RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files: HRS 1996 RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files: HRS 1996 The RAND Enhanced Flat Files were developed as a first step towards facilitating the use of Health and Retirement Study (HRS) and Asset and Health Dynamics Among the Oldest Old (AHEAD) data in empirical analysis. The Flat Files are developed with funding from the National Institute on Aging (NIA) by the RAND Center for the Study of Aging. With guidance and support from the Social Security Administration and further funding from NIA, the Center has developed the RAND HRS Data, a separate file containing a broad range of derived variables. The development of this additional data set begins with the RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files. A typical analysis would probably use some "off the shelf" variables from the RAND HRS Data, with variables specific to the analysis derived using the Flat Files. For more information on the RAND HRS Data and for information on downloading this data set or the Flat Files, please see RAND Center for the Study of Aging's Data Products web page. This document describes the RAND Enhanced Flat Files, with details for HRS 1996, also known as HRS Wave 3. ● ● ● What makes these files different from the Public Release HRS/AHEAD Data? Specific Changes and Additions to the Public Release Data Downloading the SAS data sets What makes these files different from the Public Release HRS/AHEAD Data? The HRS and AHEAD surveys collect a considerable amount of information about elderly and very elderly households, and utilizes a complicated questionnaire structure to minimize the burden on any single respondent within the household. For example, the respondent who answered the household finance module may not be the same person who answered the module on children and other household file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsidx3.html (1 of 4)12/22/2003 5:46:43 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files: HRS 1996 members. (For more information, see: Who answered which questions?) This format complicates the way the data is structured upon its public release. For instance, since only one person in a couple household provides financial and family information, the raw HRS data provides these data at the household level, but many analyses use respondent level observations. We have created public use files which simplify this data structure in a number of ways. We reorganized the data so that each observation represents one individual, and we merged the appropriate information from the various modules to each observation. Thus, household level information is present for each individual respondent. Similarly, certain individual-level information was collected by asking one household member to answer about another. For example, the financial respondent provides earnings information about himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. We reassigned this data to "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents to clarify to whom the information applies. With funding from NIA, the Center has also invested considerable effort in the development of income and asset imputations. These imputations use all aspects of the income and asset information available in the raw data, including unfolding bracket questions, and other covariates. They are available for downloading as well. Finally, we make the files easy to merge across waves and with the RAND HRS Data, and applied consistent variable naming conventions across waves that reflect those already used by the HRS/ AHEAD. Generally variables begin with the following letters: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● "V" in HRS 1992 (Wave 1) "W" (some begin with "C") in HRS 1994 (Wave 2) "E" in HRS 1996 (Wave 3) "B" in AHEAD 1993 (Wave 1), except for ISR-derived variables OR "V" (some begin with "B") in AHEAD 1993 (Wave 1), except for ISR-derived variables "D" in AHEAD 1995 (Wave 2) "F" in HRS 1998 "G" in HRS 2000 Note that beginning in HRS 1998 the AHEAD and HRS studies are combined. Note also that in AHEAD 1993 data we offer the variables named in two ways: one with variables that begin with the letter "V" as they are in the public release data set, and one with variables that begin with the letter "B", so as to distinguish them from HRS 1992 variables. The file with variable names beginning with "V" is a93f1a_v; the file with variable names beginning with "B" is a93f1a. If you plan to merge HRS and AHEAD data together, you should use the a93f1a file. Otherwise, you can choose either file, depending on your preference. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsidx3.html (2 of 4)12/22/2003 5:46:43 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files: HRS 1996 Beginning with AHEAD 1995 and HRS 1996, the public use data have been distributed by ISR with variables starting with "D" and "E", respectively. The data can be downloaded as SAS data sets, one per HRS or AHEAD Wave, with one observation for each responding individual in the wave. Specific Changes and Additions to the Public Release HRS 1996 Data. HRS Wave 3 includes most of the public release data. "Other Person" files containing data on children, siblings, household members, helpers, and transfers between HRS respondents and their children, with observations for each other person, are distributed by ISR but have not yet been included in the RAND Enhanced Flat Files. HRS Data Set Type of Change / Addition HRS 1996 (Version 3) Generally helpful variables In h96f3a SAS file Financial Variables Added, including assignment to "self" and "spouse" variables for the individual In h96f3a SAS file Family Variables Added, including assignment to "self" and "spouse" variables for the individual In h96f3a SAS file Summary of Notes on Skip Patterns and Problems In h96f3a SAS file RAND Imputations for Income and Assets In incm96f3 and wlth96f3 SAS files Please forward any questions, comments, or suggestions for current or future development to Patricia St. Clair, stclair@rand.org. About downloading these files The RAND Enhanced Flat File for HRS 1996 currently incorporates the following versions of data: ● ● Tracker File, Version 2.0 HRS 1996 (Wave 3), final release Version 3 To download the h96f3a file please go to the RAND Center for the Study of Aging web site: www.rand. org/labor/aging/dataprod and follow the directions for downloading Rand Enhanced Flat Files. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsidx3.html (3 of 4)12/22/2003 5:46:43 AM RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files: HRS 1996 The RAND site adds to the information and data available on the HRS/AHEAD web site, but does not replace it. Because we are a third party distributor of these data, you must register with HRS/AHEAD before using these SAS data sets. In this way you can receive user support and information concerning the public release data from HRS and AHEAD directly. And you will want to go to the HRS/AHEAD Data web page to download the questionnaires and public release data from the HRS/AHEAD web site. The public release data includes the data description and codebooks necessary to use these files. The SAS data sets available can replace the raw data and SAS programs included in the public release data, but do not include this important documentation. If you work with data longitudinally you will find the HRS/AHEAD Concordance file useful. It will help you find variables from different waves that measure the same concepts. The Concordance file is also available from the HRS/AHEAD Data page. **** RESTRICTED DATA USERS, PLEASE NOTE: If you are using any HRS/AHEAD restricted data, such as SSA data, you should check as to whether you may or may not merge them with the RAND versions of these datasets. If you intend to use the RAND datasets with restricted data please contact Cathy Leibowitz at ISR before doing so. Restricted data users are reminded that HRS/AHEAD must be informed of any data files used in conjunction with restricted data. Send questions or comments about these files or this documentation to Patricia St.Clair file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsidx3.html (4 of 4)12/22/2003 5:46:43 AM Generally Helpful Variables HRS 1996: Generally Helpful Variables, Original and Derived These are variables that help you figure out general response status of the household or respondent, e.g., whether this is a 2respondent household, if this respondent is the Financial or Family Respondent, and which, if any, of the family modules have data. We also added some variables from the Tracker File (Version 2.0, track020) to the h96f3a SAS data sets. Some of the variables from the Tracker file, such as gender, are not specific to any HRS wave. Others, such as whether R is the financial respondent, are wavespecific. Most are also on the HRS 1996 Public Release Data, and we've compared them to the Tracker File variables. If there are any differences they are noted in the table below. Please refer to the Tracker file documentation (TRACK020.TXT) for codes and descriptions of Tracker variables. These variables are summarized in the tables below: ● ● ● Variables from Tracker file: not wave-specific Variables from Tracker file: wave-specific Variables derived or already on HRS files These tables sometimes refer to notes. The notes about generally helpful variables are: ● ● ● ● ● Notes about generally helpful variables Possible Reunited Couples Possible Split Household Marital Status: E256A, E256AR Household type: E_HHTYP Discrepancies between GENDER and E374 From Tracker file: not wave-specific Description Tracker Variable Name in h96f3a Analogous Variable in h96f3a from HRS 1996 Public Release Data Notes From Tracker file: not wave-specific HRS Household ID: Numeric HHID ---- HRS Household ID: Character HHIDC ---- HRS Household ID + Person Number: Numeric HHIDPN ---- HRS Household ID + Person Number: Character HHIDPNC ---- Person Number: Numeric PN ---- Person Number: Character PNC ---- Birthdate: Month BIRTHMO E636 BIRTHMO is the same as E636 for all cases Birthdate: Year BIRTHYR E638 BIRTHYR is the same as E638 for all cases ID Fields are provided in both numeric and character format. HRS provides IDs in character format in HRS 1996, but numeric formats are included in h96f3a to facilitate merging with data from previous waves. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (1 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables Not always the same as BIRTHYR. Used to determine eligibility (1931-1941) in EWGTR Birth Year used for weights WGTBYR ---- First Interview: Study Year FIRSTIW ---- Gender GENDER E374 derived EGENFLAG flags discrepancies between GENDER and E374 Race/Ethnicity: Hispanic Flag RACE1 E664 RACE1 is the same as E664 for all cases Race/Ethnicity: Other Type RACE2 E667M RACE2 is the same as E667M for all cases Study Membership STUDY ---- STUDY=01 (HRS) From Tracker File: wave-specific Description HRS Wave 1 HRS Wave 2 HRS Wave 3 From Tracker File: wave-specific (on h94f1a and h96f3a only) Sub-Household Identifier ASUBHH CSUBHH ESUBHH (char) W3SUBHH (num) EHHID (char) = HHIDC || ESUBHH EHHIDN (num) = HHID*10 + ESUBHH See note below on possible reunited couples Household-Level Weight AWGTHH CWGTHH EWGTHH Respondent-Level Weight AWGTR CWGTR EWGTR EFAMR EFAMRC EFAMR is the 0/1 variable from the Tracker file, 1 means R is FamR EFAMRC is the 4-category variable from HRS 1996 data: Family Respondent AFAMR CFAMR ● ● ● ● 1=R is FamR, only one FamR in HHold 2=R is selected as FamR, HHold originally had two FamRs 5=R is not FamR, at most one FamR in HHold 6=R is not selected as FamR, HHold originally had two FamRs file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (2 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables EFINR EFINRC EFINR is the 0/1 variable from the Tracker file, where 1=R is FinR EFINRC is the 4-category variable from HRS 1996 data: Financial Respondent AFINR CFINR ● ● ● ● 1=R is FinR, only one FinR in HHold 2=R is selected as FinR, HHold originally had two FinRs 5=R is not FinR, at most one FinR in HHold 6=R is not selected as FinR, HHold originally had two FinRs Beginning of Interview: Month AIVIEWMO CIVIEWMO EIVIEWMO Beginning of Interview: Year AIVIEWYR CIVIEWYR EIVIEWYR Mode of Interview AMODEIW CMODEIW EMODEIW New Spouse Flag ANEWSP CNEWSP ENEWSP Respondent in nursing home ANURSHM CNURSHM ENURSHM Partner/Spouse Person Number APPN CPPN EPPN See note below on possible split couple Wave Household (Couple) ACOUPLE CCOUPLE ECOUPLE Proxy Flag APROXY CPROXY EPROXY Result Code ARESCODE CRESCODE ERESCODE Interview Status ASTATUS CSTATUS ESTATUS Status: Why not in this wave ASTATUS2 CSTATUS2 ESTATUS2 Alive or Deceased Flag AALIVE CALIVE EALIVE Case Identifier ACASE CCASE ECASE Derived or already on HRS files These variables were either already available in the HRS data (marked by '*' in table below) or were derived in the process of creating the RAND version of the HRS SAS data set. Family Respondent & Information (see also EFAMR, EFAMRC) Description Variable file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (3 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables EANYFINR Any Family Resp for HHold ● ● 0=No FinR 1=1 FinR EFAMFLAG Family Respondent Problem Flag ● ● ● 0=No FamR 1=1 FamR 2=were 2 FamRs in preliminary data EFAM_RHP (num) EFAMRHPC (char) HHIDPN of Fam Resp Financial Respondent (see also EFINR, EFINRC) Description Variable EANYFINR Any Financial Resp for HHold ● ● 0=No FinR 1=1 FinR EFINFLAG Family Respondent Problem Flag ● ● ● HHIDPN of Fin Resp 0=No FinR 1=One FinR 2=Were 2 FinRs in preliminary data EFIN_RHP (num) EFINRHPC (char) EFPRVIW FinR last iview ● Financial Respondent Previous Interview information ● ● . = no prev iview 1 = Wave 1 2 = Wave 2 EFPRVIWM month prev iview EFPRVIWY year prev iview Whether treated as couple in financial questions-based on E256 of FinR ● ● ● EF_CPL 0=treated as single 1=treated as couple missing (.) if No FinR file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (4 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables ● ● ● ● Whether over 65 in financial questionsbased on E693/E410 of FinR ● ● ● ● ● ● EF_CPL65 0=Both or single R under 65 1=Cpl, FinR under 65/nonFinR 65+ 2=Cpl, FinR 65+/nonFinR under 65 3=Both or single R 65+ 4=Cpl, FinR under 65/nonFinR age=. 5=Cpl, FinR age=./nonFinR under 65 6=Cpl, FinR 65+/nonFinR age=. 7=Cpl, FinR age=./nonFinR 65+ 9=Age(s) missing missing (.)no FinR Household and Spouse/Partner Description Variable E_HHTYP ● ● Type of Household (one R or two Rs) ● ● ● ● 1=one R 2=2 R/both resp 3=2 R/one is NR 7=2 R/both resp but may have actually split 8=one R, had new partner but not living with 9=one R, split household, but has financial data for spouse [see Note below on codes 7-9] # in HHold who actually did respond EN_INHH ER_INHH # in HHold who could have responded ● ● ● based on E_HHTYP =1 if E_HHTYP=1 or 9 =2 if E_HHTYP=2,3,7 =9 if DK (E_HHTYP=8) Marital Status E256A(*), E256AR {See NOTE below] Spouse/Partner HHIDPN (numeric) EPHHIDPN Any New Spouse: =1 if any new spouse in EANYNEWP household PN of new spouse ENEWP Gender of spouse/partner (1=Male, 2=Female) EPGENDER ESAMEGEN ● Same Sex Couple Flag ● ● ● .Z=single R 0=not 1=both male 2=both female Spouse/Partner Birth date EPBIRTHM, EPBIRTHY Spouse/Partner Marital Status EP256, EP256A file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (5 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables Other Description Variable Proxy: Relationship to R EPROXYR (from EPROXY/E557) 0=No Proxy 1=Spouse 2-11=see E557 codes Experimental Modules 1-10 E_INMOD =1 to 10, # of module if R responded Note: E528 indicates which module R was asked to take, 12=proxy cognition Experimental Module ALL E_INMODA =1 if R responded Note: All except Proxy/Spanish IWs were asked to take this module. E5376 indicates refusals. Proxy Cognition Module E_INMODP =1 if Proxy responded Note: E5485 indicates Proxy refusals (most refused). EPRVIW wave # of previous interview ● Previous Interview Information ● ● . = no previous interview 1 = HRS Wave 1 was last interview 2 = HRS Wave 2 was last interview EPRVIWMO, EPRVIWYR Month and Year of Previous Interview Notes about generally helpful variables NOTE on Possible Reunited Couples: Five couples appear to be reunited, though they have separate EHHIDs in HRS 1996. All the couples split in HRS 1994, but are reunited in HRS 1998 data. All have a married or partnered marital status and say they live together in HRS 1996. The households are: HHID 17520 40609 22999 40441 50945 PN ESUBHH FSUBHH HRS 1996 FinR Status 010 1 7 EFinR=1 040 2 7 EFinR=0 010 1 7 EFinR=0 020 2 7 EFinR=1 010 1 7 EFinR=1 020 2 7 EFinR=1 010 1 7 EFinR=1 020 2 7 EFinR=1 010 2 7 EFinR=1 040 1 7 EFinR=1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (6 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables These couples have been left in separate households on h96f3a. For the two couples where only one is the financial respondent, the imputed income and wealth data from the FinR has been assigned to both in the couple, though, for the non-FinR, EANYFINR is 0=No FinR. (Note: in the RAND HRS Data, these couples are treated as reunited households, i.e., they have H3HHID with a '7' subhh.) NOTE on Possible Split Household: One couple (EHHID=128521), married and in the same household in HRS 1994, appears to be split in HRS 1996 but the Tracker File (V2.0) shows them in the same household. Only one of the couple responds in HRS 1996 (HHIDPN=12852020), and has a marital status of separated, but EPPN=021. NOTE on E256A, E256AR: E256A was part of the partial public release data. It does not distinguish between separated and divorced marital statuses, and its coding differs from that of AMARSTAT and CMARSTAT, used in HRS 1992 and 1994. E256AR is a recoded version that is more compatible with the codes for xMARSTAT. Its codes are: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● E256ARRecoded Marital Status =1, Married, if E256A=1 unless living apart (E241 NE 5) and at least one spouse in an institution =2, Partnered, if E256A=3 =4, Separated/Divorced, if E256A=4 =5, Widowed, if E256A=5 =6, Never Married, if E256A=6 =7, Married living apart not institutionalized, if E256A=7 and neither spouse is institutionalized =8, Married living apart with at least one spouse in institution, if E256A=2; or if E256A=1 or 7, couple not living together (E241=5) and at least one spouse is institutionalized =9, Marital status unknown, if E256A=9 NOTE: E256AR is never =3, Separated. All separations =4, Separated/Divorced We consider a couple to be living apart if either spouse has E241=5. Only the first respondent of a couple was asked E241. We consider at least one of a couple to reside in an institution if E256A=2, or if R reports self or spouse living in an institution (E240=1 or E246=1) or spouse has E256A=2. Note on E_HHTYP : There were a few special cases which have been assigned E_HHTYP codes of 7-9. These arise from the skip pattern in the CS module that dealt with partnerships where partners don't live together. If a married couple reported not living together, a followup question was asked to determine whether they had separated or were still married. But if a partnered couple reported not living together, no followup question was asked, and they remained a partnership. These special codes simply identify these cases, so that the analyst can decide how to treat these households. ● ● The couple coded E_HHTYP=7 is HHID=88329, ESUBHH=0. Both individuals responded and have a marital status of partnered (=3), but E241=5, not living together. So this may be a split partnership and perhaps should have been split into two Wave 3 households. However, the FinR answered questions about both self and spouse income. So, given the way the HRS interview works, this is a 2-R household, both responding but they may not actually be living together. The cases coded E_HHTYP=8 are HHID=79491, ESUBHH=0 and HHID=79479, ESUBHH=2. Both these households have only one respondent who reports having a new partner and NOT living with the partner. The respondent in each household was the FinR, and answered questions about partner income. HHIDPN=79491010 reports both self and partner income; HHIDPN=79479040 reports self has income but spouse/partner does not (note: the ex-spouse also reports no income). The Tracker File shows a non-responding spouse/partner (HHIDPN=79479041) for 79479040. These cases may be single R's who had a new partner between Waves 2-3 but do not share a household with one at Wave 3 interview time. