PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING PROGRAM Middle Tennessee State University 1301 East Main Street Murfreesboro, TN 37132 COUN 6210 MULTICULTURAL COUNSELING SEASON/YEAR Instructor: Class Time: Office: Office Hours: * Email: Office Phone: Cell Phone: Class Location: . Course Description: *Please make appointment* This course is an introduction to the principles, theories, and applications of multiculturalism. Students will be required to examine one’s own sense of self and others’ identity, beliefs and assumptions, and behaviors. Theories, research, and skills will be explored so that students can acquire the necessary multicultural competencies for effective work with children and adolescents from diverse backgrounds (i.e., culture, race, ethnicity, class, & gender) in multicultural environments (i.e., public schools, community organizations). Required Textbook td Diller, J.V. (2010). Cultural Diversity (4 edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Nerburn,K. (2002). Neither Wolf nor Dog: On forgotten Roads with an Indian Elder (2 Novato, CA: New World Library nd edition). . Course Objectives and CACREP Standards: Cultural diversity exists not only across cultures but within cultures. The Counseling field has an obligation to train students to be sensitive to the ways in which norms and values shape our understanding of ourselves and others from diverse backgrounds. Successful completion of this course should enable students to become culturally competent. COUN 6219 Multicultural Counseling 2009 CACREP Standards Standard # II- G-2-a Core Curricular Category Social and Cultural Diversity II- G-2-b Social and Standard Multicultural and pluralistic trends, including characteristics and concerns within and among diverse groups nationally and internationally Attitudes, beliefs, understandings, Learning Activities and Experiences Lecture & course readings; Discussion board questions; Current event assignment Lecture & course Cultural Diversity and acculturative experiences, including specific experiential learning activities designed to foster students’ understanding of self and culturally diverse clients readings; Self- exploration paper; Interview paper; Reading reaction worksheets (After each chapter reading) II- G-2-c Social and Cultural Diversity Theories of multicultural counseling, identity development, and social justice Lecture & course readings; Chapter review questions; Exam II- G-2-d Social and Cultural Diversity Individual, couple, family, group, and community strategies for working with and advocating for diverse populations, including multicultural competencies Lecture & course readings; Culture in media paper; Reading reaction worksheets; Discussion board questions; Current event assignment; Exams II- G-2-e Social and Cultural Diversity Lecture & course readings; Service learning project; Interview paper; Reading reaction worksheets II- G-2-f Social and Cultural Diversity Counselors’ roles in developing cultural self-awareness, promoting cultural social justice, advocacy and conflict resolution, and other culturally supported behaviors that promote optimal wellness and growth of the human spirit, mind, or body; and Counselors’ roles in eliminating biases, prejudices, and processes of intentional and unintentional oppression and discrimination Standard # Clinical Mental Health Counseling Counseling, Prevention, and Intervention – Skills and Practices CMHC-D:2 CMHC-D:5 Counseling, Prevention, and Intervention – Skills and Practices CMHC-E:1 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge Lecture & course readings; Cultural autobiography presentation; “What would you do?” discussion board questions Standard Learning Activities & Experiences Applies multicultural competencies to clinical mental health counseling involving case conceptualization, diagnosis, treatment, referral, and prevention of mental and emotional disorders Lecture & course readings; Reading reaction worksheets; Discussion board questions boards; Exam Demonstrates appropriate use of culturally responsive individual, couple, family, group, and systems modalities for initiating, maintaining, and terminating counseling Understands how living in a multicultural society affects clients who are seeking clinical mental health counseling services Lecture & course readings; Exams Lecture & course readings; Reading reaction worksheets, Discussion board questions; Exam CMHC-E:2 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge Understands the effects of racism, discrimination, sexism, power, privilege, and oppression on one’s own life and career and those of the client Lecture & course readings; Reading reaction worksheets, “What would you do” discussion board questions; Journal; Service Learning project; Exam CMHC-E:5 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge Understands the implications of concepts such as internalized oppression and institutional racism, as well as the historical and current political climate regarding immigration, poverty, and welfare Lecture & course readings; Discussion board questions; Journal, Service learning project; Exam CMHC-E:6 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge