Professor: Office: Phone #:

Adult Counseling
COUN 6810
Phone #:
Teyber, E., & McClure, F. H. (2011). Interpersonal process in therapy: An integrative model. Belmont,
CA: Brooks/Cole.
Course description
This hybrid course focuses on methods and techniques of counseling adults from motivational
interviewing, interpersonal, brief psychodynamic, and solution-focused perspectives. Practical issues
that commonly arise when counseling adults (e.g., readiness for change, suicide risk management,
substance abuse, transference/countertransference, family violence, counseling termination) are also
addressed. Students develop competency in devising treatment plans and implementing specific
techniques that can be used to help adult clients address and resolve problems including domestic
violence/traumatic events, anxiety, depression, and relationship dysfunction. Multicultural and ethical
issues which impact the counseling process are addressed.
Student learning outcomes
As a result of participating in the course, students will achieve the following:
COUN 6810 Adult Counseling
2009 CACREP Standards
Core Curricular
Helping Relationships
Helping Relationships
Adult Counseling
Essential interviewing and counseling skills;
Counseling theories that provide the student with models to
conceptualize client presentation and that help the student
select appropriate counseling interventions. Students will be
exposed to models of counseling that are consistent with
Learning Activities &
Lecture, discussion &
course readings; Clinical
interviewing assignment;
Counseling technique
assignment & presentation
Lecture, discussion &
course readings; Discussion
board; Exam
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current professional research and practice in the field so
they begin to develop a personal model of counseling;
Clinical Mental Health
Counseling, Prevention
& Intervention –
Knows the principles, models, and documentation formats of
biopsychosocial case conceptualization and treatment
Research & Evaluation
– Skills & Practices
Applies relevant research findings to inform the practice of
clinical mental health counseling
Research & Evaluation
– Skills & Practices
Develops measurable outcomes for clinical mental health
counseling programs, interventions, and treatments
Learning Activities &
Lecture, discussion &
course readings; Case
conceptualization &
treatment planning
exercise (Planning and
Assessment in Clinical Care
Lecture, discussion &
course readings;
Counseling technique
assignment & presentation
Lecture, discussion &
course readings;
Counseling technique
assignment & presentation
Course structure
This is a “hybrid” course meaning that part of the course is spent in direct face-to-face contact with the
instructor and your classmates while the other part is spent completing Internet-based and related
activities. The class meets in person on the following dates:
When the class meets in person, it will consist of lecture and discussion activities as well as small group
& role playing exercises. It is important that you participate in discussions and work diligently on
projects and activities with your classmates.
The content of the online portion of the course is presented in “modules” which contain topic-specific
material and activities to be covered during a particular time period. For each module, you will read the
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information contained on the Adult Counseling website (or in the textbook) and complete any assigned
activities associated with a module. These activities will usually entail completing homework (discussed
later) and answering questions posed by the instructor on an electronic discussion board pertaining to
the module material and/or readings for a particular week. Make it a goal to complete the module and
any associated discussion board activities or assignments by (or prior to) the date listed on the course
outline (which can be found later in this syllabus).
Course notes for the online portion of the course will be available by accessing the Adult Counseling
website through D2L (i.e.,, MTSU’s portal to university-related materials. The
instructor will save the course notes (and all other materials) as Adobe/.pdf files, thus you will be
required to have the most recent version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer in order to view
and print the notes. (NOTE: This program can be downloaded for free by typing the following URL into
the address box of your browser:
YOU AND THE INSTRUCTOR! (NOTE: University e-mail addresses have automatically been entered into
the course website by the Office of Information Technology and these are the addresses that must be
used for the course. The instructor will not use any other e-mail address for communication purposes.)
If at any time you feel you are having trouble keeping up, contact the instructor immediately so the
problem can be addressed expediently.