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (7 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Generally Helpful Variables ● The cases coded E_HHTYP=9 are HHID=84272, ESUBHH=2 and 5, and HHID=14436, ESUBHH=1 and 2. In these excouples, both agree that they split, and they reside in different Wave 3 households. One of each couple has E256A=3, partnered and the other has E256A=9, missing. However both were treated as though they were partnered, i.e., both were asked FinR questions. In the HHID=14436 pair, both report own income, but refuse on spouse/partner income questions. In the other pair, HHIDPN=84272021 reported income for both self and partner, while HHIDPN=84272020 reported own income but said partner had none. The amounts reported by 84272020 match very closely the amounts reported for 84272021's partner. NOTE on Discrepancies between GENDER and E374: There are four cases where GENDER does not agree with E374. EGENFLAG=1, gender does not match E374 ----- PREVENTATIVE BEHAVIOR B19 ----- Gender Flag F. (if R SP G. Spouse H. K. BREAST HHIDPN GENDER GENDER SEX GENDER MAMMOGRAM PAPSMEAR PROSTRATE Gender LUMP ne E374) E374 E382 EPGENDER E927 E928 E929 E926 EGENFLAG 36081011 1 1 2 2 2 5 5 5 5 46787011 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 61179011 1 2 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 71810011 1 2 1 1 1 5 5 1 5 NOTE: It appears that GENDER is correct. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsgenlv3.html (8 of 8)12/22/2003 5:46:44 AM Financial Variables Added HRS 1996: Financial Variables Added Assignment of Income Variables to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (ER/EP) In a couple household, only the Financial Respondent (FinR) provides information about all the household finances. In this file, the household finance data are merged to the respondent level. The FinR provides some income information, such as earnings, about both himself or herself, and about his or her spouse. In the raw data the respondent earnings data apply to the FinR and the spouse/partner earnings data apply to FinR's spouse. In this data set, we assigned these data to added "self" and "spouse/partner" variables for both respondents so as to clarify to whom the information applies. Variables that begin with ER apply to "self" while variables that begin with EP apply to "spouse/partner". Generally, if an individual is the FinR, then the Ennnn variables for FinR are assigned to ERnnnn and the Epppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to EPnnnn. And if an individual is the spouse/partner of the FinR then the Ennnn variables for FinR are assigned to EPnnnn and the Epppp variables for FinR's spouse are assigned to ERnnnn. The table below summarizes these assignments. Variable Name assignments HRS Wave 3 Original Variable Reassigned Variable FinR Finr's Spouse Self Spouse/Partner Ennnn Epppp ERnnnn EPnnnn For example, FinR's report of earnings from wages and salaries for him/herself is in E3883, and for his/her spouse in E3916. In the observation for FinR, ER3883 = E3883 and EP3883 = E3916. In the observation for FinR's spouse, ER3883 = E3916 and EP3883 = E3883. In Version 3 of HRS 1996 data, categorical variables that summarize series of unfolding bracket questions are not present. The original unfolding bracket questions are included instead. We add the categorical bracket variables back into the data. We also reassigned a series of "income last year" variables that all followed similar skip patterns. The total income last year was skipped if R reported receiving the same amount each time, e.g., each month or quarter. We made new variables that filled in the total income last year from the data about "same" payments. And we've described some idiosyncracies of skip patterns and created some variables to help with them. Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (ER/EP) Recoded, Reassigned, or Combined versions of variables file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (1 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added ● ● ● ● ● Who worked for pay last year Who receives transfer, IRA/pension, trust income Whose parents an inheritance is from Derived categorical bracket variables How much income last year (rent, own business/farm, dividends/interest) Variables to help with skip patterns ● ● ● Received income all year (unemployment, workers comp) Month began Social Security/SSI E4602: Amount spent on bills (New variable E4602F flags possible improper skip) Warnings about skip patterns or data ● ● ● ● ● ● Problems in unfolding bracket questions for business value Notes on unfolding bracket questions for other earned income Apparent Discrepancies from Comment Coding E4122: who was asked about reporting business income twice (e.g., also as self-employment income) Questions on IRA cash in or annuity conversion, if both reported Months received food stamps Recoded, Reassigned, or Combined versions of variables Who worked for pay last year The questions on who worked for pay last year are different depending on whether the respondent (and spouse) are over 65 years old: ❍ E3871: Did you (or your spouse) do any work for pay last year? (if single R is 65 or older OR married/partnered R and both R and spouse are 65+) ❍ E3872: Which one of you worked for pay last year? (if single R is 65+ OR married/partnered R and both R and spouse are 65+ and E3871=YES) ❍ E3873: Did you do any work for pay last year? (if single R<65 OR either R or spouse<65) ❍ E3874: Did your spouse do any work for pay last year? (if R married/partnered and R or spouse<65) We made 4 new variables that are not dependent on FinR or FinR's spouse's ages: Variable: description If individual is FinR If individual is NOT FinR file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (2 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added ❍ ER3873 R did any work for pay last year ❍ ❍ ❍ EP3873 Spouse/ Partner did any work for pay last year ❍ ❍ ❍ ER3871 Either R or spouse did any work for pay last year ER3872 Who did any work for pay last year ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1=Yes if single R and E3871=1, E3872=1 or 3 (FinR or both), or E3873=1 5=No if E3871=5, or E3872=2 (spouse), or E3873=5 8=DK, 9=Ref if E3871=8,9 or E3873=8,9 1=Yes if E3872=2 or 3 (spouse or both), or E3874=1 5=No if E3871=5, or E3872=2 (FinR), or E3874=5 8=DK, 9=Ref if E3871=8,9 or E3874=8,9 .Z=inapplicable (no FinR spouse) ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ ❍ 1=Yes if E3872=2 or 3 (spouse or both), or E3874=1 5=No if E3871=5, or E3872=1 (FinR), or E3874=5 8=DK, 9=Ref if E3871=8,9 or E3874=8,9 1=Yes if E3872=1 or 3 (FinR or both), or E3873=1 5=No if E3871=5, or E3872=2 (spouse), or E3873=5 8=DK, 9=Ref if E3871=8,9 or E3873=8,9 =1, if ER3873=1 or EP3873=1 =5, if ER3873=5 and, if FinR married/partnered, EP3873=5 8=DK, 9=Ref, from ER3873=8,9 or EP3873=8,9 =1, if ER3873=1 and (single R or EP3873 not equal 1) =2, if EP3873=1 and ER3873 not equal 1 =3, if ER3873=1 and EP3873=1 8=DK, 9=Ref, from ER3873=8,9 or EP3873=8,9 Who receives transfer, IRA/pension, trust income Each type of transfer income and the retirement pension and annuity questions begin with 2 variables: A. Was any income of this type received? B. If yes, who received it? We do not assign variables for question A to ER/EP variables. Variables that ask question B indicate one of the couple or both. In questions about IRA or Keogh accounts (the first and second largest) the question is asked: Is that yours or your spouse's account? file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (3 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added And for assets put into a trust, up to 4 relations of those receiving income from the trust can be specified, including FinR and spouse. For these questions where FinR or spouse can be specified in the answer, we create an ERnnnn version which is recoded to be relative to "self". For example, E3943 indicates whether FinR, FinR's spouse, or both received Unemployment Compensation last year: 1=FinR received 2=Spouse/Partner received 3=Both received 8,9=DK, NA For FinR, ER3943 would be set to E3943 exactly as it is. For FinR's spouse, ER3943 would be set to E3943 with the following recoding: Set ER3943 to 2, if E3943=1 Set ER3943 to 1, if E3943=2 The variables listed below are recoded in this way when assigned to their ER versions: Original Variable Self (ER) Variable E3943 ER3943 J22.WHO RECEIVED UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION E3962 ER3962 J34.WHO RECEIVED WORKERS COMPENSATION E3984 ER3984 J46.WHO RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY INCOME E4022 ER4022 J60.WHO RECEIVED SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) E4037 ER4037 J65.WHO RECEIVED WELFARE E4042 ER4042 J68.WHO RECEIVED VETERAN OR MILITARY BENEFITS E4126 ER4126 J92.LARGEST IRA: WHOSE ACCOUNT E4148 ER4148 J99.2nd LARGEST IRA: WHOSE ACCOUNT E4186 ER4186 J111.OTHER IRA CASH-IN/ANNUITIZED: WHOSE ACCOUNT E4210 ER4210 J128.WHO RECEIVED PENSION E4264 ER4264 J164.WHO RECEIVED ANNUITY Description E4710M1 ER4710M1 J296.WHO BENEFITS FROM TRUSTSthru thru RELATIONSHIP E4710M4 ER4710M4 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (4 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added Whose parents an inheritance is from If R or his/her spouse received any inheritance, the FinR was asked: From whom was that inheritance received, that is what was their relationship to you? The first two relationships are FinR's parents and spouse's parents. Up to 3 inheritances are asked about, in variables E4754, E4761, and E4768. We created an ERnnnn version which is recoded to be relative to "self". For example, ER4754=1 if the inheritance is from FinR's parents, =2 if it is from FinR's spouse's parents. For FinR, ER4754 would be set to E4754 exactly as it is. For FinR's spouse, ER4754 would be set to E4754 with the following recoding: ❍ ❍ Set ER4754 to 2 (spouse's parents), if E4754=1 (FinR's parents) Set ER4754 to 1 (own parents), if E4754=2 (FinR's spouse's parents) The variables recoded in this way are: Original Variable Self (ER) Variable E4754 ER4754 J310.INHERITANCE: WHO FROM E4761 ER4761 J316.INHERITANCE: WHO FROM E4768 ER4768 J322.INHERITANCE: WHO FROM Description Derived categorical bracket variables These variables are named by adding a "B" to the end of the variable name for the first question in the unfolding bracket question series. For example, E4091 is the first unfolding bracket question asked if the FinR doesn't know or refuses to provide an amount for rental income last year: Is it more than $50,000? Depending on the answer, one of two follow-up questions are asked: i) E4092: is it more than $75,000? or ii) E4093: is it more than $25,000? E4091B summarizes the codes in these three variables: 1:75000+ /* if E4091=1 and E4092=1 */ 2:5000075000 /* else if E4091=1 and E4092=5 */ 3:50000+ /* else if E4091=1 and E4092 in (7,8,9) */ 4:2500050000 /* else if E4091=5 and E4093=1 */ 5:0-25000 /* else if E4091=5 and E4093=5 */ file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (5 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added 6:0-50000 /* else if E4091=5 and E4093 in (7,8,9) */ 9:DK/RF /* else if E4091 in (7,8,9) */ SAS formats are provided for all derived categorical bracket variables. The SAS formats provide the meanings for each variable code. There are some apparent inconsistencies in the bracket variables. For example, some cases have both a continuous value (NOT Don't Know or Refused), but have unfolding bracket information as well, which may or may not agree with the continuous amount given. These are likely the result of "comment coding", where interviewer comments were used to correct data, such as using comments to fill in a continuous amount that was originally missing. See Apparent Discrepancies from Comment Coding below for more information. Problems in unfolding bracket questions for business value Among the business value unfolding bracket questions, a skip pattern error made it possible for a respondent to say that the income was over $10,000 AND under $5,000. Respondents who said yes to more than $10,000 (and up to more than $1,000,000) were also asked if the value was more than $5,000, to which some replied no. In the categorical bracket variable E4098B, we set these cases to be missing all unfolding bracket data. The households affected by this problem have EHHIDs of: 0122760, 0160810, 0378710, 0438060, 0460810, and 0490700. Also note that E4102 thru E4109 seem to show additional unfolding bracket questions for business income, but these variables contain no information and were not asked of anyone. They were originally set up to be used with AHEAD respondents, of which there are none in HRS 1996. Notes on unfolding bracket questions for other earned income The unfolding bracket questions for other earned income, e.g., from a second job, ask about different amounts for the FinR and spouse. The questions are: For the FinR: ❍ E3904: Was it more than $5,000? ❍ E3905: Was it more than $25,000? ❍ E3906: Was it more than $50,000? ❍ E3907: Was it more than $2,500? [see note about wording discrepancy below] For the FinR's spouse: ❍ E3937: Was it more than $20,000? ❍ E3938: Was it more than $50,000? ❍ E3939: Was it more than $100,000? ❍ E3940: Was it more than $5,000? We assign these to two different sets of bracket variables for self and spouse. For example, ER3904BA and EP3904BA are assigned from E3904B which summarizes E3904-E3907, and ER3904BB and file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (6 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added EP3904BB are assigned from E3937B which summarizes E3937-E3940: Original variable For FinR For nonFinR E3904B ER3904BA EP3904BA E3904 ER3904_A EP3904_A E3905 ER3905_A EP3905_A E3906 ER3906_A EP3906_A E3907 ER3907_A EP3907_A E3937B EP3904BB ER3904BB E3937 EP3904_B ER3904_B E3938 EP3905_B ER3905_B E3939 EP3906_B ER3906_B E3940 EP3907_B ER3907_B Further, the wording of the question E3907 was incorrect in early interviews. It initially read: Was it more than $50,000? Since this question is asked only if the answer to E3904 (more than $5,000) is NO, a NO answer to E3907 with the incorrect wording provides no further information. The date of the correction was 6/16/96, so it affects interviews using version 4-6 of the questionnaire (E198 provides the version number). For cases with the early version of the questionnaire who answered NO to E3904, E3907 was treated as missing in deriving E3904B. The EHHIDs of the three households affected are: 0197600, 0327420, and 0610240. Apparent Discrepancies from Comment Coding For many questions about amounts, particularly among income and asset variables, respondents are asked first if they have any of the income or asset. If they do, they are then asked how much. If they don't know or refuse to give a continuous amount, a series of unfolding bracket questions are asked. Normally, one expects that if R answers NO to having any, the amount and bracket variables will be missing, and if R gives a continuous amount, the bracket variables will be missing. A number of discrepancies in this pattern are present in Version 3 of the HRS 1996 data. We compared Version 2 bracket variables (which are not present in Version 3) to individual unfolding bracket questions as well. Apparent Discrepancies Found ❍ A respondent gives a continuous amount but has bracket variable values as well. Most of the time the continuous amount fits the bracket values but occasionally they conflict. ❍ A respondent indicates no income or asset but has bracket variable values or, in a very few cases, a continuous amount. ❍ A respondent gives DK/RF for a continuous amount but all bracket variables are skipped. Most of the time the Vers.2 categorical bracket variable is set to 9 but in a few cases it is missing and in one case has a value that corresponds to a bracket range. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (7 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added HRS questions provided the following information: Some spot checking makes it appear that these inconsistencies were introduced a result of the comment coding effort. As noted in the data description file, hrs96dd.pdf or hrs96dd.txt, changes were made in the data because of respondent comments. Although there was an attempt when such a code change were made to also change immediate subsequent questions that referenced the changed question within the section, as this was a human process, this apparently did not always happen. You have to decide whether to take the value in the lead-in question corrected as determined by the comment coder or to use the respondent's answers to the unfolding brackets. For both the HRS and RAND imputations, comment-coded corrections were used, i.e., if the lead-in question was corrected to a NO answer, both the continuous value and unfolding bracket questions were ignored, and if the lead-in questions is YES and a continuous value is provided, the unfolding bracket questions were ignored. How much income last year (rent, own business/farm, dividends/interest) For several types of income, such as rent and dividend income, the questions asked: ❍ A. Did you receive any? ❍ B. [If A. = Yes or Other] How often did you receive that, or How often is that paid? ❍ C. [If B. is a specific period, e.g., monthly, and less than a year] About how much did you receive last time? ❍ D. [If C. is not skipped or DK/RF] Did you get about the same amount each time? ❍ E. [If D. is yes, SKIP this question] About how much did you receive in the last year? ❍ F. [If E. is DK/RF, 999998/999999] About how much did you receive in the last year, in unfolding brackets? The amount received last year [E.] is skipped if the same amount was received each period [D. = 1=yes]. We made a new variable that fills the amount received last year with the answer to E if given, or with the amount calculated from B and C if D=yes, as follows: ❍ if A. not equal Yes or Other, i.e., if no income of this type received, then amount last year=.Z, inapplicable. ❍ if D. not equal Yes, i.e., if didn't get the same amount each time, then amount last year=answer to E. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and C.=999997, Other, then amount last year=999997 ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=1, weekly, then amount last year= 52 X C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=2, twice a month, then amount last year= 24 X C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=3, monthly, then amount last year= 12 X C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=4, quarterly, then amount last year= 4 X C. ❍ if D.=1, Yes, and B.=5, every 6 months, then amount last year= 2 X C. ❍ if new amount last year > 999996 then save new amount last year and set new amount last year to 999996. