RAND Corporation
1200 S. Hayes Street
Arlington, VA 22202-5050
703-413-1100 X5361
Center for Chronic Disease Outcomes Research, VA Medical Center & Department of
Medicine, University of Minnesota
Postdoctoral Fellow (Health Services Research/Health Economics), 2011-2012
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, School of Labor and Employment Relations
Ph.D. in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, 2007 (October conferral)
Specialization: Labor & Personnel Economics
Masters in Human Resources and Industrial Relations, 2004
University of Texas at Dallas
Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, 2001, Summa Cum Laude
Economist (Full)
RAND Corporation
(April 2014 – present)
Arlington, VA
US Health Division, Abt Associates, Inc.
(2013 – 2014)
Bethesda, MD
Economist, Lead Research Data Center Administrator
Center for Economic Studies, US Census Bureau
(2012 – 2013)
Suitland, MD
Assistant Research Scientist
Institute for Social Research, University of Michigan
(2007 – 2010)
Ann Arbor, MI
Visiting Scholar
Institute for Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University
(Spring 2005)
Cambridge, MA
1. Hamman, M. and Kapinos, K.A. (forthcoming). “Affordable Care Act Provision Lowered OutOf-Pocket Cost And Increased Colonoscopy Rates Among Men In Medicare” Health Affairs
2. Kapinos, K.A., Caloyeras, J., Liu, H., and Mattke, S. (forthcoming) “Does targeting higher
health risk employees or increasing intervention intensity yield savings in a workplace wellness
program?” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
Last updated: 11/12/2015
3. Hamman, M.K. and Kapinos, K.A. (forthcoming). “Colorectal Cancer Screening and State
Health Insurance Mandates,” Health Economics.
4. Hamman, M.K. and Kapinos, K.A. (2015). “Does Mandated Coverage of Preventive Care
Reduce Disparities? Evidence from Colorectal Cancer Screening,” American Journal of Public
Health, 105(S3): S508-S516.
5. Gurley-Calvez, T., Kapinos, K., and Bruce, D. (forthcoming). “Retirement, Recessions, and
Small Business Owners” in Natalie Sappleton and Fernando Lourenco (eds.), Self-employment,
Entrepreneurship and Retirement, 11-41.
6. Kapinos, K.A., Yakusheva, O., and Eisenberg, D. (2014) “Obesogenic Influences on Young
Adults: Evidence from Randomized Dormitory Assignments.” Economics & Human Biology.
12(1): 98-109.
7. Yakusheva, O., Kapinos, K.A., and Eisenberg, D. (2014). “Estimating Heterogeneous and
Hierarchical Peer Effects on Body Weight Using Roommate Assignments as a Natural
Experiment.” Journal of Human Resources, 49(1): 234-261.
8. Kapinos, K.A. (2012). “Changes in Firm Pension Policies: Trends Away from Traditional
Defined Benefit Plans” Journal of Labor Research, 33(1): 91-103.
9. Kapinos, K.A., Fitzgerald, P., Greer, N., Rutks, I., and Wilt, T. (2012). “The Effect of Working
Conditions on Patient Care: A Systematic Review” Department of Veterans Affairs, Health
Services Research & Development Service, Evidence-based Synthesis Program.
10. Kapinos, K. A. and Yakusheva, O. (2011). “Environmental Influences on Adolescent Weight
Gain: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” Journal of Adolescent Health, 48(1): 52-58.
11. Yakusheva, O., Kapinos, K.A., and Weiss, M. (2011). “Peer Effects and the Freshman
15: Evidence from a Natural Experiment,” Economics & Human Biology, 9(2): 119-132.
12. Kapinos, K. A. (2009). “Changes in Spousal Health Insurance Coverage and Female Labor
Supply Decisions.” Forum for Health Economics and Policy, 12(2), Article 1.
13. Kapinos, K. A. (2009). “On the Determinants of Defined Benefit Pension Plan Conversions.”
Journal of Labor Research, 30(2): 149-167.
1. Mattke, S., Kapinos, K., Caloyeras, J.P., Taylor, E.A., Batorsky, B., Liu, H., Van
Busum, K.R., and Newberry, S. (2014). Workplace Wellness Programs: Services
Offered, Participation, and Incentives. RAND Report.
2. Gurley-Calvez, T., Kapinos, K. and Kapinos, P. (2014). Housing Wealth and the
Demand for Small-Business Capital among New Firms. Prepared for the US Small
Business Administration, Office of Advocacy, Contract Number: SBAHQ-13-M-0054.
3. Gurley-Calvez, T., Kapinos, K. and Bruce, D. (2012). Retirement, Recessions and Older
Small Business Owners. Prepared for the US Small Business Administration, Office of
Advocacy. Contract Number: SBAHQ-11-M-0207.
4. Kapinos, K.A., Brown, C.C., Nolte, M.A., Stolyarova, H., and Weir, D.R. (2010). CrossWave Prospective Social Security Wealth Measures of Pre-Retirees Public Release: Data
Description and Usage. Available online at:
Last updated: 11/12/2015
1. Kapinos, P., Gurley-Calvez, T., Kapinos, K., “(Un)expected Housing Price Changes:
Identifying the Drivers of Small Business Finance.” (revision requested at Journal of Economics
and Business)
2. Kapinos, K.A. and Yakusheva, O. “The Effect of a Negative Shock to Fertility Preferences on
Subsequent Childbearing, Schooling, and Earnings” (under review)
3. Weiss, M., Yakusheva, O., and Kapinos, K.A. “Perinatal Weight Changes and Maternal and
Neonatal Outcomes in Subsequent Pregnancies” (under review)
4. Helppie, B., Kapinos, K.A., and Wills, R. “Occupational Learning, Financial Knowledge and
the Accumulation of Retirement Wealth” Michigan Retirement Research Center Research
Paper No. 2010-23.