Lecture & course readings; Service learning project CMHC-F:2 Diversity and Advocacy-Skills and Practices CMHC-F:3 Diversity and Advocacy-Skills and Practices Knows public policies on the local, state, and national levels that affect the quality and accessibility of mental health services Advocates for policies, programs, and services that are equitable and responsive to the unique needs of clients Demonstrates the ability to modify counseling systems, theories, techniques, and interventions to make them culturally appropriate for diverse populations CMHC-H:1 AssessmentSkills and Practices Lecture & course readings; Role play CMHC-K:5 DiagnosisKnowledge CMHC-L:3 Diagnosis-Skills and Practices Standard # SCCO-A:6 School Counseling FoundationsKnowledge Selects appropriate comprehensive assessment interventions to assist in diagnosis and treatment planning, with an awareness of cultural bias in the implementation and interpretation of assessment protocols Understands appropriate use of diagnosis during a crisis, disaster, or other trauma-causing event Differentiates between diagnosis and developmentally appropriate reactions during crises, disasters, and other trauma-causing events Standard SCCO-D:1 Counseling, Understands the effects of (a) atypical growth and development, (b) health and wellness, (c) language, (d) ability level, (e) multicultural issues, and (f) factors of resiliency on student learning and development Demonstrates self-awareness, Lecture & course readings; Role play Lecture & course readings; Reading reaction worksheets; Exam Lecture & course readings; Exam Lecture & course readings; Role plays; Exam Learning Activities & Experiences Lecture & course readings; Interview paper Lecture & course SCCO-D:3 Prevention, and InterventionSkills and Practices Counseling, Prevention, and InterventionSkills and Practices sensitivity to others, and the skills needed to relate to diverse individuals, groups, and classrooms Designs and implements prevention and intervention plans related to the effects of (a) atypical growth and development, (b) health and wellness, (c) language, (d) ability level, (e) multicultural issues, and (f) factors of resiliency on student learning and development Understands the cultural, ethical, economic, legal, and political issues surrounding diversity, equity, and excellence in terms of student learning readings; Discussion board questions; Role plays, Exam Lecture & course readings; Discussion board questions; Role plays; Exam SCCO-E:1 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge SCCO-E:2 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge SCCO-E:3 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge SCCO-E:4 Diversity and AdvocacyKnowledge SCCO-F:1 Diversity and Advocacy-Skills and Practices Demonstrates multicultural competencies in relation to diversity, equity, and opportunity in student learning and development Lecture & course readings; Cultural awareness activity; Journal; Role plays SCCO-F:2 Diversity and Advocacy-Skills and Practices Lecture & course readings; Service learning and advocacy project; Article reviews SCCO-H:1 AssessmentSkills and Practices Advocates for the learning and academic experiences necessary to promote the academic, career, and personal/social development of students Assesses and interprets students’ strengths and needs, recognizing uniqueness in cultures, languages, values, backgrounds, and abilities Identifies community, environmental, and institutional opportunities that enhance—as well as barriers that impede—the academic, career, and personal/social development of students Understands the ways in which educational policies, programs, and practices can be developed, adapted, and modified to be culturally congruent with the needs of students and their families Understands multicultural counseling issues, as well as the impact of ability levels, stereotyping, family, socioeconomic status, gender, and sexual identity, and their effects on student achievement Lecture & course readings; Journals; Role plays, Cultural interview; Discussion board questions; Exam Lecture & course readings; Service learning and advocacy project Lecture & course readings; Journal; Role plays; Cultural interview; Discussion board questions; Exam Lecture & course readings; Journal; Role plays; Cultural interview; Discussion board questions; Cultural observation paper; Service learning and advocacy project; Article reviews; Exam Lecture & course readings; Journal; Discussion board questions; Exam Course Format-Method of Instruction: This course is a dialogue about Multicultural Counseling and educational issues. Each class will include: a brief lecture on a particular issue related to multicultural counseling an experimental learning activity small and large group discussion Course Ground Rules It is expected that each student will: Be courteous and allow speakers to complete his/her thought(s) before speaking. Be respectful of the opinions of others, even if there is a disagreement. Be involved by participating in discussions and activities, but not dominating either. Be respectful of the sensitive nature of comments and treat them as confidential