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (8 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added The maximum amount specified in E is 999996. The last step limits the calculated new amount last year to this same maximum. If the calculated new amount last year was larger, it is saved in another variable. This only happened for Rental and Business/Farm income (6 cases, listed under Cases where calculated amount last year exceeded the maximum) We did not fill the "bracket" variable. Also note that both E. and the new filled variable can have values of: ❍ ❍ ❍ 999997=Other 999998=Don't know (F. brackets asked, if E. asked) 999999=Refused (F. brackets asked, if E. asked) The variables for which the amount received last year was filled (if same amount each time) are: E. C. D.Do About About Saved F.About New you get how variable, calculated B.How how how about much filled if much much new A.Any often the did did did you amount same Description income do you same you you amount last year, receive from... receive amount receive that? receive last yearif over each each last last time 999996 brackets? time? year? time? Rental Income E4085 E4086 E4087 E4088 E4089 E4089R E4089R_ E4091B Business or Farm Income E4112 E4113 E4114 E4115 E4117 E4117R E4117R_ E4118B Stocks or Mutual Funds Dividends or Interest E4359 [NOTE: weekly and E4360 E4358 twice a month are not options] E4361 E4362 E4362R (not needed) E4364B Bonds or Bond Funds Dividends or Interest E4402 [NOTE: weekly E4403 E4401 is not an option] E4404 E4405 E4405R (not needed) E4407B file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (9 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added Checking, Savings, Money Market Funds Dividends or Interest E4442 [NOTE: weekly and E4441 E4443 twice a month are not options] E4444 E4445 E4445R (not needed) E4446B CDs, Government Bonds, Treasury Bills Dividends or Interest E4484 [NOTE: weekly and E4483 E4485 twice a month are not options] E4486 E4487 E4487R (not needed) E4489B Cases where calculated amount last year exceeded the maximum For Rental Income HHID W3SUBHH HHIDPN E4085 E4086 E4088 E4087 E4089 E4089R E4089R_ 17253 0 17253010 1 3 1 143000 . 999996 1716000 17253 0 17253020 1 3 1 143000 . 999996 1716000 33242 0 33242010 1 4 1 340500 . 999996 1362000 33242 0 33242020 1 4 1 340500 . 999996 1362000 For Business or Farm Income HHID W3SUBHH HHIDPN E4112 E4113 E4115 E4114 E4117 E4117R E4117R_ 60969 0 60969010 1 3 1 100000 . 999996 1200000 60969 0 60969020 1 3 1 100000 . 999996 1200000 Variables to help with skip patterns We list here some variables that help with skip patterns. Some are on the file and some are on other waves of data. Received income all year (unemployment, workers comp) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (10 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added Note that questions about unemployment and workers compensation are skipped for cases where a single R is 65 or older or both in a couple are 65 or older and noone worked for pay last year. If FinR or FinR's spouse received unemployment compensation and workers compensation last year, the months in which the income was received is asked. If the income was received all year, then all month variables are set to 1 for Yes. If income was received part of the year then each month indicates 1 or 5, for Yes or No as the question was answered. If no income of this type was received then all month variables are set to 5 for No. If the income was received all year then FinR is asked (month and year): When did you (or your spouse) start receiving [unemployment or workers] compensation? We created variables for "Received all year" which is set to 1 for Yes if all month variables are set to 1, and 5 for No otherwise. This is to help the analyst determine whether the month started receiving is asked (new variable=1) or skipped (new variable not equal 1). NOTE: these new variables are also assigned to "self" (ERnnnn) and "spouse" (EPnnnn) versions - see Income Variables Assigned to Self/ Spouse-PartnerVariables (ER/EP). The new variables and the variables they are derived from are: Type of Income Monthly Variables for FinR Unemployment Compensation E3945M1 thru E3945M12 Workers Compensation E3964M1 thru E3964M12 New Received All Year Variable for FinR Monthly Variables for FinR's Spouse New Received All Year Variable for FinR's Spouse E3945 E3953M1 thru E3953M12 E3953 E3964 E3975M1 thru E3975M12 E3975 Month began Social Security/SSI If preloaded information shows that Social Security was received at last interview, then month began receiving Social Security is NOT asked. The analyst must pick up Social Security begin month from the prior interview. The same is true for SSI income. The preloaded variables for whether SocSec or SSI was received last interview are not on the file. But if the month/year began receiving Social Security (or SSI) is missing and R is receiving SocSec (or SSI) then you can use variables from Wave 1 or Wave 2 to fill file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (11 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added this date in. We did not include these on h96f3a but provide the variable names from earlier waves. Note that in Wave 3, Social Security is reported separately for FinR and spouse, but SSI is reported only as a joint amount. Also, we do include EPRVIW on h96f3a which gives the Wave number of the previous interview: ❍ 2=previous interview was Wave 2 ❍ 1=previous interview was Wave 1 FOR SOCIAL SECURITY BEGAN MONTH: ❍ on h92f1b: If a couple receiving a joint check - VR6004 is month, and VR6005 is year. ❍ on h92f1b: If single R or a couple receiving separate checks VR6013/VR6014 are month/year for R and VP6013/VP6014 are month/year for spouse. ❍ on h94f1a: WR6261/WR6262 are month/year for R and WP6261/WP6262 are month/year for spouse. FOR SSI BEGAN MONTH: ❍ on h92f1b: VR5717/VR5718 are month/year for R and VP5717/VP5718 are month/year for spouse. ❍ on h94f1a: WR6160/WR6161 are month/year for R and WP6160/WP6161 are month/year for spouse. Warnings about skip patterns or data E4602: Amount spent on bills (New variable E4602F flags possible improper skip) Variable E4602 (J267A. Amount spent last month) was to be asked of all Financial respondents who were not in a nursing home (E240 ne 1). However it appears that there was a skip problem in early versions of the questionnaire that caused this question to be skipped if Q4600 (HAVE ENOUGH $ FOR FOOD) was answered Yes=1 for most cases. E4602 was improperly skipped for all but 6 cases with version 4 of the instrument (327 cases improperly skipped), and all but 44 cases with version 5 of the instrument (1166 cases improperly skipped). The variable E198 gives the version number of instrument. We created a variable that flags cases where E4602 appears to be improperly skipped. E4602F is set to: ❍ 1 = Improper skip if FinR is not in a nursing home (FinR's E240 is not equal to 1) and E4602 is skipped. ❍ 0 = Not skipped or FinR in a nursing home (FinR's E240=1) ❍ . = No FinR for this household E4122: who was asked about reporting business income twice (e.g., also as self-employment income) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (12 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added At the end of the series of questions about business income (E4112 thru E4118B), the following question is asked: E4122: Did you tell me about this income earlier in this interview? The purpose of this question is to identify duplicate reports of this type of income (here and as selfemployment income earlier in Section J). According to the skip pattern description in the codebook, E4122 was only asked of Financial R's who reported being currently being self-employed in Section G (job history). There are 2 problems with this that the analyst should be aware of: ❍ 1) if spouse/partner is the one with SE income and not R, most were not asked this question; ❍ 2) if R did not say "SE" in section G, but reported SE income last year (i.e., not currently SE but was last year), most were not asked this question. Most of those asked this question responded Yes, i.e., this income report is a duplicate of income reported earlier, and many of those not asked show exact or similar amounts in both business income (E4117) and SE income (E3876/E3909). Thus it appears some of the income reported here is a duplicate report, even if E4122 was skipped. SE and business income were both reported for about 182 households (353 individuals) where E4122 was NOT asked. Questions on IRA cash in or annuity conversion, if both reported Question J112 asked: Did you (or your spouse) cash in these accounts, convert them to annuities, or what? CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY. The answers to this question are in variables E4187M1 and E4187M2. Subsequent questions asked how much was converted and details about the annuity (E4188-E4203). These questions were to be asked only if some of the IRA withdrawal was converted. Other questions on the amount cashed in and other details about its use were asked only if all of the withdrawal was cashed in (E4204 and E4206M1E4206M4). Two minor warnings: ❍ ❍ 1) in 2 cases R reported both convert and cash-in. In one case (HHIDPN=72308010) both sets of questions on amounts and other details were skipped; in the other (HHIDPN=60513010) the annuity questions were asked but not the cash-in questions. 2) for those who converted to an annuity (56 households), most (35) report $0 for amount of the annuity received currently. Presumably the annuity has already run out. Months received food stamps If any family members in the household received government food stamps since the last interview or in the last 2 years (if no prior interview), FinR was asked in which months food stamps were received: E4589: J256.WHICH MONTHS file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (13 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added 1=all months since prev wave ❍ 2=all months since other month/year ❍ 3=all months until month/year ❍ 4=specific months ❍ 7=Other ❍ 8,9=Dk, Rf If E4589=4, "specific months" then variables E4593M1 thru E4593M34 are set to YES=1 for the months (Oct.1993 thru July 1996, respectively) in which food stamps were received. Otherwise these variables were set to NO=5 for all months. For example, if food stamps were received all months since last interview (i.e., E4589=1), all E4593M1-E4593M34=NO, even though R received Food stamps in all these months. The analyst should consider the E4593 variables valid ONLY if E4589=4. ❍ To help with the other codes, e.g., "all months since prev wave" and "all months until month/year", the previous interview month and year for the FinR is on h96f3a as EFPRVIWM and EFPRVIWY, respectively. If these variables are missing, then the FinR had no previous interview and the "last 2 years" from current interview (EIVIEWMO/EIVIEWYR) applies. Income Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (ER/EP) SOURCES OF INCOME/ VARIABLE LABELS Household Financial Level Respondent (FinR + (FinR) Spouse) Variables Variables If R is FinR, Assign FinR variables to ... If R is Financial Spouse of Respondent FinR, Spouse Assign Variables FinR variables to ... If R is FinR, Assign Spouse variables to ... If R is Spouse of FinR, Assign Spouse variables to ... WORKED FOR PAY (see Who worked for pay last year) Worked for pay Last Cal Year E3873 ER3873 EP3873 R or Sp/P Worked for pay Last Cal Year E3871 ER3871 EP3871 Who Worked for pay Last Cal Year E3872 ER3872 EP3872 ER3875 EP3875 E3874 EP3873 ER3873 E3908 EP3875 ER3875 SELF-EMPLOYMENT J5.R SELFEMPLOYMENT LCYEAR E3875 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (14 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J6. R SELFEMPLOYMENT INCOME AMOUNT E3876 ER3876 EP3876 E3909 EP3876 ER3876 J6A-D.R AMT SELFEMPLOYMENTBKT E3877B ER3877B EP3877B E3910B EP3877B ER3877B J6A.R $ SELFEMPLOYMENT DK-10K E3877 ER3877 EP3877 E3910 EP3877 ER3877 J6B.R $ SELFEMPLOYMENT DK-25K E3878 ER3878 EP3878 E3911 EP3878 ER3878 J6C.R $ SELFEMPLOYMENT DK-100K E3879 ER3879 EP3879 E3912 EP3879 ER3879 J6D.R $ SELFEMPLOYMENT DK-5K E3880 ER3880 EP3880 E3913 EP3880 ER3880 WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR J7.R WAGES AND SALARY LCYEAR E3882 ER3882 EP3882 E3915 EP3882 ER3882 J8.R HOW MUCH WAGES AND SALARY E3883 ER3883 EP3883 E3916 EP3883 ER3883 J8A-D.R AMT WAGES AND SALARY-BKT E3884B ER3884B EP3884B E3917B EP3884B ER3884B J8A.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-25K E3884 ER3884 EP3884 E3917 EP3884 ER3884 J8B.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-50K E3885 ER3885 EP3885 E3918 EP3885 ER3885 J8C.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-100K E3886 ER3886 EP3886 E3919 EP3886 ER3886 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (15 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J8D.R $ WAGES AND SALARY DK-5K E3887 ER3887 EP3887 E3920 EP3887 ER3887 PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR J9.R PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE LCYEAR E3889 ER3889 EP3889 E3922 EP3889 ER3889 J10.R HOW MUCH PROF PRACTICE OR TRADE E3890 ER3890 EP3890 E3923 EP3890 ER3890 J10A-D.R AMT PROF PRAC TRADE-BKT E3891B ER3891B EP3891B E3924B EP3891B ER3891B J10A.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-25K E3891 ER3891 EP3891 E3924 EP3891 ER3891 J10B.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-50K E3892 ER3892 EP3892 E3925 EP3892 ER3892 J10C.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-100K E3893 ER3893 EP3893 E3926 EP3893 ER3893 J10D.R $ PROF PRAC TRADE DK-5K E3894 ER3894 EP3894 E3927 EP3894 ER3894 TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR J11.R TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSION LCYEAR E3896 ER3896 EP3896 E3929 EP3896 ER3896 J11A.R HOW MUCH TIPS, BONUSES, COMMISSIO E3897 ER3897 EP3897 E3930 EP3897 ER3897 E3898B ER3898B EP3898B E3931B EP3898B ER3898B J11B-E.R AMT TIPS BONUS COMMS LC_YR-BKT file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (16 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J11B.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-5K E3898 ER3898 EP3898 E3931 EP3898 ER3898 J11C.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-25K E3899 ER3899 EP3899 E3932 EP3899 ER3899 J11D.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-50K E3900 ER3900 EP3900 E3933 EP3900 ER3900 J11E.R TIPS BONUS COMMS LCY DK-2.5K E3901 ER3901 EP3901 E3934 EP3901 ER3901 2ND JOB: NOTE -The unfolding bracket questions differ for R and Sp. See Notes on unfolding bracket questions for other earned income J12.R 2ND JOB E3902 ER3902 EP3902 E3935 EP3902 ER3902 J12A.HOW MUCH OTHER INCOME LCY E3903 ER3903 EP3903 E3936 EP3903 ER3903 J12B-E.AMT OTHER INCOME LCYBKT E3904B ER3904BA EP3904BA E3937B EP3904BB ER3904BB J12B.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-5K/20K (A/ B) E3904 ER3904_A EP3904_A E3937 EP3904_B ER3904_B J12C.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-25K/50K (A/ B) E3905 ER3905_A EP3905_A E3938 EP3905_B ER3905_B J12D.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-50K/100K (A/B) E3906 ER3906_A EP3906_A E3939 EP3906_B ER3906_B J12E.$ OTHER INCOME LCY DK-2.5K/5K (A/ B) E3907 ER3907_A EP3907_A E3940 EP3907_B ER3907_B file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (17 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added RECEIVED UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION RECEIVED INCOME FROM ... IN LAST CAL YEAR E3942 E3943 ER3943 (same as E3943) ER3943 (recoded as described above) J23.AMT UNEMPL COMP LCY E3944 ER3944 EP3944 E3952 EP3944 ER3944 Unemp comp R all year E3945 ER3945 EP3945 E3953 EP3945 ER3945 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - JAN E3945M1 ER39451 EP39451 E3953M1 EP39451 ER39451 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - FEB E3945M2 ER39452 EP39452 E3953M2 EP39452 ER39452 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - MAR E3945M3 ER39453 EP39453 E3953M3 EP39453 ER39453 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - APR E3945M4 ER39454 EP39454 E3953M4 EP39454 ER39454 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - MAY E3945M5 ER39455 EP39455 E3953M5 EP39455 ER39455 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - JUN E3945M6 ER39456 EP39456 E3953M6 EP39456 ER39456 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - JUL E3945M7 ER39457 EP39457 E3953M7 EP39457 ER39457 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - AUG E3945M8 ER39458 EP39458 E3953M8 EP39458 ER39458 J22.WHO RECD UNEMPL COMP file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (18 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - SEP E3945M9 ER39459 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - OCT E3945M10 ER394510 EP394510 E3953M10 EP394510 ER394510 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - NOV E3945M11 ER394511 EP394511 E3953M11 EP394511 ER394511 J24.MONTH UNEMPL COMP - DEC E3945M12 ER394512 EP394512 E3953M12 EP394512 ER394512 J25.MONTH START UNEMPL COMP E3946 ER3946 EP3946 E3954 EP3946 ER3946 J11A2.YEAR START UNEMPL COMP E3947 ER3947 EP3947 E3955 EP3947 ER3947 ER3962 (recoded as described above) EP39459 E3953M9 EP39459 ER39459 WORKER'S COMPENSATION RECEIVED INCOME FROM ... IN LAST CAL YEAR E3961 J34.WHO RECD WORKERS COMP E3962 ER3962 (same as E3962) J35.AMT WORKERS COMP LCY E3963 ER3963 EP3963 E3974 EP3963 ER3963 Workers comp R all year E3964 ER3964 EP3964 E3975 EP3964 ER3964 E3964M1 ER39641 EP39641 E3975M1 EP39641 ER39641 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - JAN file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (19 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - FEB E3964M2 ER39642 EP39642 E3975M2 EP39642 ER39642 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - MAR E3964M3 ER39643 EP39643 E3975M3 EP39643 ER39643 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - APR E3964M4 ER39644 EP39644 E3975M4 EP39644 ER39644 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - MAY E3964M5 ER39645 EP39645 E3975M5 EP39645 ER39645 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - JUN E3964M6 ER39646 EP39646 E3975M6 EP39646 ER39646 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - JUL E3964M7 ER39647 EP39647 E3975M7 EP39647 ER39647 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - AUG E3964M8 ER39648 EP39648 E3975M8 EP39648 ER39648 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - SEP E3964M9 ER39649 EP39649 E3975M9 EP39649 ER39649 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - OCT E3964M10 ER396410 EP396410 E3975M10 EP396410 ER396410 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - NOV E3964M11 ER396411 EP396411 E3975M11 EP396411 ER396411 J36.MONTH WORKERS COMP - DEC E3964M12 ER396412 EP396412 E3975M12 EP396412 ER396412 J37.MONTH START WORKERS COMP E3965 ER3965 EP3965 E3976 EP3965 ER3965 J37A.YEAR START WORKERS COMP E3966 ER3966 EP3966 E3977 EP3966 ER3966 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (20 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added SOCIAL SECURITY (SS) RECEIVED INCOME FROM IN LAST CAL YEAR E3983 E3984 ER3984 (same as E3984) ER3984 (recoded as described above) E3985 ER3985 EP3985 E3996 EP3985 ER3985 J47A-D.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO-BKT E3986B ER3986B EP3986B E3997B EP3986B ER3986B J47A.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK1K E3986 ER3986 EP3986 E3997 EP3986 ER3986 J47B.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK1.5K E3987 ER3987 EP3987 E3998 EP3987 ER3987 J47D.R $ RECVD SS LAST MO DK500 E3989 ER3989 EP3989 E4000 EP3989 ER3989 J48.R RECV SS BENEFITS START YEAR E3990 ER3990 EP3990 E4001 EP3990 ER3990 J49.SS BENEFITS START MONTH E3991 ER3991 EP3991 E4002 EP3991 ER3991 J51.R SOC SEC FUTURE E4008 ER4008 EP4008 E4014 EP4008 ER4008 J52.R AGE SOC SEC E4009 ER4009 EP4009 E4015 EP4009 ER4009 J46.WHO RECEIVE SOC SEC INCOME J47.R AMT RECVD SS LAST MO file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (21 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J53. R SOC SEC EXPECTED AMOUNT E4010 ER4010 EP4010 E4016 EP4010 ER4010 J53P.R EXPECTED AMOUNT - PER E4011 ER4011 EP4011 E4017 EP4011 ER4011 SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME (SSI) RECEIVED INCOME FROM ... IN LAST CAL YEAR E4021 J60.WHO RECEIVED SSI J61.AMOUNT R/ SPOUSE SSI LAST CAL YEAR E4022 ER4022 (same as E4022) ER4022 (recoded as described above) ER4037 (same as E4037) ER4037 (recoded as described above) E4023 J61A-C.R/S SSI $-BKT E4024B J62.SSI START YEAR E4027 J62B.SSI START MONTH E4028 WELFARE RECEIVED INCOME FROM ... IN LAST CAL YEAR J65.WHO RECD WELFARE E4036 E4037 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (22 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J66.AMOUNT WELFARE LAST CAL YEAR E4038 VETERAN BENFITS OR MILITARY PENSION RECEIVING VETERAN BENFITS OR MILITARY PENSION E4041 E4042 ER4042 (same as E4042) ER4042 (recoded as described above) J69.