This form can be used to advertise a vacant post once you have received funding approval.
In all cases, approval must be obtained using the Approval to Appoint form and process before submitting this form to HR. See HR website under A – Z for the form and process flow.
Approval to Appoint Reference Number: _____________________________
Once completed, please email this form to hr.services@warwick.ac.uk
to be actioned.
Positions will be advertised as follows, in order to maximise cost efficiencies:
1. N o cost or low cost (up to £250) media only. Free media includes jobs.ac.uk, Job Centre and other websites. Contact HR for further information.
2. Advertising in paid media in excess of £250 should preferably be via signpost advertising although full adverts will be placed these are subject to approval – see page 3 for details of advertising exceptions.
IMPORTANT – Advertising in Paid Media
If the advert you wish to place is for paid media then you MUST e-mail a purchase order number upon confirmation of the advertising costs. Your advert will not appear in any paid media until the purchase order has been received. The Vendor is 360Education; vendor number 10040119.
This request is to advertise:
New Post
Existing Post – No Changes
Existing Post – With Changes*
*NB If this is an existing post with changes please indicate where the changes have been made as the changes may have an impact of the grade of the post and HR need to be aware of this in line with job evaluation procedures.
Department and Sub-department: ___________________ ________________________________
Post Number: ____________________________________________________________________
Post Title: _______________________________________________________________________
Previous Post holder, where applicable: _______________________________________________
Is this vacancy a re-advertisement? Yes / No
If yes, please indicate previous advertisement reference number: ___________________________
Reason for re-advertising: _________________________________________________________
Will the vacancy only be open to current members of University Staff? Yes / No
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To comply with UK Border Agency regulations regarding advertising of posts that may be offered to non-EEA nationals who require a Certificate of Sponsorship under Tier 2, your advert must appear for 4 weeks on jobs.ac.uk and the Warwick web pages as a minimum requirement. This does not preclude you from advertising elsewhere. For further details see http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/introduction/advert/rta - advertising timescales
1 week 2 weeks 4 weeks Other, please specify
(internal only)
Vacancy to be advertised on the following media at a cost of less than £250 per unique vacancy (tick as required):
Warwick website Universal Job Match
(was Job Centre Plus)
Other (costing l ess than £250):
Recruitment advertising includes website listings, paper publications and any other communication whereby the job, salary or application process is described. Departments may alert email groups and colleagues to available posts, but the email should direct applicants to the Warwick website.
Jobs.ac.uk can offer enhanced advertising of your va cancy for £250. If you wish to know more about what this includes, or wish to proceed with enhanced advertising of this vacancy, please contact your HR Assistant, who will be able to provide you with more details.
Do you wish to see the final draft of your advertisement before it is published in your chosen media?
Yes, I wish to review the final copy of my advertisement
No, I do not wish to see any further copies of my advertisement before publication
Who in the department should application forms be sent to (24 hours after the closing date)
Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Post Title: __________________________________________________________________
Room and Building: _________________________________
Need for Advertising Approved By (HoD or authorised deputy):
Extension: ____________
Job Title_______________________________________________________________________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________
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If your advertising spend is up to £250 or if your spend is only with jobs.ac.uk and exceeds
£250, you do not need to complete this section of the form.
If you wish to advertise in paid media, it is preferable to use signpost advertising unless however full adverts can be placed. A signpost advert lists the job title, department, salary and reference number of the post, and directs potential applicants to visit our website for further information and an application form.
This exception request will be submitted to the PVC for Academic Resourcing, or Registrar, via Karen
Kelleher, HR Shared Services Manager. Forms will be collated and submitted on a weekly basis
(each Friday).
Post Number ____________ Post Title ______________________________________
Recruiting Dept _____________________________________________________________
Please give details of why you are making this request including details of the publications and websites you wish to advertise with and approximate cost of your proposed advertising programme.