statements that should not be shared outside of class. Be an active participant/learner who is interested in increasing his/her knowledge-base and cultural awareness. Evaluation Class Attendance/Participation Discussion/Activity Questions (15 worth 10 pts each) Online Journal (4 worth 25 pts each) Cultural Awareness Paper Cultural Observation Paper Cultural Interview Paper Service Learning Advocacy Project Festivals of Knowledge (2 worth 50 pts each) Book Review Journals (2 worth 50 pts each) TOTAL POINTS 50 points 150 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 100 points 200 points 100 points 100 points 1000 POINTS Evaluation Grade Percentage Points A 100-90% 1000 – 900 B 89-80% 899 - 800 C 79-70% 799 – 700 D 69-60% 699 – 600 F 59% and below 599 and below Evaluation based on points earned Mastery of content/concepts Good understanding of material Rather basic understanding, more work is needed to perform appropriately Limited understanding, more work is needed to perform appropriately Measured performance indicates material was not adequately understood Course Requirements Class Attendance: Due to the discussion based format of the class, it is very important to maintain good class attendance. You will be allotted ONE absence. Therefore you are required to attend the remaining class times. In the case of an absence your grade will drop a letter grade each time you miss. . Assignment Due Dates: Assignments due on an in person class is due on the date before TIME. Assignments due on an on line class is due on the date before TIME (with the exception of discussion boards, which close at TIME). Unless directed otherwise, all assignments are to be dropped in the appropriate drop-box. Festival of Knowledge You will have TWO tests (Festivals of Knowledge). The format will be multiple choice and online. These tests are worth 50 pts each. Daily Readings & Discussion Questions You are expected to complete the assigned readings and discussion questions by the date they are listed on the schedule (Before Class). The discussion questions are listed under the content section in D2L. Multicultural Observation One way to experience “diversity” is to participate in the activities of ethnic groups different from your own. For this project, you are to attend an activity associated with a culture or ethnic group distinctively different than your own. For example, visit a club, festival, or attend a church service other than your own. Write a short description (4-6 pages) of what you did, how it felt while you were doing it, and what you learned. Bring back an artifact for show and-tell. You will discuss your experience in class. NO RESTAURANTS! Cultural Awareness Paper This paper will give you an opportunity to reflect on your current and past feelings and experiences with and about people who are different from you. This paper should be 5 pages and submitted through D2L. Cultural Interview Interviews are extremely important in understanding the ways in which cultural values and norms influence individual development across the life span. You will conduct a brief interview with one who differs from you culturally. The interview should focus on the respondent’s subjective life experiences, milestones and problems encountered by the individual. This paper should include a description of the respondent and a summary of main findings related to the text. Please review the guidelines for the Cultural interview assignment. A list of your questions must be included in the final paper. THE INTERVIEW MUST BE FACE-TO –FACE. NO INTERNET, WEB, CHAT, OR PHONE INTERVIEWS WILL BE ACCEPTED. THEREFORE YOU SHOULD SECURE YOUR INTERVIEE VERY EARLY IN THE SEMESTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Service Learning Advocacy Project Training in cultural awareness indicates that a person can demonstrate their multicultural competencies in their work with culturally diverse individuals. You are to develop a service learning project in a community organization that would be of approximately 8 hours duration all total. Please see Service Learning Advocacy Project description for details. Late Assignment Policy Assignments are expected at the beginning of class on the due date. A mandatory deduction of 10 points will occur for every day that the assignment is late. Extensions must be arranged in advance. (Remember the instructor IS a counselor, so it doesn’t hurt to ask). No assignments will be accepted later than two weeks from the original date due; after that time the assignment will be graded as a ZERO. Technology Requirements/Computer Usage All students MUST have access to a computer and will be required to conduct online assignments using the appropriate technology. No exceptions will be made. Students can access computer labs at various locations on campus. Access to D2L will be required for this course. The instructor will use your MTSU email address for communications. Check your MTSU email on a regular basis. If you have problems accessing your email accounts, including operating D2L, contact the HELP DESK at 615.898.5345. Academic Honesty It is expected that all work you complete for this course is your own. You are