Current Research Support
Kapinos (PI)
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration
The Affordable Care Act, Lactation Support Services, and Breastfeeding
This study aims to establishing causal evidence of the effect of the ACA’s lactation support
services mandate on breastfeeding behaviors.
Mulcahy & Kapinos (PIs)
Sustainability of the U.S. Blood Supply
This project aims to analyze the sustainability of the U.S. blood supply by describing the market
and analyzing approaches to valuing the availability of blood for both routine medical use and
preparedness, trends due to changes in the healthcare market, technology, and policy, and
alternative models.
Role: Co-Principal Investigator
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Chandra (PI)
Planning Support to Develop Culture of Health Frameworks/Initial Models
The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation is embarking on an innovative and complex approach
to develop, support, and inform an American culture of health, a culture premised on
embedding health in all aspects of our social infrastructure from business and government to
individuals and families. In this project, we will develop a culture of health model and
framework, as well as measures for monitoring and evaluation.
Role: Investigator
Completed Research Support
White (PI)
Developing the Analytic Capacity to Analyze the Performance and Effects of Accountable
Care Organizations Relative to Other Payment Systems
This project aims to analyze the impact of Accountable Care Organizations on health care
markets broadly.
Role: Co-Investigator
SBAHQ -13-M-0054
Gurley-Calvez (PI)
Last updated: 11/12/2015
U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy
The Demand for Small Business Capital: The Current Climate and Pending Storms
This study aimed to understand how changes in macroeconomic conditions influenced small business
financing decisions.
Role: Co-PI
Gurley-Calvez (PI)
U.S. Small Business Administration, Office of Advocacy
Retirement, Recessions, and Small Business Owners
This study aimed to understand how financial literacy and retirement preparation differs for small
business owners relative to individuals employed by someone else.
Role: Co-PI
UM 10-08
Willis (PI)
Disentangling Cognitive Function and Financial Knowledge: A Human Capital Approach
Michigan Retirement Research Center/ Social Security Administration
This study aimed to investigate the extent to which individuals in financial occupations or industry enjoy
greater financial literacy and whether that translates into better retirement preparation.
Role: Co-PI
5001251-7 Sandell
Kapinos (PI)
Changes in Firm Pension Policy: The Case of Cash Balance Plan Conversions
Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, Steven H. Sandell Grant for Junior Scholars in
Retirement Research/Social Security Administration
This project aimed to understand determinants for firms’ decisions to change traditional defined benefit
plans into cash balance plans.
2016: American Economic Association (panel organizer)
2014: American Society of Health Economists, Population Association of America, AddHealth
Users Conference (invited to plenary session), RAND Corporation, Truven Health
Analytics, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration,
2013: AcademyHealth General Research Meeting (poster)
2012: American Society of Health Economists, University of Maryland, US Census Bureau, Abt
Associates, Food and Drug Administration
2011: AcademyHealth Economics Interest Group Meeting (podium), AcademyHealth General
Research Meeting (poster), Minnesota Population Center, University of Minnesota, SHADAC,
University of Minnesota, Michigan State University, Minneapolis VA
2010: American Society of Health Economists ,Michigan Retirement Research Center, University of
Michigan, Southern Economic Association, Labor and Employment Relations Association (at
2009: University of Michigan, Labor and Employment Relations Association (at AEAs) meetings
Last updated: 11/12/2015
Khazan, O. “Our Roommates, Ourselves.” The Atlantic, August, 29, 2014.
Moore, A.S. “The Science of Roommates,” New York Times Online/Education, July 23, 2010
Childs, D. “Freshman 15 Weight Gain May Depend on Dorm Location,” ABC News
Online/Health, August 3, 2010.
“Dorm with Cafeteria May Boost College Weight Gain,” US News and World Report Online,
August 3, 2010.
Jaffe, E. “The ‘Contagion’ of Social Networks,” Los Angeles Times Online, September 13, 2010.
Donaldson-Evans, C. “College Women with Heavy Roommates Gain Less Weight Freshman
Year,” AOL Health, September 22, 2010.
“College Women with Heave Roommates Stay More Trim During Freshmen Year, Study Says,”
Fox News Online/Women’s Health, September 22, 2010.
Johnson, J. “Want to Stay Slim? Get a chubby roommate.” Washington Post Online, September
23, 2010.
Park, A. “For Women Who Want to Stay Slim, a Heavy Roommate Might Help.” Time
Magazine Online/Healthland, September 23, 2010.
McCormack, M. “Why women really gain weight.” CBS News Online, May 14, 2013.
Elbert Fellowship, Summer 2003
University of Illinois Pre-doctoral Fellowship, 2002-2003
University of Illinois list of teachers ranked excellent by their students, 2001-2002, Fall 2003
Southwestern Bell Telephone’s Citizen Scholarship, 1997-2001
University of Texas Academic Distinction Scholarship, 1997-2001
Professional Organizations
 Health Economics Interest Group Advisory Committee, 2014-2016
American Economic Association
American Society of Health Economists
Committee for the Status of Women in the Economics Profession (mentee, 2010)
International Health Economics Association
Population Association of America
Annals of Finance, BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, British Journal of Industrial
Relations, Eastern Economic Journal, Economics & Human Biology, Health Economics, Health
Services Research, Industrial & Labor Relations Review, Industrial Relations, Inquiry, Journal
of Adolescent Health, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of Economics
and Management Strategy, Journal of General Internal Medicine, Journal of Health Economics,
Journal of Human Resources, Preventive Medicine, World Medical & Health Policy
Last updated: 11/12/2015