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH E4043 ER4043 EP4043 E4056 EP4043 ER4043 J69A-C.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH-BKT E4046B ER4046B EP4046B E4059B EP4046B ER4046B J69A.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH DK-1K E4046 ER4046 EP4046 E4059 EP4046 ER4046 J69B.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH DK1500 E4047 ER4047 EP4047 E4060 EP4047 ER4047 J69C.R VET BENEFIT LAST MONTH DK-500 E4048 ER4048 EP4048 E4061 EP4048 ER4048 J70.R VET BENEFIT START YEAR E4051 ER4051 EP4051 E4064 EP4051 ER4051 J70A.R VET BENEFIT START MONTH E4052 ER4052 EP4052 E4065 EP4052 ER4052 J68.VET WHO REC INCOME FROM IRA file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (23 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added RECEIVE INCOME FROM IRA E4124 HOW MANY E4125 J92.WHO IRA ACCOUNT E4126 J99.WHO IRA ACCOUNT-2 E4148 J111.IRA WHO RECD E4186 ER4126 (same as E4126) ER4126 (recoded as described above) ER4148 (same as E4148) ER4148 (recoded as described above) ER4186 (same as E4186) ER4186 (recoded as described above) ER4210 (recoded as described above) OTHER RETIREMENT INCOME RECEIVING OTHER RETIREMENT INCOME E4209 J128.WHO RECD PENSION E4210 ER4210 (same as E4210) J129.>1 PENSION E4211 ER4211 EP4211 E4234 EP4211 ER4211 J130. #PENSIONS E4212 ER4212 EP4212 E4235 EP4212 ER4212 J131.R PENSION LOOP E4213_1 ER4213_1 EP4213_1 E4236_1 EP4213_1 ER4213_1 J131.(J30S)R PENSION LOOP E4213_2 ER4213_2 EP4213_2 E4236_2 EP4213_2 ER4213_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (24 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J132.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH E4214_1 ER4214_1 EP4214_1 E4237_1 EP4214_1 ER4214_1 J132.(J30D)AMT PENSION LAST MONTH E4214_2 ER4214_2 EP4214_2 E4237_2 EP4214_2 ER4214_2 J132A-D.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH-BKT E4215B1 ER4215B1 EP4215B1 E4238B1 EP4215B1 ER4215B1 J132A.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K E4215_1 ER4215_1 EP4215_1 E4238_1 EP4215_1 ER4215_1 J132B.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K E4216_1 ER4216_1 EP4216_1 E4239_1 EP4216_1 ER4216_1 J143C.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K E4217_1 ER4217_1 EP4217_1 E4240_1 EP4217_1 ER4217_1 J143D.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 E4218_1 ER4218_1 EP4218_1 E4241_1 EP4218_1 ER4218_1 J132A-D.AMT PENSION LAST MONTH-BKT E4215B2 ER4215B2 EP4215B2 E4238B2 EP4215B2 ER4215B2 J132A.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-1K E4215_2 ER4215_2 EP4215_2 E4238_2 EP4215_2 ER4215_2 J132B.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-2K E4216_2 ER4216_2 EP4216_2 E4239_2 EP4216_2 ER4216_2 J143C.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-4K E4217_2 ER4217_2 EP4217_2 E4240_2 EP4217_2 ER4217_2 J143D.$ PENSION LAST MONTH DK-500 E4218_2 ER4218_2 EP4218_2 E4241_2 EP4218_2 ER4218_2 J133.TAXES WITHHELD E4219_1 ER4219_1 EP4219_1 E4242_1 EP4219_1 ER4219_1 J133.(J30E) TAXES WITHHELD E4219_2 ER4219_2 EP4219_2 E4242_2 EP4219_2 ER4219_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (25 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:49 AM Financial Variables Added J134.RECEIVE DIFFERENT AMOUNT E4220_1 ER4220_1 EP4220_1 E4243_1 EP4220_1 ER4220_1 J134.(J30F) RECEIVE DIFFERENT AMOUNT E4220_2 ER4220_2 EP4220_2 E4243_2 EP4220_2 ER4220_2 J135. WITHDRAW MONEY THIS MONTH? E4221_1 ER4221_1 EP4221_1 E4244_1 EP4221_1 ER4221_1 J135.(J30G) WITHDRAW MONEY THIS MONTH? E4221_2 ER4221_2 EP4221_2 E4244_2 EP4221_2 ER4221_2 J136.AMT IN PENSION E4222_1 ER4222_1 EP4222_1 E4245_1 EP4222_1 ER4222_1 J136.(J30H) AMT IN PENSION E4222_2 ER4222_2 EP4222_2 E4245_2 EP4222_2 ER4222_2 J137.PENSION START YEAR E4223_1 ER4223_1 EP4223_1 E4246_1 EP4223_1 ER4223_1 J137.PENSION START YEAR E4223_2 ER4223_2 EP4223_2 E4246_2 EP4223_2 ER4223_2 J138.PENSION START MONTH E4224_1 ER4224_1 EP4224_1 E4247_1 EP4224_1 ER4224_1 J138.PENSION START MONTH E4224_2 ER4224_2 EP4224_2 E4247_2 EP4224_2 ER4224_2 J139.PENSION COLA E4226_1 ER4226_1 EP4226_1 E4251_1 EP4226_1 ER4226_1 J139.(J30K) PENSION COLA E4226_2 ER4226_2 EP4226_2 E4251_2 EP4226_2 ER4226_2 J140.PMT CONTINUE E4227_1 ER4227_1 EP4227_1 E4252_1 EP4227_1 ER4227_1 J140.(J30M) PMT CONTINUE E4227_2 ER4227_2 EP4227_2 E4252_2 EP4227_2 ER4227_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (26 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM Financial Variables Added J141.HOW LONG PENSION E4228_1 ER4228_1 EP4228_1 E4253_1 EP4228_1 ER4228_1 J141.(J30N) HOW LONG PENSION E4228_2 ER4228_2 EP4228_2 E4253_2 EP4228_2 ER4228_2 J142.PENSION STOP WITH DEATH E4229_1 ER4229_1 EP4229_1 E4254_1 EP4229_1 ER4229_1 J142.(J30P) PENSION STOP WITH DEATH E4229_2 ER4229_2 EP4229_2 E4254_2 EP4229_2 ER4229_2 J143.OTHER PENSIONS E4232 ER4232 EP4232 E4258 EP4232 ER4232 J144.TAXES WITHHELD OTH PENSIONS E4233 ER4233 EP4233 E4259 EP4233 ER4233 ER4264 (recoded as described above) INCOME FROM ANNUITIES RECEIVING INCOME FROM ANNUITIES E4263 J164.WHO RECD ANNUITY E4264 ER4264 (same as E4264) J165.>1 ANNUITY INC E4265 ER4265 EP4265 E4295 EP4265 ER4265 J166.# ANNUITIES INC E4266 ER4266 EP4266 E4296 EP4266 ER4266 J167.R ANNUITY LOOP E4267_1 ER4267_1 EP4267_1 E4297_1 EP4267_1 ER4267_1 J167.(J33S)R ANNUITY LOOP E4267_2 ER4267_2 EP4267_2 E4297_2 EP4267_2 ER4267_2 J168.AMT ANNUITY INC E4269_1 ER4269_1 EP4269_1 E4298_1 EP4269_1 ER4269_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (27 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM Financial Variables Added J168.(J33D)AMT ANNUITY INC E4269_2 ER4269_2 EP4269_2 E4298_2 EP4269_2 ER4269_2 J168A-D.AMT ANNUITY INCBKT E4270B1 ER4270B1 EP4270B1 E4299B1 EP4270B1 ER4270B1 J168A.$ ANNUITY INC DK-1K E4270_1 ER4270_1 EP4270_1 E4299_1 EP4270_1 ER4270_1 J168B.$ ANNUITY INC DK-2K E4271_1 ER4271_1 EP4271_1 E4300_1 EP4271_1 ER4271_1 J168C.$ ANNUITY INC DK-4K E4272_1 ER4272_1 EP4272_1 E4301_1 EP4272_1 ER4272_1 J168D.$ ANNUITY INC DK-500 E4273_1 ER4273_1 EP4273_1 E4302_1 EP4273_1 ER4273_1 J168A-D.AMT ANNUITY INCBKT E4270B2 ER4270B2 EP4270B2 E4299B2 EP4270B2 ER4270B2 J168A.$ ANNUITY INC DK-1K E4270_2 ER4270_2 EP4270_2 E4299_2 EP4270_2 ER4270_2 J168B.$ ANNUITY INC DK-2K E4271_2 ER4271_2 EP4271_2 E4300_2 EP4271_2 ER4271_2 J168C.$ ANNUITY INC DK-4K E4272_2 ER4272_2 EP4272_2 E4301_2 EP4272_2 ER4272_2 J168D.$ ANNUITY INC DK-500 E4273_2 ER4273_2 EP4273_2 E4302_2 EP4273_2 ER4273_2 J169.TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC E4274_1 ER4274_1 EP4274_1 E4303_1 EP4274_1 ER4274_1 J169.(J33E) TAXES WITHHELD ANNUITY INC E4274_2 ER4274_2 EP4274_2 E4303_2 EP4274_2 ER4274_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (28 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM Financial Variables Added J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR E4275_1 ER4275_1 EP4275_1 E4304_1 EP4275_1 ER4275_1 J170.ANNUITY INC START YEAR E4275_2 ER4275_2 EP4275_2 E4304_2 EP4275_2 ER4275_2 J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH E4276_1 ER4276_1 EP4276_1 E4305_1 EP4276_1 ER4276_1 J171.ANNUITY INC START MONTH E4276_2 ER4276_2 EP4276_2 E4305_2 EP4276_2 ER4276_2 J172.COLA ANNUITY INC E4278_1 ER4278_1 EP4278_1 E4307_1 EP4278_1 ER4278_1 J172.(J33H) COLA ANNUITY INC E4278_2 ER4278_2 EP4278_2 E4307_2 EP4278_2 ER4278_2 J173.ANNUITY INC CONTINUE E4279_1 ER4279_1 EP4279_1 E4308_1 EP4279_1 ER4279_1 J173.(J33J) ANNUITY INC CONTINUE E4279_2 ER4279_2 EP4279_2 E4308_2 EP4279_2 ER4279_2 J174.HOW LONG ANNUITY INC E4280_1 ER4280_1 EP4280_1 E4309_1 EP4280_1 ER4280_1 J174.(J33K) HOW LONG ANNUITY INC E4280_2 ER4280_2 EP4280_2 E4309_2 EP4280_2 ER4280_2 J175.STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC1 E4281_1 ER4281_1 EP4281_1 E4310_1 EP4281_1 ER4281_1 J175.(J33M) STOP WITH DEATH ANNUITY INC1 E4281_2 ER4281_2 EP4281_2 E4310_2 EP4281_2 ER4281_2 J176.OTHER ANNUITIES E4291 ER4291 EP4291 E4320 EP4291 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (29 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM ER4291 Financial Variables Added J177.TAXES WITHHELD OTHER ANNUITIE E4294 ER4294 EP4294 E4321 EP4294 ASSETS IN TRUST FUND PUT ASSETS IN TRUST E4709 J296.WHO RECEIVES BENEFITS FROM TRUSTRELATION J296.(J80A) WHO RECVS BENEFTS FR TRUSTRELATION J296.(J80A) WHO RECVS BENEFTS FR TRUSTRELATION J296.(J80A) WHO RECVS BENEFTS FR TRUSTRELATION E4710M1 ER4710M1 ER4710M1 (recoded as (same as E4710M1) described above) E4710M2 ER4710M2 ER4710M2 (recoded as (same as E4710M2) described above) E4710M3 ER4710M3 ER4710M3 (recoded as (same as E4710M3) described above) E4710M4 ER4710M4 ER4710M4 (recoded as (same as E4710M4) described above) LUMP SUM PAYMENT, INHERITANCE J305. RECEIVED LUMP SUM PAYMENT, INHERITANCE E4748 J306.TYPE LUMP SUM E4749 J310.WHO FROM E4754 ER4754 (same as E4754) ER4754 (recoded as described above) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (30 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM ER4294 Financial Variables Added J311.RECEIVE SECOND LUMP SUM PAYMENT E4755 J312.TYPE LUMP SUM-2 E4756 J316.WHO FROM E4761 J317.RECEIVE THIRD LUMP SUM PAYMENT E4762 J318.TYPE LUMP SUM-3 E4763 J322.WHO FROM E4768 ER4761 (same as E4761) ER4761 (recoded as described above) ER4768 (same as E4768) ER4768 (recoded as described above) file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3finvar.html (31 of 31)12/22/2003 5:46:50 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables HRS 1996 Family Variables Added Assignment of Variables to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables (ER/EP) In a couple household, only the Family Respondent (FamR) provides information about parents, children, and siblings for both household members. The FamR provides information about both his/her own family and that of his/her spouse or partner. In this file, most family data are merged to the respondent level and are assigned to new variables to clarify to whom the data apply. Notably, family data provided by ISR as "other person" observations, such as child characteristics and transfers to and from children are NOT included in the HRS W3 Flat File at this time. Only the family data from module H96D_H are included. In HRS W3, there are parallel series of variables for the FamR's own family and for FamR's spouse's family. Family variables ending in "_1" frequently apply FamR's family, while those ending in "_2" frequently apply to FamR's in-laws. In some series of variables, those ending in "_1" and "_2" apply to FamR's family and those ending in "_6" and "_7" apply to FamR's in-laws. For example, E1558_1 is FamR's mother's age and E1558_2 is FamR's mother-in-law's age. For the FamR, E1558_1 is assigned to ER1558_1 and E1558_2 is assigned to ER1558_2. For FamR's spouse, the assignment is swapped, i.e., E1558_1 is assigned to ER1558_2 and E1558_2 is assigned to ER1558_1. The following table summarizes how these assignments are done. In the table "nnnn_o" represents the numeric portion of a raw variable that provides information about one's own family, while "nnnn_i" represents the numeric portion of a raw variable that provides information about one's in-laws, or spouse's family. Variable Name assignments in HRS Wave 3 Original Variable FamR own family FamR's Spouse's family Ennnn_o Ennnn_i Reassigned Variable For FamR For non-FamR Own family Spouse's family Own family Spouse's family ERnnnn_o ERnnnn_i ERnnnn_i ERnnnn_o There are some exceptions to these general naming conventions and further adjustments to and notes on variables: file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (1 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables ● ● ● ● ● ● extra variables to accomodate corrections and flags on whether in-laws are living how much help R and Spouse gave to own parents and in-laws multiple occurences for "which sibling" shortened names for variables already 8-characters, to accomodate "ER" prefix relationship codes adjusted for non-FamR opinions solicted from FamR Other added family variable assignments are summarized in the Family Variable Assignments table below. Extra variables to accomodate corrections and flags on whether in-laws are living There are four variables in the original file that are corrections and flags on whether parent-in-law living. They are named with suffixes of "_2A" and "_2F". There are no corresponding "_1A" and "_1F" variables in the original ISR data. When we assign these to ERnnnn variables for the non-FamR, we had to create _1A/_1F versions which apply to the non-FamR's own parents in addition to the _2A/_2F versions found in the raw data. For the FamR, the _1A/_1F variables are all set to .S, which indicates that there was no analogous variable in the original ISR data. For the non-FamR, the _2A/_2F variables are likewise set to .S. Variable assignments for corrections and flags on whether in-laws are living Original Variable Added "self" variable assignments For FamR Description Name Own family set to .S For non-FamR Spouse's Own family family assigned to assigned to original original variable variable Spouse's family set to .S D90.MOTHER-INLAW LIVINGCORRECTED E1557_2A ER1557_1A ER1557_2A ER1557_1A ER1557_2A D90.MOTHER-INLAW LIVINGFLAG E1557_2F ER1557_1F ER1557_2F ER1557_1F ER1557_2F file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (2 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables D145.CKPT PARENTS-INLAW ALIVECORRECTED E1666_2A ER1666_1A ER1666_2A ER1666_1A ER1666_2A D145.CKPT PARENTS-INLAW ALIVEFLAG E1666_2F ER1666_1F ER1666_2F ER1666_1F ER1666_2F How much help R and Spouse gave to own parents and in-laws There are two sequences of variables that are particularly confusing. They are for questions about how much help the FamR or FamR's spouse gave to FamR's own parents and to FamR's in-laws. To help sort out these variables we assign those that describe how much help the respondent gives to ER variables and those that describe how much help the spouse/partner gives to EP variables. In the source variables, the variable names ending in _1 and _2 refer to help given FamR's parents, while those ending in _6 and _7 refer to help given to FamR's in-laws. If R is not the FamR then references in the source variables to FamR's parents become R's in-laws and references to FamR's in-laws become R'sown parents. In the ER/EP variables which refer to time the respondent/spouse spent, the endings _1 and _2 refer to the respondent's own parents while _6 and _7 refer to the respondent's in-laws, whether the respondent is the FamR or not. The table below summarizes these variable assignents. Variable assignments for how much help R and Spouse gave to own parents and in-laws Added ER/EP variable assignments Original Variable For FamR Meaning For non-FamR Name Meaning Name Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1685_6 Which Parent was Helped with Basic Personal Activities E1685_1 Which of R's parents was helped ER1685_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (3 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1685_2 Which of R's parents was helped ER1685_2 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1685_7 E1685_6 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1685_6 Which of R's parents was helped ER1685_1 E1685_7 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1685_7 Which of R's parents was helped ER1685_2 Time FamR Spent Helping Parent with Basic Personal Activities E1686_1 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1686_1 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1686_6 E1686_2 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1686_2 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1686_7 E1686_6 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1686_6 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1686_1 E1686_7 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1686_7 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1686_2 E1687B1 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1687B1 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1687B6 E1687B2 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1687B2 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1687B7 E1687B6 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1687B6 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1687B1 E1687B7 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1687B7 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1687B2 E1687_1 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1687_1 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1687_6 E1687_2 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1687_2 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1687_7 E1687_6 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1687_6 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1687_1 E1687_7 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1687_7 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1687_2 E1688_1 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1688_1 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1688_6 E1688_2 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1688_2 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1688_7 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (4 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1688_6 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1688_6 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1688_1 E1688_7 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1688_7 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1688_2 Time FamR's Spouse (non-FamR) Spent Helping Parent with Basic Personal Activities E1690_1 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1686_1 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1686_6 E1690_2 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1686_2 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1686_7 E1690_6 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1686_6 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1686_1 E1690_7 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1686_7 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1686_2 E1691B1 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1687B1 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1687B6 E1691B2 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1687B2 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1687B7 E1691B6 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1687B6 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1687B1 E1691B7 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1687B7 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1687B2 E1691_1 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1687_1 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1687_6 E1691_2 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1687_2 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1687_7 E1691_6 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1687_6 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1687_1 E1691_7 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1687_7 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1687_2 E1692_1 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1688_1 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1688_6 E1692_2 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1688_2 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1688_7 E1692_6 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1688_6 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1688_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (5 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1692_7 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1688_7 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1688_2 Which Parent was Helped with Chores, Errands, Transportation E1705_1 Which of R's parents was helped ER1705_1 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1705_6 E1705_2 Which of R's parents was helped ER1705_2 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1705_7 E1705_6 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1705_6 