expected to include appropriate citations (when applicable) in all of your work for this course. The University policy for academic misconduct will be followed. Academic misconduct includes the following behaviors: plagiarism, cheating, fabrication, or facilitating. The following definitions apply: • Plagiarism – the adoption or reproduction of ideas, words, statements, images, or works of another person as one’s own without proper acknowledgement. • Cheating – using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise. The term academic exercise includes all forms of work submitted for credit or hours. • Fabrication – unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. • Facilitation – helping or attempting to heal another to violate a provision of the institutional code of academic misconduct. Please make sure that all cell phones are turned off during class! Please do not answer phones or text in class. The instructor will ask you to leave, if you do not adhere to this rule. If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodations, or if you have any questions related to any accommodation for testing, note taking, reading, etc., please speak with the instructor as soon as possible. You may also contact the Office of Disabled Services (615.898.2783) with any questions about such services *****The instructor reserves the right to change any parts of this syllabus. You will be informed of any changes in class.******* Guidelines for Papers: Please do not exceed the required page limit. Make sure all of your pages are numbered and proofread for spelling and grammar. Although this is not an English course, if the instructor has problems comprehending your writing, the instructor will make point deductions accordingly. Papers should be written in APA style. Cultural Awareness Paper Guidelines This paper should be 5 typed pages. Use headings based on the following discussion points. Meaning of Culture- What does culture mean to you? What role has culture played in your life. Role of Stereotypes-What stereotypes do you or those close to you hold against different groups. What roles do these stereotypes play in how you look at those who are different than yourself? What did I do?- Indicate a time when you noticed someone being treated wrongfully based on their differences. What did you do? What would you do differently now? When I was a minority-Indicate a time when you were a “minority” in a particular situation. What was that like? How were you treated? Cultural Awareness -In what areas would you like to increase your cultural awareness? How will these make you a better counselor in the future? Grading Rubric for Cultural Awareness Paper Clear Statement of Meaning of Culture Max 20 Points Clear Statement of Role of Stereotypes Max 20 Points Clear Statement of “What you did” Max 20 Points Clear Statement about When you were a Max 20 Points minority Clear Statement of how you would like to Max 20 Points increase your cultural awareness Cultural Observation Guidelines: One way to experience “diversity” is to participate in the activities of ethnic groups different from your own. For this project, you are to attend an activity associated with a culture or ethnic group distinctively different than your own. For example, visit a club, festival, or attend a church service other than your own. Write a short description (4-6 pages) of what you did, how it felt while you were doing it, and what you learned. Please use headings based on the rubric below. Bring back an artifact for show and-tell. You will discuss your experience in class. Please submit this assignment in the Dropbox provided in D2L. Grading Rubric for Multicultural Observation Clear statement of observation event Max of 25 points Clear statement of reason for choosing Max of 25 points particular observation Clear statement of feelings during observation Max of 25 points Clear statement of impact on cultural Max of 25 points awareness Guidelines for Cultural Interview (8-10) pages Interview Questions – Your interview questions should include the following: Demographic information Introductory questions about achievements and hardships your respondent has encountered over his or her life span. Interview Paper – Your paper should include the following elements: Introduction - You are to describe who you interviewed – age, race, religion, etc., and explain how you recruited your respondent. Discussion - please describe the following information. a. Summarize the main findings from this project. b. Discuss how your findings are associated with information and material in your text, assigned readings, and class discussions. c. Explain how this project was or was not valuable for you. Reference page Interview Questions What cultural groups do you identify with? Describe your upbringing. What do you remember about the neighborhood(s) in which you lived? What ethnic groups resided therein? Was there a predominant group? What do you recall about your neighborhood: focus in particular regarding attitudes about those who were “different” from you? What was the talk at the dinner table? Were there any teachings that may influence how you feel about any group outside your