If you have completed stage 1 advertising (no/low cost media)
How many applications were received
How many of these applicants were shortlisted
Request made by (HoD or authorised deputy only):
Job Title _____________________________________________________________________
Signature ____________________________________________________________________
For HR Office Use Only:
Approved Not Approved Other (attach details
Approval Reference:
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IMPORTANT: Please do not re-format the advert, job description or person specification as these are the University standard.
Please detail advert text below. (Headings are to be used as guidance only.) Please refer to Guidance
Notes for advice on writing adverts, job descriptions and person specifications at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/introduction/
Post Title and Post Reference Number
(if level 9 use “Competitive Salary”
(Insert only where vacancy is part-time)
Permanent/Fixed Term Contract:
(Indicate where the post will be based ;eg, UoW, Coventry; University of Monash, Australia)
Skills/Experience required:
Closing date:
Interview date (if known):
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IMPORTANT: If you wish to include details about who the post reports to or any reporting lines please include this in the Further Particulars under the section The Post.
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E-jobs will only permit a maximum of 255 characters in the requirements field. Each vacancy has a maximum limit of 15 essential criteria and 5 desirable criteria, you do not need to use all of the rows, but you cannot exceed the specified number; (all essential criteria must be listed first followed by the desirable criteria.
The measured by options CANNOT be amended they are as specified in the header of the “Measured
By” column below.
The Person Specification focuses on the knowledge, skills, experience and qualifications required to undertake the role effectively.
The post holder must be able to demonstrate:
You can only have a maximum of 255 characters in this field
MEASURED BY: a) Application Form b) Test/Exercise c) Interview d) Presentation
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IMPORTANT NOTE : For information about the University and your department you are only permitted to use hyperlinks; the Further Particulars field will now only accept a maximum of
500 words of free text which can be used to outline specific project or post information. If you have an internet page about the post or the project please include the hyperlink to this page.
The University
For further information about the University of Warwick, please visit our website at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/jobsintro/furtherparticulars
Department ofXXXXXX
For further information about the Department of XXXX , please see our website at
(insert link for departmental further particulars).
The Post
Include a hyperlink or up to a maximum of 500 words giving specific details about the vacancy eg reporting lines
The Project
Include details about the project (up to a maximum of 500 words) or include a hyperlink to the project page
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As an organisation using the (DBS) Dis closure and Barring Service to assess applicants’ suitability for positions of trust, the University of Warwick complies with the DBS Code of
Practice and undertakes not to discriminate unfairly against any subject of a Disclosure on the basis of a conviction or other information revealed. More information is available on the
University’s Vacancy pages and applicants may request a copy of the DBS Code of
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With the exception of jobs coded to research grants commencing “R”, approval must be obtained using the Approval to Appoint form and process before submitting this form to HR.
Please see the HR website under A – Z for the form and process flow.
□ New Post
To advertise a new post, you will first need to complete a ‘Request for New Post’ form. You may only advertise the post when Human Resources notify you of the new post number, once your request for a new post has been processed.
□ Existing Post – With Changes
To re-evaluate the grade of an existing post before it is refilled, you must complete a Job
Evaluation form. If there are significant changes to the post then the role will need to be resubmitted to a job evaluation panel to ensure that the changes do not affect the grading of the post.
To change any other details of the post (e.g. hours of work, etc.) you must complete a ‘Request to Change an Appointment/Post’ form. The post can only be advertised after Human Resources has confirmed your request has been approved. NB If the change you require incurs an increase in costs you will require approval to appoint before the change can be implemented.
□ Existing Post – No Changes
To refill a post without changing any of the post details, you must first seek approval from the relevant funding contact. Once you receive this confirmation that the post can be refilled you may then advertise the post.
Please complete this form and email it to personnelads@warwick.ac.uk copying your HR Assistant.
You must provide a clear job description and person specification for all advertisements and use this as a framework for the short listing and interviewing process. In cases where you are advertising at two levels, eg Assistant/Associate Professor you MUST provide two separate job descriptions and person specifications. Failure to produce these will result in incomplete application forms, makes justifying your shortlist difficult and exposes the University to risk of legal action.
Guidelines on recruitment and selection (including example job description and person specs) are available at http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/services/humanresources/introduction/
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