij ) = τ α2 16c(k)2 and tk+1 ≥ τ α2 P 2 16c(k+1− j<k Ij ) = As a consequence, an outlet i ≤ k does not want to deviate accepting the offer because ti ≤ tk < τ α2 τ α2 ≤ 2 P 16c (k)2 16c i − j<i Ij And a similar type of reasoning shows that i ≥ k + 1 does not want to deviate rejecting the offer, since ti ≥ tk+1 ≥ τ α2 τ α2 = 2 P 16c (k + 1)2 16c i − j<i Ij Hence, equation (11) describes actual best responses. Finally, note that in equilibrium k = (1 − λ) n, because the incumbent does not need to capture (1 − λ) n outlets, and hence the first (1 − λ) n offers can be equal to zero. Then, the lowest positive transfer must satisfy tk+1 τ α2 ≥ 16c ((1 − λ) n + 1)2 Appendix 4: Data sources List of variables and their source: • Media freedom score: 41 minus the Environment B score from the Freedom of the Press (Freedom House); • Number of Newspaper Titles per million of inhabitants: from UNESCO Institute for Statistics, Global Media Survey 2005-2006. Available at:; • GDP per capita: GDP per capita in PPP in current international dollars, from UNESCO Institute for Statistics, demograpic and socio economic indicators. Available 46 at:; • Democracy: country considered an electoral democracy in the years of interest, according to Freedom of the World report, Freedom House. If 2 or more no, then 0. Otherwise 1.; • Turnout: parliamentary elections in period 2001-2004. Only one observation for most of the countries. If more than one, we use the average. Source: Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance. Available at:; • Schooling: from Quality of Government dataset, average between 2000 and 2005 average schooling year, 25+, male and female, from the Barro and Lee dataset. • Election: dummy =1 if it was an election year (for parliamentary, lower/unique chamber elections. No presidential only, no referendums only). I use the ESPV September 2010 dataset ( Moreover, we coded some missing observations using online sources. In particular, we used mainly, provided by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), an international nonprofit dedicated to strengthening electoral democracy. We used Wikipedia when data from were not available. References for data sources Barro, R. J. and Lee, J. W. (2013) A new data set of educational attainment in the world, 1950-2010, Journal of development economics, 104, 184-198. Freedom House, Freedom of the Press database, Freedom House, Freedom in the World database, Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, International Foundation for Electoral System, Johnson, J. W. and Wallack, J. S. (2010) ELECTORAL SYSTEMS AND THE PERSONAL VOTE. Update of database from Particularism Around the World, jwjohnso/espv.html. 47 Teorell, J., Dahlberg, S., Holmberg, S., Rothstein, B., Hartmann, F. and Svensson, R. (2015) The Quality of Government Standard Dataset, version Jan15, University of Gothenburg: The Quality of Government Institute, UNESCO Institute for Statistics, 48