own? Discuss your family culture in terms of values, beliefs, and goals about life success/failure that you have learned. What are some verbal and non-verbal communication skills you have learned from your family? How has your cultural background affected your present beliefs about yourself and others? Talk about how your cultural background has shaped your views about race, class, gender, ability, and sexuality? What messages did you receive about these topics growing up, and what are your current beliefs? How has your culture helped or hindered you in your schooling/teaching? Describe you now. Discuss your attitudes, feelings, and beliefs about different cultural groups. Discuss how these influence who you are as a future counselor and where you need to direct your own learning and self growth. Indicate how the material in this class has assisted you in seeing how the reflections above have shaped who you are, what you believe, and what you must now do to grow beyond where you ‘personally reside’. Determine what stage you are at in your personal identity development. Describe the traits or behaviors you see in yourself that you used in your self-assessment. What happened in your past that moved you, or allowed you to move, from one stage to the next to get you where you are today? What needs to happen to move you to the next stage of development? What will you do to bring about that next stage of development? What will you do to move to the highest levels of identity development and integration? Grading Rubric for Intercultural Interview Clearly Written Introduction 10 pts Discussion of associations between findings 40 pts and materials presented in class (text). Summarization of Findings 20 pts Writing Style 20 Reference Page 10 Service Learning Advocacy Project Guidelines Assignment This assignment will consist of a journal section and paper section. Approval from the instructor is required before you can begin. You will be asked to provide volunteer services to a group or individual from a population which is unlike yourself. You are to choose from one of the approved sites. You are challenged to connect with a diverse group about which you have the MOST preconceived ideas and the least experience. This can include cultural, religious, racial, sexual identity, economic, or ability diversity. The requirement is that you spend a minimum of 8 hours, which should include at least 4 different gatherings, with people in this group (church, group, family, or some other group meeting), providing a service in some capacity. In at least one or more of these gatherings, you will have a dialogue with someone about the group. Journal You will journal after each experience (A total of 4 journals will be submitted in the drop boxdue dates in schedule), outlining all of the following: 1) Your reactions to the experience 2) Your thoughts and feelings about them 3) Your thoughts and feelings about yourself in relation to them 4) How this interaction affected your cultural competence Paper You are to include headings related to the following discussion points: • • • • • Reflect on the entire experience. How has this experienced helped in your development towards becoming a culturally competent counselor? Which of those preconceived ideas are now open to re-interpretation and why? What have you learned about yourself and about them, now that the immersion is over? Now you will take what you have learned about this group and yourself and apply it in a counseling context. Assume you have a client from this group. Using your books and class material and APA format, discuss each of the following: What are some likely issues you might expect and why? What counseling approach will you use and why? What supports would you provide this client and why? What are the ethical and legal issues inherent in this counseling work? What do you need to do now to be ready to meet this future client? Guidelines for Service Learning Advocacy Paper Reflection of entire experience 30 points Discussion of how project has affected Cultural 30 points Competency Discussion of preconceived ideas 20 points Discussion of what you have learned about 20 points yourself Discussion of likely issues with client from this 20 points group Discussion of counseling approach with client 20 points from this group Discussion of supports you would provide client 20 points from this group Discussion of ethical and legal issues with 20 points client from this group Discussion of further education and experience 20 points need to be prepared to work with client from this group CACREP RUBRIC FOR SERVICE LEARNING ADVOCACY PAPER Category Target/Outstanding Characteristics of Written Assignment/Project* • • • • • • • • • • • Marginal/Acceptable • • • • • • • • Score Approximately Equates to Exceptionally well written Excellent integration, synthesis and/or analysis of ideas Professional/high quality Comprehensive and coherent Logical flow and sequencing of ideas; excellent transitions from point to point Includes all required elements Very clear and specific Provides ample citations and examples to support positions taken in written product Excellent sentence structure No (or very