Which of R's parents was helped ER1705_1 E1705_7 Which of R's in-laws was helped ER1705_7 Which of R's parents was helped ER1705_2 Time FamR Spent Helping Parent with Chores, Errands, Transportation E1706_1 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1706_1 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1706_6 E1706_2 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1706_2 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1706_7 E1706_6 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1706_6 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1706_1 E1706_7 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1706_7 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1706_2 E1707B1 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1707B1 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1707B6 E1707B2 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1707B2 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1707B7 E1707B6 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1707B6 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1707B1 E1707B7 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1707B7 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1707B2 E1707_1 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1707_1 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1707_6 E1707_2 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1707_2 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1707_7 E1707_6 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1707_6 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1707_1 E1707_7 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1707_7 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1707_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (6 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1708_1 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1708_1 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1708_6 E1708_2 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1708_2 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1708_7 E1708_6 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1708_6 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1708_1 E1708_7 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1708_7 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1708_2 Time FamR's Spouse (non-FamR) Spent Helping Parent with Chores, Errands, Transportation E1710_1 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1706_1 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1706_6 E1710_2 # hrs Sp spent helping R's parent EP1706_2 # hrs R spent helping R's in-law ER1706_7 E1710_6 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1706_6 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1706_1 E1710_7 # hrs Sp spent helping R's in-law EP1706_7 # hrs R spent helping R's parent ER1706_2 E1711B1 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1707B1 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1707B6 E1711B2 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's parent EP1707B2 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's in-law ER1707B7 E1711B6 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1707B6 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1707B1 E1711B7 # hrs (Bkt) Sp spent on R's in-law EP1707B7 # hrs (Bkt) R spent on R's parent ER1707B2 E1711_1 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1707_1 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1707_6 E1711_2 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's parent EP1707_2 R spent >200 hrs on R's in-law ER1707_7 E1711_6 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1707_6 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1707_1 E1711_7 Sp spent >200 hrs on R's in-law EP1707_7 R spent >200 hrs on R's parent ER1707_2 E1712_1 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1708_1 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1708_6 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (7 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1712_2 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's parent EP1708_2 R spent >500 hrs on R's in-law ER1708_7 E1712_6 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1708_6 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1708_1 E1712_7 Sp spent >500 hrs on R's in-law EP1708_7 R spent >500 hrs on R's parent ER1708_2 Multiple occurences for "which sibling" For a few variables that have Ennnn_1 and Ennnn_2 names, the data are not organized as expected, i.e., we'd expect that Ennnn_1 is for the FamR's family and Ennnn_2 for the FamR's in-laws. Instead, they represent two occurrences, and the FamR family and in-laws have different "nnnn"s. Note, however, the actual data seem to be reported mostly in the _1 variables for FamR's family and the _2 variables in the in-law variables. To alleviate the confusion, we've renamed the "self" (ER) variables from the _1 and _2 suffixes to A and B. Variable assignments for multiply occurring "which sibling" variables Added ER/EP variable assignments Original Variable For FamR For non-FamR Meaning Name Meaning Name E1583_1 D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583A D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584A E1583_2 (all missing) D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583B D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584B E1584_1 (all missing) D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584A D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583A E1584_2 D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584B D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583B E1597_1 D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597A D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598A file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (8 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1597_2 (all missing) D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597B D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598B E1598_1 (11 DK=998) D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598A D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597A E1598_2 D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598B D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597B E1612_1 D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612A D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613A E1612_2 (all missing) D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612B D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613B E1613_1 (all missing) D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613A D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612A E1613_2 D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613B D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612B Shortened names for variables already 8-characters, to accomodate "ER" prefix In the original data from ISR, series of variables list siblings or sibling-in-laws have names like E1555001-E1555016. These variable names are 8 characters long. When we assign these to ER variables, we drop one of the zeros to keep the variable names 8 characters, e.g., ER155501-ER155516. In these lists, lower sequences of numeric suffixes refer to the FamR's siblings, while higher sequences refer to the FamR's siblings-in-law. These are assigned to ER variables appropriately depending on whether the respondent is the FamR or not. Other variable names have suffixes added in the original data which makes them 8 characters long as well. To make the ER version of these variables have 8-char names, we name them slightly differently. Please see the table summarizing ER variable assignments for details on how these variables were assigned. Shortened names for ER versions of variables with names 8-characters long in the original ISR data file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (9 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables Original Variable Name Shortened ER Variable Name D89.SIBLINGS LIST-R's siblings E1555001 thru E1555016 ER155501 thru ER155516 D89.SIBLINGS LIST-R's sibs-in-law E1555021 thru E1555036 ER155521 thru ER155536 D146B.WHICH SIB HELPED E1677001 thru E1677020 ER167701 thru ER167720 D146B.WHICH SIB-INLAW HELPED E1678051 thru E1678070 ER167851 thru ER167870 D148B.WHICH SIB HELPED E1697001 thru E1697020 ER169701 thru ER169720 D148B.WHICH SIB-INLAW HELPED E1698051 thru E1698070 ER169851 thru ER169870 D106.STATE THEY LIVE REGION E1590_1M ER1590M D106.IN-LAWS STATE THEY LIVE - REGION E1590_2M ER1590M2 D115.STATE MOTHER LIVE - REGION E1604_1M ER1604M1 D115.STATE MOTHER-INLAW LIVE - REGION E1604_2M ER1604M2 D125.STATE FATHER LIVE - REGION E1620_1M ER1620M1 D125.STATE FATHER-INLAW LIVE - REGION E1620_2M ER1620M2 Description Relationship codes adjusted for non-FamR For some variables the codes indicate Respondent or Spouse. Since the FamR is the respondent, we swap these codes for the non-FamR. For instance, in E1701_1, 021 indicates the FamR helped the most, while 022 indicates that FamR's spouse helped most. When assigning E1701_1 to ER1701_1 for the nonFamR, we change 021 codes to 022 and 022 to 021. For the FamR, ER1701_1 is set to E1701_1, exactly as is. The table below lists the variables for which this was done and summarizes how these variables were file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (10 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables assigned. Variable assignments and coding changes for variables with relationship codes Added "self" variable assignments Original Variable Description Codes D89S.COUNTER SIBS LOOP 1=Parent and Sib 2=P-in-law and D89S.COUNTER SIBS-INS-in-law LAW LOOP D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 (FamR's parents) D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 (FamR's parents) D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 (FamR's in-laws) E1554_1 ER1554_1 ER1554_2 1 <=> 2 E1554_2 ER1554_2 ER1554_1 1 <=> 2 E1701_1 ER1702_6 ER1701_1 021 <=> 022 E1701_2 ER1702_7 ER1701_2 021 <=> 022 E1702_6 ER1701_1 ER1702_6 021 <=> 022 E1702_7 ER1701_2 ER1702_7 021 <=> 022 021=Respondent 022=R's spouse D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 (FamR's in-laws) D157.FAM DECISION Name 1=Respondent 3=Spouse/ Partner For nonFamR, For FamR codes changed E1743 ER1743 ER1743 1 <=> 3 Opinions solicted from FamR There are several variables that solicit an opinion from the FamR on how family decisions are made, how enjoyable is the time spent together with a spouse, and whether a couple likes to do things together in their free time. These variables are noted here because they represent only the FamR's point of view. If the spouse were asked he/she might paint a different picture. file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (11 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables Variables that represent the opinion of the Family Respondent Original Variable Name Added ER/EP variable assignments For FamR For non-FamR ER1743 ER1743 (with 1 <-> 3 swapped) D157A.MORE SAY ER1744 (R HAS MORE SAY) EP1744 (SP HAS MORE SAY) E1745 D157B.MORE SAY EP1744 (SP HAS MORE SAY) ER1744 (R HAS MORE SAY) E1746 D158.TIME TOGETHER Inap. Inap. E1747 D159.FREE TIME Inap. Inap. E1743 E1744 Description D157.FAM DECISION Family Variable Assignments The following table summarizes the variables added to h96f3a to clarify which family variables apply to whose family. Family Variable Assignments Added ER/EP variable assignments Original Variable For FamR Meaning For non-FamR Name Meaning Name E1546 D77A.R CARE HRS ER1546 D77D.SPOUSE HRS ER1550 E1547B D77A.R CARE HRS/ Bkt ER1547B D77D.SPOUSE HRS/ ER1551B Bkt E1547 D77B.R CARE HRS DK-200 ER1547 D77E.SP CARE HRS ER1551 DK-200 E1548 D77C.R CARE HRS DK-500 ER1548 D77F.SP CARE HRS DK-500 ER1552 E1550 D77D.SPOUSE HRS ER1550 D77A.R CARE HRS ER1546 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (12 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1551B D77D.SPOUSE HRS/ ER1551B Bkt D77A.R CARE HRS/ Bkt ER1547B E1551 D77E.SP CARE HRS ER1551 DK-200 D77B.R CARE HRS DK-200 ER1547 E1552 D77F.SP CARE HRS DK-500 ER1552 D77C.R CARE HRS DK-500 ER1548 E1554_1 D89S.COUNTER SIBS LOOP ER1554_1 D89S.COUNTER ER1554_2 SIBS-IN-LAW LOOP E1554_2 D89S.COUNTER ER1554_2 SIBS-IN-LAW LOOP D89S.COUNTER SIBS LOOP ER1554_1 E1555001 to E1555016 ER155501 D89.SIBLINGS LIST to ER155516 D89.SIB-IN-LAW LIST ER155521 to ER155536 E1555021 to E1555036 D89.SIB-IN-LAW LIST ER155521 to ER155536 ER155501 D89.SIBLINGS LIST to ER155516 E1556_1 D89.INTRO PARENTS ER1556_1 D89.INTRO ER1556_2 PARENTS-IN-LAWS E1556_2 D89.INTRO ER1556_2 PARENTS-IN-LAWS D89.INTRO PARENTS ER1556_1 E1557_1 D90.MOTHER LIVING D90.MOTHER-INLAW LIVING ER1557_2 D90.MOTHER-INER15571A LAW LIVINGCORRECTED ER15572A D90.MOTHER E1557_1A LIVINGCORRECTED ER1557_1 E1557_1F D90.MOTHER LIVING-FLAG ER15571F D90.MOTHER-INER15572F LAW LIVING-FLAG E1557_2 D90.MOTHER-INLAW LIVING ER1557_2 D90.MOTHER LIVING ER1557_1 D90.MOTHER ER15572A LIVINGCORRECTED ER15571A D90.MOTHER-INE1557_2A LAW LIVINGCORRECTED E1557_2F D90.MOTHER-INER15572F LAW LIVING-FLAG D90.MOTHER LIVING-FLAG ER15571F E1558_1 D91A.MOTHER AGE D91A.MOTHER-INLAW AGE ER1558_2 ER1558_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (13 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:54 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1558_2 D91A.MOTHER-INLAW AGE ER1558_2 D91A.MOTHER AGE E1559_1 D91B. MOTHER NEEDS ER1559_1 D91B. MOTHER-INER1559_2 LAW NEEDS E1559_2 D91B. MOTHER-INER1559_2 LAW NEEDS D91B. MOTHER NEEDS E1560_1 D91C. MOTHER ALONE HOUR D91C. MOTHER-INER1560_2 LAW ALONE HOUR E1560_2 D91C. MOTHER-INER1560_2 LAW ALONE HOUR D91C. MOTHER ALONE HOUR ER1560_1 E1561_1 D92A. AGE MOTHER DIED ER1561_1 D92A. AGE MOTHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1561_2 E1561_2 D92A. AGE MOTHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1561_2 D92A. AGE MOTHER DIED ER1561_1 E1562_1 D92B.MOTHER MONTH DIE ER1562_1 D92B.MOTHER-INLAW MONTH DIE ER1562_2 E1562_2 D92B.MOTHER-INLAW MONTH DIE ER1562_2 D92B.MOTHER MONTH DIE ER1562_1 E1563_1 D92BA.MOTHER YEAR DIE ER1563_1 D92BA.MOTHER-INER1563_2 LAW YEAR DIE E1563_2 D92BA.MOTHER-INER1563_2 LAW YEAR DIE D92BA.MOTHER YEAR DIE ER1563_1 E1564_1 D92C.MOTHER ILLNESS ER1564_1 D92C.MOTHER-INLAW ILLNESS ER1564_2 E1564_2 D92C.MOTHER-INLAW ILLNESS ER1564_2 D92C.MOTHER ILLNESS ER1564_1 E1565_1 D92D.MOTHER NURSING HOME ER1565_1 D92D.MOTHER-INLAW NURSING HOME ER1565_2 E1565_2 D92D.MOTHER-INLAW NURSING HOME ER1565_2 D92D.MOTHER NURSING HOME ER1565_1 E1566_1 D93.FATHER LIVING ER1566_1 D93.FATHER-INLAW LIVING ER1566_2 ER1560_1 ER1558_1 ER1559_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (14 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables D93.FATHER LIVING ER1566_1 D94A.FATHER AGE ER1567_1 D94A.FATHER-INLAW AGE ER1567_2 E1567_2 D94A.FATHER-INLAW AGE ER1567_2 D94A.FATHER AGE ER1567_1 E1568_1 D94B.FATHER NEEDS ER1568_1 D94B.FATHER-INLAW NEEDS ER1568_2 E1568_2 D94B.FATHER-INLAW NEEDS ER1568_2 D94B.FATHER NEEDS ER1568_1 E1569_1 D94C.FATHER ALONE HOUR ER1569_1 D94C.FATHER-INER1569_2 LAW ALONE HOUR E1569_2 D94C.FATHER-INER1569_2 LAW ALONE HOUR D94C.FATHER ALONE HOUR ER1569_1 E1570_1 D95A.FATHER AGE ER1570_1 DIED D95A.FATHER-INLAW AGE DIED ER1570_2 E1570_2 D95A.FATHER-INLAW AGE DIED ER1570_2 D95A.FATHER AGE ER1570_1 DIED E1571_1 D95B.FATHER MONTH DIE ER1571_1 D95B.FATHER-INLAW MONTH DIE ER1571_2 E1571_2 D95B.FATHER-INLAW MONTH DIE ER1571_2 D95B.FATHER MONTH DIE ER1571_1 E1572_1 D95BA.FATHER YEAR DIE ER1572_1 D95BA.FATHER-INER1572_2 LAW YEAR DIE E1572_2 D95BA.FATHER-INER1572_2 LAW YEAR DIE D95BA.FATHER YEAR DIE ER1572_1 E1573_1 D95C.FATHER ILLNESS ER1573_1 D95C.FATHER-INLAW ILLNESS ER1573_2 E1573_2 D95C.FATHER-INLAW ILLNESS ER1573_2 D95C.FATHER ILLNESS ER1573_1 E1574_1 D95D.FATHER NURSING HOME ER1574_1 D95D.FATHER-INLAW NURSING HOME ER1574_2 E1574_2 D95D.FATHER-INLAW NURSING HOME ER1574_2 D95D.FATHER NURSING HOME ER1574_1 E1566_2 D93.FATHER-INLAW LIVING E1567_1 ER1566_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (15 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1576_1 D96.STILL MARRIED ER1576_1 D96.IN-LAWS STILL MARRIED ER1576_2 E1576_2 D96.IN-LAWS STILL MARRIED ER1576_2 D96.STILL MARRIED ER1576_1 E1577_1 D97A.MOTHER CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1577_1 D97A.MOTHER-INLAW CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1577_2 E1577_2 D97A.MOTHER-INLAW CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1577_2 D97A.MOTHER CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1577_1 E1578_1 D97B.FATHER CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1578_1 D97B.FATHER-INLAW CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1578_2 E1578_2 D97B.FATHER-INLAW CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1578_2 D97B.FATHER CURRENTLY MARRIED ER1578_1 E1579_1 D98.THEY OWN HOME ER1579_1 D98.IN-LAWS THEY OWN HOME ER1579_2 E1579_2 D98.IN-LAWS THEY OWN HOME ER1579_2 D98.THEY OWN HOME ER1579_1 E1580_1 D99.BETTER FIN SITU ER1580_1 D99.IN-LAWS BETTER FIN SITU ER1580_2 E1580_2 D99.IN-LAWS BETTER FIN SITU ER1580_2 D99.BETTER FIN SITU ER1580_1 E1581_1 D100.THEY LIVE TOGETHER ER1581_1 D100.IN-LAWS THEY LIVE TOGETHER ER1581_2 E1581_2 D100.IN-LAWS THEY LIVE TOGETHER ER1581_2 D100.THEY LIVE TOGETHER ER1581_1 E1582_1 D101.LIVE WITH WHOM ER1582_1 D101.IN-LAWS LIVE WITH WHOM ER1582_2 E1582_2 D101.IN-LAWS LIVE WITH WHOM ER1582_2 D101.LIVE WITH WHOM ER1582_1 E1583_1 D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583A D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584A file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (16 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1583_2 D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583B D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584B E1584_1 D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584A D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583A E1584_2 D101A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1584B D101A.WHICH SIBLING ER1583B E1589_1 D105.THEY LIVE 10 ER1589_1 MILES D105.IN-LAWS THEY LIVE 10 MILES ER1589_2 E1589_2 D105.IN-LAWS THEY LIVE 10 MILES D105.THEY LIVE 10 ER1589_1 MILES ER1589_2 D106.STATE THEY E1590_1M LIVE - REGION D106.IN-LAWS ER1590M1 STATE THEY LIVE - REGION ER1590M2 D106.IN-LAWS E1590_2M STATE THEY LIVE - REGION ER1590M2 D106.STATE THEY LIVE - REGION ER1590M1 ER1591_1 D107.HAD CONTACT PARENTS-IN-LAW ER1591_2 ER1591_2 D107.HAD CONTACT PARENTS ER1591_1 ER1592_1 D107A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1592_2 PER E1591_1 D107.HAD CONTACT PARENTS E1591_2 D107.HAD CONTACT PARENTS-IN-LAW E1592_1 D107A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER E1592_2 D107A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1592_2 PER D107A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER ER1592_1 E1594_1 D108.FILL1 OWN HOME ER1594_1 D108.IN-LAWS FILL1 OWN HOME ER1594_2 E1594_2 D108.IN-LAWS FILL1 OWN HOME ER1594_2 D108.FILL1 OWN HOME ER1594_1 E1595_1 D109.FILL2 FINAN SITU ER1595_1 D109.IN-LAWS FILL2 FINAN SITU ER1595_2 E1595_2 D109.IN-LAWS FILL2 FINAN SITU ER1595_2 D109.FILL2 FINAN SITU ER1595_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (17 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables ER1596_1 D110.WHOM MOTHER-IN-LAW LIVE ER1596_2 E1596_2 D110.WHOM MOTHER-IN-LAW LIVE ER1596_2 D110.WHOM MOTHER LIVE ER1596_1 E1597_1 D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597A D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598A E1597_2 D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597B D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598B E1598_1 D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598A D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597A E1598_2 D102A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1598B D110A.WHICH SIBLING ER1597B E1603_1 D113.MOTHER LIVE 10 MILES ER1603_1 D113.MOTHER-INLAW LIVE 10 MILES ER1603_2 E1603_2 D113.MOTHER-INLAW LIVE 10 MILES ER1603_2 D113.MOTHER LIVE 10 MILES ER1603_1 E1596_1 D110.WHOM MOTHER LIVE D115.STATE E1604_1M MOTHER LIVE REGION D115.STATE ER1604M1 MOTHER-IN-LAW LIVE - REGION ER1604M2 D115.STATE E1604_2M MOTHER-IN-LAW LIVE - REGION D115.STATE ER1604M2 MOTHER LIVE REGION ER1604M1 E1605_1 D116.HAD CONTACT ER1605_1 D116.IN-LAWS HAD CONTACT ER1605_2 E1605_2 D116.IN-LAWS HAD CONTACT ER1605_2 D116.HAD CONTACT ER1605_1 E1606_1 D116A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER ER1606_1 D116A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1606_2 PER E1606_2 D116A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1606_2 PER D116A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER E1609_1 D118.FILL11 OWN HOME D118.IN-LAWS ER1609_2 FILL11 OWN HOME ER1609_1 ER1606_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (18 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1609_2 D118.IN-LAWS ER1609_2 FILL11 OWN HOME D118.FILL11 OWN HOME E1610_1 D119.FILL12 FINAN ER1610_1 SITU D119.IN-LAWS ER1610_2 FILL12 FINAN SITU E1610_2 D119.IN-LAWS ER1610_2 FILL12 FINAN SITU D119.FILL12 FINAN ER1610_1 SITU E1611_1 D120.WHOM FATHER LIVE ER1611_1 D120.WHOM FATHER-IN-LAW LIVE ER1611_2 E1611_2 D120.WHOM FATHER-IN-LAW LIVE ER1611_2 D120.WHOM FATHER LIVE ER1611_1 E1612_1 D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612A D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613A E1612_2 D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612B D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613B E1613_1 D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613A D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612A E1613_2 D120A.WHICH SIBLING-IN-LAW ER1613B D120A.WHICH SIBLING ER1612B E1619_1 D124.FATHER LIVES 10 MILES ER1619_1 D124.FATHER-INLAW LIVES 10 MILES ER1619_2 E1619_2 D124.FATHER-INLAW LIVES 10 MILES ER1619_2 D124.FATHER LIVES 10 MILES ER1619_1 ER1609_1 D125.STATE E1620_1M FATHER LIVE REGION D125.STATE ER1620M1 FATHER-IN-LAW LIVE - REGION ER1620M2 D125.STATE E1620_2M FATHER-IN-LAW LIVE - REGION D125.STATE ER1620M2 FATHER LIVE REGION ER1620M1 E1621_1 D126.HAD CONTACT FILL14 ER1621_1 D126.IN-LAWS HAD CONTACT FILL14 ER1621_2 E1621_2 D126.IN-LAWS HAD CONTACT FILL14 ER1621_2 D126.HAD CONTACT FILL14 ER1621_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (19 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables D126A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1622_2 PER E1622_1 D126A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER E1622_2 D126A.IN-LAWS FREQ OF CONTACT ER1622_2 PER D126A.FREQ OF CONTACT PER ER1622_1 E1625_1 D130.INTRO BROTHERS/ SISTERS ER1625_1 D130.INTRO BROTHERS/ SISTERS-IN-LAW ER1625_2 E1625_2 D130.INTRO BROTHERS/ SISTERS-IN-LAW ER1625_2 D130.INTRO BROTHERS/ SISTERS ER1625_1 E1627_1 D81.