Evaluation of Coursework/Class Participation
1. Attendance. Given that this class only meets “in person” eight times, it is important that you attend
all of the class meetings. Indeed, lectures/discussions, small group activities and role plays are an
important part of the learning process, thus you are expected to attend class to contribute to its
success. Attendance accounts for approximately 12.5% of your grade. The breakdown of credit for
attendance is as follows:
Attended seven complete class sessions – 30 points
Attended six complete class sessions – 20 points
Attended five complete class sessions – 10 points
Attended four or less class sessions – 0 points
If you miss more than one hour of a class on a day the class meets in person, you will not be given credit
for attending that day’s class (i.e., no half-credit is given). If you must miss a class for an extenuating
circumstance or university-sponsored event (e.g., attending a sporting event as a member of an MTSU
sports team), you may make up ten (10) points by writing three (3) journal article reviews on articles
(selected by the instructor) pertaining to the missed class material. You may only earn make-up credit
once (i.e., for one missed or partially missed class).
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2. Class participation. Class participation points are based on a) participation in classroom discussions
and activities and b) online discussions and activities.
A. Lecture-discussion portion of class:
You will be graded on your participation when class meets in person. In particular, the instructor
expects students to participate – substantively - at least once during the lecture-discussion of class. It is
very important that you read assigned textbook chapters prior to the class in which they will be
discussed! Consider preparing for classroom discussions of the textbook material by doing the
1. Come up with three questions that could provide the basis for discussions.
2. Identify three ideas, concepts, techniques, etc. that struck you and/or were of particular
interest to you and why.
3. Identify three ideas, concepts, techniques etc. that might pose a challenge in your work with
clients and why.
4. Come up with a combination of three things from #1, #2 and/or #3.
Even if time or other circumstances does not allow for discussion of the textbook material, preparing
responses to the four questions above will still be a good way for you to process and learn information
contained in the textbook.
It is important that you contribute to classroom discussions in a professional and collegial manner. You
can earn 30 points for lecture-discussion participation (i.e., 6 classes X 5 points max awarded for
participation = 30 points). Lecture discussion participation points account for approximately 12.5% of
your grade.
The instructor will use a rubric to assess your participation in the lecture-discussion portion of the class.
B. Online portion of the class:
You will be required to post responses to discussion board questions throughout the course of the class
AND respond to a response of ONE of your classmates at least once during a discussion board activity.
Online class participation will account for approximately 12.5% of your grade (6 discussion board
postings X 5 points max awarded for participation = 30 points). Class participation points will be
assigned as follows:
30 points – if a) you post responses to the discussion board six (6) times for six separate
discussion board activities, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for six (6)
separate discussion board activities, c) deposit six (6) discussion board postings AND responses
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to discussion board postings in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d) The
instructor deems your postings worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
25 points – if a) you post responses to the discussion board five (5) times for five separate
discussion board activities, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for five (5)
separate discussion board activities, c) deposit five (5) discussion board postings AND responses
to discussion board postings in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d) The
instructor deems your postings worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
20 points – if a) you post responses to the discussion board four (4) times for four separate
discussion board activities, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for four (4)
separate discussion board activities, c) deposit four (4) discussion board postings AND responses
to discussion board postings in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d) The
instructor deems your postings worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
15 points – if a) you post responses to the discussion board three (3) times for three separate
discussion board activities, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for three (3)
separate discussion board activities, c) deposit three (3) discussion board postings AND
responses to discussion board postings in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d)
The instructor deems your postings worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
10 points – if a) you post responses to the discussion board two (2) times for two separate
discussion board activities, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for two (2)
separate discussion board activities, c) deposit two (2) discussion board postings AND responses
to discussion board postings in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d) The
instructor deems your postings worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
5 points – if a) you post a response to the discussion board one (1) times for one discussion
board activity, b) respond to the response of one of your classmates for one (1) discussion board
activity, c) deposit one (1) discussion board posting AND response to a discussion board posting
in the drop box within the specified time frame, and d) The instructor deems your postings
worthy of credit according to the discussion board rubric.
0 points – if you do not post or deposit any discussion board postings in the drop box or if the
instructor deems that your postings are not worthy of credit.
The instructor will use a rubric to assess your discussion board comments
3. Homework. You will be required to complete short answer essay questions pertaining to textbook
readings on the days that class does not meet in person. Homework must be deposited in the drop box
by the assigned deadline in order to receive credit.
You will be required to complete six (6) homework assignments. Homework will account for
approximately 12.5% of your grade (6 homework assignments X 5 points max awarded per assignment =
30 points).
