June 3, 2009
The Graduate Council met at 10:00 a.m. in the 1st Floor Conference Room of the Sam
Ingram Building. Chair Jackie Eller presided.
I. Call to order
Members present:
Kevin James, Jane Marcellus, Medha Sarkar, Vince Smith, Clare Bratten, and Teri Davis
Ex-Officio members present:
Peter Cunningham, Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies
II. Announcements
Dr. Jackie Eller, Chair
Dr. Eller called the meeting to order.
Dr. Peter Cunningham, Associate Dean, College of Graduate Studies
Dr. Cunningham reported that the College of Graduate Studies has received 240
applications for international graduate students. That number is significantly higher
than the previous year. Of the 240 applications received, sixty-two students have been
admitted and are awaiting the issuance of the required I-20. This week, the College of
Graduate Studies will begin issuing I-20s.
Dr. Cunningham acknowledged the Council members that have completed their terms
and will be rotating off of the Council. A letter of appreciation will be forthcoming
from the Graduate Dean.
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting—April 22, 2009
A motion was made to accept the minutes of the April 22, 2009 meeting with the following
revision. Under part E of the Sub-Committee Reports, the second sentence should read:
Common themes from the reviews were concerns for the lack of time and compensation for
thesis work, graduate assistantship funding, and faculty workload. The motion was seconded
and passed.
IV. Sub-Committee Reports
Graduate Faculty and Curriculum Review
Dr. Kevin James, Chair
Consent calendar attached --- A motion was made to accept the consent calendar
with the following revisions. The new course proposal for PSY 6661, Introduction
to Program Evaluation in Schools and Communities, will be removed from the
consent calendar. Instead, a proposal to change the course number of SOC 6660,
Program Evaluation, to SOC 6661 will be added to the consent calendar. The
SOC 6661 will be cross-listed with PSY 6661. The motion was seconded and
Student Affairs and Travel
Dr. Bren Martin, Chair
No report
Policies and Procedures
Dr. Teri Davis, Chair
Dr. Davis reported that in regards to the thesis and dissertation compensation
proposal, the committee has sent forth one proposal for summer pay and one
proposal for academic year banking. The Graduate Dean will present the proposals
to the Provost.
A motion was made to accept the policies and procedures committee report. The
motion was seconded and passed.
Graduate Program Review
Dr. Jane Marcellus, Chair
Dr. Marcellus noted that a common theme from the program reviewers was the
need for assessment of student learning outcomes.
Catalog Committee
Ad Hoc Only
V. Old Business
VI. New Business
Dr. Eller asked for three volunteers for the next Graduate Academic Suspension
Appeals committee. The appeals will be held on Tuesday, August 25, 2009 at
9:00 a.m. in the garden level conference room of the Ingram building. Drs. Jane
Marcellus, Vince Smith, and Kevin James volunteered.
Strategies to evaluate applications/transcripts as to legitimacy were discussed, but
given changes are already being made by the College of Graduate Studies which
may be sufficient, we agreed to move further discussion to the AY 09-10
curriculum committee if the need arises.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by: Melissa Hawkins, Recording Secretary
Graduate Council – Consent Calendar
June 3, 2009
Graduate Faculty Membership
Mark de Caestecker / Biology
Spencer Crew / History
Andrea L. Dawson / Music
Angela R. DeBoer / Music
Carolyn D. Hix / Nursing
Linda McGrew / Business Communication and Entrepreneurship
Full – Initial Appointment
Jason D. Johnson / Mathematical Sciences
Full – Reappointment
Don Hong / Mathematical Sciences
Janice M. Leone / History
Stephen D. Lewis / Business Communication and Entrepreneurship
Leigh Ann McInnis / Nursing
Richard T. Mpoyi / Management and Marketing
Robert D. Rogers / Criminal Justice Administration
Medha S. Sarkar / Computer Science
Sesan K. Sokoya / Management and Marketing
Doctoral – Initial
Andrew V. Brower / Biology
David A. Penn / Economics and Finance
Doctoral – Reappointment
Thomas M. Brinthaupt / Psychology
Curriculum Changes
Social Work Proposed New Course(s)
SW 6000