# SISTERS ER1627_1 D81.# SISTERS-INLAW ER1627_2 E1627_2 D81.# SISTERS-INLAW ER1627_2 D81.# SISTERS ER1627_1 E1628_1 D81A.1 SIS MARRIED ER1628_1 D81A.1 SIS-IN-LAW ER1628_2 MARRIED E1628_2 D81A.1 SIS-IN-LAW ER1628_2 MARRIED D81A.1 SIS MARRIED E1629_1 D81B.# SIS MARRIED D81B.# SIS-IN-LAW ER1629_2 MARRIED E1629_2 D81B.# SIS-IN-LAW ER1629_2 MARRIED D81B.# SIS MARRIED ER1629_1 E1631_1 D82.# BROTHERS ER1631_1 D82.# BROTHERSIN-LAW ER1631_2 E1631_2 D82.# BROTHERSIN-LAW ER1631_2 D82.# BROTHERS ER1631_1 E1632_1 D82A.1 BRO MARRIED ER1632_1 D82A.1 BRO-INLAW MARRIED ER1632_2 E1632_2 D82A.1 BRO-INLAW MARRIED ER1632_2 D82A.1 BRO MARRIED ER1632_1 E1633_1 D82B.BROTHERS MARRIED ER1633_1 D82B.BROTHERSIN-LAW MARRIED ER1633_2 E1633_2 D82B.BROTHERSIN-LAW MARRIED ER1633_2 D82B.BROTHERS MARRIED ER1633_1 ER1622_1 ER1629_1 ER1628_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (20 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables D131.CHECKPOINT ER1638_2 IN-LAWS E1638_1 D131_. CHECKPOINT E1638_2 D131.CHECKPOINT ER1638_2 IN-LAWS D131_. CHECKPOINT ER1638_1 E1640_1 D131.SIBLING ROSTER ER1640_1 D131.SIBLING-INLAW ROSTER ER1640_2 E1640_2 D131.SIBLING-INLAW ROSTER ER1640_2 D131.SIBLING ROSTER ER1640_1 E1642_1 D132.COUNT SIBLINGS ER1642_1 D132.COUNT SIBLINGS-IN-LAW ER1642_2 E1642_2 D132.COUNT SIBLINGS-IN-LAW ER1642_2 D132.COUNT SIBLINGS ER1642_1 E1666_1 D145_.CKPT PARENTS ALIVE ER1666_1 D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW ALIVE ER1666_2 D145.CKPT E1666_1A PARENTS ALIVECORRECTED D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW ER16661A ALIVECORRECTED ER16662A E1666_1F D145.CKPT PARENTS ALIVEFLAG ER16661F D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW ALIVE-FLAG ER16662F E1666_2 D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW ALIVE ER1666_2 D145_.CKPT PARENTS ALIVE ER1666_1 ER1638_1 D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW E1666_2A ALIVECORRECTED D145.CKPT ER16662A PARENTS ALIVECORRECTED ER16661A E1666_2F D145.CKPT PARENTS-IN-LAW ALIVE-FLAG ER16662F D145.CKPT PARENTS ALIVEFLAG ER16661F E1668_1 D145.R GIVE ASSISTANCE ER1668_1 D145.R GIVE ASSISTANCE TO IN- ER1668_2 LAWS E1668_2 D145.R GIVE ASSISTANCE TO IN- ER1668_2 LAWS D145.R GIVE ASSISTANCE ER1668_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (21 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1669001 D145A.WHO R ASSISTED ER166901 D145A.IN-LAWS WHO R ASSISTED ER166908 E1669008 D145A.IN-LAWS WHO R ASSISTED ER166908 D145A.WHO R ASSISTED ER166901 E1670_1 D145BS.INDEX D145A LOOP ER1670_1 D145BS.IN-LAW INDEX D145A LOOP ER1670_6 E1670_6 D145BS.IN-LAW INDEX D145A LOOP ER1670_6 D145BS.INDEX D145A LOOP ER1670_1 E1671_1 D145B.MONEY REL ER1671_1 GAVE D145B.IN-LAWS ER1671_6 MONEY REL GAVE E1671_6 D145B.IN-LAWS ER1671_6 MONEY REL GAVE D145B.MONEY REL ER1671_1 GAVE E1672B1 D145B.MONEY REL ER1672B1 GAVE/Bkt D145B.IN-LAWS MONEY REL GAVE/ ER1672B6 Bkt E1672B6 D145B.IN-LAWS MONEY REL GAVE/ ER1672B6 Bkt D145B.MONEY REL ER1672B1 GAVE/Bkt E1672_1 D145C.FIN HLP PARENTS $>1000 ER1672_1 D145C.FIN HLP PAR-IN-LAW $>1000 ER1672_6 E1672_6 D145C.FIN HLP PAR-IN-LAW $>1000 ER1672_6 D145C.FIN HLP PARENTS $>1000 ER1672_1 E1673_1 D145D.FIN HLP PARENTS $>5000 ER1673_1 D145D.FIN HLP PAR-IN-LAW $>5000 ER1673_6 E1673_6 D145D.FIN HLP PAR-IN-LAW $>5000 ER1673_6 D145D.FIN HLP PARENTS $>5000 ER1673_1 E1674_1 D146.SIB GIVE HELP ER1674_1 D146.SIB-IN-LAW GIVE HELP ER1674_2 E1674_2 D146.SIB-IN-LAW GIVE HELP ER1674_2 D146.SIB GIVE HELP ER1674_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (22 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables ER167501 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER167508 ER167509 E1675001 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED E1675002 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER167502 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED E1675008 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER167508 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER167501 E1675009 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER167509 D146A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER167502 E1676_1 D146.INDEX D146A ER1676_1 LOOP D146.IN-LAW INDEX D146A LOOP ER1676_6 E1676_2 D146.INDEX D146A ER1676_2 LOOP D146.IN-LAW INDEX D146A LOOP ER1676_7 E1676_6 D146.IN-LAW INDEX D146A LOOP ER1676_6 D146.INDEX D146A ER1676_1 LOOP E1676_7 D146.IN-LAW INDEX D146A LOOP ER1676_7 D146.INDEX D146A ER1676_2 LOOP E1677001 to E1677020 D146B.WHICH SIB HELPED ER167701to D146B.WHICH SIBER167720 IN-LAW HELPED ER167851to ER167870 E1678051 to E1678070 D146B.WHICH SIBIN-LAW HELPED ER167851 to ER167870 D146B.WHICH SIB HELPED ER167701 to ER167720 E1681_1 D146C.WHICH HELPED ER1681_1 D146C.WHICH HELPED-IN-LAW ER1682_6 E1681_2 D146C.WHICH HELPED ER1681_2 D146C.WHICH HELPED-IN-LAW ER1682_7 E1682_6 D146C.WHICH HELPED-IN-LAW ER1682_6 D146C.WHICH HELPED ER1681_1 E1682_7 D146C.WHICH HELPED-IN-LAW ER1682_7 D146C.WHICH HELPED ER1681_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (23 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1683_1 D147.HELP PARENTS ER1683_1 D147.HELP PARENTS-IN-LAW ER1683_2 E1683_2 D147.HELP PARENTS-IN-LAW ER1683_2 D147.HELP PARENTS ER1683_1 E1684001 D147A. WHO HELPS ER168401 D147A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER168408 E1684002 D147A. WHO HELPS ER168402 D147A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER168409 E1684008 D147A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER168408 D147A. WHO HELPS ER168401 E1684009 D147A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER168409 D147A. WHO HELPS ER168402 E1685_1 D147B.INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_1 D147B.IN-LAW INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_6 E1685_2 D147B.INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_2 D147B.IN-LAW INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_7 E1685_6 D147B.IN-LAW INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_6 D147B.INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_1 E1685_7 D147B.IN-LAW INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_7 D147B.INDEX D147A LOOP ER1685_2 E1686_1 D147B.R-PARENT CARE ER1686_1 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1686_6 E1686_2 D147B.R-PARENT CARE ER1686_2 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1686_7 E1686_6 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1686_6 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1686_1 E1686_7 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1686_7 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1686_2 E1687B1 D147B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1687B1 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt EP1687B6 E1687B2 D147B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1687B2 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt EP1687B7 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (24 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1687B6 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt ER1687B6 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1687B1 E1687B7 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt ER1687B7 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1687B2 E1687_1 D147C.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 ER1687_1 D147F.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK200 EP1687_6 E1687_2 D147C.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 ER1687_2 D147F.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK200 EP1687_7 E1687_6 D147C.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1687_6 PSNL-ACT HRS DK200 D147F.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 EP1687_1 E1687_7 D147C.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1687_7 PSNL-ACT HRS DK200 D147F.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 EP1687_2 E1688_1 D147D.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 ER1688_1 D147G.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK500 EP1688_6 E1688_2 D147D.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 ER1688_2 D147G.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK500 EP1688_7 E1688_6 D147D.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1688_6 PSNL-ACT HRS DK500 D147G.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 EP1688_1 E1688_7 D147D.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1688_7 PSNL-ACT HRS DK500 D147G.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 EP1688_2 E1690_1 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1686_6 EP1686_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (25 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1690_2 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1686_2 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1686_7 E1690_6 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1686_6 D147B.R-PARENT CARE ER1686_1 E1690_7 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1686_7 D147B.R-PARENT CARE ER1686_2 E1691B1 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1687B1 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt ER1687B6 E1691B2 D147E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1687B2 D147B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt ER1687B7 E1691B6 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt EP1687B6 D147B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1687B1 E1691B7 D147E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE/Bkt EP1687B7 D147B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1687B2 E1691_1 D147F.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 EP1687_1 D147C.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1687_6 PSNL-ACT HRS DK200 E1691_2 D147F.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 EP1687_2 D147C.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1687_7 PSNL-ACT HRS DK200 E1691_6 D147F.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK200 EP1687_6 D147C.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 ER1687_1 E1691_7 D147F.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK200 EP1687_7 D147C.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-200 ER1687_2 E1692_1 D147G.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 EP1688_1 D147D.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1688_6 PSNL-ACT HRS DK500 E1692_2 D147G.SPPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 EP1688_2 D147D.R-PINLAW_CARE ER1688_7 PSNL-ACT HRS DK500 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (26 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1692_6 D147G.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK500 E1692_7 D147G.SP-PINLAW_CARE PSNL-ACT HR DK500 E1694_1 D148.SIBS HELP W PERSONAL NEEDS ER1694_1 D148.SIBS-IN-LAW HELP W PERSONAL NEEDS E1694_2 D148.SIBS-IN-LAW HELP W PERSONAL NEEDS ER1694_2 D148.SIBS HELP W PERSONAL NEEDS ER1694_1 E1695001 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER169501 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER169508 E1695002 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER169502 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER169509 E1695008 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER169508 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER169501 E1695009 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS-IN-LAW ASSISTED ER169509 D148A.WHO R`S SIBS ASSISTED ER169502 E1696_1 D148B.INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_1 D148B.IN-LAW INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_6 E1696_2 D148B.INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_2 D148B.IN-LAW INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_7 E1696_6 D148B.IN-LAW INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_6 D148B.INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_1 E1696_7 D148B.IN-LAW INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_7 D148B.INDEX D148A LOOP ER1696_2 EP1688_6 D147D.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 ER1688_1 EP1688_7 D147D.RPAR_CARE PSNLACT HRS DK-500 ER1688_2 ER1694_2 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (27 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1697001 to E1697020 D148B.WHICH SIB HELPED ER169701 to ER169720 D148B.WHICH SIBIN-LAW HELPED ER169851 to ER169870 E1698051 to E1698070 D148B.WHICH SIBIN-LAW HELPED ER169851 to ER169870 D148B.WHICH SIB HELPED ER169701 to ER169720 E1701_1 D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 ER1701_1 D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 ER1702_6 E1701_2 D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 ER1701_2 D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 ER1702_7 E1702_6 D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 ER1702_6 D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 ER1701_1 E1702_7 D148C.WHICH HELPED-2 ER1702_7 D148C.WHICH HELPED-1 ER1701_2 E1703_1 D149.HELP PARENTS ER1703_1 D149.HELP PARENTS-IN-LAW ER1703_2 E1703_2 D149.HELP PARENTS-IN-LAW ER1703_2 D149.HELP PARENTS ER1703_1 E1704001 D149A. WHO HELPS ER170401 D149A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER170408 E1704002 D149A. WHO HELPS ER170402 D149A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER170409 E1704008 D149A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER170408 D149A. WHO HELPS ER170401 E1704009 D149A.IN-LAWS WHO HELPS ER170409 D149A. WHO HELPS ER170402 E1705_1 D149B.INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_1 D149B.IN-LAW INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_6 E1705_2 D149B.INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_2 D149B.IN-LAW INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_7 E1705_6 D149B.IN-LAW INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_6 D149B.INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_1 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (28 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1705_7 D149B.IN-LAW INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_7 D149B.INDEX D149A LOOP ER1705_2 E1706_1 D149B.R-PARENT CARE ER1706_1 D149E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1706_6 E1706_2 D149B.R-PARENT CARE ER1706_2 D149E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1706_7 E1706_6 D149B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1706_6 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1706_1 E1706_7 D149B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1706_7 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1706_2 E1707B1 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B1 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B1 E1707B1 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B1 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B1 E1707B2 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B2 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B2 E1707B2 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B2 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B2 E1707_1 D149C.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_1 D149F.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_6 E1707_2 D149C.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_2 D149F.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_7 E1707_6 D149C.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_6 D149F.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_1 E1707_7 D149C.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_7 D149F.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_2 E1708_1 D149D.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_1 D149G.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_6 E1708_2 D149D.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_2 D149G.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_7 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (29 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1708_6 D149D.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_6 D149G.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_1 E1708_7 D149D.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_7 D149G.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_2 E1710_1 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1706_1 D149B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1706_6 E1710_2 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE EP1706_2 D149B.R-PAR-INLAW CARE ER1706_7 E1710_6 D149E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1706_6 D149B.R-PARENT CARE ER1706_1 E1710_7 D149E.SP-PAR-INLAW CARE EP1706_7 D149B.R-PARENT CARE ER1706_2 E1711B1 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B1 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B1 E1711B1 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B1 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B1 E1711B2 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B2 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B2 E1711B2 D149E.SP-PARENT CARE/Bkt EP1707B2 D149B.R-PARENT CARE/Bkt ER1707B2 E1711_1 D149F.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_1 D149C.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_6 E1711_2 D149F.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_2 D149C.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_7 E1711_6 D149F.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_6 D149C.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_1 E1711_7 D149F.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 EP1707_7 D149C.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-200 ER1707_2 E1712_1 D149G.