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The instructor will use a rubric to assess the quality of your essay responses.
4. Clinical interviewing. During the first week of class you will learn the basic structure of a clinical
interview. You will be given the opportunity to practice interviewing a classmate and provided with
feedback by the Instructor as he observes your practice interviews. Then you will engage in a mock
interview with a classmate which you should record (video) and submit to the instructor for evaluation.
The instructor will use a rubric to determine a) if you hit on all of the essential areas of the interview and
b) your level of skill in implementing the interview. Try to limit the interview to 30 minutes. When you
are done interviewing your classmate, then switch roles and record the second interview.
The clinical interview will account for approximately 8% of your grade (20 points).
5. Counseling technique assignment & presentation. During the first week of class you will be paired
with a classmate. Each group will prepare a short written and oral class presentation applying a
technique relevant to direct practice with adults. Although you have some latitude with regard to the
technique that you present, it is recommended that you select a technique with which you are not very
familiar so as to expand your “technique repertoire.” You and your partner should brainstorm options
for techniques and settle on a technique that you would both like to learn (or at least would be useful to
know and perhaps employ with clients in the future).
Please follow these directions to complete the assignment:
PowerPoint presentation – Based on the review, prepare a PowerPoint presentation for the
Name and briefly describe the technique.
Describe what kind of problems the technique is designed to address.
Briefly describe the evidence for the approach (i.e., Three studies from research literature which
justify the use of the technique. These should preferably be studies that were designed to
demonstrate the effectiveness of the technique itself – perhaps with a particular client
population, etc. - and not simply something describes how to use the technique. Include
citations using APA style at end of paper.).
Application to counseling (i.e., What are some situations in which you might use the technique?
What are some considerations and challenges in using the technique? What are some variations
of the technique, if any? What would you do differently/how would you adjust if a client did not
respond as expected when you used the technique?)
Outcome evaluation (i.e., How will you assess the effectiveness of the technique that you use
with the client? Is there a specific assessment device that has been developed to measure
treatment effectiveness using this technique? If not, is there a generic/global assessment device
that you could use to assess treatment effectiveness/outcome, a quasi pre-post device?)
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Describe any special considerations in using the techniques with members of diverse
groups/how diversity factors (e.g., race, ethnicity, social economic class, ability and disability,
gender/gender identity, sexual orientation, religion, etc.; you do not have to address all of these
diversity factors) might play a role in the use of the technique.
Give brief overview of the clients you portrayed in your role play (e.g., what brought “client” to
counseling; brief background/history; your conceptualization of the client’s problems; your
justification of the technique based on your conceptualization).
Role-play video clip – Record a 20 minute role play in which you and your classmate demonstrate a
segment of a counseling session which incorporates the technique. You might consider completing this
assignment with the same classmate whom you interviewed for the clinical interviewing assignment. In
fact, your classmate could play the role of the same client whom you interviewed so as to provide a
truer feel of a client that was interviewed continuing in counseling. The role play should be based on a
scenario in which it would make sense to use the technique. You and your partner should take turns
playing the parts of counselor and client; each “counselor” should take 20 minutes to conduct the role
play. Use your cell/smart phone or another recording device and upload the video to YouTube for
review by the class during your presentation. (Click here for assistance with uploading videos to
YouTube.) You may alternatively find a way to record video calls using applications such as Skype,
Google+ or OoVoo.
Develop a one-page handout of the main points of your presentation for distribution to your classmates
based on the PowerPoint presentation guidelines above and bring enough copies for each of your
The presentation (which includes viewing the two role plays video clips) should take 30 minutes.
You can earn 40 points for this activity. Points will be distributed as follows:
50% (20 points) - oral presentation
25% (10 points) - written product
25% (10 points) - quality of demonstration of technique in role play
This activity will account for approximately 17% of your grade.
(NOTE: You may earn a different number of points than you partner depending on the quality of
demonstration in your role as the counselor.)
5. Exams. There are two (2) exams for this course. These involve multiple-choice and short-answer
essay questions based on classroom and online lecture materials as well as textbook and other assigned
readings. Short-answer essay questions will be evaluated on the basis of their accuracy, thoroughness,
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and the successful application and integration of relevant course material in answering the specific
questions that are posed. Exams are open-book and open-note, but must be completed individually
(i.e., no consulting with your classmates – you’re on the honor system!). Each exam is worth 30 points
(60 points total); exams account for approximately 25% of your grade.
