ORMG 1/12-13

ORMG 1/12-13
For the Meeting of Operational Risk Management Group to be held on 10 October 2012
Proposed Membership and Terms of
Reference for the Operational Risk
Management Group 2012/13.
Paper prepared by
The Assistant Registrar (Risk, Continuity and
Information Security)
Purpose of the paper:
To provide the proposed Membership and
Terms of Reference of the Group in order to
allow the Group to consider its membership
and Terms of Reference for the 2012/13
Considerations by the Group
The Group is requested to confirm the Terms of Reference for the Operational Risk
Management Group in 2012/13.
The marked amendments on the attached Terms of Reference (deletions struck through and
additions underlined) have been carried forward from the previous academic year and have
not yet been recommended to the Steering Committee. This was to allow for any further
requisite amendments arising from the implementation of the proposed revised University
Risk Management process to be included and thereafter, a single set of recommendations to
be considered by the Steering Committee.
ORMG 1/12-13
Terms of Reference
(a) To take an overview of risk assessment and related processes at a departmental
and operational level, including departmental risk assessments, business continuity
plans and monitoring the University’s insurance portfolio.
(b) To consider departmental risk assessments and monitoring reports with the aim of providing
feedback and advice and identifying common themes, typically on an
annual basis.
(c) To consider encourage the development of University and departmental business continuity
plans, for review typically on an annual basis.
(d) To review the University-level risk register and recommend to the Steering Committee any
changes to reflect issues arising through the departmental level process.
(e) To advise on business continuity planning and departmental risk management processes,
including integrating related work across service departments.
(f) To notify and where required, to recommend to the Finance and General Purposes Committee
any changes to insurance cover or specific risk factors.
(g) To report to the Steering Committee on:
a. Significant changes to departmental-level risks or issues arising from risk
(i) Changes to insurance cover to take account of specific risk factors.
(ii) Any issues arising with regard to business continuity planning.
(a) Deputy Registrar (Chair)
(b) Director of Estates or nominee, typically the Head of Estates Services
(c) Director of Human Resources or nominee
(d) Director of Warwick Hospitality and Retail or nominee
(e) Director of IT Services or nominee
(f) Director of Health and Safety Services
(g) Head of Security Services or nominee
(h) Director of Finance
ORMG 1/12-13
Head of Governance Support Services
Head of Internal Audit or nominee
(k) Head of Purchasing and Insurance or nominee
Departmental Administrator appointed by the Registrar
(m) Director of Student Support Services
(n) Representative of the Academic Registrar’s Office nominated by the Academic Registrar
and appointed by the Registrar
(o) Senior Assistant Registrar for Governance, Risk and Continuity (Deputy Registrar’s
A representative of Marsh, the University’s insurance broker, will be invited to attend
meetings of the Operational Risk Management Group for the items related to insurance as
Other members of the University will be invited to attend on specific issues, for example the
Fire and Safety Advisor. It is otherwise expected that the head of the relevant service
department would be briefed on issues arising.