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_1 D149D.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_6 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (30 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1712_2 D149G.SPPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_2 D149D.R-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_7 E1712_6 D149G.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_6 D149D.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_1 E1712_7 D149G.SP-PINLAW_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 EP1708_7 D149D.RPAR_CARE TRSP HRS DK-500 ER1708_2 E1715_1 D150.RECEIVE 500 OR MORE ER1715_1 D150.RECEIVE FROM IN-LAWS 500 ER1715_2 OR MORE E1715_2 D150.RECEIVE FROM IN-LAWS 500 ER1715_2 OR MORE D150.RECEIVE 500 OR MORE ER1715_1 E1716001 D150A.WHO R ASSISTED ER171601 D150A.IN-LAWS WHO R ASSISTED ER171608 E1716008 D150A.IN-LAWS WHO R ASSISTED ER171608 D150A.WHO R ASSISTED ER171601 E1717_1 D150BS.INDEX D150A LOOP ER1717_1 D150BS.IN-LAW INDEX D150A LOOP ER1717_6 E1717_6 D150BS.IN-LAW INDEX D150A LOOP ER1717_6 D150BS.INDEX D150A LOOP ER1717_1 E1718_1 D150B. ASSISTANCE ER1718_1 D150B.IN-LAWS ASSISTANCE ER1718_6 E1718_6 D150B.IN-LAWS ASSISTANCE ER1718_6 D150B. ASSISTANCE ER1718_1 E1719B1 D150B. ASSISTANCE/Bkt ER1719B1 D150B.IN-LAWS ASSISTANCE/Bkt ER1719B6 E1719B6 D150B.IN-LAWS ASSISTANCE/Bkt ER1719B6 D150B. ASSISTANCE/Bkt ER1719B1 E1719_1 D150C.FIN HLP FRM PRNT $>1000 DK-1 ER1719_1 D150C.FIN HLP FRM PRNT-LAWS $>1000 DK-1 ER1719_6 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (31 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Family Variables Assigned to Self/Spouse-Partner Variables E1719_6 D150C.FIN HLP FRM PRNT-LAWS $>1000 DK-1 ER1719_6 D150C.FIN HLP FRM PRNT $>1000 DK-1 ER1719_1 E1720_1 D150D.FIN HLP FRM PRNT $>5000 DK-2 ER1720_1 D150D.FIN HLP FRM PRNT-LAWS $>5000 DK-2 ER1720_6 E1720_6 D150D.FIN HLP FRM PRNT-LAWS $>5000 DK-2 ER1720_6 D150D.FIN HLP FRM PRNT $>5000 DK-2 ER1720_1 E1744 D157A.MORE SAY ER1744 D157B.MORE SAY EP1744 E1745 D157B.MORE SAY EP1744 D157A.MORE SAY ER1744 E1750 MOTHER DIED ER1750 MOTHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1752 E1751 FATHER DIED ER1751 FATHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1753 E1752 MOTHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1752 MOTHER DIED ER1750 E1753 FATHER-IN-LAW DIED ER1753 FATHER DIED ER1751 file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/w3famvar.html (32 of 32)12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM Notes Summary HRS 1996: Notes Summary ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Notes and Warnings about Generally Helpful Variables Possible Reunited Couples Possible Split Household Marital Status: E256A, E256AR Household type: E_HHTYP Discrepancies between GENDER and E374 Notes and Warnings about Financial Variables Who worked for pay last year Who receives transfer, IRA/pension, trust income Whose parents an inheritance is from Derived categorical bracket variables How much income last year (rent, own business/farm, dividends/interest) Received income all year (unemployment, workers comp) Month began Social Security/SSI E4602: Amount spent on bills (New variable E4602F flags possible improper skip) Problems in unfolding bracket questions for business value Notes on unfolding bracket questions for other earned income Apparent Discrepancies from Comment Coding E4122: who was asked about reporting business income twice (e.g., also as self-employment income) Questions on IRA cash in or annuity conversion, if both reported Months received food stamps Notes and Warnings about Family Variables extra variables to accomodate corrections and flags on whether in-laws are living how much help R and Spouse gave to own parents and in-laws multiple occurences for "which sibling" shortened names for variables already 8-characters, to accomodate "ER" prefix relationship codes adjusted for non-FamR opinions solicted from FamR file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/stclair/My%20Documents/Aging/FlatFiles/DocFF/Hrs96ff/hrsnote3.html12/22/2003 5:46:55 AM HRS 1996 Wealth and Income Imputations With support from the National Institute on Aging (NIA), the RAND Center for the Study of Aging has produced wealth and income imputations for all waves of the HRS, and for AHEAD 1993 and 1995. These imputations are distributed as companion files to the RAND Enhanced HRS Flat Files and are incorporated into the RAND HRS Data File. This documents the variables on the companion files, specifically the RAND Wealth and Income Imputation files for HRS 1996. The incm96f3 and wlth96f3 files contain the income and wealth imputations, respectively. The method used to develop these imputations is described in the Appendix. Each original income and wealth component is imputed separately. Some original components lend themselves to combination, such as summing up to three IRAs to provide a total IRA value. Some original income components are combined into logical main components, such as summing income from wages, tips and bonuses, professional practice or trade, and a second job into an earned income component. The original components can vary from wave to wave and are combined when appropriate into the main components of income and wealth to provide consistent categories. In addition, total wealth and income variables are derived. If the original components are combined for any of these reasons, they are referred to as “partial components” in this document, while the combinations or uncombined original components are called “main components” of wealth and income. Analysts may wish to recombine components or to see the individual parts of a total amount. All individually imputed parts are provided in the companion files to the RAND HRS Flat Files. It is important to understand how the parts and the combinations overlap, so that parts of income and wealth are not double-counted. The RAND Wealth and Income Imputation files are respondent-level files, with household-level data merged to both individuals in a couple household. The wavespecific household ID is included on the files in both numeric and character format. This ID combines HHID and the sub-household ID for the specific wave. In the HRS 1996 file, the household IDs are EHHID (7-character) and EHHIDN (numeric). The files are sorted by respondent ID (HHIDPN). Imputation Flags and Codes The imputation files include a flag for each component and partial component that indicates whether it is imputed or not. When partial components are combined in a component, the corresponding imputation flags are combined as well. Wealth Imputation Flags For wealth components that combine partial components, the flags are combined by using the 100s, 10s, and 1s digits of the numeric code. For example, the total value of IRAs (H3AIRA) combines three individual IRAs (H3AIRA1, H3AIRA2, H3AIRA3). The imputation flag for total IRAs (H3AFIRA) is a 3-digit number where the first digit is the value of the imputation flag for IRA1, the second digit is the flag for IRA2, and the third digit is the flag for IRA3. That is: H3AFIRA = 100*H3AFIRA1 + 10*H3AFIRA2 + H3AFIRA1 If the component does not combine partial components, the imputation flag is 1-digit. The values for imputation flags for wealth are: Code Values for Wealth Imputation Flags Code Description 1 Continuous value given 2 Complete brackets given 3 Incomplete brackets given 4 5 6 7 9 Range card bracket (applicable in HRS 1992 only) No value or bracket given Does not own this type of asset Missing whether owns this type of asset No Financial Respondent Imputation Status No imputation Value imputed from brackets Complete bracket imputed from partial brackets, then value imputed Value imputed from range Complete bracket imputed, then value imputed No imputation Ownership imputed. If imputed to own, complete brackets then value imputed. Ownership imputed. If imputed to own, complete brackets then value imputed. Income Imputation Flags The main income components combine partial components, and the imputation flags for the main components summarize those of the partial components. The values of the imputation flags for main component or total income variables are: Code Values for Main Income Component and Total Income Imputation Flags Code Description Imputation Status Does not receive this type of 0 No imputation income No imputation in any of the partial 1 components combined in this type No imputation of income At least one of the partial 2 Some imputation components combined in this type 8 9 of income is imputed No spouse or partner (for spouse/partner income components only) No Financial Respondent No imputation Completely imputed The values for the partial income component imputation flags are: Code Values for Partial Income Component Imputation Flags Code Description Imputation Status 1 Continuous value given No imputation 2 Complete brackets given Value imputed from brackets Complete bracket imputed from partial 3 Incomplete brackets given brackets, then value imputed Range card bracket (applicable in 4 Value imputed from range HRS 1992 only) Complete bracket imputed, then value 5 No value or bracket given imputed Does not receive this type of 6 No imputation income Whether receives imputed. If imputed to Missing whether receives this type 7 receive, complete brackets then value of income imputed. No spouse or partner (for 8 spouse/partner income No imputation components only) Whether receives imputed. If imputed to 9 No Financial Respondent receive, complete brackets then value imputed. Income and Wealth Variables Variables are named to help identify their source and meaning. The variable name prefix indicates the type of variable, e.g., partial component or imputation flag, while the remainder, or stem, indicates the type of income or asset. These conventions are summarized in Tables 1 and 2 for the main and partial components of wealth and in Tables 3 and 4 for the main and partial components of income. For the totals and main components of wealth and income, the file contains two versions of the variables. One is set to zero if the wealth component is not owned or an income component is not received. The other is set to missing if the component is not owned or received. Otherwise these two versions have the same value. Table 1. Variable Name Prefixes and Stems for HRS 1996 Wealth Totals and Main Components HRS 1996 Wealth – all are household level variables Prefix Description H3AF household asset imputation flag H3AO whether owns household asset H3A household asset value, set to zero for non-owners W3A household asset value, set to missing for non-owners Totals Stem Description TOTH Net value of primary residence = HOUS – MORT – HMLN Total non-housing assets less debt TOTN = RLES + TRAN + BSNS + IRA + STCK + CHCK + CD + BOND + OTHR – DEBT TOTA Total of all assets except trusts less debt = TOTH + TOTN Total financial assets less debt TOTF = STCK + CHCK + CD + BOND + OTHR – DEBT TOTW Total of all assets except IRA less debt = TOTA - IRA Components Stem Description HOUS Primary Residence MORT Total Mortgages, combines MRT1 and MRT2 HMLN Total Other Home Loans, combines EQLN and EQCD RLES Other Real Estate TRAN Transportation (Vehicles) BSNS Business IRA Total Individual Retirement Accounts, combines IRA1, IRA2, and IRA3 STCK Stocks, Mutual Funds CHCK Checking, Savings Accounts CD CDs, Savings Bonds, Treasury Bills BOND Bonds OTHR Other savings, assets DEBT Debts TRST Trusts (Note: trusts are not included in any asset totals) For example, H3AFRLES indicates whether the value or ownership of other real estate is imputed. H3AORLES indicates whether the household reports (or is imputed to) owning other real estate. H3ARLES is the given or imputed value of other real estate, set to zero for non-owners. W3ARLES is the same as H3ARLES, but is missing for non-owners. Note that some of those who reported owning an asset then reported its value as zero. In these the ownership variable, e.g., H3AORLES, indicates ownership but both the H3A and W3A, e.g., H3ARLES and W3ARLES variables are zero. Table 2. Variable Prefixes and Stems for HRS 1996 Partial Wealth Components HRS 1996 Partial Wealth Components - all are household level variables Prefix Description I3AF partial asset component imputation flag I3AO whether owns partial asset component I3A partial asset component value Stem Description MRT1 1st Mortgage, included in MORT MRT2 2nd Mortgage, included in MORT EQLN Home Equity Loan, included in HMLN EQCD Home Equity Line of Credit, included in HMLN IRA1 1st Largest IRA, included in IRA IRA2 2nd Largest IRA, included in IRA IRA3 3rd Largest IRA, included in IRA For example, I3AFMRT1 indicates whether the value or ownership of a first mortgage on the house that is the primary residence is imputed. I3AOMRT1 indicates if the household reports (or is imputed to) owning a first mortgage. I3AMRT1 is the given or imputed value of the first mortgage. Partial component values are missing if the component is not owned. Thus if I3AOMRT1 indicates no ownership, then I3AMRT1 is missing. Table 3. Variable Prefixes and Stems for HRS 1996 Income Totals and Main Components HRS 1996 Income Prefix Description Household Level H3IF household income imputation flag H3IO whether household receives income from this source H3I household income value, set to zero for non-owners W3I household income value, set to missing for non-owners Respondent Level R3IF respondent income imputation flag R3IO whether respondent receives income from this source R3I respondent income value, set to zero for non-owners X3I respondent income value, set to missing for non-owners Spouse Level S3IF spouse income imputation flag S3IO whether spouse receives income from this source S3I spouse income value, set to zero for non-owners Y3I spouse income value, set to missing for non-owners Stem Description Total Total household income, combines CAP and OTHR household income TOT and EARN, GXFR, PENA, SRET, SSDI, and UNWC for both respondent and spouse. Components – Household Household capital income, combines BUSIN, RNTIN, DIVIN, TRSIN, CAP BNDIN, CHKIN, CDIN and OTHI1 for the household, and SEMP for both respondent and spouse. Other household income, combines ALMNY, OTHI2, LUYR1, LUYR2, OTHR and LUYR3 for the household. Components – Respondent and Spouse Respondent or spouse earnings from work, combines WAGE, BON, EARN 2ND, and TRAD. Respondent or spouse pension and annuity income, combines PEN1, PENA PEN2, PEN3, ANN1, ANN2, and ANN3. Respondent or spouse Social Security retirement or survivor’s income, SRET set to SS. Respondent or spouse Social Security disability income and Supplemental Security Income (SSI), combines the SDI partial SSDI component for respondent or spouse and SSI for the household. If the household is a couple household, one-half of SSI is allocated to the respondent and one-half to the spouse. If the household is a single UNWC GXFR household, all of SSI is allocated to the respondent, as there is no spouse. Respondent or spouse unemployment and worker’s compensation income, combines UNEM and WCMP. Respondent or spouse other government transfers, combines VET for respondent or spouse, and WELF and FOOD for the household. If the household is a couple household, one-half of WELF and FOOD are allocated to the respondent and one-half to the spouse. If the household is a single household, all of WELF and FOOD are allocated to the respondent, as there is no spouse. For example, R3IFEARN indicates whether the respondent’s earned income is imputed. R3IOEARN indicates whether the respondent reports (or is imputed to) having any earned income. R3IEARN is the given or imputed amount the respondent earned in the last calendar year, set to zero for those who don’t receive any. X3IEARN is the same as R3IEARN, but is missing for those who have no earned income. Note that some of those who reported receiving a type of income then reported its value as zero. In these cases the ownership variable, e.g., R3IOEARN, indicates ownership but both the R3I and X3I variables, e.g., R3IEARN and X3IEARN, are zero. For the spouse S3IFEARN, S3IOEARN, S3IEARN, and Y3IEARN are analogous to R3IFEARN, R3IOEARN, R3IEARN, and X3IEARN, respectively. Table 4. Variable Prefixes and Stems for HRS 1996 Partial Income Components HRS 1996 Partial Income Components Prefix Description Household Level H3F household partial income component imputation flag H3O whether household receives income from this partial component IH3 household partial income component value Respondent Level R3F respondent partial income component imputation flag R3O whether respondent receives income from this partial component IR3 respondent partial income component value Spouse Level S3F spouse income partial component imputation flag S3O whether spouse receives income from this partial component IS3 spouse partial income component value HRS 1996 Partial Income Components (continued) Stem Description Partial Components - Household BUSIN Business Income, included in CAP RNTIN Rental Income, included in CAP DIVIN Dividend Income, included in CAP TRSIN Trust Income, included in CAP BNDIN Bonds Income, included in CAP CDIN CDs, Savings Bonds, Treasury Bills Income, included in CAP CHKIN Checking, Savings Account Income, included in CAP ALMNY Alimony, included in OTHR Food Stamps, included in GXFR. More specifically the amount is included in R3IGXFR and S3IGXFR, if applicable. If there is a spouse in the household, FOOD is evenly split between respondent and spouse. FOOD If not, all FOOD is assigned to the respondent. Welfare Income, included in GXFR. More specifically the amount is included in R3IGXFR and S3IGXFR, if applicable. If there is a spouse in the household, WELF is evenly split between respondent and spouse. WELF If not, all WELF is assigned to the respondent. Supplemental Security Income, included in SSDI. More specifically the amount is included in R3ISSDI and S3ISSDI, if applicable. If there is a spouse in the household, SSI is evenly split between respondent and SSI spouse. If not, all SSI is assigned to the respondent. Other household income #1, which is income from other assets, included OTHI1 in CAP OTHI2 Other household income #2, which is any other household income, LUYR1 LUYR2 LUYR3 WAGE BON 2ND TRAD SS SDI UNEM WCMP VET SEMP PEN1 PEN2 PEN3 ANN1 ANN2 ANN3 included in OTHR Lump Sum Income #1, e.g., from insurance, pension, or inheritance, included in OTHR Lump Sum Income #2, e.g., from insurance, pension, or inheritance, included in OTHR Lump Sum Income #3, e.g., from insurance, pension, or inheritance, included in OTHR Partial Components - Respondent and Spouse Wage and Salary Income, included in EARN Tip, Bonus, and Commission Income, included in EARN Second Job Income, included in EARN Professional Practice or Trade Income, included in EARN Social Security Retirement or Survivor Income, included in SRET. Social Security income is assumed to be retirement or survivor income if the individual is 65 or older, or if younger than 65, if no disability income is reported in the Disability section. Social Security Disability Income, included in SSDI. Social Security income is assumed to be disability income if the individual is less than 65 and reports receiving such in the Disability section. Unemployment Income, included in UNWC Worker’s Compensation Income, included in UNWC Veteran’s Benefits, included in GXFR Self-employment Income, included in CAP for both respondent and spouse. Pension #1 (largest) Income, included in PENA Pension #2 (2nd largest) Income, included in PENA Pension #3 (rest) Income, included in PENA Annuity #1 (largest) Income, included in PENA Annuity #2 (2nd largest) Income, included in PENA Annuity #3 (rest) Income, included in PENA For example, R3FUNEM indicates whether the respondent’s income from unemployment is imputed. R3OUNEM indicates whether the respondent reports (or is imputed to) receiving any unemployment income. IR3UNEM is the given or imputed amount the respondent received in unemployment in the last calendar year. It is missing for those who receive no