BRIEF How Does Enrollment of Young Invincibles Affect Premiums in the ACA Individual Market? C O R P O R AT I O N Reduced young adult enrollment is associated with only modest premium increases T he individual health insurance market involves people buying coverage directly from an insurance company. The ACA established online marketplaces (also known as exchanges) for people to buy insurance in this Enrollment in the ACA Marketplaces by Age in 2013–2014 Young ages 18–34 28% 24% Middle aged ages 35–44 market. Collectively, the individual market includes non-employer plans offered both on and off of the exchanges. To keep health insurance affordable in this market, insurers need to spread risk across a broad pool of enrollees, including younger, healthier people, to offset the costs of older, sicker people. Some have theorized that low enrollment among younger, 48% healthier populations could cause insurers to raise premiums, which in turn could price increasing numbers of buyers out of the market, leading Older age 45 or older Enrollment figures from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services show that during the first enrollment period (2013–2014), 28 percent of enrollees in the ACA’s Marketplaces were ages 18 to 34; in contrast, 48 percent of enrollees were age 45 or older. The proportion of young adult enrollees gradually increased over the course of the first enrollment period; for example, the share of young adults was 24 percent at the end of December 2013, 25 percent by March 1, 2014, and 28 percent at the end of the open enrollment period. { ultimately to a market collapse. Does the affordability of premiums in the individual market under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) depend on a given level of young adult enrollment? Will premiums spike if young adult enrollment declines? To address these questions, a RAND team used the COMPARE microsimulation model to estimate the effects of changes in young adult enrollment in the individual market on premium prices. The term young invincibles refers to young adults who believe they will not get sick or injured and are, therefore, less likely to purchase health insurance than older adults. } The ACA cushions against the effect of lower-than-expected enrollment among young adults If young adult enrollment falls by about If young adult enrollment rises by about premiums fall by about 7 3% percentage points RAND’s baseline 2015 scenario estimates that approximately 27.2 percent of individual market enrollees will be young adults. This includes enrollees in Marketplace plans and individual plans that adhere to the ACA’s rating rules. If the level of enrollment among 18-to-34-year-olds turns out to be lower, premiums will increase, but not by much: A one percentage point reduction in the share of young adult enrollees in the individual market is associated with a 0.4 percent increase in premiums (see figure below). So, for example, if young adult enrollment were only 20 percent instead of 27 percent, premiums would increase by approximately 3 percent. +3% Percent change in premiums 7 premiums rise by about percentage points 3% This limited effect is partly driven by the ACA’s subsidies—tax credits that insulate eligible enrollees from premium increases and thus encourage lowerincome young people to stay enrolled, even if other young adults who are not subsidy-eligible drop out of the market. The effect is also partly driven by the fact that many older people can be “good risks” (that is, individuals who contribute more through premiums than they spend on health care). Because older adults can be charged up to three times as much as younger adults, RAND estimates that over 80 percent of 55-to-64-year-olds spend less than premiums (net of administrative costs). The fact that there is a sizable fraction of good risks across all age groups acts to stabilize premiums and reduces the impact when younger adults drop out of the market. Change in Premiums Is Only 0.4% Up or Down for Every 1 Percentage Point Change in Young Adult Enrollment Baseline COMPARE enrollment estimate, 2015 0 27.2% −3% −6% 20% 30% Percent of enrollees between ages 18 and 34 40% What the Data Tell Us This brief describes work done in RAND Health documented in Assessing Alternative Modifications to the Affordable Care Act: Impact on Individual Market Premiums and Insurance Coverage, by Christine Eibner 1 There is no specific level of young adult enrollment required to stabilize premiums in the individual market. and Evan Saltzman, RR-708DHHS, 2014 (available at www. To view this brief online, visit RB9812z2. The RAND Corporation is a research organization that develops solutions to public policy challenges to help make communities throughout the world safer and more secure, healthier and more prosperous. RAND is nonprofit, nonpartisan, and committed to the public interest. RAND’s publications do not necessarily reflect the opinions of its research clients and sponsors. RA® is a registered trademark. © RAND 2015 Limited Print and Electronic 2 Younger individuals do not bear the full burden of older individuals’ spending, in part because the ACA allows insurers to charge older enrollees up to three times more than they charge younger ones, thus reducing the risk posed by older enrollees. Distribution Rights: This document and trademark(s) contained herein are protected by law. This representation of RAND intellectual property is provided for noncommercial use only. Unauthorized posting of this publication online is prohibited. Permission is given to duplicate this document for personal use only, as long as it is unaltered and complete. Permission is required from RAND to reproduce, or reuse in another form, any of our research documents for commercial use. For information on reprint and linking permissions, please visit permissions.html. RB-9812/2 (2015) 3 The ACA’s tax credits encourage healthy people of all ages to enroll in coverage, which stabilizes premiums for everyone.