MTSU Speech Contest Rubric Excellent 5 Name: Good 4 Average 3 Fair 2 Poor 1 1. Chooses a topic that is appropriate for 1) the persuasive purpose, 2) the time constraints, and 3) the audience & occasion. 2. Within the opening segment of the speech the speaker communicates 1) a thesis / purpose statement that is clear and concise, 2) is appropriate for a persuasive presentation and, 3) clearly relates to the members of the audience. 3. The speaker provides supporting material (examples, statistics and testimony) appropriate for the persuasive presentation. 4. The speaker uses an organizational pattern appropriate to the persuasive presentation. 5. The speaker demonstrates the ability to effectively utilize material gathered from multiple sources. 6. The speaker uses language appropriate to the audience and occasion. 7. The speaker 1) speaks in a conversational manner & 2) utilizes intensity (volume) to heighten & maintain interest appropriate to the audience and occasion; and 3) speaks loud enough to be easily heard at all times, and 4) speaks with energy appropriate for the audience and occasion. 8. The speaker uses appropriate eye contact and facial expressions that enhance the verbal message. 9. The speaker uses physical behaviors (body movement and gestures) that support the verbal message 10. The speaker uses posture that supports the verbal message and enhances the speaker’s appearance of confidence and competence Totals Rank (1-5): _________ Judge’s Signature: _____________________________________