February 10, 2011
1. Call to Order-Chair Johari called the meeting to order at 3:01 PM.
2. Roll-Secretary Carney called roll. Attendance was as follows:
Present: Adrian, Ahmed, Carney, Corriette, Crandon, Dunn, Estep, Heflin, Hodgson, Janda, Johari, Liu,
Metzger, Miller, Robinson, Smith, Soylu, Vitense, Walton, Wright-Smith, Williamson
Absent: Abbott, Billingslea, Couch, Cruz, Easley, Sailor, Williams
Also, Catherine Gardner (SGA Representative) was in attendance.
3. Old Business
Approval of the January 13, 2011 Minutes
University Committees Reports Faculty Development- Professor Hodgson stated that a
meeting was scheduled shortly; ITA-Professor Estep discussed the change to Office 2010 in
the labs; I&IS-Professor Estep reported that the committee discussed the last round of PQIR
and is awaiting survey results; Research-Professor Soylu discussed external grants; TECProfessor Robinson stated that the committee met but had no report at this time; Teaching
and Learning-Professor Ahmed discussed increasing faculty participation; Academic
Standards and Policies-Professor Vitense reported that the committee’s work with student
evaluations continues; Professor Janda discussed the committee’s work on a policy for
academic integrity.
Evaluation of Online Courses (Faculty Committee Report)-Chair-Elect Heflin discussed
concerns regarding having chairs, deans, and graduate assistants added to online courses
without the faculty member’s knowledge and suggested that any new guidelines regarding
how online courses are assessed come at the department level. Professors Janda and Ahmed
discussed the matter. Professor Janda made a motion to have such guidelines come from the
departments. Professor Wright-Smith seconded and the motion carried unanimously.
The IAC and the Program Assessment Process (Faculty Committee Report)-Chair-Elect Heflin
discussed concerns about having IAC members assess academic programs through WEAVE
and suggested that Professor Warren be invited to the next Senate meeting to discuss the
matter. Professor Vitense placed the invitation in the form of a motion, which Professor Ahmed
seconded. The motion carried unanimously.
The Possibility of 16 hours of Non-accruing Discretionary/Personal Leave for Faculty Per
Semester-(Fringe Benefits Committee Report)-Professor Adrian indicated that the
committee had not met as yet.
Updates on Recycling Bin Proposal-(Faculty Senate Members’ Reports)-Professor Estep
suggested that there might be liability issues the Senate is unaware of. No action was taken.
4. New Business
2012-13 CU Senate Election (Rules Committee Report)-Professor Walton discussed the
upcoming 2012-2013 election and yielded the floor to Professor Keller who gave an overview
of the elections and the use of the election software. Professors Vitense and Soylu discussed
issues of cost, the ability for a voter to abstain. Professor Walton moved that we recommend
the use of this software again. Professor Wright-Smith seconded and the motion carried
January 25, 2011 Faculty Advisory Committee Reports-Chair Johari presented the results of two
meetings and reinforced the request noted in point 1 and 2 of the handouts provided, asking that we
report on March 9th as to what our programs do.
A Faculty Retention Proposal- Chair Johari and Professor Dunn provided a copy of a motion (see
below) that was introduced by Professor Johari and passed in Long range Committee and discussed the
possibility of having it passed via the Senate committee. There was discussion as to whether this was
retention or service. Professor Dunn moved that it be accepted as a project more akin to concerns about
recruitment. Professor Vitense seconded and the motion carried unanimously but with an abstention.
“A Faculty Retention Motion -Provided two minutes air time, choice of content, very brief voice training session, and
an audio monitoring service, Cameron faculty may record a segment for KCCU to inform the Lawton Community with
information about college teaching, research findings and research interests, or university, state, or global service
works performed by Cameron faculty, staff, administration, and students.”
The meeting was adjourned at 4:09 PM.