Student Organization Awards Programs . . .recognizes the diligent work that organizations and individuals have done for the current year- it has not gone unnoticed! Although there are platforms and missions that are mandated by your organization we know that some go above and beyond to serve, educate and help others. Take the time to nominate others or your own organization and relish in the company of others that are out to do the same as you. Listed below are categories for the 2014 S.O.A.P. Awards where organizations and individuals are able to reflect on their contributions and nominate for the appropriate area. Eligibility: All nominees/organizations must be recognized and registered as a student organization with the Office of Student Engagement; individuals must be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled for the current academic year and programs must have occurred during the 2013-2014 academic year. When nominating, consider: What contributions did this program/organization/individual make How has this program/organization/individual contributed to a better living and/or learning environment for the community it targeted What makes this program/organization/individual stand out from others and why is it worthy of recognition On the Student Organization Awards Program Nomination Form, list one program/organization/individual per sheet. Include in-depth explanations on why you are nominating and provide any supporting materials as needed; scanning and emailing photographs are recommended for a clearer visual. Additional supporting pages can be attached. Nomination submissions are due Monday, March 31, 2014 by 3:00 p.m. to room 310 of Evans Hall or via email to /936-261-3566. The Student Organization Awards Program and reception is Tuesday, April 29, 2014 at 5:30 p.m. in the Willie A. Tempton Memorial Student Center Ballroom, 2nd floor. All nominations must be typed and submitted to Isis McCraw in Special Programs located in Evans Hall Room 310 or emailed to by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Student Organization Awards Programs Categories PRESIDENT’S CUP Bestowed upon the organization that has positively contributed to campus life, exhibits the true spirit of ‘Panther Pride’ and whose members exemplify the essence of the ‘PV Man/PV Woman’. LEADERSHIP LEGACY Recognizes a student leader whose long-term dedication and commitment has made a positive impact on sustaining the visibility of a student organization. Presented to a long-standing member of the organization that has left a positive mark on the group and at PVAMU. OUTSTANDING NEW ADVISOR Recognizes an advisor in their first or second year who provides outstanding support for the organization in all situations and gives its members fresh ideas that enhance their learning. QUIET INFLUENCE Recognizes a student that puts their heart and soul into everything they do, but often goes unrecognized, works ‘behind the scenes’, goes above and beyond typical requirements of a student organization member. ADVISOR OF THE YEAR Recognizes an advisor who has at least three years’ experience and has exceeded the expectations of advising. Has had a positive impact on a student organization and the University community. Demonstrates strong advising skills, is accessible to students and takes great strides to help the organization’s leaders. TEAMWORK Recognizes the organization that has most embodied the elements of teamwork, collaboration, and quality programming, has worked most effectively with other student organizations, University departments, and/or the greater PVAMU community. PROGRAM PRODUCTIVITY Recognizes an organization that has considered quality and quantity of programs, has full calendar of events that require the majority of the organization to step-up, plan and orchestrate over 8 programs for the current term. All nominations must be typed and submitted to Isis McCraw in Special Programs located in Evans Hall Room 310 or emailed to by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 SPIRIT Recognizes an organization that has embraced the university’s traditions and culture and shows support to the many elements of the institution that make it ‘number one’ outside of academics. CONSISTENCY Constantly gives exceptional service and has made a positive impact throughout its four year term as members. Conducts programs on a regular basis where the community anticipates and expects it regularly. CREATIVITY Recognizes an organization that has thought ‘outside the box’ when it comes to methods of programs, needing funding, targeting a forgotten audience or seeking an unusual outcome. LOCAL COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTION Recognizes an organization that made a meaningful contribution to the local community through service by addressing an existing problem, filling a void and was committed to working with and for others and successfully inspired and motivated others to act contributed to the local community. PROGRAM of the YEAR 1. SOCIAL Recognizes an organization that focused on areas outside of academics that added to the college experience and encouraged students to interact positively with their peers and community. 2. EDUCATIONAL Recognizes an organization that contributed to the mission of PVAMU and has presented an exceptional educational program that addressed a topic or issue with the goal of educating the campus community. 3. DIVERSITY Recognizes an organization that reached a broad range of participants, targeted the topics of diversity and/or focused on topics that enhanced the understanding, tolerance, and acceptance of differences. All nominations must be typed and submitted to Isis McCraw in Special Programs located in Evans Hall Room 310 or emailed to by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2014 Student Organization Awards Programs Nomination Form Nominee STUDENT ORGANIZATION: _________________________________________ ADVISOR: _________________________________________ ADVISOR NUMBER/EMAIL: _________________________________________ Program Details See page 1 for nomination considerations Award Category (See pages 1 and 2) ____________________________________ _ Nominator NAME: __________________________________________________ DEPT. /ORGANZATION:________________________________ NUMBER/EMAIL: ______________________________________ All nominations must be typed and submitted to Isis McCraw in Special Programs located in Evans Hall Room 310 or emailed to by 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, March 25, 2014