Classics and Ancient History Undergraduate Monitoring Points 2015/16 YEAR 1 ALL UNDERGRADUATE DEGREE COURSES Week schedule Evidence TERM 1 Attendance at 1st year Induction Attendance at Personal Tutor Meeting Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Submission of essay for core module CX 110 Roman Culture and Society 01 01/02 04 06 08 10 Induction register Personal tutor meeting register CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society Essay Submission Log TERM 2 Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Attendance at core module lecture CX110 Roman Culture and Society Submission of essay for core module CX110 Roman Culture and Society 04 06 08 10 CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society module register CX110 Roman Culture and Society Essay Submission Log TERM 3 Attendance at core module exam CX110 Roman Culture & Society mid-term CX110 Roman Culture & Society exam register YEAR 2 Q820 / Q821 / VV14 / VV18 / Q8V5 TERM 1 Attendance at Induction Attendance at Personal Tutor Meeting Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World 01 01/02 03 05 07 09 Induction register Personal tutor meeting register CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register TERM 2 Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World Attendance at core module lecture CX251 Hellenistic World 03 05 07 09 CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register CX251 Hellenistic World module register TERM 3 Attendance at exam, core module CX251 Hellenistic World mid-term Exam attendance register YEAR 2 Q800 / Q802 / Q801 / QQ36 TERM 1 Attendance at Induction Attendance at Personal Tutor Meeting Completion of module registration Attendance at *core language class Attendance at *core language class Attendance at *core language class 01 01/02 03 05 07 09 Induction register Personal tutor meeting register Online module registration Module register Module register Module register 03 05 07 09 Module register Module register Module register Module register TERM 2 Attendance at *core language class Attendance at *core language class Attendance at *core language class Attendance at *core language class TERM 3 Attendance at core language exam mid-term Exam attendance register *Core language module will depend upon degree being studied: CX220 Greek Language CX226 Greek Language and Literature CX206 Greek Literary Texts CX265 Greek Tragedy CX235 Democracy and Imperialism CX215 Latin Language CX201 Latin Language and Literature CX236 Latin Literary Texts CX249 Origins of the Modern Novel CX244 Tiberius to Hadrian YEAR 3 Q820 / VV14 / Q8V5 /Q800 TERM 1 Induction Personal Tutor Meeting CX303 Dissertation topic registered CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation sample work 01 01/02 02 03/05 07/10 10 Induction register Personal tutor meeting register CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Supervision log CX303 Supervision log CX303 Dissertation log TERM 2 CX303 Dissertation presentation 02/03 CX303 Dissertation title logged CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation submission 03 04/07 10 CX303 Dissertation presentation register CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Dissertation log mid-term Exam attendance register TERM 3 Exam attendance NB CX303 Dissertation is a compulsory core module for all students, except those on English-Latin degree (QQ36). Very rarely, English-Latin students will opt out of dissertation: in this case, the following alternative monitoring points are proposed: TERM 1 (QQ36) Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture 03 Module register 05 Module register CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel 08 Module register 10 Module register 02 Module register 04 Module register 08 Module register 10 Module register mid-term Exam attendance register TERM 2 (QQ36) Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel Core Latin module lecture CX344 Tiberius to Hadrian OR CX349 Origins of the Modern Novel TERM 3 (QQ36) Exam attendance YEAR 4 Q821 / VV18 / Q801 / Q802 TERM 1 Induction Personal Tutor Meeting CX303 Dissertation topic registered CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation sample work 01 01/02 02 03/05 07/10 10 Induction register Personal tutor meeting register CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Supervision log CX303 Supervision log CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Dissertation presentation register CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Dissertation log CX303 Dissertation log TERM 2 CX303 Dissertation presentation 02/03 CX303 Dissertation title logged CX303 Dissertation supervision CX303 Dissertation submission 03 04/07 10 TERM 3 Exam attendance mid-term Exam attendance register VISITING/EXCHANGE STUDENTS (length of study at Warwick variable) PER TERM REGISTERED Attendance at lecture for module registered: in weeks 2, 4, 5, 7, 9 OUTGOING ERASMUS STUDENTS Term 1 1. Submission of Erasmus arrival form to International Office within 1 month of starting placement. 2. Submission of email report to Dept Erasmus coordinator, Week 1-3 3. Submission to departmental office of countersigned contact address form 4. Submission of email report to Dept Erasmus coordinator, Week 4-6 5. Submission of email report to Dept Erasmus coordinator, Week 7-10 6. Submission of e-mail report to Personal Tutor Week 9/10. Term 2 1. Submission of e-mail report to Personal Tutor by end of Week 1-2. 2. Submission of Erasmus mid-placement report form to International Office. 3. Submission of email report to Dept Erasmus coordinator, Week 6-9 4. Contact with Dept Dissertation Coordinator to plan dissertation topic Week 9/10 Term 3 1. Submission of final-year module choices form by 1 June.