SW 6010
SW 6020
SW 6030
SW 6100
SW 6110
SW 6120
SW 6130
SW 6140
SW 5000
MSW Practice I, 3 credit hours, effective Fall 2009
Human Behavior and the Social Environment, 3 credit hours,
effective Fall 2009
Research I, 3 credit hours, effective Fall 2009
Social Welfare Policy and Services, 3 credit hours, effective Fall
MSW Practice II, 3 credit hours, effective Spring 2010
Social Justice and Equity for Multicultural Populations, 3
credit hours, effective Spring 2010
Research II, 3 credit hours, effective Spring 2010
Practicum IA, 3 credit hours, effective Spring 2010
Practicum IB, 3 credit hours, effective Spring 2010
Special Topics, 3 credit hours, effective Fall 2009
English Proposed New Course(s)
ENG 6525/7525
Special Topics in the History of the English Language, 3
credit hours, effective Fall 2009
ENG 6330/7330
Major American Writers
Revise the course description to read “An in-depth study of one,
two or three American writers” (instead of An in-depth study of two
or three American writers), effective Fall 2009
ENG 6550/7550
Writing Center Theory
Remove from course description the statement that ENG
6550/7550 is required of all University Writing Center assistants,
effective Summer 2009
ENG 6620/7620
Directed Reading and Research
Update catalog description to include wording that allows students
to take the course up to three times
Speech and Theatre Proposed New Course
LEST 6000
Creative Leadership and Collaboration, 3 credit hours, effective Fall
Literacy Studies Other
Ph.D. in Literacy Studies
Include the option to register for PSY 6585/7585 or PSY
6210/7210 within the required core, effective Fall 2009 Educational Leadership Non-Substantive Revisions in Curriculum of Existing Major, Minor, Emphasis
M.Ed. in Administration and Supervision, Library Science
In core course requirements, replace SPSE 6430--Introduction to Curriculum
Development with LIBS 6960--Preparation and Utilization of Instructional Materials
(approved for name change (effective Spring 2010) to ‘Integration of Learning
Theory, Curriculum, and Technology’), effective Fall 2009
Ed.S. in Administration and Supervision with a new specialization in K-12
administrator licensure to meet new state program guidelines, 33 total hours
required, effective Fall 2009
Specialization Change: Ed.S./Curriculum & Instruction/Specialization ESL will be
changed to Specialization in Culture, Cognition, and the Learning Process, effective
Fall 2009
Elementary and Special Education Course Number/Title Change
ELED 6200
The Classroom as Community name change to Community and the
Social Sciences, effective Summer 2009
Proposed New Course(s)
ELED 6450
Current Trends and Issues in Elementary School, 3 credit hours,
effective Fall 2009
Sociology and Anthropology Course Number Change
SOC 6660
Program Evaluation, course number change to SOC 6661, 3 credit
hours, cross-list with PSY 6661, effective Summer 2009
Psychology Non-Substantive Revisions in Curriculum of Existing Major, Minor, Emphasis/
Changes in Credit Hours
School Psychology program--Request that the MA program be allowed to drop
from 45 credits to 44 credits; remove PSY 6950, Literature Review and Reading in
Psychology, as an M.A. graduation requirement, effective Fall 2009
PSY 6585/7585
Test Construction and Validation
Remove PSY 6210/7210, Advanced Psychometrics, as
prerequisite, effective Fall 2009
Nursing Other
Standardize the overall undergraduate grade point average (GPA) by increasing it from
2.75 to 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale) for all MSN concentrations (education, administration,
informatics, and advanced practice) for unconditional admittance, effective Summer
2009 Standardize the admission criteria for unconditional admission to the MS/PS HCI
Concentration by increasing the GPA from 2.75 to 3.00 (on a 4.00 scale), effective
Summer 2009
Mathematical Sciences Change in Admission to Program (Major)
Edit admission requirements to read: ‘must have completed 21 hours of college-level
mathematics (including calculus) with at least 9 hours of mathematics beyond
calculus’ as opposed to currently ‘must have completed 21 hours of college-level
mathematics including calculus’.
History Proposed New Course(s)
HIST 6630
Seminar: Topics in Archival Management, 1-3 credit hours, effective
Fall 2009