Grading system
There are a total of 240 points that can be earned in this course. There is no opportunity to earn extra
credit! A standard grading scale will be used to calculate students’ scores as follows:
223 – 240 (93 – 100%)
216 – 222 (90 – 92%)
209 – 215 (87 – 89%)
202 – 208 (84 – 86%)
192 – 201 (80 – 83%)
185 – 191 (77 – 79%)
178 – 184 (74 – 76%)
168 – 177 (70 – 73%)
167 and below
Counseling Dispositions
Students in the Professional Counseling program are required to demonstrate program Dispositions (i.e.,
being collaborative, ethical, professional, reflective, self-directed, and critical-thinking students) in this
class and in all other academic and professional endeavors. Information regarding demonstration of
these dispositions may be communicated to program faculty and used as a component of the faculty’s
continuous evaluation of student progress. (See Professional Counseling Program Handbook for details.)
Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disabilities
If you have a documented disability as described by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and
the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) and would like to request academic and/or physical
accommodations, please contact John Harris, Director, Disabled Student Services, KUC 120 (898-2783)
as soon as possible. Course requirements will not be waived, but reasonable accommodations may be
provided as appropriate.
Course Outline
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(Meet in person)
• Orientation to the course
• Overview of Adolescent &
Adult Development
• Course notes
• Practice implementing
clinical interviewing skills
via role play
The interpersonal process
Assessing readiness for
Teyber – Chapter 1
Essay question homework
Discussion board
Course notes
Establishing a working
The role of assessment,
diagnosis & test data in
relation to treatment
planning, counseling &
Teyber – Chapter 2
Essay question
Discussion board
counseling #2: Establishing
& maintaining effective
Motivational interviewing
(Meet in person)
Adult Counseling
• Course notes
• Solution-focused counseling
#1: Introduction
• Basic structure of clinical
interview (inquiring about
reason for
current issues/problems,
family history, educational
history, social history,
mental health history,
drug/alcohol use, health
Teyber – Chapter 3 (read
prior to class)
Motivational Interviewing
DVD (watch in class; Disc 1
- Program A, Chapter 3;
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#1 – Introduction
(Principles; Opening
Strategies: Traps to Avoid;
Opening Strategies)
(Meet in person)
Program B, Chapters 1 &
beginning of Chapter 2)
counseling #3:
Interviewing for solutions
Motivational interviewing
#2 (Finish Opening
counseling in action
(Meet in person)
(Meet in person)
Solution-focused video
(Irreconcilable Differences
w/ Insoo Kim Berg)
Essay question homework
Discussion board
Clinical interviewing video
Helping clients with their
Teyber – Chapter 5
Essay question homework
Discussion board
Exam #1 (take home)
counseling #4: Utilizing
exceptions to the problem
Teyber – Chapter 6 (read
prior to class)
counseling #5: Utilizing
other client resources
counseling #6: Changing
the doing of the problem
Technique #1: Acting as if
Motivational interviewing
#3 (Case Example)
Teyber – Chapter 7 (read
prior to class)
Motivational Interviewing
DVD (watch in class; Disc 1,
Program B, Chapter 7)
Adult Counseling
Teyber – Chapter 4 (read
prior to class)
Motivational Interviewing
DVD (watch in class; Disc 1,
Program B, remainder of
Chapter 2; Chapters 3 - 6)
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Relational themes and
reparative experiences
Teyber – Chapter 8
Essay question homework
Discussion board
An interpersonal solution
Teyber – Chapter 9
Essay question homework
Discussion board
(Meet in person)
counseling #7: Changing
the viewing of the
problem; Putting solutionfocused counseling into
Teyber – Chapter 10 (read
prior to class)
Counseling technique
presentations – groups #1
& #2
(Meet in person)
counseling #8: When and
how to end counseling;
When things don’t go as
Counseling technique
presentations – groups #3
& #4
Course notes
Exam #2 (take home)
The instructor reserves the right to modify course requirements.
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