few) grammatical errors Mastery of APA style (when required by professor) 9 – 10 A Well written Good integration, synthesis and/or analysis of ideas Reasonably professional/high quality Includes most required elements Largely comprehensive and coherent Reasonably good flow/sequencing of ideas; may have a few unclear transitions Lacks some clarity and/or specificity Provides citations and examples to support most positions 8 B • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unacceptable • • • • • • • • • • • taken in written product Good sentence structure Some grammatical errors, but does not detract from overall quality of written product Good use of APA style (when required by professor); some minor errors Simplistically written Descent presentation of ideas, but little effort to integrate, synthesize and/or analyze ideas Lacks “polish”/marginal quality Superficial presentation of ideas Lacks logical flow/sequencing of ideas; weak transitions Lacks many required elements Lacks much clarity and/or specificity Lacks citations and examples to support some key positions taken in written product Fairly good sentence structure, but awkward phrasing detracts from written product Several grammatical errors, but does not seriously detract from quality of written product Several errors in use of APA style (when required by professor) Poorly written Numerous writing errors Difficult to understand Lacks structure Very unclear and/or non-specific Very little flow or logical sequencing of ideas; transitions confusing or unclear Lacks nearly all required elements Very few citations and examples to support most key positions taken in written product Poor sentence structure seriously detracts from written product Grammatical errors seriously detract from quality of written product Does not use APA style or makes a substantial number of errors in use of APA style (when required by professor) 7 C 6 and below D or F * It is possible that some, but not all, of the characteristics associated with a particular category will be demonstrated by the student on a written assignment/project. The professor will make a determination as to which category (i.e., Target/Outstanding, Marginal/Acceptable or Unacceptable) most closely approximates the quality of the student’s assignment/project. The professor may opt to equate rubric scores to grades in whatever way he or she deems appropriate. Suggested rubric score-to-grade equivalents are listed in the table above. Schedule Date Type of Class Readings Due & Class Activities *Movie/Discussion *Syllabus Review Home Work Due Date ONLINE Date IN PERSON *Ice Breakers *Role Plays *Introduction Date IN PERSON *Reflective Journal II-G-2-e, II- G-2-b, II- G-2-e Date ON LINE *What is Culture? Lecture *Chapter 1 *Cultural Competencies *Chapter 2&3 *Chapter 3:Activity 1 *Service Learning Journal #1 *Cultural Awareness Paper II- G-2-b II- G-2-f Date IN PERSON *Racism & White Privilege Lecture *Stereotypes Activity *Role Plays *Chapter 3: Activity 2 II- G-2-f Date ONLINE *Chapter 4 & 5 *Invisible Knapsack Article II- G-2-a , II- G-2-b, II- G-2-f Date IN PERSON *Chapter 6&7 *Role Plays *Chapter 4: Activity 1 *Invisible Knapsack Article and Discussion Board Chapter 6: Activity 1 Chapter 7: Activity 1 Date *Discussion Board *Introduction Quiz *Multicultural Competency Assessment *Family Tree Assignment *Service Learning Site CACREP Standard II- G-2-a, II- G-2-b II- G-2-c, II-G-2-e, II- G-2-f II- G-2-a, II- G-2-b, II- G-2-c, II- G-2-d NO CLASS SPRING BREAK Date ONLINE ****Festival of Knowledge 1**** *Service Learning Journal #2 *Cultural Observation Paper *Neither Wolf Nor Dog Book review #1 (Covers Chapters 1-13) II- G-2-a, II- G-2-b, II- G-2-c, II- G-2-d, II- G-2-f Date IN PERSON *Chapter 9 *Chapter10: Counseling Latino/a clients *Identity Development Models *Putting it all together lecture *Chapter 9: Activity 2 II-G-2-c, IIG-2-e *Chapter 11: Working with Native American *Discussion Questions for Native American Date ONLINE *Discussion Questions for Latino/a Clients II-G-2-c, IIG-2-e Clients *Chapter 12 Working with African American clients Date IN PERSON Date ONLINE Date IN PERSON Date ONLINE *Chapter 13 Working with Asian American Clients *Chapter 14 Working with Arab and Muslim American Clients *Chapter 15: Working with White Ethnic clients *Chapter 16: closing thoughts *Supplemental Readings: Counseling LGBTQ Clients Clients *Discussion Questions for African American Clients *Service Learning Journal #3 *Discussion Questions for Asian American Clients *Discussion Questions for Arab and Muslim American Clients *Discussion Questions for working with White Ethnic Clients *Discussion Questions for LGBT Clients *Cultural Interview *Neither Wolf Nor Dog Book Review #2(Covers Chapters 14-26) *Discussion Questions for Counseling the Marginalized *Supplemental Reading: Counseling the Marginalized *Murder Ball *Cultural Feast *Service Learning Journal #4 *Service Learning Paper *Festival of Knowledge 2 ***The instructor reserves the right to alter any part of this syllabus at the instructor’s discretion. *** II-G-2-c, IIG-2-e II-G-2-c, IIG-2-e II-G-2-c, IIG-2-e II- G-2-a, II- G-2-b, II- G-2-c, II- G-2-d, II- G-2-f