unemployment income. Note that some of those who reported receiving a type of income then reported its value as zero. In these cases the ownership variable, e.g., R3OUNEM, indicates ownership but the IR3 variable, e.g., IR3UNEM, is zero. For the spouse S3FUNEM, S3OUNEM, and IS3UNEM are analogous to R3FUNEM, R3OUNEM, and IR3UNEM, respectively. APPENDIX: Wealth and Income Imputation Method Background The RAND HRS Data contain a number of wealth and income variables. Where missing, we imputed their values. Most HRS questions on wealth and income follow the same pattern. Consider holdings of stocks and mutual funds as an example. First, the interviewer asks whether the respondent (or his/her spouse) own any shares of stock or stock mutual funds. If affirmative, the interviewer asks the value of these stock holdings. If the respondent is unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount, the interviewer asks whether it is more than $25,000. Depending on the response, additional, smaller brackets are explored so that in the end the range is narrowed down to $0-2,500; $2,500-25,000; $25,000-125,000; $125,000-400,000; $400,000 or more. These ranges are known as “brackets;” the sequence of probes into increasingly narrow ranges is known as “unfolding brackets” questions. The brackets vary by asset and income category. For example, the cut-off values for dividend and interest income are $200, $500, $2,500, and $10,000. The respondent may opt out of the question sequence at any time. As a result, the raw data contain valid zero-value responses, exact amounts, complete bracket responses, incomplete bracket responses, and claim of ownership without value. An incomplete bracket results if the respondent provided some information but was unable or unwilling to respond through the last unfolding bracket probe. For example, he indicated that the stock holdings amount to more than $25,000, but refused to tell whether they are worth more than $125,000. In that case, the range is an open-ended $25,000 or more. A claim of ownership without value results if the respondent indicated that he owns stocks, but was revealed neither the exact amount nor a range. A claim of ownership without value is a special case of an incomplete bracket, namely an open-ended bracket of greater than zero dollars. Table 5. Distribution of Response Types on Stock Holdings (HRS Wave 2) Continuous value Complete bracket Incomplete bracket Owns, no value/bracket No asset Don’t know ownership No financial respondent Total Frequency 1,958 643 48 149 5,846 78 83 8,805 Percent 22.2 7.3 0.5 1.7 66.4 0.9 0.9 100.0 As an illustration, Table 5 shows the frequency distribution of response types on the ownership and value of stock holdings in Wave 2. The stock holdings question is asked from the so-called financial respondent in the household, and unit of observation in the table is a household. The majority of respondents, 66.4 percent, reports not owning any stocks (other than in retirement plans, which are not covered by this question). About one-fifth, 22.2 percent, owns stocks and provides an exact value. All other categories require imputation. Note the last category in Table 5, “No financial respondent.” These are cases in which the HRS, for whatever reason, did not interview a financial respondent. For those cases, virtually nothing is known about financial issues. The RAND HRS Data contain imputed values for these households, but the user should be aware that these imputations are subject to potentially large errors. They may be identified through flag variables. For example, Table 5 is derived from variable H2AFSTCK (“H2AFSTCK:W2 Asst Flag:Stocks”). In summary, the data contain valid responses and several types of responses that require imputations. In decreasing order of informational content: • Case 1: We may know a “complete” range of values; • Case 2: We may know that the household owns the asset (or has the income type), but have no information on its value, or only coarse information in the form of incomplete brackets; or • Case 3: We may not even know whether the household owns an asset, much less its value. Alternative Question Sequences While the majority of income and asset questions follows the pattern described above, there are deviations. Some questions, particularly income questions in Wave 1, do not probe for brackets if the respondent is unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount. We treat missing responses as-if there were unfolding bracket questions, but the respondent refused to provide any range information, i.e., as Case 2 above. Some interviewers in Wave 1 used so-called range cards instead of the sequence of unfolding bracket questions. This was especially prevalent for questions on the value of primary residence, mortgages, home loans equity lines of credit, and debt. The range cards contain a list of ranges. For example, a card may have shown $0-100; $100-500; $500-1,000; $1,000-5,000; $5,000-10,000; $10,000 or more. The cards were intended for other purposes but were sometimes used inadvertently when respondents were unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount.1 Respondents who were presented a range card had instant knowledge of all cut-off values, as opposed to gradual access in unfolding bracket questions. The cut-off values on the range cards were typically different from those in the appropriate unfolding bracket sequence. We treat responses from range cards in the same way as complete brackets, i.e., Case 1 above. Naturally, we account for the 1 Recall that the Wave 1 interview was face-to-face; subsequent interviews were conducted by telephone. cut-off values on the range cards, even if they are different from those in the unfolding bracket sequence. Starting in Wave 4, the “entry point” of the unfolding bracket sequence was randomized. In other words, respondents who were unable or unwilling to provide an exact amount were asked whether the value was more than a certain value, where that value varied across respondents. The underlying idea was to reduce any response bias that may arise from the value of the entry point (“acquiescence bias”). We ignore the fact that the entry point varied across respondents and process the resulting information in the same way as in the first three waves. Also starting in Wave 4, interviewers were able to record a new response. For example, suppose the interviewer asked “Is the amount greater than $5,000, less than $5,000, or what?” The potential answers now are “less than $5,000,” “about $5,000,” and “more than $5,000.” In earlier waves, the first and second responses were combined. The additional option is present at each subsequent branch. Where the respondent indicated that the amount was “about” equal to a certain value, we took that value as an exact response and did not impute anything. We treated range responses in the same way as those in earlier waves. Finally, some cut-off values of specific asset and income questions changed between waves, as did the entry point. This did not affect the resulting response types. Imputation Process The HRS public release files contain imputations for many asset and income types. The imputation method is a simple hotdeck and is not consistent across waves. Furthermore, there is a long lag between the release of data and imputations. The RAND HRS Data contain imputations of all asset and income types using a consistent method. As defined previously, there are three types of missing values that require separate types of imputation. Correspondingly, we developed three progressive imputation steps: to impute an exact amount, given that a range is known; to impute a range, given that ownership or only incomplete range is known; and to impute ownership, in case nothing is known. Table 6 illustrates the type of imputation necessary for each type of missing value. The imputation process is progressive in the sense that we first impute ownership for those for whom nothing is known. Given ownership, we impute brackets. Given brackets, we impute exact amounts. We always use all available information. In particular, where incomplete brackets are known, we impute complete brackets in the given range. Table 6. Response Types and Required Imputations Reported Information Continuous value Complete bracket Incomplete bracket Owns, no value/bracket No asset Don’t know ownership No financial respondent Required Imputation None Amount Bracket, Amount Bracket, Amount None Ownership, Bracket, Amount Ownership, Bracket, Amount Ownership Imputation To impute ownership, we first estimate a logistic regression model of ownership based on the sample of respondents with nonmissing ownership information for the asset or income type at issue. The explanatory covariates are discussed below. Next, we calculate the predicted probability of ownership for households with missing ownership information. Finally, we draw a random number from a uniform distribution between zero and one and assign ownership if and only if the predicted probability exceeds the random number. The estimation sample varies by asset and income type. For example, a household that reports ownership of housing wealth but not on stock holdings only enters the estimation sample for ownership of housing wealth. In some waves and for some asset and income types, ownership is rare and the logistic regression model fits the data poorly. Instead of imputing on the basis of a logistic model, we randomly assign ownership with a probability of ownership found in the nonmissing sample. This is equivalent to fitting a logistic model without covariates. We apply this procedure for assets in waves with fewer than 50 households reporting ownership. Bracket Imputation We impute brackets for asset owners (imputed and reported) who do not report a continuous value and do not fully complete the questionnaire bracketing sequence on asset value. First, we estimate an ordered logit model based on the sample of households who do not report a continuous value but do complete the bracketing sequence. The explanatory covariates are discussed below. Next, we calculate the predicted probabilities of being in each bracket for respondents with missing or incomplete bracket information. For those who partially complete the bracketing sequence, we calculate conditional probabilities based on the range of possible values from their answers. Finally, we draw a random number from a uniform distribution between zero and one and assign a bracket based on a comparison of the random number with the cumulative distribution of range probabilities. For some asset and income types, notably Wave 1 incomes, no bracket questions were asked. For these items, this step is skipped and we treat the strictly positive dollar range as a single large open-ended bracket. For some asset and income types, fewer than 50 households completed the bracket sequence. We treated these types in the same way as types without bracket questions. Amount Imputation We impute exact amounts for all cases with (reported or imputed) bracket information. The procedure is different for cases in closed vs. open-ended brackets.2 For closed brackets, we use a “nearest neighbor” approach; for open-ended brackets, a Tobit-based approach. The following discusses the two approaches in turn. In the nearest neighbor approach for closed brackets, we first estimate a linear regression model based on the sample of households who report an exact continuous value. The explanatory covariates are discussed below. The distribution of asset and income amounts tends to be roughly log-normal, so we would like to apply a logarithmic transformation to the outcome (asset, income) variable. However, some outcomes, such as business income, may be negative. The frequency with which this occurs is very low—too low to allow for a fully flexible model specification. Instead, we therefore apply the inverse hyperbolic sine transformation.3 Next, we computed predicted values for all cases, both with and without exact amounts. For each missing observation in closed brackets, we impute the actual value from the sample of households who report an exact amount that is closest in predicted value. In exploratory work, we applied this method to missing amounts in both closed and openended brackets. However, we found that the resulting imputations generated implausible distributions at the top of the distribution. The data contains some outliers which the 2 A closed bracket is known cut-off values; an open-ended bracket is, for example, $500,000 or more. 3 The inverse hyperbolic sine transformation is given by y = log Y + Y + 1 . For positive values of ( 2 ) outcome Y, not close to zero, this transformation closely mimics the logarithmic transformation. Only for small amounts, on the order of between -$10 and +$10 is the transformation appreciably different from the logarithmic transformation. The transformation is point-symmetric around zero. It may be graphed as: 6 3 0 -3 -6 -100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 If the logarithmic transformation were added to this graph, it would be indistinguishibly close on the northeast quadrant (up to a scale factor). nearest neighbor approach selects with too high a frequency to be plausible. We therefore developed an alternative approach for open-ended brackets. For missing observations in open-ended brackets, we estimate a separate model. First, we discard observations in the bottom 25 percent of the outcome, thus ensuring that the outcomes are all positive and that their distribution is close to log-normal. Based on this sample of nonmissing observations, we estimate a Tobit model. The explanatory covariates are discussed below. The outcome is a logarithmic transformation of the actual amount. We then compute predicted values of the log-amount for missing observations. To preserve the spread of the distribution of outcomes in the imputations, we add a draw from the residual distribution to this log-amount, and then untransform (exponentiate) the result. If the thus-imputed value is below the lower bound of the openended bracket, we re-draw from the residual distribution and repeat this until the imputed value is in the appropriate range. (This is equivalent to drawing from a truncated normal distribution.) The residual distribution is assumed to be normal with a zero mean and a standard deviation equal to the estimated standard deviation of the residual in the Tobit regression model. Covariates The number of model specifications in the imputations is large. There are four waves with well over a dozen asset and income types each, and each requires three equations. We experimented extensively with model specifications. On the one hand, we would like to select explanatory covariates that fit the models best. On the other hand, we would like the specifications to be parsimonious and consistent across asset and income types. Consistency across asset and income types caused problems with assets and income types where only small samples were available. In the end, we opted for the same set of explanatory covariates in all asset model specifications (ownership, bracket, and amount for all asset types) and another consistent set in income specifications. The sets are formed by principal components of approximately 30 explanatory covariates. For income imputations, the underlying explanatory covariates include (transformations of) husband and wife’s employment status, education, health status, age, race, marital status, occupation class, cognition, and bequest motive. For wealth imputations, the same set applies, but excluding employment status and including a number of income amounts and indicators of pension or government benefit receipt. We found that the first ten principal components resulted in model fits that in most cases were very close to the fit from the larger set of covariates, without sample size issues. The set of regressors varies slightly across waves, and the principal component factor loadings are computed separately for each wave. For example, Table 7 shows summary statistics and load factors of the explanatory covariates that make up the principal components of Wave 2 income imputations. Table 7. Load Factors on First Two Principal Components (Wave 2 Income Imputations) Variable BEQ10 BEQ10M BEQ100 BEQ100M M_COLLEG F_COLLEG M_HSGED F_HSGED M_EXHLTH F_EXHLTH M_PRHLTH F_PRHLTH M_PROF F_PROF M_WORK F_WORK M_UNEMP F_UNEMP M_DISAB F_DISAB M_RETIR F_RETIR AGE AGESQ SINGLFEM MARRIED NONWHITE MISSCOGN LOWCOGN Mean 61.54 0.0527 31.82 0.2559 0.1796 0.1546 0.2549 0.3516 0.3530 0.4247 0.1747 0.2001 0.1766 0.1391 0.4580 0.4851 0.0202 0.0209 0.0923 0.0961 0.2014 0.0977 58.64 3461.57 0.2308 0.6722 0.2924 0.0906 0.2804 Std. Dev. 42.43 0.2234 40.39 0.4364 0.3839 0.3616 0.4358 0.4775 0.4779 0.4943 0.3797 0.4001 0.3813 0.3460 0.4983 0.4998 0.1407 0.1431 0.2895 0.2947 0.4011 0.2969 4.84 579.24 0.4214 0.4694 0.4549 0.2871 0.4492 Factor loadings on First Second comp’t comp’t 0.3395 -0.0289 -0.1223 0.0481 0.3034 -0.0139 -0.3170 0.0326 0.2306 -0.0043 0.1644 -0.1185 0.0701 0.1507 0.0302 0.0719 0.2687 0.0400 0.2321 -0.0694 -0.1176 0.2205 -0.2244 0.0651 0.2378 0.0130 0.1504 -0.1162 0.2363 -0.0749 0.1352 -0.2087 -0.0167 -0.0135 -0.0318 -0.0391 -0.1219 0.1245 -0.1970 0.0195 0.0587 0.3879 0.0233 0.2001 0.0027 0.4766 0.0025 0.4782 -0.2341 -0.2965 0.2501 0.2667 -0.2181 -0.0361 -0.1047 0.0308 -0.1134 0.0793 Description Probability Bequest $10,000+ Bequest $10,000 missing Probability Bequest $100,000+ Bequest $100,000 missing Male: College Graduate Female: College Graduate Male: HS Diploma or GED Female: HS Diploma or GED Male: Excellent/Very Good Health Female: Excellent/Very Good Health Male: Fair/Poor Health Female: Fair/Poor Health Male: Professional Work Female: Professional Work Male: Currently Working Female: Currently Working Male: Unemployed Female: Unemployed Male: Disabled/Temp Laid Off Female: Disabled/Temp Laid Off Male: Retired Female: Retired Age of Oldest Partner Squared Age of Oldest Partner Single Female Financial Respondent Married Couple Non-White Financial Respondent Missing Cognition Score Low Cognition Score Substantive Differences Across Waves In addition to survey-technical changes between waves, there have been a few changes that may affect the comparability of asset values across waves. We discuss the most important changes. Notable Differences between Waves 1 and 2 Net value of vehicles: Wave 1 includes a measure of the value of a recreational vehicle or motor home in the Housing Section and a measure of the value of other vehicles in the Asset Section. We separately imputed these values and summed them. For Wave 2, the two components are incorporated into one measure of the net value of vehicles in the Asset Section. Notable Differences between Waves 2 and 3 Asset income: In Waves 1 and 2, asset ownership and value were asked in the Asset Section, whereas income from assets was asked separately in the Income Section. Starting in Wave 3, income from asset questions were incorporated in the Asset Section. For example, if the respondent indicated owning stocks, the interviewer followed up with a question about dividends. This increased the response rate for asset income. Assuming that this increases the quality of responses, it also improves the accuracy of our asset imputations, because asset income is an explanatory covariate of our imputation model. Net value of IRA/Keogh accounts: In Waves 1 and 2, respondents were asked to report the total value of all Individual Retirement Account (IRA) and KEOGH accounts. In Wave 3, separate questions were asked about the largest, second largest, and all other accounts. Notable Differences between Waves 3 and 4 Housing wealth: Starting in Wave 4, mobile homes are a separate category of measurement in the Housing Section. We impute their value separately and incorporate it into housing wealth. Notable Differences between Waves 4 and 5 The structures of Waves 4 and 5 are very similar. Any important differences are specified under “Cross Wave Differences in Original HRS Data” subsections in the codebook.